DEED: David FLORA to Joseph GINGRICH, 1809, Dauphin County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1809 1 August 1809 Dauphin County Deed Book Q Vol 1 Page 472 David Flora to Joseph Gingrich Whereas Joseph Flora late of Lower Paxton (near Swatara) Township in the County of Dauphin and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Yeoman Deceased died Intestate as to a certain plantation and tract of land with the appurtenances situate in the township and COunty aforesaid bounded by lands of John Elliot and others & by the river Susquehanna and containing ninety nine acres neat measure And whereas upon the petition of David Flora the eldest son of the aforesaid Intestate to the orphans Court of Dauphin County presented an order was granted for the partition or valutaion of the aforementioned premise and in pursuance thereof the Sheriff & Inquest did on the 23 Day of June 1809 value and appraise the same which said appraisment __ of aforesaid made, the Court confirmed in the form of Laws and by the records and proceedings of the said Court may more at large appear upon a reference thereunto had. Now know all men by these presents that the aforesaid David Flora eldest son as aforesaid of the Intestate Joseph Flora deceased for and in Consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars lawful money of hte United States to him in hand well and truly paid by Joseph Gingrich of Derry Twonship in the COunty aforesaid at and before the sealing and elivery of these presents Hath and by thse presents Doth grant bagain & sell all the share and purport of the aforesaid plantation and tract of land with the appurtenances which descended to the same David Flora upon the decease of his said Father unto the said Joseph Gingerich and to his heirs and assigns together with his the David Flora full share and purport of the valuation money _____ from the aforesaid appraisement of the same and also all and singular his the said David Flora's right by Law of receiving and accepting the said premises with the appurtenances at the appraisment so of aforesaid made thereof To have and to hold the said David Flora's share in said Lands with the appurtenances and his full shae of the valuation money thence ___ & also his right of taking the same premises at the said appraisment to him the said Joseph Gingrich his heirs and assigns forwever In witness whereof the said David Flora Hath here unto set his hand and seal the first day of August AD 1809 David Flore (seal Witness David Hummerl Tho. Elder Received on the first day of August AD 1809 of and from Joseph Gingrich the sum of one hundred Dollars Lawful money of the United States that being the full consideration money mentioned in the annexed Insturment of writing Witness my hand Wintess Present David Hummel Th. Elder David Flore Dauphin County Before me the Subscriber an associate judge of the Court of Common Pleas in & for Dauphin County personally came David Flora and acknowledged the annexed insturment of writing to be his act and deed to the end that the same might be recorded as such according to Law. Witness my hand and seal the first Day of August AD 1809 Jno. Gloninger (seal) Recorded August 1st. AD 1809