Newspapers: Cumberland County gleanings: 1785-92: Carlisle Gazette: PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Calista Sanderson. USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: Printing this file within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________ M'CAUSLAND, Andrew Jr.--------------KEES, James TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD Peter's Township, Franklin County, Jan. 5th, 1785 Were detected in feloniously killing and carrying away some hogs of the subscriber, a certain Andrew M'Causland, junr. And a certain James Kees, who are proceeded against for the said crime in the court of Franklin County. M'Causland is about five feet ten inches high, thick in proportion, dark hair, clumsy legged and close kneed; he keeps one of his eyes (the right it is thought) partly close when he speaks; he is this country born-------Kees is not long from Ireland, about the same stature, complexion somewhat fair; hollow eyed, pitted thinly, but pretty deep with small pox, and remarkable for sore legs. Whoever takes up with said thieves and secures them so that they may be prosecuted shall have the above reward or three pounds fifteen shillings for each of them paid by me William M'DOWELL ________________________________________________________________________ RAUCH, Alexander---NEY, George SIX POUNDS REWARD RAN-AWAY from the subscriber last night, a Dutch indented servant man, viz. Alexander Rauch, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, well made, a baker by trade, speaks a little English, about 25 years of age, short dark hair, full face, dark eyes, had on and took with him a grey furout coat, one silk and cotton-stripped and two calico jackets, a pair of black velvet breeches, a white shirt, ribbed stockings and a pair of boots. Also, George Ney, about 20 years of age 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, fair complexion and curling hair, is very distiguishable by a stoop of the head, wears a light blue coat, and took away a new dark sustain waistcoat and pair of breeches, with old nankeen ditto and new shoes. Whosoever will secure the above servant-men so their masters may have them again, shall have the above reward or three pounds for either of them, and all reasonable charges, by Philadelphia, May 2, 1785 John PETERS, and Henry HILL ________________________________________________________________________ MULLEN, John------CARTHY, Margaret SIX POUNDS REWARD RAN-AWAY last night from the subscriber, living near the Big Spring, Newtown township, two indented Irish servants; John MULLEN, about 5 feet 9 inches high, slender made, smooth red face, sharp nose, red bushy hair, took with him a number of cloathing, consisting of white regimental coatee, a white linen coat, an old blue coarse cloath ditto, black breeches, somewhat worn, coarse velveret ditto, a silk striped jacket, much wornn and old blue cloth ditto; two pair of trowsers, one white the other striped lie colour, two or three working shirts, and two worn ruffled ditto, two wool hats, one cocked the other round, with a leather band and buckle. Magaret CARTHY, a good looking girl, about 18 or 19 years of age, middle sized, slim made, and has fair hair, took with her two short gowns, one a cotton, the other a linen, both striped lie colour, a peticoat of the same as above striped linen, a green stuff ditto, two or three shifts, an old lie coloured bonnet, she wears a crooked ! comb in her hair without a cap. As the above servants went off together, it is supposed they will pass for man and wife, they haveing stolen their dentures, and that they may occasionally wear the above described clothes. the above reward will be paid if they may be secured in any goal, so as their master may have them again or three pounds for either, with reasonable charges, by SAMUEL M'ELHENY September 5, 1785 ________________________________________________________________________ PHIDA FOUR DOLLARS REWARD RAN away about the 15th of September last. From the subscriber, a Negro Wench, about 27 years of age, a good looking Wench, pock pitted; most about her nose; she has a good many summer clothes; her name is Phida. It is supposed she will make towards Fredrick-town in Maryland. Whoever takes and secures said Wench, so that the owner may ger her shall have the above reward and reasonable charges paid by Matthew DILL Monaghan townshio, York County, 5th Oct. 1785 ________________________________________________________________________ DECKER, Jacob---------------Owner----ROGERS, David Chambersburgh, October 6, 1785 COMMITTED to the jail of Franklin County, on the ninth day of July, a certain Jacob Decker, who says he belongs to David Rogers, near Rock bridge, in Virginia; his master is desired to come or send for him, in ten days after the date hereof, otherwise he will be sold for his fees, by Owen ASTON, Jailer. _________________________________________________________ ULTZ, Andrew-------BELL, William SIXTEEN DOLLARS REWARD RAN away from the subscriber, living in Derry Township, Dauphin Coounty, the 17th of July last, two Millwright Apprentice Lads; one named Andrew Ultz, of German descent, about 20 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, his nose a little crooked, short redish hair, somewhat freckled in the face, and walks clumsy; had on and took with him two pair of tow-cloth trousers, two shirts of ruffia sheeting, a grey coloured coating jacket without sleeves, a wool hat, a pair of half-worn shoes without buckles.