DEED: Anna BRAND & Others to Christian SWARTZ, 1808, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1786 1 March 1786 Deed Book Q 1-145 Dauphin County, PA Anna Brand & Others to Christian Swartz This Indenture made the first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Six Between Anna Brand, widow of Joseph Brand Deceased late of the Township of Paxton in the County of Dauphin & State of Pennsylvania and John Brand and Freny his wife & Joseph Brand & Samuel Brand all of the State aforesaid and John Oberholtser & Elizabeth his wife & John Gingery & Freny his wife both of the township of Lebanon & State aforesaid. & Christian Good & Barbara his wife and Samuel Good & Mary his wife and Abraham Brand all of the Township of Brecknock in the county of Lancaster And State aforesaid & John Road & Catherine his wife and Magdalena Brand and Susanna Brand & Regina Brand all of the state aforesaid of the one part and Christian Swartz of the Township of Paxton in the county of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania aforesaid of the other part whereas a certain Samuel Hannah & Andrew Hannah stood seized and possessed of a certain Tract piece or parcel of land supoosed to be two hundred and nine acres of land be the Same more or less situate lying and being in the Township of Paxton in the County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania and whereas the said Smauel Hannah & Andrew Hannah did by the Indenture dated the fourth day of June in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and sixty six for the consideration therein mentioned Grant & Convey the said tract of Land hereditaments & premises with the appurtenances unto Joseph Brand Deceased Late of the Township of Paxton in the County of Dauphin in the State of Pennsylvania aforesaid and whereas the said Joseph Brand dying Intestate the said tract of lands Hereditements & premises became property of his widow and children the Parties hereunto to wit. Anna Brand the widow of the Late Joseph Brand John Brand Joseph Brand Samuel Brand John Oberholser who married Elizabeth one of the Daughters John Gingry who married Freny another Daughter Christian Good who married Barbara another Daughter. Samuel Good who married Mary another Daughter. Abraham Brand. John Road who married Catherine another daughter Magdalena Brand Susana Brand and Regina Brand. Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said Anna Brand John Brand and Freny his wife Joseph Brand Samuel Brand, John Oberholser and Elizabeth his wife John Gingery and Freny his wife Christian Good and Barbara his wife Samuel Good and Mary his wife Abraham Brand John Road and Catharine hs wife Magdalena Brand Susan Brand & Regina Brand all of the state aforesaid for and in Consideration of the sum of one thousand pounds lawful money of the State of Pennsylvania to them the said widow & children to wit. Anna Brand John Brand Joseph Brand Samuel Brand John Oberholser & Elizabeth his wife John Gingry & Freny his wife Christian Good and Barbara his wife Samuel Good & Mary his wife Abraham Brand John Road & Catharine his wife Magdalena Brand Susanna Brand & Regina Brand well and truly paid by the said Christian Swartz Before the ensealing & delivery of these presents the receipt and payment whereas they and each of them Doth hereby acknowledge Hath and each & every of them Hath Granted Bargained Sold Alliened Enfeoffed Remised Delivered & Confirmed and by these presents Doth grant Bargan Sell Alien enfeoff remise release & confirm unto the Said Christian Swartz his heirs & asigns for ever all the Tract piece or parcel of Land lying and being in the Township of Paxton in the County of Dauphin & State of Pennsylvania being Bounded & Described as follows to wit. Bounded by land late of Alexander McClure now of John Neesly on the north by land late of Richard McClure now of Jonathan McClure on the East by land late of Henry McKinsey now of John McKinsey and Lands of James Harris on the South by land of John ___ & on the west by land late of James Lusk now of Patrick Lusk. Containing two hundred and nine acres be the same more or less as the above is set for the described and bounded Together with all and singular the Buildings and Improvements Houses Barns Stables outhouses & Edifices ___ therein erected or ___ belonging or in any wise appertaining together also with all trees woods underwoods Common way waters water courses profits commodities advantages hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said tract of land of two hundred and nine acres of Land be the same more or less ___ in any wise appertaining as also the reversion & reversiones Remainder and remainders Rents Issues and profits thereof and of every part & parcell thereof and also all the Estate right title & Interest of them the said Anna Brand John Brand and Freny his wife Joseph Brand Samuel Brand John Oberholser & Elizabeth his wife John Gingry & Freny his wife Christian Good and Barbara his wife Samuel Good and Mary his wife Abraham Brand John Road and Catharine his wife Magdalena Brand Susana Brand and Regina Brand of in and to a ___ of the aforesaid Tract of two hundred and nine acres of Land ___ and Premises hereof Granted or in ____ to be To Have and to Hold the above described tract of Land Hereditaments & premises with the appurtenances as the above is set forth Described & Bounded Unto the said Christian Swartz His heirs & assigns. To the only proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the said Christian Swartz his heirs & assigns forever And the Said Anna Brand John Brand Joseph Brand Samuel Brand John Oberholtser John Gingry Christian Road Samuel Good Abraham Brand John Road Magdalena Brand Susana Brand and Regina Brand Each for themselves their heirs Executors and Administrators Doth hereby Covenant Promise & Grant to and with the said Christian Swartz his heirs and assigns. That they the said