Columbia County PA Archives Biographies.....BATTLE, 1887: PART 1 - CHAPTER 30: FISHING CREEK Township ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: JoWest An html version of Battle's 1887 "The History of Columbia and Montour Counties" may be found at: [Columbia Co.] [Montour Co.] ======================== COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA BIOGRAPHIES Chapter XXX - Part 1 Fishing Creek Township From "The History of Columbia and Mountour Counties" Battle, 1887 PHILIP APPLEMAN, Sr., farmer, P.O. Rohrsburg, is a son of Matthias APPLEMAN who came from New Jersey and settled in Montour Township, near Bloomsburg. After his marriage he bought a farm in Madison Township on which he erected a distillery, and many years after bought 300 acres in Benton on which he died at the age of seventy-five. His wife, nee Margaret BEERS, died some years previous, aged sixty-four. Their children were Hannah, Elizabeth, Sarah, Matthias's, George, Peter and Samuel, deceased; William in Benton; Mary Ann, wife of Samuel BETTS, of Ohio, and Philip, who is the eldest of the survivors. Matthias was a member of the Episcopal Church in Benton. Our subject was born February 17, 1808, and lived with his parents until the age of twenty-four. He then bought a farm of 2040 acres where he now lives, and to which he added until he had 400 acres. He erected a water mill which he operated four years, and when that failed erected a steam mill which is yet running. In 1830 he married Mary Ann DAVIS, of Benton, who was born March 26, 1808. They have had six children: Matthias M., in Rohrsburg; Catherine M., wife of George W. STATEN, in Illinois; Reuben D., in Iowa; Samuel, died aged one year; Mary E., died in 1870, aged twenty-eight years, and Philip D., who farms his father's place. Mr. Appleman has led an active life; he has cleared his farm, brought it to a high state of cultivation and engaged in lumbering. He has held township offices, but refused to be justice or constable. When supervisor he put the roads in good order for a smaller sum than was ever required. He has given all his children a good start in life. He and Mrs. APPLETON [APPLEMAN] are members of the Christian Church, and he is now one of the oldest residents in the township. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg. 434) CHARLES ASH , farmer, P.O. Stillwater, is a native of Northampton County, Penn., born October 18, 1820, a son of Christian and Mary (OSTERDAY) ASH, natives of the same county. They removed to Briarcreek Township, this county, when our subject was seven years old; there the father bought a small farm and remained seven years, when he sold out and bought the place where his son Charles now lives. There he moved and died in 1879. His wife died about nine years before. They had ten children, all living: Mary, widow of Russell CREVELING, in Wisconsin; William, residing in the house where his father died on a part of the home farm; Sarah, in Iowa; Hiram, in Benton Township; Catherine, in Luzerne County; Delia Ann, in Briarcreek; Christian J., in this township[Fishing Creek]; Elizabeth and Hester in Benton, and Charles. Our subject is the second child, and on his marriage took possession of the home farm, his father moving to another part of it. He married October 24, 1848, Sarah RUCKEL, of Briarcreek, who died February 19, 1886. They had nine children, one of whom died in infancy; the others are George Wesley, husband of Amelia H. FREAS, and William S., married to Hettie LEARNS, having one child named Clarence REGAN, both residing in Briarcreek; Pierce, married to Susan WERKHEISER, having one child, named Trellie Clementine, living on his father's farm; Harvey R., married to Mary HILL, having one child, N. Ernest Augustus, and living in Berwick; Stewart A., married to Murtie D. FREAS, having one child, named Roscoe Laine, and living in Briarcreek; Miles Wilbert, married to Clara SMITH; Thomas Elliott and Amy Florentine, living with their father. Mr. ASH has served as supervisor, school director, overseer of the poor and collector. He was also engaged in huckstering eleven years, but his time has been principally given to his farm which is in an excellent condition, improved with fine brick residence and out-buildings. He is a member of the Columbia Grange, and he has been a deacon in the Lutheran Church, this township, for years. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg. 434) LEVI BEISHLINE, retired farmer, P. O. Van Camp, is a grandson of Michael BEISHLINE, who came from Germany in the last century, settling in Luzerne County, Penn. His son, Henry, was the father of Levi and was born in that county, April 16, 1796, and lived there until his marriage. He then bought a farm in this township, near Van Camp, where he died in 1876 at the age of eighty years. He married, January 16, 1821, Elizabeth YOST, of Sugarloaf Township, Luzerne County, who was born September 28, 1800, and died in her seventy-seventh year. They had eleven children: John, who died in infancy; Michael resides in this township; Margaret Ann was wife of Sol HELLER and died in Luzerne County; Susanna, wife of Andrew WENNER of Luzerne County, where she died; Lavina, wife of Anthony LUTZ, died in Benton township; Henry died unmarried; Jacob lives in Luzerne County; Solomon died when young; Sarah Ann is the wife of Andrew STEIN of Benton Township; William lives in Greenwood Township. Levi is the third son and was born July 21, 1827, and in his youth with his brothers, helped to clear the farm, which was entirely in woods. A few months after his marriage he bought a lot at Bendertown, this township, to which he added until he had a farm of eighty acres, on which he lived until 1884 when he retired. He also bought another farm near by, both of which he owns. In 1862 he was drafted and served nine months in the One Hundred and eighty-seventh Pennsylvania Company A. Dec. 19, 1847, he married Maria, daughter of Daniel WENNER, of Butler Township, Luzerne County, who was born August 31, 1827. They have had fourteen children: Catherine Ann, born February 8, 1849, died October 8, 1855; Daniel, born April 17, 1850, married Emma COLEMAN and resides in Nebraska; Henry J., born August 31, 1851, died December 6, 1858; Elias, born July 5, 1853, died September 27, 1855; Sarah, born January 9, 1855, died January 24, 1869; Susannah, born July 4, 1856, died February 26, 1870; Andrew, born in 1857, died at birth; Samuel, born November 8, 1858, lives in York County, Neb.; Mary, born November 8, 1858, died February 28, 1870; John F., born July 20, 1860, died March 3, 1870; Nathaniel, born November 2, 1861, and lives on the home farm of his father; Eliza, born may 20, 1864, lives with her parents; Amanda, born April 26, 1866, wife of Wallace W. WENNER (son of Michael WENNER), AND LIVES NEAR Bendertown and Adaline, born June 20, 1867, living with her parents. Mr. BEISHLINE has never held any office which he could avoid holding. He is now a school director and president of the board. He has accumulated what he has by hard work and is a self-made man. He and Mrs. BEISHLINE are members of the Reformed Church at Van Camp, of which he has been deacon and of which he is now trustee. Politically he is a Democrat. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg. 434-435) EVAN B. BEISHLINE, United States guager, Stillwater, is a great-grandson of Michael BEISHLINE, who came from Germany in the latter part of the last century. He settled in Butler township, Luzerne County, and was a farmer. His son, John, was the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, and was born in that place in 1801, and died in Benton Township, this county, in February, 1877. When a young man he accumulated some money, bought a farm in Benton Township, on which he resided until his death. In 1830 he married Miss Elizabeth PEALER, who is still living near Orangeville, this county. They had ten children, of whom five are deceased, as follows: Samuel, who was drowned in a flood at Huntington Creek; Erastus, who died when young; Elias R. was a teacher and died at the age of about forty-four years; Susanna was the wife of P. SITTLER, and John W., who was captain of a company in a Pennsylvania regiment during the civil war, and died about seven years ago. The living are Catherine, wife of Russell SHULTZ of Benton Township; Savilla, wife of Jacob SHULTZ, living in Orange Township; Gideon in Berwick, forman in the car shop of jackson & Woodin, and chief policeman of the borough; Frank H., unmarried and engineer on a railroad in Texas; and Jacob M., the father of Evan B. and the eldest survivor. Jacob M. was born July 28, 1831, in Benton Township, and lived on the home farm until his marriage at the age of twenty-two. His father then bought him a farm, to which he moved and which he has ever since made his home. In early life he joined the Reformed Church, in which he has been an elder for twenty-five years, and a greater part of the time has also been superintendent of the Sabbath-school. He is a consistent citizen and good Christian. June 14, 1854, he married Miss Mary M. KRICKBAUM of Benton