BIO: Dr. Alexander STEWART, Chambersburg, Franklin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Abby Bowman Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Medical Men of Franklin County, 1750-1925 by Ambrose Watts Thrush, M.D.; Chambersburg, Pa.; Medical Society of Franklin County, Pages 58-59 _______________________________________________ DR. ALEXANDER STEWART Dr. Stewart was a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, and received his medical education at the famous University in that city. There is no available record of his early life. He was appointed Surgeon's Mate in the Third Pennsylvania Regiment of the Continental Army and served in the General Hospital for three years, 1776 to 1779. In October, 1779, he was appointed Surgeon of the Third Penna. Continental Line and was retired January 1, 1783, and then settled in Chambersburg, where he was in active practice until his death in 1793. It is recorded that he was induced to locate here through the influence of his friend, Major Allison, a soldier of the Revolution, and then a resident of the town. Dr. W. C. Lane in his biography of Dr. Stewart says: -- "The writer has had access to an old day-book which belonged to Dr. Stewart, and which contains charges against many of the oldest and most influential citizens of Chambersburg and its neighborhood. It will be observed that the visits of the Doctor extended for many miles from his home. The charges extend through the years 1783-84-85-86. March 13, 1783. Col. Benjamin Chambers, to Miss Hetty, Sal. Glaub, 1 oz. – Col. James Chambers, To one family visit, 15 Shillings. Aug. 17, 1783. To Betsy, 12 pill. Mercury, 2 S. 6 D. Col. Crawford (at Creek) Sept. 23, 1783, To 6 Vomits, 4 S. Andrew Phillips (Cross the ford) To son, Vomit, 2 S. John Andrew (spring) Dec. 8, 1783. To Schoolmaster Cath. 1 S. Samuel Ireland, Ft. Loudon, Dec. 8, 1783, To son, Vomit 1 S. 3 D. Mr. Lang, Minister, June 16, 1784. To a poor man a vomit and cathartic by your desire. Capt. Benjamin Chambers, Nov. 23, 1783. To one Dr. of Camphor 1 S. 6 D. Col. Culbertson, May 5, 1783, to son, one visit and dressing toe 8 S. Among other names appear Wm. Chambers, Col. James Young, John Colhoun, Mr. McCulloh at Fullertons Miller; Edward Crawford, Sen. Samuel Dryden, Walter Beatty, George Chambers, Joseph Chambers, Major Boggs, Alexander Gulbertson, John Eaton, Mountain Fort; Wm. Weir, below Clarens Gap, John Ramsey, Tuscarora Valley; Nathan McDowell, John Kerr, near town, James Crawfored, in the corner; Mr. Brown, Big Spring; Capt. Piper, Ft. Loudon; Jeremiah Galvin, Rocky Spring; John Moor, Back Creek. These and many other names appear in this old book, showing that the doctor's practice was large and of the highest respectability. Citizens of Bedford, McConnellsburg, Big Spring and other equally distant localities were among the Doctor's clientage. Dr. Alexander Stewart died in the year 1793.