Chester County PA Archives Obituaries.....Katharine McCURDY, September 12, 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Wanda Casella October 27, 2010, 12:17 am The Oxford Press,Thursday Sept 14,1911 Mrs. McCurdy KatharineH. Jacobus, wife of Rev. O.B. M. McCurdy died suddenly of heart and kidney trouble in Biddeford, Maine on Sptember 6,1911. Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy were summering at the resort, the latter not having been well for some time. The deceased was a daughter of the late Rev. Melanethon W. Jacobus D.D.formerly of Western Pennsylania. Mrs. McCurddy resided in Oxford from 1884 to 1891. The years her brother, was Rev. M.W. Jacobus, was pastor of the Presbyterian Church. The town rembers this devoted brother and sister worked her in religious matters. He in and out of the pulpit in his quiet manner; Mrs Jacobus always helpful, sympathetic and cheerful among our people. The funeral service was held at the parlors of Oliver H. Bair, 1820 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, on Saturday at 10 a.m. The body was taken to Newark N.J., for interment. Dr. M.W. Jacobus of Hartford Seminary, brother of the deceased is in Europe. A sister, Mrs. Scott of Pittsburg arrived from Cananda and met the funeral party in Newark. Among those at the funeral were David m. Taylor adn Mrs. joseph Leeke, Oxford, Mrs. Henry Stinson, Norristown This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb This file is located at: