Chester County, PA - Will of William Russell (abstract) Submitted for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Linda R ussell L ewis ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ William Russell, Upper Oxford Township Feb. 20, 1819 Feb. 16, 1820 To oldest son John, all wearing apparel; to son Richard, 50 acres; two sons, Hezekiah and Alexander be put to traders and with masters of their own choice as soon as convenient after my decease by one of my executrs. Two daughters, Hannah and Susannah, placed, subject to their own choice, in a Christian family or families at the discretion of my executor. My three youngest children, William, now about six years, 1 month old; Matthew, now about three years, 6 months old, and Ann, now about 15 months old be put by my executors under the care of a worthy person or persons and that their boarding, washing, lodging, schooling, clothing, ... be paid for out of the proceeds of the remaining part of my farm until each one shall arrive at the age of ten years, after which they shall be placed with respectable persons for such wages as they may be able to earn until my two sons respectively, William and Matthew, shall have arrived at the age of 17, then to be put to a trade or trades and with masters of their own choosing. My daughter Ann to be continued as above mentioned. Further my will is that my real estate be sold before my youngest daughter Ann shall have arrived at the age of 10 years and therefore I do hereby authorize and empower my senior executor to sell all my real estate not disposed of before. "dear wife" (not named). Executors: Friend and brother-in-law, William Rodgers, and son Richard Russell. Witnesses: John Turner, Robert Murgdagh, Hezekiah Russell (On Oct. 17, 1828, Richard Russell renounced his claim as executor and asked that it be committed to William Rodgers. Witnesses: Robert Smith, John Russell) Deed Book A4, p. 635 Nov. 4, 1828 William Roger, Exr. to Hezekiah Russell and Alexander Russell. William Russell, late of Upper Oxford Township; of the one part, and Hezekiah Russell of Goshen Township, and Alexander Russell of Ashton Township, (Delaware County PA), of the other part. William Russell purchased land in 1806 (Deed Book A 3D, Vol. 49, p. 53). His will directed that real estate be sold before youngest daughter Ann reached age 10. Hezekiah and Alexander Russell sold property to Wm. Thatcher. Alexander's wife listed as Hannah.