-------- William Bell, of Irish descent, about 17 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, slender made, fair short hair; had on and took with him a light coloured short jacket; the back and forepart of different colours; a pair of jean breeches, two pair of tow-cloth trowsers, two home spun shirts, a wool hat, a pair of half worn shoes without buckles. Whoever takes up and secures said Apprentices in any prison in the State of Pennsylvania, or brings them to the subscriber at Harrisburgh, shall have the above reward, or eight dollars for either, and reasonable charges paid by Oct. 11, 1785 Andrew STRAUB. N. B. It is supposed they are gone towards Virginia or Fort Pitt, in order to make their escape to the back woods. ________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS a certain HUGH & LAWRENCE LAUGHRON, of Rye townfhip, Cumberland county, did on the 24th of September laft, by violent means, obtain an inftrument of writing, from Rofanna M'KEE, in her hufband's abfence. This is therefore to forewarn all perfons not to take an afflingment of faid writing, as I am determined not to asfwer it, unlefs compelled by law. William M'KEE Rye townfhip, C. C. Oct. 14, 1785 ______________________________________________________ MORRISIE, John November 18, 1785 EIGHT DOLLARS REWARD RAN-AWAY from the fubfcriber, living in Weft-Conecocheague, Franklin county, laft Sunday morning, a native Irifh Servant Boy, named John MORRISIE, a think fet fellow, fhort brown hair, about 18 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, fpeaks in the Irifh dialect, had on when he went away, a new fhort lead coloooured country cloth coat, a blue waiftcoat with a belt, a good pair buckfkin breeches, coarfe grey ftokings, a pair of new fhoes and buckles, a black handkerchief, new fhirt, and a new wool hat. Whoever take up and fecures faid fellow to that his mafter gets him, fhall have the above reward and reafonable charges paid by James RAMSEY Nov. 18 _______________________________________________________ FIVE POUNDS REWARD STOLEN from the fubfcriber living in Newtown townfhip, Cumberland coounty, a bay horfe, paces and trots, about 14 hands high, but in middling order, has no brand, greatly hurt with the collar, has fome faddle marks, with a fmall flar and fnip in his forehead. Whoever takes up faid thief and horfe ans fecures the thief fo that he be brought to juftice, fhall have the above reward, and two dollars for the horfe only, and refonable charges, paid by Nov. 21, 1785 David M'CURDY N.B. The horfe is about 9 years old and was ftolen about a week ago. _____________________________________________________ All perfons indebted to the fubfcriber by bond note or book account, are defired to fettle off their refpective debts, before the firft of January next, otherwife they may expect to be dealt with as the law directs, by Carlifle, Nov. 22. Samuel STUART ______________________________________________________ TO BE SOLD A valuable lot in the town of Chamberfburg, on which is erected a neat two ftory LOG DWELLING HOUSE and KITCHEN, lately finifhed, fituate in a good part of the town for either ftore or tavern. For terms of fale apply to Nov. 22 John REED ________________________________________________________________________ CANNON, Patrick SIX DOLLARS REWARD. RAN-AWAY on Christmas day last, from the subscriber, living in Marsh Creek settlement, York county, an Irish Indented Servant Man, named Patrick Cannon, about nineteen years old, five feet six or seven inches high, smooth faced, dark complxion, and has a down look, short black hair and speaks a good deal upon the Irish dialect. Had on and took with him a light cloth coloured coat and breeches, lined with brown flannel, somewhat large for him, a dark brown waistcoat, an old hat, two pair yarn stockings, one pair blue the other white, old shoes; It is probable he will change his name and clothes. Whoever will secure him in any jail, so that his master can have him again, shall receive the above reward, and reasonable charges if brought home, by Jan. 2, 1786 Benjamin REED __________________________________________ To be fold by Public Vendue On Saturday the 15th day of April next, at the dwelling houfe of Rober MAGUIRE, deceafed, in Path Valley, Fanet townfhip, Franklin county, his whole eftate real and pperfounal, viz. Horfes, cows, fheep, houfhold furniture and 250 acres of land, furveyed adn returned by warrant,----On the premifes is a large fquare log dwelling, with a good cellar and barn, Alfo, a quautitiy of land, cleared and undr good fence, with a fufficiency of meadow in excellent order; a well of good water, a perfect ftill-houfe, with a new ftill, and all the veffels belonging thereto. Due attendance and 12 months credit will be given by John WALKER, James HERVEY Executors March 19, 1786 _____________________________________________________ M'FADDING, Felix FOUR DOLLARS REWARD RAN-AWAY from the subscriber living in the borough of Carlisle, on the night of the 23d inst., an Irish servant man, named Felix M'Fadding, about 18 or 19 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, well set, has black hair tied behind, fresh complexion, broad smooth face, large black eye brows, speaks much with the Irish brogue, and can work at the taylor's trade, had on when he went off a gray cloth coat patched, new nankeen jacket and breeches a coarse