Civil War Pension: William H. LASCOMB (1899); Dauphin Co., PA This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Jodi Reifsnyder < >. ************************************************************************ * USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. ************************************************************************ Portion of Pension File records of William H. Lascomb, transcribed Sept. 1, 1999 DECLARATION FOR WIDOW'S PENSION State of Pennsylvania County of Dauphin On this twelfth day of August, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, personally appeared before me, (name?), a Notary Public of the Borough of Steelton, the same being a Court of Record within and for the county and State aforesaid Jane E. Lascomb, aged 74 years, a resident of the Borough of Steelton, county of Dauphin, State of Pennsylvania who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of William H. Lascomb, who enlisted under the name of William H. Lascomb at Harrisburg Pa., on the 22nd day of August, A.D. 1864, in Pvt. G. Co 201st Regt. Penna. Infantry under Capt. John T. Ensminger, and served at least ninety days in the late War of the Rebellion, who was Honorably Discharged at Harrisburg Pa. June 21 1865, and died 7th August 1899 That she was married under the name of Jane E. Knox, to said William H. Lascomb, on the 29th of July 1852 by Rev. G. Gram, at Lebanon Penna, there being no legal barrier to said marriage. Neither of the Parties having been previously married. That she has not remarried since the death of the said William H. Lascomb That she has not remarried since the death of the said William H. Lascomb That she is without other means of support than her daily labor. That names and dates of birth of all the children now living under sixteen years of age of the soldier are as follows: NONE That she makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States under the provisions of the Act of June 27, 1890 for the Accrued Pension due her Husband. She hereby appoints no agent or attorney. That her post office address is 158 North Front St. Steelton, county of Dauphin, State of Pennsylvania. Jane E. Lascomb (Claimant's signature) Attest: (sig) Mary E. Reeme M.R. Alleman Also, personally appeared Mary E. Reeme, residing at Steelton, Penna and MR Alleman, residing at Steelton, Pa, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw Jane E. Lascomb, claimant, sign her name (or make her mark) to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and an acquaintance with her of 40 years and 20 years, respectively, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of the claim. Mary E. Reeme M. R. Alleman (Signatures of witnesses) Department of the Interior, BUREAU OF PENSIONS, Washington, D.C. Oct. 2, 1899 Respectfully referred to the Chief of the Record and Pension Office, War Department, requesting a full military and medical history of the soldier and his personal description. No other report on file. Record and Pension Office, WAR DEPARTMENT, Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions, William H. Lascomb Co. G, 201 Reg't Pa Inf. Was enrolled Aug. 22, 1864 And MO June 23, 1865, To date June 21 (?) From En, 1864, to MO, 1865, he held the rank of Prvt. And during that period the rolls show him present except as follows. Born in Lebanon Co Pa. Age 33 yrs. Occup Huckster, blue eyes, aub. hair, light com., height 5 ft. 3 « ins. The medical records show him treated as follows No record found