DEED: Daniel BRYAN to Jacob DETWEYLER, 1825, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1817 9 June 1817 Dauphin County Deed Book Z Vol 1 Page 427 Daniel Bryan to Jacob Detweyler Know all men by these presents that I Daniel Bryan am Intermarried with Catharine Detweyler one of the Daughters of David Detweyler Late of Derry Township in the County of Dauphin PA do acknowledge I have at Sundry times Received from Jacob Detweyler and John Detweyler Representatives of the said David Detweyler dec'd the sum of five hundred pounds in full of a Legacy Bequeathed by the Last will and testament of the said David Detweyler dec'd to my said wife Catharine, and I do by these presents Release Acquit and forever discharge the said Jacob & John Detweyler and all other persons Engaged in the management or Settlement of the Estate of the said deceased and their heirs Executors & Administrators of from and against all further payment from the Estate of the said dec'd. and also against all suits Cost Charges or damages whatsoever Relating to the same. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the Ninth day of June AD 1817. Sealed & Delievered in the presence of us Daniel Bryan (Seal) Jacob Singer, Elisha Green Dauphin County Seal Daniel Bryan, within mentioned, appeared before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace in and for said County and Acknowledged the within Release as and for his act & deed in order that the same might be Recorded as such According to Law. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the 9th day of June 1817 Recorded May 23 AD 1825 Elisha Green