Clearfield County PA Archives Obituaries.....McJunkin, Walter L. March 1915 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sharon S. M. May 23, 2010, 8:18 pm Clearfield Progress 3/9/1915 Walter L. McJunkin Clearfield Progress 3/9/1915 This community was shocked this morning to learn that Walter L. McJunkin, assistant cashier of the Clearfield National bank, had taken his own life sometime during the night, by shooting himself as he lay in his bed in his room at the Dimeling hotel. The bullet entered through the mouth, causing instant death. No cause for the rash act can be discovered, aside from the fact that he has been suffering all winter from an attack of grip. The fact of the suicide was discovered when the hotel help went to call Mr. McJunkin this morning. At the Dimeling, it was stated that Mr. McJunkin retired as usual last evening and that no one heard any noise from his room during the night. This morning his room was called from the office telephone booth, and no response being given, the night porter sent a bell boy to see if the telephone was out of order. The boy went to the room door and knocked, but received no response, although he imagined he heard Mr. McJunkin breathing heavily. Later the boy went to the room, knocked on the door and receiving no response tried the knob and found that the door had not been locked. He entered and saw Mr. McJunkin lying on the bed in the sleep of death. The boy did not notice at first that Mr. McJunkin held a revolver in his hand, which was lying on his stomach. The hotel people were aroused and the fact of Mr. McJunkin's death was made known. It is supposed that Mr. McJunkin's mind was temporarily affected by his ailment and that he shot, himself while partially unconscious of what he was about to do. None of his friends believe that had he been in his right mind, he would have destroyed his life, as aside from his illness, there was no reason why he should not desire to live. Mr. McJunkin left the bank as usual, about 6 o'clock last evening apparently in the best of spirits. He had been discussing with his fellow workers the purpose of buying an automobile in the spring and had had funds laid back for that purpose. The deceased was a stockholder in the Clearfield National bank and had no financial worries. An inquiry at the bank showed that his accounts, were in perfect condition and that he carried a neat balance in his personal account. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. John Furst, of New Castle, and Mrs. McElrath, of Mercer. Mr. McJunkin, was a prominent member of the Masonic order, past master and treasurer of Clearfield lodge, No. 314 F & A. M., also treasurer of Clearfield chapter, No. 228, R & A. M.; a member of the Pittsburgh consistory, A. A. S. R., and a member of Hospitaller commandary, No. 46, Knight's Templar,Lock Haven, and Zem-Zem temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Erie. Walter McJunkin was a man who had a host of friends. He was genial in disposition, courteous in his conversation and dealings with others and exemplary in his living. For a umber of years before entering the Clearfield National bank,Mr. McJunkin was a clerk in the drug store of the ate Edward Graham, and in this capacity, as in the bank, he performed his duties faithfully and efficiently. As assistant cashier of the bank since its organization in 1892, he was a valued and trusted employee. The dead man led a clean, blameless life, attracting the admiration of his friends and winning the respect of all with whom he came in contact. He was the soul of honor. His death is deeply deplored by the citizens of Clearfield and has cast a pall of gloom over his many friends. This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.0 Kb