linen shirt, a good felt hat, blue ribbed stockings, middling good shoes, block tin buckles, plated knee buckles. Whoever takes up said servant to theat his master may get him again shall have the above reward and reasonable charges paid by April 24, 1786 David LINDSEY ________________________________________________________________________ M'GEE, William------M'LEANE, Daniel EIGHT DOLLARS REWARD RAN-WAY from the subscribers living in the borough of Carlisle, Cumberline county, (State of Pennsylvania,) two servant lads, viz. William M'Gee, about five feet three or four inches high, had on a drab coloured cloth coat, crimson cloth jacket, olive corduroy breeches, blue and white yarn stockings, a round black wool hat, a pair of large yellow buckles, black hair, which he wears sometimes tied, has a very down look, and much given to liquor, has several fresh cuts in his head got by fighting; by trade a tobacconist, was in the British army some time during the late war, and is about 22 or 23 years of age. Daniel M'Leane, by trade a butcher, about 18 years of age, five feet five or six inches high, stout made, round shouldered, and in-kneed, had on a mixed brown and gray coat with white metal buttons, brown cloth jacket with brown twilled back and white metal buttons, corduroy breeches, half worn shoes with copper buckles, blue yarn stockings, and an old round fur hat made in Ireland, a country made shirt, a red silk handkerchief with a white border about his neck; he has a remarkable fore on one of his legs. Whoever take up said servants so that their masters may get them again, shall have the above reward, and if brought home all reasonable charges paid by December 4, 1786 John MORRISON, Abraham LOGHRIDGE N.B. They ran away on Sunday the third instant ________________________________________________________________________ SHARP, William FIVE POUNDS REWARD ABSCONDED from his bail, about the 20th of April last, a certain William Sharp, a carpenter by trade, about 24 or 25 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, fair complexion, dark coloured hair, very fond of dressing gay. Whoever takes up said Sharp and secure him in any jail in the United States, and give information to the subscriber shall have the above reward and reasonable charges if brought to Carlisle, state of Pennsylvania, by Carlisle, Jan. 2d, 1787 James ROBINSON ________________________________________________________________________ CRAWFORD, James-------BURUTSIDES, David FIVE POUNDS REWARD RAN-AWAY last night two indented servants, and took with them two horses, bridles, and saddles, one a chestnut sorrel, with a long tail, thin in order, about 8 years old, trots, paces and gallops, about 14 and an half hands high,----The other a large black mare, raw- boned, with a few white hairs in her forehead, five years old, trots all, she is docked.------ One of the servants is about 5 feet 8 inches high, strong made, much pock-marked, fair complexion, with a mark of a cut in his forehead, just near the hair, has a down look, hangs his lip when he talks, had on a white country make jacket, with a fine ofnabrig (?) Shirt, and also an under jacket, a light colour drab piece in the breast where the button holes are, with pewter buttons, buck skin breeches partly new, new coarse white stockings, good shoes with nails in the soles and heels, with strings, a large beaver hat bound round with velvet, about 21 years of age, came from North of Ireland, and speaks a little upon that dialect, his name is James Crawford, he has short dark brown hair tied behind. The other about 4 feet high, very ill featured , with a mark of a cut near one of his eyes, thick legged, very small feet, speaks through his nose, had on as short blue outside jacket lappeled, buck skin breeches, under jacket of a light blue broad cloth, with a new tow linen shirt, white stockings, bad shoes, fond of liquor and singing, he is a country born, his name is David Burutsides. Any person that takes up the said servants and horses, shall have the above reward, or for Crawford above, three pounds, or the horses forty shillings paid by Jacob LEMMON Baltimore County, Black Rock Run, February 26, 1787 I hear that Crawford has since procured and wears a light colour riding coat. ________________________________________________________________________ SHOCKY, Valentine----SHEAFFER, Henry---M'BROOM, John Hutton (Huston) EIGHTEEN DOLLARS REWARD. BROKE out of York goal on the 5th of this instant, the following persons Valentine Shocky, about 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high, stout built, swarthy complexion, his eyes commonly are watering, had on a brownish great coat lined with linsey, blue woolen stockings, and a double breasted striped linsey jacket, a large wool hat. Henry SHEAFFER about 5 feet 2 inches high, very crooked legged, had on a mixture blue coat, blue woolen stockings, round wool hat, squints a little with his left eye. John HUSTON M'BROOM, about 5 feet six inches high, had on a white coloured coat corduroy breeches, black stockings, and a round caster hat, has a down look, and a great chewer of tobacco. Whoever will apperhend said runaways and secure them in any gaol shall receive the above reward or five pounds for Shocky, and six dollars for each of the others and reasonable charges paid by Michael GRAYBILL, Gaoler. Yorktown, March 20, 1787 ____________________________________________________ HURLY, Dinnes Ten Dollars