NEWSPAPERS: Mrs. Elvira Clark DUTTON, 1919 Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed by Marilyn Tolentino ___________________________________________________________________ MRS. DUTTON'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED BY DINNER Mrs. Elvira Clark Dutton, mother of William B. Dutton and grandmother of Joseph and William Oglevee, was 80 years old and her birthday was celebrated Sunday with a family reunion, while Monday brought a perfect shower of postal cards from children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren as well as other relatives and friends, a total of 158 being received. Mrs. Dutton is a sister of the late John Clark of Derrick avenue, and, in addition to eight of her 10 children who are living, she numbers 15 grandchildren and a equal number of great-grandchildren among her descendants. Present at the dinner Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. William Dutton and William Oglevee who reside with Mrs. Dutton; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dutton and sons, William and Farraington; Mr. and Mrs. James Dutton and daughters Ruth and Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oglevee. Mrs. Dutton is in excellent health and deeply interested in all that goes on in the day's news. (April 8, 1919 – no newspaper named)