BIO: Abraham Barr SNIVELY, A.B., M.D., Waynesboro, Franklin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Denise Phillips Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Medical Men of Franklin County, 1750-1925 by Ambrose Watts Thrush, M.D.; Chambersburg, Pa.; Medical Society of Franklin County, Page 191 _______________________________________________ ABRAHAM BARR SNIVELY, A. B., M. D. A. Barr Snively was born November 14, 1869, in Waynesboro, Pa., a son of Dr. Isaac Newton and Alice Barbara (Barr) Snively. He received his preliminary education in the Waynesboro schools and at the Chambersburg Academy. He attended Johns Hopkins University taking his A. B. in 1892 from this institution and after the required course was graduated M. D., 1895, by the University of Pennsylvania. During the summer of 1894 he spent three months in Johns Hopkins Hospital under Dr. Howard N. Kelly. Dr. Snively has been in continuous active practice in Waynesboro since his graduation. In 1902 he did Post-Graduate work as in interne in the Church Home and Infirmary, Baltimore, Md., and for some years has been specializing in General Surgery. Dr. Snively for several years, about 1914, operated at Blue Ridge Summit, a private sanatorium for the care and treatment of cases of incipient tuberculosis. He has been a very active member of the Medical Society since 1895 and served as President in 1903. He is a member of the staff of the Chambersburg Hospital, and served as a member of the Waynesboro Hospital staff since the organization of the hospital until 1928 when he tendered his resignation. Dr. Snively married first in 1895, Mary Carlyle of Chambersburg and second, January, 1928, Dr. Florence M. Gottschall.