COURT: Wm. F. SECRIST, 1854, Quincy Township, Franklin County, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Michael S. Caldwell. Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Franklin County, PA Orphans Court OCTOBER 1854 TERM (323840, p. 548-549) Solomon Secrist decıd To the Judges of the Orphans Court of Franklin County, Pennsylvania The petition of Wm. F. Secrist of Quincy Township in the County of Franklin aforesaid one of the children and lineal decendants of Solomon Secrist, late of Quincy township aforesaid deceased, respectfully Showeth that the Said Solomon Secrist, died on the 15th day of September AD 1854 intestate leaving a widow named Mary Ann, and Eleven children, viz: your petitioner Wm. F. Secrist, Catharine Secrist, intermarried with Jacob Dull, Said Catharine is now decıd leaving issue, Mary Ann Dull, (residing at Shellsburg in Bedford County Penna) Lidia Dull, residing at Shellsburg aforesaid, Susan Dull & Mary Dull, (as far as petitioner knows resides at Wooster, Ohio) Elizabeth Dull (residing in Fulton County, Penna), Joseph Dull (place of residence now unknown), Margaret Secrist intermarried with Conrad Moun, the Said Margaret is now deceased leaving issue William Moun (residing at Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois), Susan Secrist intermarried with John Reed (residing in Franklin County aforesaid), Mary Secrist, intermarried with John Cook, who is now deceased (residence in Franklin County aforesaid), Jacob Secrist residing at Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, David Secrist (residing at Waynesboro, Augusta County, Virginia), John Secrist (residing in said county of Franklin), Mary Ann Secrist, intermarried with Peter Wertz, the said Mary Ann is deceased leaving issue Six children who are minors, viz Secrist R. Wertz, Upton Wertz, Emma B. Wertz, Effie S. Wertz, Ann Ugene Wertz (residing in Ogle County Illinois), Catherine Wertz (residing in the County of Franklin aforesaid), Elizabeth Secrist, intermarried with James Reilly (residing in the aforesaid county of Franklin), Harriet Secrist intermarried with Jeremiah Knepper, (residing at Fort Seneca, Seneca Co. Ohio), heirs and legal representatives of the Said Solomon Secrist, died Seized in his demesne, as of for of and in a certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate in the Said township of Quincy in Franklin County aforesaid, bounded on the North by the lands of Alexander Hamilton & Abra. Stamey, on the east by lands of the Snow Hill Society and Jacob Gosshert, on the South by lands of John Secrist and on the West by Public Road leading from Wanesboro to the Mentzer Gap Road, with a two story dwelling house, tenant house, Wash house, Bark barn, and other improvements thereon erected, containing two hundred acres, more or less. That no partition or valuation of the said estate having been made, your petitioners request your Honorable Court to be pleased to award an Inquest to make partition of the premises aforesaid to and among the heirs and legal representatives of the Said intestate in said manner, and in such proportions, as by the laws of the Commonwealth is directed, if such partition can be made, without prejudice to a Spoiling of the whole, thereof; but if such partition cannot be made thereof, then to value and appraise the Same and to make return of their proceeding according to law. Wm. F. Secrist 30th Oct 1854 Inquisition awarded by the Court, and notice to be given to Joseph Dull, (whose residence is not known) by the Publication in the Newspaper for four weeks. To those heirs and legal representatives residing in the County personal notice, and to all others residing out of the County by publication in one Newspaper for four weeks, and copy sent to the Post Office nearest their residence. H. S. Stoner, Clk O.C. OCTOBER 1854 TERM (323840, p. 548-549) Solomon Secrist dec.; No. 8 1855; Return of Sale (323840, Vol H, p. 86) Geo. W. Toms & Wm. F. Secrist, Admrs of Solomon Secrist, Return that in pursuance of an order of Court, they exposed the Real Estate of said decedent to Public Sale on the 26th day of October 1855 and sold the Mansion farm to John S. Secrist of $67.01 per acres, Lot No. 1 to John Moun Jr. containing 9 acres & 103 perches, for $40.07 * cts per acre, & Lot No. 2 containing 8 acres and 18 perches for $46.10 per acre, Lot No. 3 containing 7 acres & 98 perches for $65.00 per acre, Also to Same. Snowberger, for use of Snow Hill Society Lot #4, containing 6 acres & 157 perches, for $86.00 per acre, & lots containing 4 acres & 24 perches for $103.25 per acre. Also to Alex. Hamilton, Lots 6 & 7, containing 9 acres & 4 perches for $100.50 per acre. 5th Nov 1855. Sale confirmed by the Court. ***************************************************** Mary Secrist decıd; No. 7 1862 (324876, p. 318) The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans Court of Franklin County, Penna to distribute the Balance in the hands of Jas. H. Reilly Admr of Mary Secrist decıd among the creditors and heirs of said decıd, due notice of the time and place of Audit being given according to law, begs leave to submit the following reports: Balance in hands of Admrs: $1,194.12 * Expenses of Audit Printing: $ 2.25 Clerkıs fee: 10.00 Auditorıs fee: 30.00 [total]: $42.25 The Judgmt of Jos. C. Dull, Lydia Beard, & Mary Ann Stiffler heirs of Cath. Dull decıd & Wm. Secrist and J.H. Reilly Admrs of Mary Ann Secrist is allowed with costs amounting to $16.62 *. No other claims being presented the auditor finds of distribution $1,135.25 The distribution of Balance in hands of Admr is as follows: Heirs of Jn. Secrist dec., $162.18 Jacob F. Secrist, 162.18 David Secrist, 162.18 Wm. Secrist, 162.18 Heirs of Mary Wertz, dec., 162.18 Elizabeth Reilly, 162.18 Harriet Knepper, 162.18 All of which respectfully submitted J.O. Sulhammer for Jeremiah Cook, Auditor 15 Aug 1862. Report confirmed by the court. W. G. Mitchell, Clerk _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]