Columbia County PA Archives Biographies.....BATTLE, 1887: CHAPTER 39: MONTOUR Township ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: JoWest An html version of Battle's 1887 "The History of Columbia and Montour Counties" may be found at: [Columbia Co.] [Montour Co.] ======================== COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA BIOGRAPHIES Chapter XXXIX MONTOUR TOWNSHIP From "The History of Columbia and Mountour Counties" Battle, 1887 Peter A. EVANS, treasurer of Columbia County, P. O. Bloomsburg, was born in Montour Township, this county, January 15, 1846, a son of Issachar M. and Maria (APPLEMAN) EVANS. He was educated in Bloomsburg, at the old seminary, and in 1865-66 completed his studies at Dickinson Seminary. He then returned to the old homestead in Montour Township, where he has been engaged in farming up to the present time. From the time of attaining his majority Mr. EVANS has taken an active part in politics and has served his vicinity in many local offices. In 1880 he was appointed United States census enumerator for his district. In 1882 he served as a delegate in the State convention which nominated Gov. PATTISON. In 1884 he was nominated and elected treasurer, receiving the largest majority of any candidate on the ticket. In 1873 Mr. EVANS married Samantha, daughter of William WHITE, of Scott Township. He and family reside in Montour township on the homestead, which was formerly owned by his grandfather, Peter APPELMAN. The APPELMAN family is one of the oldest in the county. The father of Peter was Matthias, who settled in Millwell shortly after the Revolution. He was born near Trenton, N. J. The great-grandfather, Mark EVANS, was a native of Lancaster County, and came to this county in 1816, settled in Greenwood Township, and was a member of the Society of Friends; he was a carpenter, and also engaged in farming and lumbering. Jacob, his son, was also a carpenter until middle life, when he adopted farming. In 1856 he was elected associate judge and served one term, and also served in several local offices. He was a member of the Methodist Church fifty-five years, and a church officer many years, and ministers of that denomination made his home their stopping place. Our subject is a member of the Grange and of the I. O. O. F.("History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania" Battle - 1887 pg. 513) Frank L. FAUST, operator of the White mill, Montour Township, P. O. Bloomsburg, is a native of Hemlock Township, this county, born in 1858, a son of John and Julia (SHEPPARD) FAUST. In 1874 he began to learn the milling business in what is now called the Red mill, and after seven years' experience, in 1881, opened up in the same business on his own account at his present location, one mile from Bloomsburg, having leased the mill for a number of years. The White mill has four run of stone, one wheat, on the buhr system, and turns out the finest qualities of wheat and buckwheat flour. Mr. FAUST does a custom business and sells to the home trade and the merchants in adjoining towns. In 1882 he married Hannah ALLEGAR and three children have blessed their union: Wilbur, Edith and Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. FAUST are members of the Lutheran Church, and he is a member of the American Mechanics Lodge at Bloomsburg.("History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania" Battle - 1887 pg. 514) George W. MEARS, D.L. & W.R.R. Agent, Rupert, was born January 3, 1843, a son of Alexander and Phoebe (KNOUSE) MEARS. He was reared in Bloomsburg and vicinity and educated in the schools of the neighborhood. July 4, 1861 he enlisted in Company A, Sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves, Volunteer Infantry, was mustered into service at Harrisburg and the United States service at Washington, D. C. July 27, 1861, he participated in the battles of Dranesville, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg (where a bullet struck his belt plate, knocking him down, which caused him a severe bruise), Gettysburg (the last two days), Mine Run, where he was wounded by a piece of shell on the shoulder joint, necessitating the amputation of the left arm at the shoulder. He also participated in many other engagements throughout Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, and May 1, 1863, was promoted to the rank of sergeant. He was mustered out June 11, 1864, having served three years; on leaving the army he learned telegraphy and was employed five years in the Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Railroad office at Danville, and in 1871 was appointed agent at Rupert for the D.L. & W.R.R., and has also acted as telegraph operator and express agent. He married, in 1870, Mary A. APPELMAN, who bore him five children: Wellington E., died in infancy; Elmer A., Howard R., Ottile and Ulysses G. The last four are living.("History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania" Battle - 1887 pg. 514) John S. MENSCH, farmer, P. O. Bloomsburg, was born may 9, 1839, a son of Michael and Margaret (SHUMAN) MENSCH. He was reared on the farm and received a good education. December 27, 1859, he married Matilda, daughter of Daniel and Hannah (CLEAVER) ZARR, and born January 13, 1840. After marriage he engaged in farming and in October, 1881, bought his present place of 150 acres about two miles from Bloomsburg, in Montour Township. Mr. and Mrs. MENSCH are members of the Episcopal Church at Bloomsburg. He is a Democrat and has served his township in various local offices; was school director of Catawissa three years; is interested in the Agricultural Society in which he served one year as a member of the executive committee. To him and wife were born thirteen children: Flora, born October 17, 1861; George, August 13, 1863; William, January 6, 1865; Clara, September 20, 1866; Daniel Z., August 19, 1868; John Harry, July 8, 1870; Margaret, February 17, 1872; Morris C. S., September 16, 1873; Charles, April 16, 1875; Ada, January 5, 1877; Frank, July 28, 1879; Guy, February 21, 1882, and Maybury Hughes, March 2, 1886. All are at home except George, who is a railroad engineer. The MENSCH family is an old one in Columbia County. The great-grandfather of our subject was John MENSCH, who settled near Catawissa with his family about 1800. His farm was situated at the mouth of Roaring creek and consisted of 400 acres, about 160 of which are still in the hands of his descendants. His son, John, lived on the old homestead, and eventually, partly by inheritance and partly by purchase owned the entire tract. He was an honored citizen, a member of the Lutheran Church, and died about 1873, aged eighty-four years.