DEED: Frederick SHOOP & wife and John GINGERY & wife to Jacob & John DETWEILER, 1825, Dauphin Co, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Rivas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ 1825 23 May 1825 Dauphin County Deed Book Z Vol 1 Page 422 Frederick Shoop & wife, John Gingery & wife to Jacob & John Detweiler To all people to whom these presents shall come. Frederick Shoop and Barbara his wife, & John Gingery and Mary his wife, all of Derry township Dauphin County and State of Pennsylvania being the heirs and legal representatives of David Detweiler Late of Derry Township in the County of Dauphin, Farmer deceased Whereas in the Last Will and testament of the said David Detweiler deceased it is ordered and directed that the sum of five hundred poundslawful money of Pennsylvania shall be paid to each of us as named in the said Will specified out of his Real Estate by his three sons, and Whereas certain assignments having been made amongst the sons to whom the Real Estate is bequeathed so that our Legacy in the said Will mentined became payable to us by Jacob Detweiler and John Detweiler, two of the sons of the said deceased (who were appointed by the Orphans Court of Dauphin County Administrators of the estate of the said deceased with the will annexed) Now know ye that we Frederick Shoop and Barbara his wife and John Gingrey and Mary his wife for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred pounds Lawful money of the State of Pennsylvania to each of us in hand paid by the said Jacob & John Detweiler, the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have and each of us hath remised Relieved and forever quit claim and by these presents do and each of us doth for himself and his and her heirs, Remise, Release and forever quit claim unto the said Jacob & John Detweiler as executors of the Estate of the said deceased as well as against the esate Real and personal of __ father David Detweyler deceased and to their heirs and assigns forever all the esate right title interest claim and demand whatsoever of in to or any part of all the Real & Personal estate and the appurtenances thereto belonging to have and to hold the same lands and premises unto the said Jacob & John Detweyler and to their heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of them the said Jacob & John Detweyler and other heirs and assigns forever so that neither the aboe mentioned heirs nor either of them nor their heirs nor any other person or persons for them or either of them or their or either of their names or rights shall or may by any ways or means whatsoever at any time hereafter claim challenge or demand any estate right title or interest of any ____ to the Real Estate of the said David Detweyler ___ nor to the _________ thereof They and every of them shall be forever ___ by these presents. And the said heirs (that is) Frederick Shoop& barbara his wife John Gingrey and Mar his wife severaly for themselves and their? __ and each of their heirs the said Real & personal estate and ____ with the ___ to the said Jacob & John Detweyler and to their heirs and assigns against them the said Frederick Shoop & barbara his wife John Gingery & Mary his wife and each of heir heirs shall and will Warrant and for _________ In ___ whereof the said Frederick Shoop and Barbara his wife & John Gingery & mary his wife, have hereunto set their hands and seals this twenty third day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five Sealed and Delivered in the ___ ____ of. E. __ Hetter Frederick Shoop (seal) E. Schenk Barbara Shoop (seal) John Kingrick (seal) Mary Kingrick (seal) Received on the day of the date of the above Relase of and from the above named Jacob & John Detwelyer the sum of five hundred pounds cash in full the COnsideration above mentioned Witness E. H. Haller ($1000) Frederick Shoop E. Shenck John Kingrick Dauphin County Personally appeared before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the peace in and for the said County Frederick Shoop and Barbara his wife & John Gingrey and Mary his wife grantors in the foregoing Release and Severally acknowledged the same to be their act and Deed and desired that the same may be Recorded as such According to Laws In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set m hand and seal the twenty third day of May AD 1825 E. Hetter(?) (Seal) Recorded May 23 AD 1825