Clearfield County PA Archives Tombstones.....Plaque, Centre Methodist Episcopal ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ken Strong 2010 CENTRE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1815-1962 On this site stood the former Centre M.E. Church the oldest Methodist church in Clearfield County. Consecrated to the glory of God and a service to all mankind for one hundred forty seven (147) years. In 1815 a Methodist Society was organized at Centre being the first regular appointment in Clearfield County. The first log church was built in 1827 and located just below the road on land donated by Donald Antes. A new Church was built near this site in 1834 on land donated by Philip Antes Sr. This church was then rebuilt in 1863 and remained in regular service until 1962. This memorial placed here in memory of all those who worshiped and served God here,and to the Glory of God forever'.