Wills: Abstracts 1789-1834 - George B. Lownes: Delaware Co, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Thera tsh@harborside.com USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: Printing this file within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________ Delaware Co Wills, 1789-1834 LOWNES, GEORGE B., Springfield. May 8, 1833 - March 13, 1834. Wife Hannah, brother Curtis LOWNES and daughter Agnes LEVIS, brother Slater LOWNES and his daughter Clarissa LOWNES and his grandsons Slater Lownes FORD and Curtis Lownes FORD, nephew Joseph LOWNES and children George B., William B., Phineas, Hannah and Sarah; Caleb LOWNES and son Edward R. and his daughter Hannah. George B. LOWNES (3) son of John of the Western Country December'd., William R. LOWNES. Other names Preston EYRE and son I. Ashmead EYRE, Curtis LEVIS son of Edward LEVIS, Joel EVANS, John LEVIS, Thomas WEST, Jehu Curtis CLAY, Richard M. MORGAN, William BROWN son of Capt. William BROWN, Peter Curtis CLAY son of Rev. Slater CLAY, James NEAL, Evalina and Susan CAUFFMAN, Louisa GREEN daughter of Adam DRIVER, Susan GARNER and children; George B. L. CLAY son of Jehu CLAY, Samuel PANCOAST, John THOMSON, Isaac NEWTON. Exrs: Joseph LOWNES, Joel EVANS of Springfield and William P. LAWRENCE. Wits: Charles CAREY and William CAREY. Codicil December 2, 1833 mentions tenant John SAFFER and wife Dolly and their sons John, Frederick and William SAFFER, also Joseph RUSSELL. Wits: Ira BURDSALL and Frnk. WILKINSON. #836.