("History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania" Battle - 1887 pg. 514) Washington M. MONROE, manufacturer, Rupert, was born at Muncy, Penn., September 3, 1838, a son of Isaac S. and Elizabth [sic] (DAVIS) MONROE, who settled in Catawissa in 1832. The father was foreman on the construction of the Pennsylvania Canal, and later was extensively engaged in the lumber business. He was an influential Democrat until 1861, when he became identified with the Republicans. He served as associate judge of the county six years, and during the war was United States Assessor of Internal Revenue for three years. He attended the Friends' meeting, but was not a member of that society. He was born in Woodstock, N. H., but came to Pennsylvania when about twenty years of age, and thereafter made it his home. He married at Catawissa, and to him and wife seven children were born, only three of whom lived to maturity: Sarah J., wife of Peter R. BALDY, and now deceased; Mary E., wife of Austin H. CHURCH, at Ashland, Penn., and Washington M. Our subject was reared at Catawissa, and with his father, he established the business of manufacturing powder kegs at Rupert, and in 1866 was admitted as a partner. His father dying in 1879, our subject assumed full charge and has since conducted the business. Since its start the factory has turned out 90,000 twenty-five pound kegs annually, valued commercially at about $20,000, giving employment to eleven men. Mr. MONROE married, in 1861, Ellen B. LEONARD, who was born near Reading, Berks County. Four children blessed their union: Elizabeth, Mary C., Ellen and Irene, all living at home. Mr. and Mrs. MONROE are members of the Protestant Episcopal Church. He is agent for Dupont's Powder Company for the counties of Columbia, Montour, Snyder, Union and Northumberland.("History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania" Battle - 1887 pg. 514) Lloyd PAXTON, farmer, P. O. Rupert. The PAXTON family of Columbia County is descended from an English family of that name, who came from England with William PENN and settled in Buckingham, Bucks Co., Penn. The first of the family to come to Columbia County was Jonas PAXTON, born June 25, 1735, and Mary(BROADHURST) PAXTON, his wife, who was born December 31, 1754. They settled at Catawissa, where they both died, he in 1796 and she April 5, 1838. Their son, Joseph, was born in Bucks County February 3, 1786, and came to this county with his parents when he was quite young. He was a tanner and carried on that business for many years successfully at Catawissa. He was a leading man in his day and acted as general manager in business matters in his vicinity. He was also a private banker to some extent. Joseph PAXTON was the principal originator and projector of the Catawissa Railroad (now the Philadelphia & Reading). He succeeded in interesting Nicholas BIDDLE, the president of the United States Bank at Philadelphia in the railroad, and under their joint efforts the road was built. He owned considerable land in the neighborhood of Catawissa, and took a deep interest in agriculture, owning a fertile farm in Bloom Township. He also introduced some of the first short-horn stock in the county. He was a regular attendant at the Friends' meeting at Catawissa and had charge of the settlement of many estates. He was a Whig politically, and a personal friend and correspondent of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, autograph letters from both being found among his effects. He died at he beginning of the civil war, which filled him with regret, and was thought to some extent to have hastened his death, which occurred August 21, 1861. Joseph PAXTON married Catherine RUPERT April 24, 1809. She was a daughter of Leonard RUPERT, and, on the death of her husband, moved to the old RUPERT homestead, which had been purchased by her grandfather, Michael BRIGHT, in 1784, in Rupert, Montour Township, where she has since resided. December 25, 1886, she was one hundred years old, and supposed to be the oldest living person in Columbia County. Lloyd PAXTON, a grandson of Leonard RUPERT, now owns the homestead tract at Rupert, which was bought by Michael BRIGHT, his great-grandfather, in 1774.("History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania" Battle - 1887 pg. 515) Squire John G. QUICK, farmer, P. O. Rupert, was born in Rush Township, Northumberland Co., Penn., January 19, 1824. His ancestors were of German descent and settled in New Jersey long before the war of the Revolution. John QUICK, his grandfather, was a soldier in that struggle, in which his maternal grandfather, Samuel MOORE, was sergeant. John and Nancy (HUMMILL) QUICK located in Rush Township, Northumberland County, soon after the close of the Revolution, and there died in February, 1824. His widow died at the home of her son, John H. QUICK, in Rupert, in 1831. John H. QUICK was born in Warren County, N. J. in 1789, and married Elizabeth MOORE, who was born in 1791. They became the parents of our subject, and bought the farm now occupied by him, in 1829. There they passed the remainder of their lives. The father was a Democrat, and served his vicinity in various local offices, and in religious belief was a Presbyterian, as was also his wife. He died in 1852, and his wife in 1850, and both are buried in Rosemont Cemetery at Bloomsburg. The old homestead of 140 acres is still owned by their son, our subject, and is located just adjoining the village of Rupert. John G. QUICK was reared to farm life and from the age of six or seven years has resided at his present home. He is a Democrat and has always been an active worker for the interests of his party; has served in all local offices, except those of supervisor and assessor; was for twelve successive years secretary and member of the school board and for twenty-five years has acted as justice of the peace. In that time he has tried upward of 500 cases, only two of which were ever appealed; in one of these his judgment was sustained in a higher court, the other was withdrawn. Squire QUICK married, in 1853, Sarah MOYER, and one child, Minnie, has blessed their union. Mrs. QUICK and daughter are members of the Episcopal Church. The Squire is a member of the F.&A.M., of Catawissa, and of the P.of H. and has been secretary of the Farmers Produce Exchange at Bloomsburg since its origin.("History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania" Battle - 1887 pg. 514)