Township, who was born in 1832. To their union eight children were born as follows: Mary E.; Oliver C., married Miss Kate RUCKLE and lives in Benton Township; Eli A., single, living with his parents; Ida A., wife of Emanuel WENNER, of Benton Township; Charles N., died in childhood; Harvey W. and Susan I., both of whom reside with their parents, and Evan B. Our subject is the eldest of the family and was born April 25, 1855. He lived at home and worked on the farm until he was seventeen years of age. He then went to school, attending various academies and seminaries. In 1876 he began teaching, which profession he followed for eight winters. In 1881 he and his brother Eli A. engaged extensively in lumber operations, but on the night of May 8, 1884, their saw-mill, which was the largest in columbia County, together with a large quantity of lumber, was destroyed by fire and was uninsured. Since then he has been employed at carpentering, and in August, 1866, he was appointed United States gauger. December 23, 1882, he married Frances I., daughter of Stephen DRESCHER of this township. She was born August 8, 1861. Mr. and Mrs. BEISHLINE are prominent members of the Christian Church, in which he is an elder, and also superintendent of the Sabbath-school. He takes a warm interest in all religious matters, and has the respect of all who know him. Politically he is a Democrat. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg. 435) ELIAS P. BENDER, farmer P. O. Stillwater, is a grandson of Morton BENDER, a farmer, who died in Mount Pleasant Township, near Orangeville. His children were Jacob and Thomas, who died in Iowa; David and George (twins), the former living in Nebraska and the latter in Sullivan County, Penn.; Polly, who died in Mount Pleasant; Catherine, in Greenwood; Lydia, in Orange; Mary, in Sullivan County, and Aaron, the father of our subject. Aaron was born in Reading, May 17, 1814, and on his marriage bought a farm near Bendertown; in 1849 he bought another near the place where he now resides, and has always followed farming. His wife (Salome) daughter of John PEALER, of this township, bore him the following named children: George Washington, who died in infancy; Samuel, who married Elizabeth WENNER (resides at Berwick, where he has been boss of the planing-mill for twenty years); Enandus, a farmer, married to Catherine WENNER (resides in this township); John M., lumberman, married to Mattie DERR (lives in Muncy, Lycoming county); Thomas, a farmer, married to Sallie CRAMER, after whose decease he married Maggie KLINE (lives in Benton Township); Frank P., a farmer, married to Eliza PEALER (lives in this township); Susanna, wife of Elias WENNER, of this township; Salome, unmarried, in this township, and Elias P. Our subject was born February 11, 1838, and lived with his father until he was twenty-five years of age. He then married and worked for a year at shoemaking, later buying a farm near Jonestown in this township. At the end of three years he sold out and bought another at Pealertown, which he sold after two years, and bought a farm in Greenwood township, on which he resided three years. He then moved to Bendertown, where he built a store which he conducted for a year, going thence to Benton; then returned to Bendertown, and eight years later bought the farm on which he now resides near Stillwater. In October 1862, he was drafted and entered the Union Army in the one Hundred and Seventy-eighth Regiment, and served nine months. He then returned home, married, and in the fall of 1864 enlisted in the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth Regiment and served until the close of the war. He was severely wounded at Lee Farms, Va., where he received a bullet through his neck and a flesh wound in the arm, and was laid up in the hospital for three months. April 14, 1864, he married Rebecca, daughter of Jacob MARKLE, of this township. She was born March 25, 1843, and has borne her husband six children; Clara; Torrance, who is a clerk in Wilkesbarre; Lloyd; Sallie C.; Pearl; and Mary Agnes, who died December 19, 1877. Mr. BENDER takes an active interest in political matters and has held many township offices. He is an active member of the G. A. R., and also a member of the German Reformed Church. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg. 435-436) PERRY BUCKALEW, farmer, P. O. Fishingcreek, is a descendant of the BUCKALEW family mentioned in the succeeding sketch. He was born January 30, 1820, and in early life was engaged with his father farming and lumbering. After his marriage he farmed for his father, and in 1858 took the part of the farm which he afterward inherited and on which he has since resided. He is a man who has always lived a quiet life. In 1842 he married Sarah, daughter of William White, of Town Hill, Luzerne County, and who was born November 6, 1821. They have had eight children, one of whom died in infancy. The others were Maria, who died unmarried at the age of thirty years; Wadsworth, who entered the Union Army in his eighteenth year--served two years in the One Hundred and Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and died a year after the close of the war, of disease contracted while in the service; Charles is unmarried and works on the farm; Alfred W. is married to Alice J. KINDIG, and lives in the same house with his father, whom he assists on the farm; John M. is single, a painter by trade and sometimes works on the farm; Mary is the wife of Alfred CHAPIN, of Jonestown, and Rebecca is married to Chester CHAPIN, a farmer of Huntington Township, Luzerne County. Mr. BUCKALEW has been a hardworking man, and his property has been acquired by his industry and strict attention to business. He is of careful, correct habits, and like his brother, votes the Republican ticket. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg. 436) JOHN M. BUCKALEW, lumberman, P. O. Fishingcreek, is descended from the BUCCLEUCHS, who went from Scotland to France with Queen Mary, and becoming Prostestants, two brothers, Francis and Gilbert, immigrated to Long Island about 1663, while it was in the possession of the Dutch. They were both married in this country, and in time their names became corrupted, Francis being called BUCKALEW, and Gilbert BOILEAU. Francis went to South Amboy, N. J. An old will, now in possession of our subject, made by Samuel BUCKALEW, dated 1782, devises to his son John a certain tract at the place mentioned, which it states was bequeathed to him by his father Francis BUCKALEW. Family tradition has it that Francis lived to be one hundred and ten years old, and his son Samuel is known to have been ninety-six years old at his death in New Jersey in 1792. He was the great-grandfather of John M. His son John was born April 14, 1743, and in 1773 married Mary McKINNEY, who was born October 5, 1754. Shortly after the young couple immigrated to where the town of Muncy now stands, in Lycoming County. He was a millwright and miller, and it is supposed carried on the business there. The next we hear of him is that in 1776 he and Robert ROBB were appointed a committee of safety for Turbot Township, Northumberland County, under Franklin's central committee, at Philadelphia. In 1778 they were obliged to leave in consequence of Indian troubles, which culminated with the death of "Capt. Jim BRADY, " who was a near neighbor, and with whom they fought the redskins. John BUCKALEW's father-in-law followed him into the wilderness and went to Harrisburg. John went to Maryland and rented a mill at Rock Run; there he ground grain for the army under contract with the Continental congress, and an old unpaid account of nearly L700 is still in existence. At the close of the Revolution he returned to Northumberland County and settled on the Chillisquaque creek, and there remained for a few years, thence going to Little Fishingcreek, and later came to this township, where he died July 8, 1833. His wife Mary died November 25, 1829. They had five sons and seven daughters. One of the sons, John M., was the father of our subject. He was born at Chillisquaque on December 17, 1786; learned his father's trade in Catawissa, and worked at it for a few years. In 1808, while still young, he purchased and removed to the place now occupied by his sons, Perry and John M. He became a farmer and lumberman, and died November 15, 1859, aged seventy-three years. He married, in 1812, Martha FUNSTON, who was born in 1789 and died in 1840, aged fifty-one years. They had nine children, four of whom died in childhood. Those who lived to maturity were William, who died on the homestead in 1864; Perry, who now owns a part of the farm; Charles R, of Bloomsburg, ex-United States senator; Mahala B., wife of Benjamin C., HESS, of this township, and John M., the youngest. Our subject was born October 17, 1826, in a house a short distance from the one he now occupies. He has always been engaged in lumbering and farming. In 1862 he enlisted a company at Harrisburg, which was assigned to the One Hundred and Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania as Company A. He commanded the company until the expiration of his term of service. On his return he re-engaged at his former occupation, which he has since followed. In 1861 he was married to Miss Delilah K., daughter of Andrew and Theresa CREVELING, of this township. She is a sister of Rev. S. A. CREVELING, who is a pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, connected with the Central Pennsylvania Conference. Of unbounded energy and force of character, Mr. BUCKALEW is a man of mark, and exercises a wide influence in the community. In politics he is a Republican. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg. 436-437) LEWIS M. CREVELING, farmer and insurance agent, P. O. Van Camp, is on the paternal side, descended from German ancestry. His great-grandfather, Andrew CREVELING immigrated to this country with his wife and settled near Asbury, Warren Co., N. J., where he engaged in farming. At the outbreak of the Revolution he entered the Continental Army and served all through the war. He was in the battle of Monmouth June 28, 1778, and on that day his son, Samuel, the grandfather of our subject, was born. After the close of the war he removed with his family to Columbia County, Penn., where he died, and is buried with his wife in the Afton graveyard near Bloomsburg. Samuel CREVELING became a farmer and after his marriage, in 1803, removed to the farm now occupied by our subject, which he had bought. This farm he cleared and erected a cabin, the site of which is not far from the place where Lewis now lives. His farm at that time comprised 350 acres. During the war of 1812 he was drafted, but several young men wanting to go in his stead, he selected one as a substitute, Mr. CREVELING having a family of young children. He lived on his farm until his death, in 1859, at the age of eighty-one. His wife, Catherine WILLETS, of this county, died about five years before her husband. Both are buried in Zion graveyard, this county. They had the following named children: Andrew, Isaiah, Samuel, Russell and Rachel, all deceased. Peter, John and Sarah are living. Peter and John each live on a portion of the old homestead which they inherited; Sarah is the wife of Jacob WENNER, and resides at Benderstown, this township. Isaiah was the father of Lewis M. and was born May 29, 1810, on the part of the farm now occupied by our subject, on which he lived until his marriage, when he moved to Huntington Township, Luzerne County, where he remained a few year. He then bought a farm in Fairmount Township, that county, where he resided until his death. He never engaged in any occupation than farming. He took a somewhat prominent part in local political matters, holding many township offices. Twice he was elected justice of the peace and was noted for his talents as a peacemaker, having great influence among his neighbors, which he exerted for good and was also noted for his charitable disposition. As a hunter and a fisherman he excelled. He died December 29, 1864, aged nearly fifty-five years. In 1835 he married Catherine M., daughter of Andrus FELLOWS, a prominent citizen of Huntington Township, Luzerne County, and the first white child born in that township. Mr. FELLOWS was a wealthy and enterprising farmer, and resided sixty years on the place where he died and where he accumulated a large fortune. He was a plain, unassuming man and was known as a philanthropist. In middle life he took his rifle and traveled to Kalamazoo County, Mich., where he took up land, but later came back to Pennsylvania. Isaiah CREVELING and wife had six children, two of whom died in infancy: Andrus F. (resides on part of his father's farm in Luzerne County), Samuel W. (on the old homestead with his mother), Rachel B. (wife of Zephariah L. KILE, a farmer of Sugarloaf Township), and Lewis M., who was the second child. Our subject was born September 2, 1838, in Luzerne County, and lived on the farm until the breaking out of the war. August 8, 1862, he enlisted in Company F, One Hundred and forty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, the "second bucktails," in which he served until the close of the war. He was in the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and twenty other engagements. He went out as a private, was promoted successively corporal, first sergeant and commissioned second lieutenant, which rank he held on his return. While sergeant he commanded the company all through the battles of the Wilderness and was fortunate to escape with only one wound all through the service. He was shot through the face at Spottsylvania Court House. On his return from the service he married and moved to the farm which he now owns and which was a part of the original tract, and has since been engaged in farming and lumbering. He is an incorporator in and director of the Fishingcreek Mutual Insurance Company, of which he is also an agent. September 11, 1865, he married Angeline Moss, daughter of Joseph and Emily (TRESCOTT) MOSS, of Fairmount, Luzerne County (and both are still living). Her father was born February 13, 1809, and Mrs. MOSS April 6, 1809. He has been a farmer and lumberman and for years operated a mill in that county. He is a prominent and active citizen and one of the oldest settlers in the township. He also takes a leading position in religious matters in his neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. CREVELING have seven children living: Isaiah Osborne, Francis W., Eveline, Joseph C., Albert E., Andrew Fellows and Katie Emily. A son, Irvin, died in infancy. Mr. CREVELING is a prominent man in the political affairs of his township, and has held several township offices. He is a thorough-going, active business man, and stands high in the community. Politically he is a Democrat. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg. 438) CLINTON K. DeWITT, farmer, P. O. Stillwater, is the eldest son of Isaac DeWITT (see sketch of James M. DeWITT), and was born in Scott Township, June 25, 1837. In early life he began working on a farm and has always followed agricultural pursuits. He remained at home until his marriage, at the age of twenty-three, when he rented a farm in Greenwood Township, on which he resided for two years. He then moved to Centralia and followed the butchering business for three years. He then returned to Greenwood Township and for six years worked on farms, later renting a farm on which he resided three years. For the following six or seven years he followed huckstering and then removed to Fishingcreek Township, on the farm owned by his brother, James M., where he has since remained. January 5, 1860, he married Miss Emma J. MUSGRAVE, who was born January 8, 1842, in Mount Pleasant Township, and died June 14, 1884, aged forty-two years, five months and six days. To this union ten children were born: Dorcas A., who keeps house for her father; William, who died when four years of age; Norman M., living with his father; Ida May, wife of Clarence YOST, a son of David YOST of Van Camp, Fishingcreek; Minnie P., Isaac M., Amanda M., Henry C., Hettie C. and Paul H., who makes their home with their father. Mr. DeWITT is a hard-working man and gives his time and attention to his farm. He is not a politician, was once elected justice of the peace for five years, but resigned at the end of the year. Among his neighbors he bears the reputation of an honest, honorable and upright man in all his dealings. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg. 438) JAMES M. DeWITT, farmer, butcher and lumberman, Stillwater, is a grandson of John DeWITT, who was a resident of New Jersey. John's children were James, who died in Greenwood township, this county; Nellie, who was the wife of John CASE, of Northumberland County, where she died; Sarah, wife of J. R. PATTEN, and died in Greenwood Township (her husband is now ninety years of age and resides in Light Street); Elizabeth, was the wife of Isaac KLINE, and died in Augusta Township, and Isaac, who was the father of James M. Isaac was reared in Northumberland County, where he learned the trade of a wagonmaker, which he followed until a short time before his death in July, 1877. He lived in Scott, Orange and Greenwood Townships, this county, but died at Light Street while on a visit. He was an honest man and respected by all who knew him. For many years he was justice of the peace; he was also a tax collector, and had taken the census of the county. Late in life he became a member of the Presbyterian Church of which his wife had long been a member. He was twice married; his first wife, whose maiden name was HAUGHAWANT, died a few years after her marriage, leaving one child, John, who died at Light Street. His second wife was Nancy STEWART, the daughter of James STEWART, who then resided at Light Street. She died November 8, 1876, a few months before her husband. They had six children, viz.: Dorcas, died young; Amanda, was the wife of Jacob TERWILLIGER, of Light Street, where she died; Clinton K.; William, who died leaving two children; Joseph P., who lives in Rohrsburg; three who died in childhood, and James M. who is the second son. Our subject was born March 9, 1839, in Light Street. He lived with his parents until his marriage, and on attaining his majority, engaged in butchering and cattle dealing, and after his marriage moved to this township to the house in which he now lives, which has since been his home and which he bought thirteen years ago. He is still engaged to some extent in the lumber business. December 17, 1868, he married Esther V., daughter of Jacob B. STOKER of this township. She was born January 14, 1842, and died April 28, 1872, leaving one child, Elliot E., who was born November 6, 1871. November 28, 1874, Mr. DeWITT married Miss Phebe E., daughter of David COLEMAN, of Asbury, this township. She was born March 20, 1847, and has borne her husband three children: Clyde S., born September 13, 1875; Atta C., born December 27, 1877, and Gertie May, born May 23, 1884. Mr. DeWITT takes an active part in the political affairs of his town, but refuses to hold office. He belongs to the K. of P. , and Columbia Grange. He is an active business man, and applies himself closely to his affairs, and never deserts a friend in need. Politically he is a Democrat. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, pg. 438 Fishingcreek Township) Jonas DOTY, deceased, was descended from a Puritan of the same name. His grandparents, Joseph and Martha DOTY, resided in New Providence Township, Essex Co., N. J., where they died. One of their sons; David DOTY, was the father of Jonas. He married Sybil CLARK and moved with his family to the Wyoming Valley, where he bought a farm on which he lived until 1850. He then removed to Luzerne county, near the Columbia county line, where he lived until 1850. He then removed to Luzerne County, near the Columbia County line, where he bought a farm, and where he and his wife both died. They are buried in a private burying-ground in this county. They had seven children, as follows: Joseph, on the home farm in Luzerne County; John lived and died in Benton Township, this county; Anthony died in Benton Township; Sarah died unmarried; Martha was the wife of Thaddeus NEWTON, and died in Huntington Township, Luzerne County; Clarinda is the wife of William BELLES, and lives in Huntington Township, Luzerne County, and Jonas. Our subject was born August 9, 1808, in New Jersey. He lived with his parents until his marriage, when he bought a place in the Wyoming Valley, on which he lived until 1849, when he sold out there and removed to this county, buying the farm on which he has since lived. The house to which he removed stood on the site of his present residence, and was destroyed by fire in 1868. Mr. DOTY was engaged in both farming and carpentering, but a few years prior to his death retired, and his son, Israel, now conducts the farm. In 1838 he married Jennet CAMPBELL, who was born June 30, 1816, and died in 1875. Mr. DOTY next married, in 1880, Elizabeth KENNEDY. By his first wife he had ten children: David, born March 20, 1840, married Elizabeth PEALER, and resides on part of his father's farm, which he now owns; Ira, born January 22, 1842, married Cordelia RINARD, and resided in Briarcreek Township; George, born October 31, 1843, married Alice HEATH and resides in Huntington Township; Mary Margaret, born January 17, 1846, and died in childhood; Jeremiah O., born February 10, 1848, married Emma MOORE, and lives on a farm adjoining his father's; Sarah Elizabeth, born March 5, 1850, wife of Lewis W. ROZELLE, in Kansas; Eugene, born May 16, 1852, died in childhood; Martha A., born September 13, 1853, and lives with her parents; Israel, born April 4, 1856, married Alveretta EVELAND, resides on his father's farm, and Luther B., born August 16, 1860, single and living with his mother. Mr. DOTY was a Republican, never held office, but was the candidate of his party for associate judge and other offices. He was an honest, straightforward man, who worked hard for what he acquired, and was represented by his fellow citizens. He died August 28, 1886. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg 438-439) B. FRANK EDGAR, farmer, P. O. Stillwater, is a grandson of James Edgar, a native of the State of New York, who removed to Benton, Penn., thence to this township in the latter part of the last century and died in the State of Ohio, whither he had later removed. His children, all deceased, were John, married Hester ZIMMERMAN, died in Indiana; Robert, married Susannah McHENRY, died in Benton Township; Martha, wife of Moses McHENRY, died in this township; Ellen, wife of Elias McHENRY (brother of Moses), also died here; Elizabeth, wife of John JACKSON, died in Indiana; Edward, married and died in Ohio; Teann, wife of Silas McHENRY, died in Ohio. James, the youngest, was the father of our subject. James was born on the farm where his father resided, in this township, August 22, 1806, and died April 16, 1883, aged twenty-six years and seven months. [Note: should be seventy-six years and seven months?] He was a farmer and lumberman. He sold his place in Benton Township and moved here. He took an active part in public affairs, but never held any office except that of constable, which he filled several years. In 1828 he married Sarah, daughter of Daniel McHENRY, a son of the pioneer of that name. She was born April 28, 1810, and died in this township September 10, 1882. To this union were born nine sons and one daughter, the latter dying at the age of three years. The sons, all now living, are as follows: Daniel, married to Louisa STOKER, lives in New Columbus, Luzerne County; Robert, unmarried, resides with his brother, T. Hardy (he was a soldier in the Union Army, in the Two Hundred and Tenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, in which he served a year, until the close of the war, and received injuries which render him lame for life); Emanuel, married to Martha McHENRY, and resides in Sonestown, Penn.; George W., married Nellie SMITH, of Pittston, who died in Nebraska, where he resides and is married again; William E.; Hiram R., in Nebraska; James C., who married Rosa SMITH, a sister of Nellie, and resides in this township; T. Hardy and B. Frank. The last named was born September 9, 1836, and remained with his parents until he was eighteen years of age, when he learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed for about twenty years. He also learned the distilling business, at which he worked in this township for eight years, and at which he acquired some means, which he invested in farm property, owing three farms in different parts of the township. He has since disposed of two of them, retaining only the one on which he now lives. Before coming to this place he lived on his farm, on the State road, ten years. In 1880 he moved to his present home, and in August 1886, established a distillery on the place. Mr. EDGAR has been twice married, first, June 30, 1864, to Susanna, daughter of Solomon HARTMAN, who was born June 4, 1843, and died May 4, 1874, the mother of the following named children: Warren, born December 8, 1864, now in the drug business in Nanticoke; Dora B., born February 1, 1866; Charles M., born March 22, 1869; Alfred H., born November 11, 1870; Hattie M., born December 16, 1872, and Thomas E., born August 16, 1867, who died when six years of age. April 18, 1879, Mr. EDGAR married Martha GOLDER, born January 4, 1859, daughter of Abraham GOLDER, of hemlock Township, and by her he has three children; Herald, born June 27, 1880; Almer, born April 8, 1882, and Madge, born April 1, 1884, all living with their parents. Mr. EDGAR has held several responsible positions in the township: Constable, three years; auditor, two years; tax collector, three years; and in 1881 was elected county commissioner, which position he filled to the satisfaction of the citizens of the county for three years. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg 439) WILLIAM E. EDGAR, farmer, P. O. Van Camp, is the sixth son of James EDGAR, and was born February 10, 1841. He remained at home until the age of sixteen years, when he went to learn the trade of carpenter with Jackson ALE. This he followed twelve years, then he moved to the farm which he had previously purchased, on which he now lives, and has since made it his home. During the time spent at this trade he also lumbered on West Branch four years. On February 2, 1867, he married Sadie E., daughter of James Deimer McHENRY; she was born September 14, 1846; educated at the seminary, Starkey, N. Y., and later taught school five years. One child has blessed this union--Gracie May, born August 30, 1875. Mr. EDGAR has never held any public office, but contents himself in doing his duty as a citizen at the polls, and takes a warm interest in the Democratic party, with which he is identified. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg 439-440) T. HARDY EDGAR, (brother of B. Frank), lumberman, Stillwater, was born February 15, 1845, in this township. He worked on the farm until he was eighteen years old, when he went to Cambra, where he learned the trade of cabinet-maker, which he followed in different places until 1867. He then resided two years in Rohrsburg; thence moved to Centralia, where he remained a year; thence to Mt. Carmel, Northumberland County, in both of which places he kept store. His store in the latter place being destroyed by fire he moved to Benton and worked in the planing-mill, the machinery of which he purchased and moved to North Mountain; thence, in 1877 he moved it to this township to the property which he owns, and where he now resides in a house near the mill. He married, December 26, 1867, Miss Cecelia Alice McHENRY, born July 26, 1848, daughter of James Deimer McHENRY, and she has borne her husband three children: Harry O., born April 16, 1869; Lelia I., born June 11, 1871, and Orvis Roy, born February 9, 1883. Mr. EDGAR takes a warm interest in public affairs. He and Mrs. EDGAR are members of the Christian Church. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg 440) BENJAMIN M. GOLDER, farmer, P. O. Stillwater, is a grandson of Abraham GOLDER, who came to this county from New Jersey. He settled in Jackson Township, where he took up 400 acres, on which he lived for thirty years. He then moved to Ohio where he died. His wife died in this county. They had a family of eight children, most of whom moved west, and none of whom are now living. Peter GOLDER, the father of our subject, was born in Jackson township, September 7, 1808, and died May 31, 1878, in the seventieth year of his age. His wife, Martha McHENRY, was a daughter of Benjamin McHENRY, and was born April 16, 1810. She now resides with Benjamin M. To her and her husband eight children were born: Abraham, who married Mary BROSIUS (resides in Mordansville, Luzerne County); Elizabeth Jane, wife of Peter EVELARD (in Light Street); Sarah, who died young; Daniel, married to Sarah TUCKER (living in Minnesota); Cordelia, wife of Reason CONNER (living in Nebraska); Mary Ellen, wife of Jos. TUCKER, died at Stillwater; Hiram Francis, married to Samantha BROSIUS (lives in Nescopeck, Luzerne County), and Benjamin M. Our subject is the eldest of the family and was born January 23, 1828. He followed carpentering until 1862, making his home with his parents until he was seventeen years of age. He then lived in this township until 1853, when he bought the place where he now resides, and carried on his trade and farming. January 1, 1853, he married Rebecca Ann, daughter of Thomas DAVIS, of Benton Township, and who was born July 21, 1833. To this union seven children were born, two dying in infancy. The living are Joshua Deimer, married to Laura DIETRICK, in Union County; Thomas MILARD, married to Minnie WILLIAMS and lives with her father; Davis Lee, unmarried; Edith Lenora, and Sarah Ellen. When Mr. GOLDER bought this farm it was uncleared, and he has brought it to its present high state of cultivation. He and Mrs. GOLDER are members of the Christian Church at Stillwater. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg 440) SAMUEL J. HARRISON, farmer, P. O. Van Camp, was born in Wales, June 26, 1837. His father, Samuel, came to America from Wales in 1838, locating first in Pittsburgh and later in Pittston, where he followed the occupation of a mason for about twelve years. He then bought a farm in this township on the Mill road, near Bendertown, whither he removed in April, 1857, and there died November 25, 1884, aged seventy-six years. He was of a happy, genial, disposition, and well liked throughout the country. His wife, Jane PRICE, whom he married in Wales, died three months after her husband, at the age of seventy-four. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for thirty years, and bore her husband nine children, eight of whom survive. Jane died in Wales. The living are Elizabeth, wife of George JOHNSON, living in Illinois; John, who married Hettie JONES of Wilkesbarre (she is deceased), and is now living at that place, a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church; Harriet, wife of Joseph IRELEY, a car-builder in Berwick; Caroline, wife of J. E. SNYDER, a jeweler of Berwick; Mary Jane lives with her brother in Wilkesbarre, taking care of his two orphan children; Thomas W., who married Lottie SCHULTZ, lives on the old homestead; Hannah J., unmarried and residing at the homestead with her brother, and Samuel J. Our subject was but a year old when his parents came to this country. He worked on the farm until his marriage when he went to Pittston and engaged in coal mining. In 1864 he enlisted in the Fifty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, Company G, in which he served until the close of the war, when he was honorably discharged. He was in the engagements in front of Petersburg, and took part in all the battles before that event until the surrender of Lee, and was mustered out June 2, 1865. On his return he followed coal mining for sixteen years, when he worked two years as a breaker boss at Pittston, when, owing to failing health, he bought the farm on Fishing creek, where he now resides. November 7, 1861, he married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph DIETRICH. She was born in Briarcreek Township, this county, and bore her husband four children: William Bruce, born November 27, 1862, died June 13, 1867; John W., born September 30, 1864, married Eliza Thomas (whose father, Joseph, was killed at Hatcher's Run, in February, 1865, while a member of the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers); Joseph Warren, born August 14, 1868, and James Garfield, born October 4, 1881, both of whom live with their parents. Mr. HARRISON is a member of Thistle Lodge, No. 512, I. O. O. F., of Pittston, and in politics is independent. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg 440-441) AMOS HARTMAN, farmer, P. O. Van Camp, is a grandson of Frederick HARTMAN, who was born in Northumberland County, but who resided in this township most of his life. He was a farmer; lived within half a mile of where our subject now resides and died in 1871. His wife died in 1824 at the age of twenty-eight years. He was eighty years and eleven months old at the time of his death. They had six children who lived to maturity; Mary Ann was twice married, first to John LAUBACH of Fairmount Township, Luzerne County, after whose death she married William BLISH of the same place, where both died; Catherine, a twin sister of Mary Ann, is the widow of Henderson BAKER of Sugarloaf Township; Eliza, widow of Thomas LAUDERBAUCH, in Henry County, Ill.; Frederick is married to Eliza KENDIG, and both reside in this township. The third of this family was Solomon, father of Amos, and was all his life engaged in farming in this township, where he owned a farm, on which he died shortly after purchasing it. He had worked in various places but always at farming, and was noted for his industry, in fact, his comparatively early death was due to excessive labor and to his anxiety to provide well for his family. He died at the age of forty-one years, and six months, a member of the Reformed Church at Van Camp. His wife was Henrietta LAUDERBACH, of this township, who, after the death of her first husband, was married to Samuel YOST of this township, where they live on a farm adjoining that of our subject. To Mr. HARTMAN she bore the following named children: Susanna, deceased wife of B. Frank EDGAR; Amanda Ellen, wife of Wilbur C. PENNINGTON; Thomas L., and Sarah Catherine, widow of Eli PEALER, all of this township, and Amos. The last named is the second child, and was born April 5, 1848. He worked on his father's farm until he was twenty-five years of age, when he worked at carpentering and on various farms until 1874. He then went to Illinois, returning in 1875 to this township, where, for one year, he worked on the farm of B. C. HESS; a year later he drove a huckster wagon and another year worked at farming for B. F. EDGAR. The year following he gave his time almost exclusively to his office of constable, which he refused to hold longer, returning to his trade for a year. He then began farming again at New Columbus, Luzerne County, and a year later rented the farm from his stepfather, Samuel YOST, where he has since resided. December 8, 1877, he married Miss Carrie HARTMAN, daughter of Frederick HARTMAN, and who was born in Huntington Township, Luzerne County, October 3, 1849. They have two children, Sarah Luella, born February 11, 1880, and Lillian May, born January 9, 1884. Mr. HARTMAN has held several township offices and is now town clerk. He belongs to the K. of P. and he and his wife are members of the St. James Reformed (German) Church at Van Camp, in which he is a deacon. