BIO: Jacob C. Cocklin, Cumberland County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Judy Bookwalter Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. ______________________________________________________________________ History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania. Containing History of the Counties, Their Townships, Towns, Villages, Schools, Churches, Industries, Etc.; Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men; Biographies; History of Pennsylvania; Statistical and Miscellaneous Matter, Etc., Etc. Illustrated. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. ______________________________________________________________________ PART II. HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. CHAPTER LIX. UPPER ALLEN TOWNSHIP. 564 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: JACOB C. COCKLIN, farmer, Shepherdstown, is one of the few persons in this township who have in their possession the original title deeds bearing the signature of John, Thomas and William Penn. In the documents in Mr. Cocklin's possession, it is stated that the transfer of 249 acres was first made to Andrew Miller for the sum of œ38 12s. This transfer was made January 14, 1742. The property first came into the possession of John Cocklin in 1763. At the death of John Cocklin the farm was willed to Deterich Cocklin, his son, who married Catharine Coover, and had five children, of whom Samuel, Maria and Jacob C. are now living. There were only a few acres cleared of the original tract purchased from William Penn, and where the cemetery is now located two children were buried. All the forests have since been cleared away, and the beautiful farm in the valley was made so by the hard toil of generations of Cocklins now passed away. Jacob C., the youngest son of Deterich and Catharine (Coover) Cocklin, has always been a farmer, and resided with his parents until their death; the father died in 1846 and the mother in 1861, both living long enough to reap the reward of their early labors, and died full of years of good deeds. Jacob C. Cocklin was married, May 31, 1846, to Elizabeth, daughter of David and Elizabeth (Keller) Nisewanger. They commenced housekeeping on the farm so long in the possession of the Cocklins, and have, from their earliest married life, been both prosperous and contented. They are the parents of five children, of whom Kate, John, Edward and Lizzie are living. John is married to Agnes Trimble, Edward married Hettie Myers, and Lizzie is the wife of John Zeamer. The old home is one of the most cheerful in the valley, and the family rank among the best and most highly respected in the land. Mr. Cocklin has always been noted for his enterprise, and his children may feel pardonable pride in not only his good record but also that of past generations of Cocklins.