Clinton County PA Archives Deed.....MYERS, I. Proctor - MOLSON, Maria December 14, 1855 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jeannette L. Molson March 3, 2007, 9:47 pm Lots Nos. 127 and 128, Boro of Lock Haven Written: December 14, 1855 Recorded: February 13, 1856 To the Honorable the Judges of the Orphans Court of the County of Clinton In matter of the Estate of Hiram Graham deceased I the undersigned administratrix of the estate of the said decedents Estate do make return to the Honorable Judges of the Orphans court for the County of Clinton That in pursance of the order of Said Court made on the 14th day of Dec AD 1855 After due Public notice according to law we did on the Thirteenth day of February AD 1856 expose the premises and messuages therein described to Public Sale at Lock Haven then and there sold the premises to I. Proctor Myers for the Sum of Four Hundred and fifty Dollars payable Two Hundred and Twenty five dollars on confirmation of sale and Ballance on 1st of April next with interest from Feb 13th 1856 - Which were the highest prices respectively bid for the said property and which sales so as aforesaid made we pray may be confirmed to said purchaser by the Court her Maria Molston mark Clinton County S.S. Maria Molston being duly sworn according to law at the depose and say then/there alive (?) by law and court to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sworn & Subscribed before me ) her Feb 13th AD 1856 ) Maria X Molston MB Wagner ) mark J.Peace ) Clinton County S.S. At an Orphan's Court held at Lock Haven in and for the county aforesaid, on the 14th day of December A.D. 1855 before the Hon. James Burnside and his associate justices of said court. On the petition of Maria Molston Administratrix of the estate of Hiram Graham, late of the Boro of Lock Haven, Clinton aforesaid, deceased setting forth that the said Hiram Graham died intestate - seized in his demise among other lands the following Real Estate - to wit : All those certain two Lots of ground situate in the Boro of Lock Haven aforesaid, on the North side of Bald Eagle Street, and known as lots Nos. 127 and 128 in the general plot of said town - That the personal estate of the decedent is insufficient to pay his debts and that it is requisite to sell a portion of the real estate for the payment thereof - That your petitioner has annexed a true & correct account of the debts - That said decedent had no personal property over and above allowed the widow by the act of assembly. The court, therefore, order and decree that the said Administratrix expose the said premises to public sale on Thursday the 31st day of January A.D. 1856 at the Clinton House in said Boro. and sell the same for the best price that can be had therefor, with fewer (?) to adjourn from time to time: giving due public and timely notice of the time and place of sale, and make report of their proceedings herein at the next stated Orphan's Court. Witness the Hon. James Burnside President of the said court at Lock Haven the 14th day of Dec A.D. 1855 J.N. Sevinis Clk Additional Comments: Maria Molson was the widow of Hiram Graham and the present wife of David W. Molson. This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb