COURT: Estate of Samuel KOONS – Petition To Sell, 1898, Chambersburg, Franklin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Charles Peters June 17, 2008, 6:42 pm Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Source: Franklin County Orphans Court Written: December 10, 1898 Recorded: December 12, 1898 PETITION TO SELL Samuel Koons, Dec'd Orphans Court No. 66-1898 Franklin County Courthouse Chambersburg, Pennsylvania In the Orphans' Court of Franklin County, To the Honorable, the Judge of the writing Court. The petition of Harvey H. Koons, Administrator of Samuel Koons, late of the Borough of Waynesboro, in said County, deceased, respectfully showth. That the said Samuel Koons died on or about the 14th day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight leaving to survive him a widow, Louisa Koons and children as follows, Harvey H. Koons, your petitioner, Annie intermarried with Cyrus Willis, Valentine Koons, Emma intermarried with Frisby Stull, William Koons, Effie intermarried with David Sheely, Mintie intermarried with Jack Martin, Alfred Koons, Charles Koons, and Rachel Koons. Your petitioner further represents, that the said decedent died seized of and in certain Real Estate situate in said County, a description of which is hereunto annexed; that the personal estate of said decedent is not sufficient for the payment of his debts and balance due on $300 exemption, as appears by an Inventory and Appraisement of all the personal estate of said decedent exhibited in the Office of the Register of said County, and by his certificate set forth herein. Your petitioner therefore pray the Court to order a sale of such part, or so much thereof the said Real Estate as shall appear necessary for the purpose of paying decedents debts and balance due widow on $300 exemption. Dec 10th 1898 And he will and c. Harvey H. Koons State of Pennsylvania County of Franklin ss: Now, Dec 12th 1898 I, T.J. Kennedy, Register in and for said County, do hereby certify that the amount of the personal property of Samuel Koons, late of the Borough of Waynesboro, in said County, deceased as set forth and exhibited by the Inventory and Appraisement of the same filed in this Office, is One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) Witness my hand and Official Seal this the day and year above written, T.J. Kennedy REGISTER A Statement of All the Debts of said Decedent Judgement No. 380 of Apr 1, 1897 $ 225. Am't due widow on $300 Exemption $ 120.47 Funeral Expenses $ 70. Statement of the Real Estate of said Decedent All the following described Real Estate lying and being situate in the Borough of Waynesboro, County of Franklin, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and limited as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stake twenty (20) feet East of the center of line of Geiser Company Railroad on the South side of 5th Street of said borough thence South 50 1/2 degrees East 40 feet thence South 40 1/4 degrees West 208 feet to a stake at the North side of the reserved alley way thence North 50 1/2 degrees West 85 feet to a stake, thence North 52 1/4 degrees East 214 1/2 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 47 perches, neat measure, being the same property which D.W. Hess and wife by deed bearing date March 31, 1897, recorded in Franklin County Deed Book Vol. 108, page 344 conveyed to Samuel Koons the decedent. Franklin County ss: Harvey H. Koons being duly sworn, say that the facts set forth in the above petition are true, and the statement of the personal and Real Estate of said decedent, as set forth, are respectively correct, as is also the debts of said decedent as shown above. Harvey H. Koons Administrator Sworn and subscribed before me this 10th day of December 1898. Samuel G. Miller J.P. And now Dec 12th 1898 on reading within petition order of Sale granted as prayed for, Bond in $2,700 Sureties to be approved by the Court. By the Court W.L. Minick Clerk