Chester County PA Archives Wills.....Robert PATTERSON, 1742 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deanne Fox May 18, 2009, 7:06 pm Source: Chester County Archives Written: 1742 Recorded: May 30, 1743 Robert Patterson 1742 In the year of God Amen in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty two I Robert Patterson Being frail in Body but in perfect mind and memory Blessed be God the giver of all, and Calling to mind the uncertainty of my time here in this mortal state of life thought fit to make this my last will and first of all I Bequeath my soul to God who gave itt and my Bodey, to be Decently buried att the Descretion of my Executors and after clearing of all just debts what remains I bequeath as foloweth and secondly I Bequeath to my well beloved wife Marey 12 pounds and thirdly I bequeath to my well beloved sone Mole my Pluch Coat and my fether bede one fitted velue of it att the experation of four years Fourthly I bequeath to my well beloved sone James my Gulen and what Remains of my estate free I alow to be divided in five equal parts among my five children (viz) Mole James Margaret, Agnes, and Robert, alowing and otherizing my well beloved wife Marey and James Mole as my whole and sole executors givin under my hand this tenth day of november in the year first above written (blurred ink) Robert Patterson Robert Morris (blurred) Robert Sheppard May 30 1743 Mole may say Mose and be short for Moses as noted from a Petition to the Orphans Court in 1747 to choose his own guardianship. Transcribed as spelled and as could be read from copy of original document paranthesis are mine. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb This file is located at: