DEED: John LYNCH Estate to John GINGRICH, 1827, Dauphin Co., PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Deed Poll Sheriff's Book 2, Page 68 Dauphin County Courthouse, Harrisburg, PA 4 Dec 1827 Henry Chritzman to John Gingrich the property of John Lynch Be it remembered that on the 4th Day of December 1827 Henry Chritzman Esq High Sheriff of Dauphin County acknowledged in open Court a Deed Poll from him to John Gingrich conveying a Certain tract of land situate in Londonderry township Dauphin County containing 30 acres more or less bounded by lands of Michael Wagner and others on which are erected a two story frame house as late the property of John Lynch which was sold by Venditione Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County bearing Date the 29 day of August last past by Thomas Walker late Sheriff and was sold for $75.