Anna Brand John Brand Joseph Brand Samuel Brand John Oberholser John Gingry Christian Good Samuel Good Abraham Brand John Road Magdalena Brand Susana Brand & Regina Brand and their heirs all and singular the Premises herein Before mentioned or Intended to be Hereby Granted Bargained and Sold and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their Rights ___ & Appurtenances unto the said Christian Swartz his heirs and assigns against them the said Anna Brand John Brand Joseph Brand Samuel Brand John Oberholser John Gingry Christian Good Samuel Good Abrham Brand John Road Magdalena Brand Susana Brand and Regina Brand and their heirs and against all Persons whatsoever Lawfully Claiming or to Claim by from or under them or either of them Shall and will Warrant and forever Defend by their Presents. And That the said Anna Brand John Brand Joseph Brand Samuel Brand John Oberholser John Gingry Christian Good Samuel Good Abraham Brand John Road Magdalena Brand Susanna Brand and Regina Brand shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the reasonable request costs and charges in the Law of him the said Christian Swartz His heirs and assigns do make acknowledge and suffer or cause or Procure to be done made acknowledged and suffered all & every ___further and other Lawful & Reasonable Act and Acts ___ and _____ conveyences and assurances in the Law whatsoever for the further better and more perfect assuring and confirming of all and ___ the Before Granted Premises with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof unto the said Christian Swartz his heirs and assigns as by the said Christian Swartz his heirs and assigns or his or their ___ ___ in the Law Shall be reasonably devised ____ or ____ In witness whereof the said parties to these presents ___ ___ interchangeably set their hands & Seals the day & year first above written. Sealed and Delivered in the presence of -- the words and Freny his wife being first intersted by John Brand and Freny his wife Conrad Wolfley John Human? John Schantz Ester (a X mark) Schantz Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us by John Road and Catherine his wife Joseph Shippen Jr James Bard Seaeled and Delivered by John Oberholtser in presence of John Hyer? Jacob (his X mark) Oberholtzer Sealed & Delivered by Magdalena Brand in presence of us Abraham Steiner John McClure Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us by John Gingrich & Freni his wife John Kisley? Goerge Reed Samuel Brand and Abraham Brand Sealed & Delivered in presence of us John Downey Jonathan McClure John Eirely & Regina his wife Signed in presence of us John McClure Jon. Mc Clure Anna Brand seal Joseph Brand seal Magdalena (her X mark) Brand seal Susana Brand seal The mark of Regina Brand now Regina X Eirely Seal Samuel Good seal Mary (her X Mark) Good seal John Gingerich seal Freni (her X mark) Gingerich seal Abraham (his X mark) Brand seal John Eirely seal John Brand seal Freny (her x mark) Brand seal John Oberholzer seal Elizabeth (her X mark) Oberholzer seal John Road seal Catharine (her x mark) Road seal Christian Good seal Barbara (her x mark) Good seal Recevied the day of the Date of the above Indenture of the above named Christian Swartz one thousand pounds Lawful money of the State of Pennsylvania in ___ of the above consideration ____ Conrad Wolfly John Numan John Brand Samuel Good John Schantz Ester (her x mark) Schantz Christian Good John Road Dauphin County Be it remembered that before me the _____ one of the justices of the peace in & for the aforesaid County personally came the within named Anna Brand John Brand and Freny his wife Samuel Brand Abraham Brand Magdalena Brand and Susanah Brand and acknowledged the within Instrument of writing to be their Act and Deed and desired that it might be recorded as such agreeable to Law In Witness wwhereof I have hereunto set my hands and seal this 2nd Day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and ninety six. Jon__ McClure Esq. Dauphin County Personally Came James Burd one of the Subscribing witnesses to the within Instrument of writing Before me the Subscriber on of the Justices of the Peace in and for the aforesaid County and being duly Sworn According to Law did depose and Say that he saw the within named John Road Catherine his wife Sign Seal and Deliver the within Deed Poll and that the same James Burd wrote as a witness in his own hand writing and that he saw Joseph Shippen Jun write his name as a witness. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the 12th day of April 1792 Jon. McClure seal Dauphin County Be it remembered that before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the aforesaid County personally came John Nissly and being duly affirmed according to Law did on his Solemn affirmation say that he seen the within named John Gingrey Freny his wife sign Seal & deliver the within Instrument of writing and that he wrote his name with his own hand as a a witness and Seen George Pitts the other witness write his name as a witness. Also came John Hyort and being affirmed as the Law directs did on his solemn affirmation say that he seen the within named John Oberholtzer Sign Seal & Deliver the within Deed Poll and that the name John Higer as a witness is his own hand write In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this 17 th day of April AD 1792 Jonathan McClure Seal Dauphin County Be it remembered that before me the Subsriber one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the aforesaid County personally came John Eirely and regina his wife late Regina Brand and did Sign and Seal the within Instrument of writing and cknowledge it to be their act and ___ the contents being first made known to them they desired that the Same might be Recorded as Such agreeable to Law. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 25 Day of February AD 1795. Recorded 23 July 1808 Jon. McClure Seal