Fayette County PA Archives Obituaries.....Balsley, Mrs. Samuel L. March 29, 1909 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mary Green Kerr mmkerr@wideopenwest.com January 29, 2013, 12:00 am The Daily Courier March 29, 1909 BALSLEY, MRS. SAMUEL L. Samuel L. Balsley expected to go to Pittsburg this morning to be present at an operation upon his wife, but a message from Mercy Hospital at an early hour took him there by the first train only to find Mrs. Balsley a corpse. Up to that time reports of her condition had been very favorable. Mrs. Balsley was taken to the hospital on Friday and the operation was not to have been performed until today. She was alone, but her husband expected to join her today. It was deemed advisable to have the operation performed at an earlier date than was expected. It was only to have been a slight one and no serious consequences were anticipated. When the message came early this morning that Mrs. Balsley's condition was serious, he and Paul Wiant, father of Mrs. Balsley, took the express for Pittsburg. Before they arrived at the hospital Mrs. Balsley had passed away. Mrs. Balsley was 34 years nod and was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wiant of Washington avenue. She was born and reared in Clarion. About 22 years ago the family moved to New Haven, later going to Washington avenue, Connellsville. About 12 years ago Mrs. Balsley was married to Samuel L. Balsley, a well known resident of Connellsville. Mrs. Balsley was an active member of the Trinity Lutheran Church and its various societies and had a wide circle of friends who will regret to learn of her untimely death. In addition to her husband and two children, Thomas, aged 8 years, and Ella Louise, aged 5 years, deceased is survived by her parents and three brothers, Rev. Max Wiant, Fred and Ralph Wiant. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/pafiles/ File size: 2.1 Kb