NEWS: William A. REBLING, John H. ZELL, 1903, of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Judy Banja Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ TWO MEN INSTANTLY KILLED. JOHNSTOWN, Pa., July 17. - William A. Rebling, aged 22, and John H. Zell, aged 21, both of Harrisburg, were instantly killed on the Pennsylvania railroad half a mile west of Sheridan station today. They were bound for Derry, where they expected to secure employment with the Pennsylvania Railroad company. They were making the trip by freight and the train they were riding on stopped below Sheridan to take on water. The two young men alighted and sat down on the tracks to await its starting. When the freight train started they again arose and were walking over adjoining tracks to it. They did not hear Pacific express coming along on No. 3 track and, as they stepped on that track, they were struck by the swiftly moving express. Both bodies were badly mangled. Altoona Times, Saturday, July 18, 1903