Reward RAN-AWAY from the subscriber living in Baltimore county, near Wesminster, an Irsih servant man, named Dinnes Hurly, about twenty-one years of age, five feet six inches high, middling slender, & a darkish complexion, short black hair, had on and took with hime when he went away two blue sailor jackets, check shirt, a spotted silk hankerchief, one pair of plush breeches, one pair of overalls very much tared, one pair of dark gray stockings, one pair of shoes caped, one pair of brass buckels; it is supposed that the said fellow will make for Cumberland county, State of Pennsylvania, near Shippensburgh town. Whoever takes up said fellow and secures him so that I get him again, if taken twenty miles twenty shillings, if forty miles forty shillings, and out of the state the above reward paid by me John OWING, of Richard April 3d, 1787 _______________________________________________________ M'DERMONT, Patrick FOUR DOLLARS REWARD RAN-AWAY this morning from the subscriber living in Hopewell township, Cumberland county, an Irish servant boy, named Patrick M'Dermont, about 18 years of age, about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, much pitted with the small pox, and thick lipped, had on when he went off either a blue or red sailors jacket, corduroy breeches, blue woolen stockings and old striped linen trousers over them, check shirt, an old silk handkerchief, old wool hat, shoes partly new---he has followed the sea a number of years, and is supposed he will take either for Philadelphia or Baltimore.-------Whoever takes up said servant and secures him in any goal (jail) so that his master may get him again, shall have the above reward and reasonable charges April 3d, 1787 James SHARP ________________________________________________________________________ IRWIN, James By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias to me directed, will be exposed to public sale on Friday the 20th of this instant April, at the Court House in the Borough of Carlisle, one Negroe Wench and horses. Seized and taken in excccecution as the property of James IRWIN, and be sold by Charles LEEPER, Sheriff April 10, 1787 _____________________________________________________ QUINNIP, Benjamin--PRICE, Joshua---DELLEN, James--SWEM, Jacob --LILLY, Stophel--BRYAN, James---SANDERS, Israel--HAMLON, John--Negro HARRY THIRTY- SIX DOLLARS REWARD BROKE out of York Goal on the eighth inst., April, the following persons to wit; Benjamin Quinnip, about 6 feet high, stout built, had on a white sailors jacket, linen trousers, and a pair of buckskin moccasins, has a small nose a little to one side, talks fast, and has a sloppage in his speech. Joshua Price, about 5 feet 4 inches high, had on a pair of striped overalls, a linen shirt, lindsey jacket, no hat, much pitted with the small pox, has a sloppage in his speech. James Dellen, an Irishman, aout 5 feet 11 inches high, had on a pair of corduory breeches, a sustain coat, a pair of woolen stockings, and a beaver hat. Jacob Swem, about 5 feet 6 inches high, had on a large gray coat, white cloth jacket, and white breeches, wears his hair tied, no hat. Stophel Lilly, a German born, about 5 feet 9 inches high, had on a blue coat, white cloth jacket, corduroy breeches, white woolen stockings, felt hat, by trade a baker and brewer, much pitted with the small pox. James Bryan, about 5 feet 2 inches high, had on a pair of tow trousers, yellow hunting shirt, a round felt hat. Israel Sanders, about 5 feet 9 inches high, had on a pair of coating overalls and jacket, blue woolen stockings, curly hair, talks on the Maryland dialect. John Hamlon, about 5 feet 9 inches high, had on a corduroy jacket and breeches, sustain coat, a pair of old woolen stockings, red hair.------ Negro Harry, about 5 feet 9 inches high, had on a light cloth coat, old breeches, blue stockings, and coarse shirt, sharp nose. Whoever takes up said runaways and secures them in any goal, shall have four dollars for each, paid by April 12, 1787 Michael GRAYBILL, Gaoler (Jailer) ________________________________________________________________________ M'LEANE, Daniel------REILEY, John---CRALEY, Hugh SIXTEEN DOLLARS REWARD RAN-AWAY last night from the subscribers living in Carlisle, Cumberland County, two Irish servant lads, one named Daniel M'Leane, by trade a butcher, about eighteen years of age, five feet five or six inches high, stout made, in kneed, & round shouldered, had on a mixed brown and gray coat with white metal buttons, brown cloth jacket with a brown twilled back and white metal buttons, corduroy breeches, half worn shoes with copper buckles, blue yarn stockings, and an old round fur hat made in Ireland, a country made shirt, has had a remarkable sore on one of his legs. He came from Down Patrick in the county Down; he professes to be a Roman Catholic. John Reiley, about nineteen years of age, five feet six inches high, a down look, squints with one eye, had on when he went away, a mix gray coat home made, an old white coloured jacket and leather breeches and steel buckles not fellows, blue woolen stockings, the yarn three double, an old wool hat, deep crown and slouched, and old shoes.