Chester County PA Archives Obituaries.....Peter BROWNBACK, April 20, 1882 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Diana Quinones November 10, 2008, 1:24 pm Montgomery Ledger, Pottstown, 4/25/1882 edition 1)In E Coventry, Chester County on the 20th inst., Peter Brownback, in the 80th year of his age. 2)Peter Brownback, and old and well known citizen of northern Chester county, died at his home in East Coventry township. His death resulted from a paralytic attack, a few weeks ago. Deceased was about 80 years of age, and had been for a long time a successful storekeeper, and was a man of considerable means. He was for some time a Director of the National Bank of Pottstown. Mr. Brownback leaves three children, 2 sons and a daughter - one of the sons being in charge of his farm in East Coventry, and the other engaged in superintending an iron mine near Lyons, Berks county. The funeral will take place on Tuesday next, the 25th; interment at Brownback's Church, in East Coventry. Additional Comments: The memorial stone at Brownback cemetery shows Peter married to Susann Diffendafer with their children's names of Madison, Frank, Irwin, and Almar. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb This file is located at: