Chester County PA Archives Obituaries.....Bair, Elias March 1, 1922 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dan Lindley September 1, 2005, 8:34 am Coatesville Record March 4, 1922 & Daily Local News March 4&6, 1922 Coatesville Times March 4, 1922 Elias Bair, a wel-known (sic) resident of Sadsburyville and a former Clerk of the Courts, died at an (sic) hospital at St. Petersburg, Florida, on Wednesday. Mr. Bair went to Florida about a month ago in hope that the mild climate would prove beneficial to his failing health, but his health continued to fail, and the end came Wednesday. The body arrived home yesterday, but arrangements for the funeral have not yet been made. Daily Local News March 4, 1922 BAIR- In St. Petersburg, Fla., on March 1st, 1922, Elias Bair. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral without further notice from the Upper Octoraro Church, Chester County, PA on Sunday March 5th. Services at the church at 2:30 o’clock p.m. Interment in the adjoining cemetery. Conveyances will meet trains and trolleys at Parkesburg until 2 p.m. Daily Local News March 6, 1922 Mr. Bair’s Funeral Practically all sections of Chester County were represented at the great concourse of people who attended funeral services at Upper Octoraro Church, yesterday afternoon, for former Clerk of the Courts, Elias Bair, who died in St. Petersburg, Fla., where he had gone in search of health. Rev J A Erickson conducted the service. Rev. T.R. McDowell, of Elkview, not being present to assist the Pastor, as planned. Pall bearers were: Howard Macelduff, West Chester, Benjamin Davis Jr., Lancaster; M.T. Phillips, William Davis, Ferree Grossman, Norman Martin. Flowers were in great profusion. Mr. Bair was a member of Paterson Lodge, I.O.O.F, Sadsburyville, and Goddard Lodge, F & A M., Coatesville. Surviving members of Mr. Bair’s family are Mary, wife of Herbert W. Masters, Rosemont, arnd (sic) Miss Edna K. Bair, Coatesville. Mrs. Bair has been long deceased, as has one son, Roscoe, another son, Lewis H. Bair, having died a few months ago. Additional Comments: see Mary Bair obit This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.5 Kb