------Whoever takes up with the above servants and secures them in any goal (jail), shall have the above reward, or eight dollars for either of them & reasonable charges if brought home. N.B. It is supposed the above servants were enticed away by a certain Hugh Craley; any person apprehending the said Craley, shall have a reasonable reward paid by us Carlisle, April 17, 1787 Abraham LOGHRIDGE, John HOLMES, junior ________________________________________________________________________ M'NEAL, William---POWEL, Alexander--PALMER, Daniel-- CLARK, Thomas--FOULK, John YORK COUNTY, MAY 29th, 1787 WAS committed into my custody, the following persons, on suspicion of being runaway servants: William M'Neal, on the 17th day of April last, about five feet eight inches high, of slender make, fair skin, blue eyes, brown hair tied; had on an old round felt hat, check shirt, a brown cloth double breasted sailors jacket, much patched, and a pair of trousers, born in Ireland, says he has been in Boston before the war, is a breeches maker by trade, and about twenty eight years of age. Alexander Powel, who was committed on the 8th day of May instant, is about five feet nine or ten inches high, had on a felt hat partly new, a white linen shirt and flock, a kind of a purple coat much worn, with plated buttons, a corduroy jacket and breeches, much patched, thread stockings, has a down look, and pitted with the small pox, brown hair tied, was born in Ireland, and is about twenty six years old. Daniel Palmer, who was committed the 16th inst. May, says he is a Portugueze, had on an old felt hat, a kind of hunting shirt with grey yarn stocking sleeves, an old nankeen jacket, tow trousers, has his ears cropped, says he is 70 years of age. Thomas Clark, committed at the same time, about 5 feet 10 inches high, tolerable stout, short dark brown hair, black eyes, full faced, and a little knock kneed had on a small round castor hat, a blue cloth jacket with grey blue negro cotton sleeves, a country linen shirt, brown silk handkerchief, and tow trousers say he was born in England, and 36 years of age. John Foulk, committed yesterday, is about 5 feet 8 inches high, had on a hemp lined shirt, a pair of striped linen trousers, corduroy breeches, neither hat nor shoes, short sandy brown hair, grey eyes, & somewhat swarthy, pretty stout made, says he is German extraction born in Tulpehocken, but lately came from his father Jacob Foulk, who lives in Fredrick county, Virginia, up towards little Cape Capon, near or upon timber ridge, and says the he stole a horse from his father when he came off, he is about 22 years of age. Their masters, if they have, are desired to come in the space of four weeks from the date hereof, pay the charges and take them away, from Michael GRAYBILL, Goaler (Jailer) ________________________________________________________________________ SHRIEBEL, William EIGHT DOLLARS REWARD RAN-AWAY on Sunday the 10th inst., from subscriber living in Southhampton township, Franklin county, a German servant man named William Shriebel, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, stout made, short black hair, of a dark complexion, has a remarkable way of walking by setting the whole of his foot on the ground at one time, speaks little or no English, had on when he went away a white felt hat, white homemade cloth coat with scalloped white metal buttons, the eye of which are cast with the button, two holes have been burnt in the hind part of the coat on which are patches of the same cloth, a jacket of the same cloth with plated buttons, but the plate partly worn off, coarse white linen trousers, light blue linen stocking, and a pair of shoes tied with strings. Whoever takes up said servant and secures him in any goal (jail) so that his master can get him again, shall have the above reward and if brought home reasonable charges, by June 12, 1787 William STRAIN, Captain of the Militia ______________________________________________________________________ DICKEY, Thomas EIGHT DOLLARS REWARD RAN-AWAY on Sunday the 24th instant, from the subscriber living in Antrim township, Franklin county, near the town of Green-Castle, a servant man, named Thomas Dickey, about 24 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, slim made, short sandy hair, talks thick, had on when he went away, a half worn wool hat, an old lead coloured jacket, tow trousers, a flax shirt, his shoes about half worn. It is very likely he will change his clothes and also his name. Whoever takes up said servant and secure him in any jail, so that his master may get him again, shall have the above reward, and if brought home reasonable charges paid by June 25, 1787 Samuel STATLER ________________________________________________________________________ BARR, Charles--LOLLAR, Thomas FOUR POUNDS REWARD RAN-AWAY on Sunday night the first instant, from the subscriber living in Peter's Township, Franklin County, the two following servant men, viz. Charles Barr, about 5 feet high, pitted with small pox, bandy legged, speaks broad, is about 20 years of age, had on and took with him a new country cloth coat with silver button, one of which is on each sleeve, welted pockets, short shirts, two country linen shirts, wool hat, a country made blanket and a pair of white tow trousers.----- The other Thomas Lollar, a native of Ireland, about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, pale complexion, dark coloured hair, country linen shirt, wool hat, tow linen trousers, each of them good shoes.