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg 441) AARON HESS, farmer, P. O. Fishingcreek, is a grandson of John HESS, who came from Germany about the middle of the last century. He located in Wapwallopen, Luzerne County, where he owned a farm on which he died. He had a family of twelve children: John, Jacob, Charles, Thomas, Abraham, Isaac, Jeremiah, Aaron, Susannah, Mary, Hannah and Nancy. Of these Aaron is the only survivor; John was the father of our subject, and died in Centre Township about 1846. Mrs. Catherine (KNORR) HESS died about 1824, and after her death her husband married Catherine CONNER, who also died, when he married Mary FENSTERMACHER, who died in Salem Township, Luzerne County, at the age of ninety-two years. Aaron (our subject) was born in Briarcreek August 8, 1813, and in his youth worked at wagon-making. He lived with his parents until his marriage, when for about seven years he worked on farms in summer and at his trade in winter. In 1840 he rented the farm on which he now lives, and seven years later bought it. At that time it contained 330 acres, forty of which were cleared. Later he sold off some acres, a part of which, however, he has since purchased back, and the remainder has been bought by his son, Benjamin, so that the farm is virtually in possession of the family. August 25, 1832, he married Judith Ann, daughter of John STERNER, of Briarcreek Township. She was born on the same day as her husband and twelve children were born to them: John, born December 12, 1834, works for his father on the home farm; Thomas J., born May 10, 1838, died when ten months old; Mary C., born February 15, 1840, wife of Abraham KLINE, of Orange Township; Benjamin, born June 11, 1841, resides in this township; Peter, born August 13, 1843, lives with his parents; Francis, born April 2, 1848, died young; Ira D., born January 29, 1845, lives in Benton township; Matilda, born December 13, 1847, wife of Joe ALBERTSON, of Greenwood Township; Harrison born may 27, 1849, lives on his father's farm; Aaron, born January 23, 1851; Ann Eliza, born March 29, 1853, wife of Nathaniel DRIESBACH, near Jonestown; Julia Ann, born September 2, 1855, died June 19, 1868; Catherine Ann, born December 27, 1833, died in infancy, and two who died in infancy. Mr. HESS is one of the oldest citizens in the township. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg 441-442) GEORGE M. HOWELL, merchant and postmaster, Van Camp, is a grandson of Noah HOWELL, who was a cooper and lived in Lawrence, near Trenton, N. J., where he died His great-great-grandfather on his mother's side was John MUIRHEID, who was born in Glasgow, Scotland, immigrated to this country, married on Long Island, November 22, 1706, Rebecca BAILEY, and died in 1725. His son, Andrew, was born in 1717, and died in 1794 at the age of seventy-seven years. Andrew's son, George, was born September 25, 1760, and died April 6, 1851, aged ninety years, six months and eleven days. He was the maternal grandfather of Mr. HOWELL. Noah HOWELL was born in New Jersey, where he was married to Hannah LAWRENCE. They had four children who lived to maturity, all now deceased. Their names are Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary and Jesse who was the father of our subject and was born in New Jersey, August 8, 1789. When a boy of fifteen, Jesse, on the death of his father, came to Easton, Penn., where he worked for his uncle in mercantile business. After his marriage he engaged in merchandising on his own account. This he gave up later and was made bookkeeper in the old Easton bank, now the First National Bank of that place, which occupation he followed until his death. He was a pious, charitable man, and noted for his generosity; was a leading member of the Presbyterian Church of which he was a elder for many years and superintendent of the Sabbath-school for twenty-four years. He was twice married; first to Sarah HUNT, August 11, 1815, who bore him one child, Alfred, born January 11, 1816, and died at Cogan Station, Penn., May 1886. His second marriage was with Deborah, daughter of George MUIRHEID, and their children were Mary Elizabeth, who was the wife of Dr. F. L. CRANE and died at Easton in 1845; Sarah, widow of James POLLOCK, residing in Easton; Jesse Lawrence, who died May 4, 1875, in Minnesota; John Guild, who died in infancy; Ellen, wife of William MAXWELL, of Easton, where she lives, and George MUIRHEID, the second child born in Easton, September 2, 1822. Our subject attended school at that place until he was sixteen years of age, when he went to Philadelphia and clerked in a store until 1842. He then removed to Orangeville and learned the trade of cabinet-making at which he worked for five years, when he went back to clerking, and after his marriage went to Van Camp, where he worked at his trade. He then clerked in a store at New Columbus for three years. In 1851 he built the place he now occupies at Van Camp, and started a general store. There he has since carried on business and has been instrumental in getting a postoffice established at that point, of which he was appointed postmaster, October, 1857, and has served under various administrations. March 8, 1849, he married Margaret A., daughter of Samuel YOST, of this township, and who was born October 6, 1827. To their union seven children have been born, two of whom died at birth. The others were Charles M., born July 17, 1851 (is married to Frances E. McCOLLUM, of Carbon county, Penn., and resides at Leisenring, same State); Henry YOST, born March 18, 1854 (died December 15, 1862); Edward W., born November 4, 1856 (died September 24, 1868); Alfred, born January 22, 1861 (died February 4, of the same year), and Deborah, born December 1, 1861 (is now the wife of Charles H. MOORE, and resides with her parents at Van Camp). Mr. HOWELL takes no very active part in politics, but has served as county auditor. He and Mrs. HOWELL are members of the Reformed Church (St. James) of this place, in which he has been a deacon and is now trustee. The greater part of his life has been passed where he now resides, and among the people who have known him all that time he bears an unimpeachable reputation. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg 442) JAMES N. JONES, retired, Fishingcreek, is a grandson of Richard BROWN, who, with his son-in-law, Benjamin JONES (father of our subject), came to this township in 1809, settling directly in the village of Jonestown. The old log house erected by them is still standing, but has been remodeled and weather-boarded and is now used as a store by Jones & Davis. About 1820 Richard BROWN removed to Greenwood Township, but Benj. JONES and wife remained. In 1809 they built a saw-mill, and in 1811 a grist-mill, and after the departure of Mr. BROWN, Mr. JONES conducted both mills until his death in 1849, at the age of seventy-four years. When the postoffice was established about 1820, he was appointed postmaster and continued to hold that office until elected justice of the peace, when he resigned. He served in the latter office until a few years before his death. He was an active enterprising man, acquired good property by his industry, and stood high in the community. His wife, Nancy BROWN, died in 1868, aged eighty-two years, and their children were Richard, James N., Mary Ann, Eliza E. and Matilda. The last named is the widow of Reuben HESS and resides near Van Camp. The only survivors are Mrs. HESS and the subject of this biography, who was born September 17, 1813, in the old log house mentioned. He learned the trade of a miller, at which he worked together with lumbering, sawing and farming for his father until the latter's death. Then he and his brother, Richard, inherited the farm, grist and saw-mills, which they conducted in partnership until 1857. They then divided the property, Richerd taking the saw-mill and farm and James taking the grist-mill, which he rebuilt. This is the same mill now standing in Jonestown. In this he took into partnership his brother-in-law, John MERRILL, who sold out a few years after to William MEARS, and this partnership continued until Mr. JONES sold his interest to Ira THOMAS. Since then he had been living retired. December 1, 1846, he married Caroline Matilda MERRILL, who was born in Hemlock Township, May 13, 1826, and is yet living in the old home. Two of their children died in infancy and four now survive: Henry C., born April 4, 1848, a bookkeeper in Kingston, married Merilda, daughter of William BUCKALEW, who died a few years after their marriage; Ashbel W., born March 31, 1857 (merchant in Jonestown, married March 4, 1882, Lizzie, daughter of Robert MAGUIRE, a farmer in the vicinity of Jonestown); William W., born April 19, 1861 (married Ann Eliza FAHRINGER, and is a civil and mining engineer in Wilkesbarre) and Estella, born March 1, 1851, the wife of John KIMBALL, and resides in Vernon Center. Minn. As soon as he was of age James N. JONES was commissioned postmaster of Fishingcreek under Jackson's administration and held the office for forty years. Mr. JONES has taken a warm interest in politics; first a Henry Clay Whig; then a Republican, which party he still votes with. