Columbia County PA Archives Biographies.....EDGAR, Thomas H. 1845 - living in 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher June 30, 2005, 6:00 pm Author: Biographical Publishing Company THOMAS H. EDGAR, a prominent and highly respected citizen of Stillwater, Fishing Creek township, Pa., whose portrait is shown on the opposite page, is successfully engaged in operating a planing-mill in that village. He is a son of James and Sarah (McHenry) Edgar, and was born in Fishing Creek township, Columbia County, Pa., near the village of Stillwater, February 15, 1845. The Edgar family is of Scotch extraction. James Edgar, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of New York state, but resided in Columbia County, Pa., nearly all of his active days. He resided in Fishing Creek and Benton townships for many years and was engaged in agricultural pursuits, and his latter days were spent in the state of Ohio, where he died at an advanced age. His wife was a Miss Buchanan, a native of Long Island, N. Y., and a relative of President Buchanan. These children were born to the couple as follows: John, who married Hester Zimmerman; Robert, who wedded Susanna McHenry; Martha, who was the wife of Moses McHenry and resided in Fishing Creek township, Columbia County; Ellen, who was the wife of Elias McHenry; Elizabeth, who was united in marriage to John Jackson; Edward, who resided in the state of Ohio; Christina, who was the wife of Silas McHenry and resided in the state of Ohio; and James, the youngest, the father of our subject. James Edgar was born on his father's farm in Fishing Creek township, August 22, 1806, where he was engaged in farming and lumbering a number of years; later he sold his farm in that township and became a resident of Benton township, where he remained a short time, when he returned to his native place. Mr. Edgar took an active part in public affairs and was one of the leading and progressive men of his community. He served as constable for many years. In 1828 he was joined in marriage to Sarah McHenry, a daughter of Daniel McHenry, a son of one of the pioneer settlers of that section. She was born April 28, 1810, and died in Fishing Creek township, September 10, 1882. This union resulted in the birth of nine sons and one daughter, namely: Daniel, who died October 23, 1890, was a miller by trade, and his wife was Louise Stoker of Luzerne County, Pa.; Robert died February 25, 1897, aged sixty-four years; Emanuel, a stonemason by trade who wedded Martha McHenry; George W., a farmer residing in Clay County, Neb., and was united in marriage to Nellie Smith of Pittston, Pa.; William E., late a farmer of Fishing Creek township; Hiram R., who is a farmer and stockraiser of Loup County, Neb.; James C., who married Rose Smith and is a resident of Pittston, Pa.; Thomas H., our subject; Benjamin Franklin, who died April 22, 1898; and a daughter who died in infancy. Our subject's father passed from this life April 16, 1883. Thomas H. Edgar, our subject, was educated in the district school and at New Columbia Academy and remained under the parental roof until he attained the age of eighteen years, assisting his father in his labors about the farm. He then went to Cambria where he learned the trade of a cabinet-maker, which trade he followed in that village until 1867; he then spent two years at Rohrsburg, Pa., and one year at Centralia, engaged in the mercantile business. He also kept a store at Mount Carmel, Pa., which was destroyed by fire. Moving to Benton township he worked in a planing-mill, and later operated a mill at North Mountain; in 1877 he returned to Stillwater, where he erected a planing-mill 51 by 72 feet and has since carried on that business to the present time; he also built a chopping-mill 30 by 36 feet. He manufactures all kinds of building material, including sashes, doors, windows, staircases, and mantel pieces. Our subject is also engaged in general building and contracting and has erected eighteen houses in Bloomsburg, and many of the finest residences in Stillwater. Mr. Edgar is a stanch Democrat. He is a member of the P. O. S. of A. of Stillwater, and in religious views he is a Christian. On December 26, 1867, he was united in marriage to Cecilia Alice McHenry, who was born July 26, 1848, a daughter of James D. McHenry. Three children have blessed the home of our subject and wife, namely: Harry O., born April 16, 1869, died February 18, 1888; Lelia I., born June 11, 1871, who is the wife of W. L. McHenry, a farmer of Fishing Creek township; and Orvis Roy, born February 8, 1883, who is attending school. Additional Comments: Extracted from: Book of Biographies of the Seventeenth Congressional District Published by Biographical Publishing Company of Chicago, Ill. and Buffalo, NY (1899) This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.1 Kb