----------------- Whoever takes up said servants and bring them home or secures them in any goal (jail) to that the subscriber may get them again, shall receive the above reward, and reasonable charges paid for both, or forty shillings for either, from July 5,1787 William M'DOWELL ________________________________________________________________________ WALL, William----EAKER, John THIRTY DOLLARS REWARD RAN-AWAY on the night of the 27th of June last, from the subscriber living near Chambersburgh, an apprentice lad named William Wall, by trade a mill wright, about twenty years of age, near six feet high, black hair, pale complexion, walks very loose throwing his shouldeers about, had on and took with one light blue coat, and old hat, one pair of new & one pair of old leather breeches, a pair of half worn out shoes and thread stockings;-------Whoever takes up said apprentice and secures him to that his master may have him again, shall have ten dollars reward, and reasonable charges if brought home, paid by Abraham HILDEBRAND July 6, 1787 N.B. I have good grounds to believe that a certain John EAKER, of German decent, a miller by trade, advised the said apprentice to run away, as they went off together, said Eaker is about five feet five or six inches high, about twenty years old, well made, bandy legs, short black hair, smooth faced and speaks broken English;------Whoever will apprehend and secure the said Eaker in any goal in the state, or delivers him to Chambersburgh goal, shall receive twenty dollars reward and reasonable charges, paid by A.H. ________________________________________________________________________ ADAMS, John Twenty Dollars Reward RAN away from the subscriber, an apprentice boy named John Adams, a carpenter by trade, about 17 years of age, five feet eight or nine inches high, fresh coloured in the face & sandy haired; had on a coat of drab cloth, blue jacket, corduroy breeches, white stockings and shoes about half worn, with plated buckles. Whoever takes up said apprentice, and brings him to his master, shall have the above reward and reasonable charges paid by me, William HUSTON Chambersburgh, July 8, 1787 ________________________________________________________________________ DOWNS, John---BLACK, James---MEADS, John---CALDWELL, John TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD RAN-AWAY from the subscriber, living on Elk-Ridge, near the middle river of Patuxent, in Ann-Arundel county, Maryland, about 20 miles from Baltimore-town, an Irish Servant Man, just from ship-board; John Downs, about 35 years of age, a strong will made fellow, very big round his shoulder & breast, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, swarthy complexion, short black hair turning gray; I think he has greyish eyes, much marked with the small pox, broad face, a scar under his left ear, talks loud at times and good English, very fond of talking, and can talk a great deal about this country; he has served a servitude in this country before, about 16 or 18 years ago, with one James Black, at Black's Gap, York county, state of Pennsylvania, and went by the name of John Meads, but now calls himself John Caldwell, and has traveled a good deal in the upper parts of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia; he was a soldier in our army, and deserted to the British; he chews tobacco, and understands all kinds of country work. He had on a check shirt, old blue cloth waistcoat, blackish grey cloth coat, torn about the sleeves and behind, no pocket flaps, but made Quaker fashion, with covered buttons, I think of the same; a pair of Hessian (Heffian) linen trousers, and a small new felt hat; no shoes as I knew of. Whoever takes up said servant and brings him to his master shall receive the above reward and reasonable charges by Vachel WORTHINGTON July 10, 1787 N.B. Whoever takes up said fellow and attempt to bring him home must confine him fast in irons, or he may make his escape. ________________________________________________________________________ BOYD, William---MYER, James---ANDERSON, William--- TAYLOR, James---HUGHES, Levey TEN DOLLARS REWARD MADE their escape from the jail of Carlisle, on Wednesday the first of August, instant, the following convicts and servants; William Boyd, an Irishman 5 feet 10 inches high, about 20 years of age, smooth faced, well made; he is fond of singing, but has a very bad voice.---- James Myer a Dutchman, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, smooth faced about 20 years of age, well made. William Anderson, about 40 years old, an Irishman, by trade a weaver, a very good singer, fair complexion, 5 feet 10 inches high, well made. All the above had their heads shaved for the wheel-barrow. Six dollars will be paid on delivering the above three into this jail and reasonable charges.-- James Taylor, about 18 or 20 years old, supposed to be a servant, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, fair short hair, very grey eyes, an Irishman, but says he came from Holland, and bound to sea when young. Leroy Hughes, supposed to be a runaway, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, fair hair, smooth faced, 18 years old, coarse shirt and trousers; two dollars reward and reasonable charges will be paid for Taylor and Hughes on the delivery of either into this jail by Thomas ALEXANDER, Jailer Carlisle Goal, Aug. 1, 1787 ________________________________________________________________________ WALLACE, Samuel--------------M'ELROY, James FIVE POUNDS REWARD RAN away on Sunday the 19th instant, an apprentice young man, named Samuel Wallace, about 19 or 20 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, slender