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg 442-443) FRANCIS W. JONES, miller, Fishingcreek, is a son of Richard B. JONES, a brother of James N. JONES, whose sketch appears above. Richard B. was born September 4, 1815, and died July 3, 1877, aged sixty-one years and ten months. He also learned the trade of milling and lumbering which he followed until he and his brother, James N., dissolved partnership, when he devoted himself exclusively to farming and lumbering until a few years before his death. He married, in 1840, Miss Sallie Ann, daughter of George KLINE of Orange township. She was born October 23, 1815, and died March 14, 1869, aged fify-one years, four months and twenty-two days. They had five children, two of whom died young. The others were James E., a farmer, who died in 1886 in Asbury, was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, serving in the Sixteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, from which he was discharged on account of sickness, and, on recovering his health he enlisted in the One Hundred and Ninety-Eighth Regiment and served until the close of the war; Rebecca M., wife of Park EVELAND, living in Steuben County, N. Y., and Francis W. Our subject was born June 1, 1846, and in his youth worked for hhis father on the farm and at lumbering until 1864. He then enlisted in the One Hundred and Ninety-Fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers and served 100 days; re-enlsted, this time in the Seventy-fourth and served until the close of the war, when, with his regiment, he was honorably discharged. On his return he taught school for four terms and worked at lumbering in the summer. In 1868 he and his brother, James E., bought from Mears & Thomas the grist-mill originally built by his grandfather, which he is now conducting, besides being engaged in lumbering. On his marriage he removed to the hosue where his father lived and the latter resided with him until his death. Our subject then bought the property, and in the usmmer of last year built for himself, a fine new residence a few rods from the old home, to which he removed. July 24, 1870, he married Monema, daughter of Jacob GREGORY. She was born in Union, Luzerne County, January 9, 1849, and had been a teacher in that county for several years. To their untion three children were born; George G., born December 5, 1872; Ellen, born August 26, 1877, and Fanny G., born march 25, 1881. Mr. JONES is a Republican. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg 443) JOHN J. KARNES, farmer, P. O. Stillwater, is a grandson, on the maternal side, of Moses McHENRY, the son of the pioneer McHENRY, under which name, in this township, will be found a full history of his ancestors. His paternal grandfather was John KARNS, who was a farmer in Benton township where he died. He was one of the early settlers of the county and cleared a farm there. He died at an advanced age in 1876, the father of seven children, none of whom now survive. Tunis was the father of our subject, and was born on the home farm in Benton Township, where he lived until his marriage. He then removed to a farm which he owned in the same township, now known as the Russel KARNS farm, where he lived until his death in 1857. His wife was Isabella, daughter of Moses and Martha McHENRY. To Mr. and Mrs. KARNS six children were born: Lavina in Benton Township; Moses in Colorado; Mary, wife of Hiram SIEGFRIED, in Iowa; Frank J., who married Lavina KAUF and both are now deceased; Cyrus H., who is living in this township, and John J., who is the youngest of the family. Our subject was born on the homestead in Benton Township, October 11, 1851. When less than four years old he was taken in charge by his uncle, Silas McHENRY, and his father dying shortly after, he was reared by his uncle, with whom he remained until his marriage. He then went to farming on his own account until the death of his uncle, when he gave up the farm on which he then was, and moved back to the place which had always been his home and to which he was much attached. His uncle, in fact, had supplied the place of a father to him, and the widow was fortunate in having one who so loved her husband to take his place in operating the farm. In 1878 he married Miss Effie P. BURGER, of South Danville, Steuben County, N. Y., daughter of William BURGER. They have three children: William E., born July 3, 1880; Maud E., born December 15, 1882, and Hardy E., born August 21, 1886. After his marriage, Mr. KARNS worked in the planing-mill of t. Hardy EDGAR for two years in Stillwater, thence went to his uncle Silas' farm, which he now owns. Mr. KARNS has never held any political office. He is a member of the K. of P.; belongs to the Chrisitan Church, and is also connected with the Sabbath-school. He is a hard-working, industrious man and a good citizen. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, Fishingcreek Township pg. 443) DAVID M. KINTER, minister, P. O. Stillwater, is a native of Indiana County, Penn., and was born April 5, 1836. The first of his family to settle in that county was his grandfather, John KINTER, who went there from Centre County. At the time of his settlement the neighborhood was very wild and sparsely settled. He had but one neighbor, and his supplies had to be brought from Hollidaysburg, east of the Allegheny Mountains. He had a tract of 330 acres, which is now owned by the father of our subject. H died April 29, 1836, and his widow, whose maiden name was Isabella FINLEY, died some years later, aged eighty-eight years. They had nine children, all of whom are now deceased except one son, Isaac (father of our subject). The latter was born August 6, 1805, and was two years old when his parents moved to Indiana County. He was the youngest of the family; was brought up on the farm, on which his entire life, except one year, has been passed. He worked with his father, and when he became a man was the mainstay of his parents, who lived with him until their death. For some years, in addition to carrying on the farm, he kept a store, which he gave up about thirty years ago, and after the death of his wife resigned the active management of his farm to two of his sons, with one of whom he makes his home. In August, 1834, he married Miss Hannah MOYERS, who was born August 3, 1812, and died Jyly 2, 1868. They had eight children, viz.: Sarah Isabella, wife of James McLAUGHLIN, resides on a farm adjoining the homestead; Peter Craig died in the service of his country early in the civil war; John was a captain in a Pennsylvania regiment, and now resides on the old homestead; Christiana was the wife of Peter W. DILTS, and after his death married George GOURLEY, and is now living in Jefferson County; Jacob Foster is living at Punxsutawney; Martha Jane died before reaching her majority; Isaac Newton is married, and resides on the old homestead, and with him his father makes his home, and David M. Our subject, is the eldest of the family. In early life he worked on the farm; helped in his father's store, and at the age of sixteen began teaching school. This profession he followed for seven winters, working on the farm or attending school in the intermediate seasons, and for two summers of that time clerked in the office of the register and recorder in the borough of Indiana. In 1859 he spent the winter in Louisiana and Mississippi, and in the spring of 1860 went to Adair county, Mo., where he was engaged on a farm for three months. He then obtained the position of teacher of the school in that place, and while there also united himself with the Christian Church; was baptized in February, and in March, 1861, was called to the ministry. He was then engaged in preaching and teaching until February, 1862, when he entered the Eleventh Missouri Cavalry, in which he served as a private for nine months. The regiment was then consolidated with the Second Missouri Cavalry, in which he was commissioned second lieutenant, and five months later, in May, 1863, was promoted first lieutenant, and served until August of that year, when he resigned. He then returned to Kirksville, wher he continued teaching and preaching until September, 1865, returning to his birthplace in Indiana County, and remaining until the spring of 1868, engaged in ministerial work. He then located in Johnstown as pastor of the Christian Church, remaining until 1870; thence went to Lock Haven, where he was pastor of a church until the spring of 1876. In that year he came to Stillwater, and has since served as pastor of that church, also of the churches at Benton, Jackson, Millville, Waller and Rohrsburg, this county, and at Cambra, Luzerne County. During that time he has organized three new congregations, built four meeting-houses, and repaired several others; married many couples, and baptized between 800 and 900 people. November 22, 1860, he married Miss Maggie P. DABNEY, daughter of Thomas Jeff. DABNEY, of Adair County, Mo. They had two children; the eldest died when five months old; the survivor is Minnie, now fifteen years of age. The religious bent of Mr. KINTER's life was primarily due to the teachings of a devout mother and grandmother, which bore fruit later in his joining the church, in which his labors have been arduous and successful. He has the respect and love of a large and growing circle of friends and parishioners. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle 1887, Fishingcreek Township pgs. 444) Daniel S KITCHEN, farmer, P.O. Rohrsburg, is a grandson of Wheeler KITCHEN who was a resident of Greenwood Township, where he owned a farm on which he died. His children were Henry, Sarah, Margaret, Elsie, Jane, Ann and Daniel. The last named was the father of our subject and was born in Greenwood Township, in 1800, in the house now occupied by his son, Daniel S., and there died in 1872, in his seventy-third year. He was a farmer all his life and was highly esteemed. His wife, Elsie Smith, died shortly after they removed to this farm, in 1832. They had four children: Samuel, who died unmarried; A HICKSON, who resides in Orange Township; Sallie Ann, who died when quite young, and Daniel S., who was but four weeks old when his mother died. After his first wife's death, Mr. KITCHEN married Mrs. Hannah McHENRY, who died before her husband. Seven children were born to their union: Emily, Mary Ann, Angeline, Savilla, Matilda, Sylvester (who died young), and Nehemiah. Daniel S. was born on the farm where he now resides, march 7, 1832 and has spent most of his life in the same place. He lived with his father until he was of age, when he farmed the home place for a couple of years: he then rented a farm in Benton, on which he resided about four years, when he resided in Greenwood two years. He then lived on a farm on the State road and owned by his father, when he returned to the home place. Mr. KITCHEN has been twice married; first to Mary M., daughter of Daniel ROTH(Rote is penciled in), of Millville; she was born September 5, 1834, and died November 26, 1863, the mother of one child, Hannah Mary, who died in infancy, December 17, 1868, he married Mary M., daughter of Jacob HERRING, of Orangeville. She was born August 15, 1843, and bore her husband three children: William M., born August 23, 1869; John, born December 5, 1873, and Clark, born October 27, 1877. Mr. KITCHEN has never held any office, preferring to give his time to his farm. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle 1887, Fishingcreek Township pgs. 444-445) Abraham J. KLINE, retired farmer, Stillwater, is now the oldest resident of the township. His paternal grandfather, Abraham KLINE, came from New Jersey to what is now Orange Township, where he took up a large tract of land, which was subsequently divided into several farms. When he first settled he had to cut a road through the forest which covered his land. He died there at an advanced age. His wife, Annie, survived him several years. Their children were Abraham, Matthias, George, Harmon, Isaac and Elizabeth, all now deceased. George was the father of our subject and was born in New Jersey. When a boy he came with his parents to this county, and on his marriage, his father gave him a farm on which he lived until his death, in 1853. His wife, Catherine JOHNSON, was also from New Jersey, and died in 1854. Their eight children were named as follows: Abraham J.; Mary, who died unmarried; Permelia, wife of Absalom McHENRY, now deceased; George LOWRY, served in the Union Army and died at Fortress Monroe after the war; Elizabeth WILLETT, died in infancy; Sally Ann, deceased wife of Richard JONES; Grazillai H., wife of George W. JACOBY, of Light Street, and Malvina Minerva, deceased wife of Jacob MELICK. Our subject was born November 8, 1802, and lived with his parents until his marriage. He then resided three years on his grand-father's farm, and in the spring of 1854 came to the place where he now resides, and which he had previously purchased. February 25, 1826, he married Mary, daughter of Thomas McHENRY of Greenwood Township. She died May 30, 1886. They were the parents of the following children: George DUNHAM married Sarah J. RICHART, and resides in Dushore; Andrew Jackson died in infancy; Wesley BANGHART, married to Margaret DEWITT, and living in Bradford County; Hiram W. is unmarried, and operates his father's farm; John S., married Elizabeth APPELMAN and lives in Benton, and Sarah A., wife of Francis I. BELLES, of this township. While in Luzerne County Mr. KLINE was captain of a militia company, and after coming to this county was, in 1858, elected justice of the peace, which office he filled for fifteen years. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopa[l] Church, of which he was for a long time class leader. He has always been a good neighbor and citizen. Jacob JOHNSON, father of Catherine KLINE, was a native of Germany, deserted the English and espoused the American cause, enlisting in Washington's army; he was afterward taken prisoner, and to escape a prison life again enlisted in the English army; at the first opportunity he came into the American lines and once more joined the American army, serving until the close of the war. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, 1887, Battle, Fishingcreek Township pg. 445) HARMON C. KLINE, farmer, P. O. Fishingcreek, is a great-grandson of Harmon KLINE, one of the first settlers of this county. His son, also named Harmon, was the grandfather of our subject; was twice married, and became the father of twenty-four children. His first wife, Susanna GILBERT, died about sixty years ago, the mother of twelve children. His second wife was Sally FOX, and died in 1848. Her husband died in 1852, aged seventy-five years. John, a son of the first wife, is the father of our subject, and was born in Mt. Pleasant Township, November 11, 1810, and after several changes bought a farm in this township, which he subsequently sold. He then bought a small place near Jonesboro, where he yet resides. He has been twice married; first in June, 1832, to Mary E. CRAWFORD, who died in 1852, when he married Sophia COKER. His first wife bore him the following named children: Harmon C.; Joseph, residing in this township; Andrew, who died of disease contracted while in the Union army; Stephen, residing in the West; Elizabeth, deceased; Susan and Amanda, living in Luzerne County, Penn., and Mary Ann, deceased. His second wife is the mother of two children: Emanuel and Anna, living at home. Harmon C. was born November 11, 1832, and on coming of age, went west for a year. He then returned, married and settled on the farm of his father-in-law, in Huntington Township, Luzerne Co., Penn., residing there for eighteen years, when he bought the property where he resides. March 6, 1856, he married Elizabeth, daughter of William and Mary WHITE, of Luzerne County. She was born August 19, 1828. Her father was an old resident of Huntington Township, having settled there when the place was a wilderness, and cleared up a farm. He died about seventeen years ago. His wife died five years prior. Mr. and Mrs. KLINE have four children: John W., born February 11, 1857, married Emma HAYMAN, and farms in Mount Pleasant Township; Mary C., born June 6, 1859, wife of William WILSON, a farmer in this township; Sarah E., born October 2, 1862, wife of Dallas EMORY, a farmer, of this township, and Susan A., born June 18, 1867, lives with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. KLINE are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at New Columbus, of which he has been trustee for several years. Mr. KLINE, with the aid of his faithful wife, has accumulated a competence, which he is now enjoying in his comfortable home and pleasant surroundings. Politically he is a Democrat. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, 1887, Battle, Fishingcreek Township pg. 445) ELI MANDUS KUNKEL, blacksmith, Fishingcreek, is a son of D. and Lydia (FAHRINGER) KUNKEL, residents of Roaringcreek Township, this county. They were married in this county, also, having come from Lehigh County when quite young, and settled with their parents in what is now Locust township. After marriage the father of our subject bought a small farm in Roaringcreek, where he has since lived. He is a blacksmith by trade, and for years carried on that business beside working on his farm, and is now living, retired, enjoying the fruits of his active years. He and his wife have had eleven children; three died young, and Andrew, who was a soldier in the Union army, gave his life for his country on the historic field of Gettysburg. The other children are William, a blacksmith, in Roaringcreek; Charles, a carpenter, in Bloomsburg; Jeremiah, a blacksmith, in Roaringcreek; Mary E., wife of William ROUP, in Kansas; Sarah, wife of Ed STRAUSSER, of Allegheny County; Elizabeth, the wife of William LAWRENCE, a railroad engineer, in Catawissa, and Eli M., our subject. The last named was born August 15, 1846, in Roaringcreek, and when fourteen years of age began working on a farm at Jonestown where he now carries on his business, and a couple of years later bought the house in which he resides. December 24, 1871, he married Elizabeth DRIESBACH, daughter of Nathan DRIESBACH, a merchant of Jonestown. They have no children of their own, but have an adopted daughter, Mary Ada, born July 19, 1879. Mr. KUNKEL has never held any township office, but is now postmaster of Fishingcreek. Mrs. KUNKEL is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mr. KUNKEL of the Reformed Church. The people among whom the greater part of his mature years were passed give Mr. KUNKEL a high reputation for integrity. (History of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, 1887, Battle, Fishingcreek Township pg. 446)