DEED: John and Barbara EVERSOLE to John HOGHSTATER and Christian GINGRICH, 1786, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1786 13 January 1786 Dauphin County Deed Book B Vol 1 Page 16 John Eversole & Barbara his wife to John Hoghstater & Christian Gingrich This Indenture made the Thirteenth Day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred Eighty six between John Eversole of Lebanon Township in the County of Dauphin and in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvannia yeoman and Barbara his wife. The said Barbara being late the wife of John Hoghstater Late of the Township of London Derry yeoman deceased of the one part and John Hoghstater and Christian Gingrich of the same place yeoman of the other part. Wherein the said John Hoghstater being in his lifetime seized and possessed of a certain Tract of Land and situate in the townships of London Derry and Mount Joy and Being --- said seized and possessed of the said Tract of Land containing about two hundred and fifty acres be the same more or less. And having first made his last will and Testament in Writting Bearing Dte the twenty seventh Day of February one Thousand seven Hundred and seventy Seven and therein and thereby did give and Bequeath unto his wife Barbara (party hereto) Thirty acres of his said Land. In the words following. viz I also leave unto Barbara Hostater my wife Thirty acres of Land on the upper end of my Estate Joining the lines of James Foster and John Kenedy to be laid out by James Foster and Joacob Ashilman in the best manner they can to her her Heirs forever or assigns in and by the said ___ Last will and Testament of the said John Hoghstater Deceased duly _____ and remaining in Register Office Lancaster may at more fully and large appear relation being thereunto had. Now this Indenture _____ _____ that the said John Eversole and Barbara his wife for and in consideration of the sum of fifty poinds lawful money of Pennsylvania to them in hand well and truly paid by the said John Hoghstater and Christian Gingrich at and immediately before the Sealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt and payment whreof are hereby acknowledged have granted bargained sold released and confirmed to and these presents do and each of them Doth granted bargained sell release and confirm unto the said John Hoghstater and Christian Gingrich their heirs and assigns all that the within mentioned parcel or piece of Land containing thirty acres together with all and singular the buildings and improvements therein made and being and all ways ___ woods underwoods Water Watercourses Rights Liberties privileges Heridetaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto Belonging in any wise appurtaning and the reversions and remainders thereof and all the estate right title and ____ property _______ claim and demand whatsoever of them the said John Eversole and Barbara his wife both at law and in Equity or other wise howsoever of in and in the same premises and every part there of to have and to hold the said Tract or parcel of Land hereidaments and premises with the appurtenances unto the said john Hogstater and Christian Gingrich their heirs and assings that is to say the one full equal and undivided Moiety or half part of the said tract of land with the appurtenances to & unto the only ____ in Behoof of him the said John Hoghsttor his heirs and assigns forever and the other one full and Equal undivided Moiety of a half part ___ same Tract of land with the appurtenances to and unto the only proper use Benefit and Behoof him the said Christian Gingrich heirs and assigns forever under and subject to the remainder of the ____ Money and Interest now due and to become Due for the said premises and the said John Ebersole and the said Barbara his wife for themselves their heirs executors and administrators ____ and promise ____ to and with the said John Hoghstater and Christian Gingrich aand their heirs and assigns by these presents the said Tract of Land with the appurtenances Unto the said John Hoghstater and Christian Gingrich their heirs and assigns against ___ ____said John Eversole and Barbara his wife and against their heirs and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever Lawfully claiming or to claim the same premises or any part thereof by from or under him them or any of them shall and will warrant and forever defend by their presents ____ ___ parties to these presents ____ interchangeably set their hands and seals hereunto the day and year first above written John Eversole (seal) Sealed and Delivered Barbara (her O mark) Eversold (seal) in the presence of us Henry ____ _____ Marshall Received on the dayte of the above written Indenture of and from the above named John Hoghstater and Christian Gingrich the sum fifty poinds lawfull money of Pennsylvania being the full consideration money in the above Indenture mentioned Henry Rinal? John Eversold David Marshall Dauphin County (seal) The 15th Day of January 1786 before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the COurt of common Pleas for the said county came the within named John Eversold and Barbara his Wife and acknowledged the within Indenture to be their act and Deed and deswired that the same may be recorded as such according to Law In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid Jno Gloninger Recorded March 10th, 1786