made, has black slim hair, and came from the North of Ireland; had on & took with him a green moreen coat, striped cotton jacket, white trousers and overalls, four new county made linen shirts, wore large copper buckles in his shoes, which were not fellows. At same time ranaway an Irish servant man, named James M'Elroy, about 21 years old, 6 feet 7 inches high, fair complexion and slender made, a baker by trade, had on and took with him a light coloured coating coat, with small metal buttons, corderoy jacket, sustain overalls, a pair of two trousers, two country made shirts, a pair of turned pumps, with large brass buckles, and tow linen wallet, marked with the letters G.B.W. He is remarkedly fond of liquor and talks much. Whoever takes up said runaways and secures them, so as their master may have them again, shall have the above reward, or fifty shillings for either, and if brought home, all reasonable charges paid by John MOORE Near Carlisle, State of Pennsylvania, Aug. 21, 1787 ________________________________________________________________________ ROBERTSON, Daniel RAN_AWAY on Sunday night the 2d instant, from the subscriber living in Hager's--town, an apprentice Boy named Daniel Robertson, about 5 feet 8 inches high, short yellowish hair, has a scar on the right side of his neck, had on and took with him, a nankeen waistcoat and overalls, one pair of tow linen trousers, and a gray bareskin short coat, and a new wool hat; he also took with him his indenture. Whoever takes up said apprentice and secures him in any jail so that his master gets him again, shall have five dollars, and if brought home the above reward paid, by George DOYLE Hager's-town, State of Maryland, September 4, 1787 ________________________________________________________________________ SMITH, Peter------SMITH, William RAN- away last night from the subscriber, living near the Mouth of Juanita, a servant man named Peter Smith, about 18 years old, about 5 feet 8 inches high, thin swarthy complexion; had on a white coat and coarse shirt, and spotted flannel trousers, an old wool hat, and wore no shoes. He is supposed to be encouraged off by his brother, William Smith, blacksmith by trade, who left my house with him, he is more chunky, had on a blue coat, white jacket and breeches, a good round wool hat, black and white worsted stockings, and good shoes. Whoever takes up said servant and his brother and secures them in any jail, shall have four dollars for each and all carges, Sept. 4, 1787 James BASKIN ________________________________________________________________________ WALLE SIX GUINEAS REWARD RAN-AWAY on the 17th of April last, from the subscriber living in Charles county, in the state of Maryland, two Negro Slaves, one a man, about thirty five years old, he is tall slender made fellow, with a remarkable small head and very black, speaks very broken English, his name is Walle, but I am apt to think he will change it, as he is a very artful fellow, and will endeavour to pass as a freeman, he has had a hurt on one of his hands which prevents him from straightening his fingers. The other is a woman, a low squat wench, about forty years old, she is very black, and makes use of a great deal of tobacco, both of chewing and smoking. I have reason to believe that they have got to the state of Pennsylvania, they took with them two horses, one light sorrel, about 14 hands high, nine years old, he had two white feet, a star in his forehead, very flat feet and branded thus W. The other a dark bay, not branded, but has a small nick in one of its ears near the end, about 14 hands high, six years old last spring.--------Whoever takes up the said Negroes, and secures them in any jail, so that their master may get them again, shall receive the above reward, or three guineas for eithr of them, and two dollars for each horse, paid by me Wm. Mackall WILKINSON September 24, 1787 ________________________________________________________________________ JONES, Agnes-------------husband-----JONES, Thomas Whereas Agnes Jones, my wife, absconded herself from my bed and board, without any lawful reason. This is to forewarn all person or persons not to credit her on my accounts as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contacting from the date hereof. Thomas JONES Carlsile, Oct. 9, 1787 ________________________________________________________________________ William---Sinah---Joe---Kate------Owner---Thomas VIOLET TWO NEGROS TAKEN UP. The one male, named William, supposed to be about forty years old, from the following assertions;----That he came from Guinea to America, and served as a waiting boy at Braddock's defeat, the taking of Canada, the sieges of the Havana, and was part of that time in the retinue of General, then Colonel Washington; is about five feet six inches high, has many scars in his back, from severity of whipping, and remarkable for the abridgement of his fingers by the frost; more particularly those of his right hand; wears a broken coarse woolen coattee, and much worn royal rib buff breeches. The other a female, named Sinah, between fourteen and sixteen years old, about five feet high, has several marks on her arm, which she says was occasioned by being scalded; wears a much worn blue and white lincey dress, and reports that she was married to a slave named Joe. They assert, that they belong to a Mr. Thomas Violet, nine miles from Winchester, Virginia, and departed thence about three weeks