Obituary: Lucinda Means File contributed for use in USGENWEB Archives by Ken O'Neal USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitter PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ______________________________ LUCINDA MEANS Connellsville Weekly Courier Thursday September 28, 1911. Mrs. Lucinda Frances Means, wife of Rev, James H, Means, for forty years pastor of the Church of God in Bullskin township, died Thursday afternoon at her late home near Moyer. Rev, Means is also in feeble health. On the 11th of last May Mrs. Means suffered a stroke and when falling sustained a fracture of the right hip. The fracture never knitted properly and the accident hassened her death. She was a patient in the Cottage State Hospital for ten weeks. She had been confined to her bed for two weeks before her death. Mrs. Means was 75 years old and was a daughter of the late John Morris of Richhill, Bullskin township. She was born in Redstone township, June 3, 1836. In 1863 she was married to Rev. James H. Means and practically all her married life was spent in Bullskin township. At the age of 13 years she united with the Church of God and up until her late illness she always took an active part in the work of the church. In addition to her husband she is survived be the following step children; W.C. Means, Poplar Grove; Mary Means, of Rich Hill; Mrs. Eliza Dunham, Connellsville; Mrs. Margaret McLaughlin of West Newton; Mrs. Catherene Crossland of Moyer and Miss Susan Means of Pennsville. One sister, Mrs. Euphenia Boyd of Coolspring, and a brother, David Morris, of near Uniontown, also survive.