ago, with two other slaves named Joe and Kate, of whom they can give no account. The owner is desired to remand them in due time, and pay charges: or they will be disposed of according to law. Thomas ALEXANDER Carlisle Gaul, Pennsylvania June 10, 1788 ________________________________________________________________________ FELLON, Lawrence-------------Owner---Henry BEATTY TWELVE DOLLARS REWARD. RAN-AWAY from subscriber living in Winchester, Virginia, an Irish Servant man, named Lawrence Fellon, five feet eight or nine inches high, about twenty- six years of age, stout and well made, short black curly hair, dark complexion, and pitted with the small pox;--He is a saddler by trade, had on and took with him an old fine brown broad cloth coat, white metal buttons, with button holes corded and not worked, a black waistcoat with a linen back, buff cloth breeches, one pair white ribbed cotton stockings and one pair plain thread ditto, new shoes, a pair of white plated buckles and one pair yellow ditto, two pair linen overalls, one white linen shirt, and one Ruffled sheeting ditto, a small round felt hat, and black velvet flock. Six dollars reward will be paid to any person confining the said runaway in any jail, and the above reward if brought home, if taken seventy miles distance, by Henry BEATTY June 12th, 1788 ______________________________________________________________________ Twenty Dollars Reward Deserted at Carlisle, the 17 instat, from the detachment under my command, the four following men, viz. JOHN HECMAN, a German, about 5 feet 9 inches high, talks with broken English. JAMES M'COMICK, an Irishman, about 5 feet 9 inches high. WILLIAM SMITH, an Irishman, about 5 feet 7 inches high, stout made, and marked with the small pox. PAUL HAMILTON WILLIAMS, an Irishman, about 5 feet 4 inches high.. They had their uniforms, but it is probable they have changed their dress and likewise their names. Any persons apprehending the above deserters shall receive the above reward, or five dollars for either of them, from the subscriber, or any Officer of the Levies. (uncertain of that word) WILLIAM PIATT, Capt. 2d R. Lev. Carlisle, June 19, 1791 *********************************************************************** CARLISLE, MAY 2, 1792 WAR DEPARTMENT Appointments and promotions in the Army of the United States The following shows rank, names and residence; Appointed Major Gen. ANTHONY WAYNE, of Georgia, vice Arthur St. Clair, resigned April 7, 1792. Brig. Gen. DANIEL MORGAN, Virginia MARINUS WILLET, New York JOHN BROOKS, Massachuetts JAMES WILKINSON, Kentucky Adj. Gen. WINTHROP SARGENT, W.T. Q.M. Gen. JAMES O'HARA, Pennsylvania Deputy do. JOHN BELLI, Kentucky _______________________________________________ Fifth Regiment of Infantry PROMOTED Major. ER(K)URIES BEATTY, vice Zeigler, resigned. Captains. WILLIAM PETERS, v. Strong, promoted JACOB KINGBURY, v. Smith, ditto DENNY EBEN, v. Asheton, ditto THO. MARTIN, v. Rudolp, ditto THO. PASSUER, v. Beatty, do. MARK M'PHERSON, v. Trueman, ditto ___________________________________________________________ Lieutenants; JAMES CLAY, v. Kingsbury, ditto DANIEL BRITT, v. Denny, do. H ARMSTRONG, v. Thompson, resigned BART SHOMBERG, v. Martin, promoted BERNARD GAINES, v. Passuer, ditto JOHN WADE, v. M'Pherson, ditto ________________________________________________________________ SECOND REGIMENT OF INFANTRY PROMOTED Majors; DAVID STRONG, vice Hart, killed JOHN SMITH, v. Trescott, resigned JOSEPH ASHETON, v. Burnham, ditto Captains; BEZALEEL HOWE, v. Kirkwood, killed DAVID BRADLEY, v. Phelon, ditto JOHN PLATT, v. Newman, ditto Lieutnants; JOHN TILLINGHAST, v. Howe, promoted DANIEL TILTON, junior, v. Bradley, ditto SAMUEL ANDREWS, v. Platt, ditto JOHN BIRD, v. Warren, killed MICAH M'DONOUGH, vice Heath, promoted ___________________________________________________________ ENSIGNS TO FILL VACANCIES OF FIRST AND SECOND REGIMENTS APPOINTED Ensigns: AND. M'CLARY, N. Hamp. SAMUEL DRAKE, Connect. DANIEL BISSELL, ditto ANDREW MARSCALK, N. J. WILLIAM MARTS, ditto LEWIS BOND, ditto JOHN LOWERY, ditto ROBERT HUNTER, ditto PETER SHOEMAKER, Pennsyl. WILLIAM M. MILLER, ditto JACOB KREEMER, ditto JOHN MICHAEL, ditto FELIX LONG, ditto SAMUEL B. TURNER, Maryl. JOHN WHISTLER, ditto ISAAC YOUNGUSBAND, Vir. WILLIAM TEMPLE PAINE, late of N. Carolina HENRY MONTFORT, Georgia ____________________________________________________________ SIX MAJORS OF INFANTRY APPOINTED Majors: THOMAS BUTLER, Pennsyl. HENRY GAITHER, Maryland JOHN CLARKE, Pennsyl. HENRY BEDINGER, Virginia ALEXANDER TRUMAN, Mar. promoted from Capt. In 1st Regiment WILLIAM M'MAHON. Virg. _____________________________________________________________ SURGEONS AND SURGEONS MATES Surgeons; RICHARD ALLISON, promoted from the 1st reg. to be the surgeon on the General Staff JOHN SCOTT, promoted from Surgeon's Mate JOHN F. CARMICHAEL, do. NATHAN HOWARD, do. Surgeon's Mate; CHARLES BROWN, Pennsyl. JAMES WOODHOUSE, ditto JOSEPH PHILLIPS, N. Jersey WM. M'COLKREY, Pennsyl. FREDRICK DALCHO, Maryl. JAMES MEASE, Pennsyl. THEOPHILUS ELMER, N. Jersey FOR GARRISONS ON THE WESTERN AND SOUTHERN FRONTIERS AND EXTRA SERVICE Surgeon's WM. A. M'CREA, Del. Mates; THOMAS HUTCHINS, Pennsyl. JOHN SELLMAN, Maryl. GEORGE BALFOUR, Virg. JAMES CLAYTON, Del. THOMAS FARLEY, Mass. end of military listing *********************************************************************** ______________________________________________________________________