Court: George SHINDHELM, 1821: Naturalization Franklin County, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Shinham. Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Franklin County, Pennsylvania - Prothonotary Court - Miscellaneous Volume A, page 126 George Shindhelm - To the Honorable the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County Pennsylvania. The petition of George Shindhelm of Antrim Township Franklin County Pennsylvania. Respectfully showeth that his name is Geo Shindhelm that he was born in Saxe Meiningen on the 15th day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred & twenty that he was thirty years old on the 15th day of November last past that he owes allegiance to Barnhart Efrueid [Bernard Eric Freund] Duke of the Duchy of Saxe Meiningen. That he emigrated to the United States of America from Hamburg the 10th day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred & thirty eight & landed at New York in the State of New York on the 20th day of July following whence he came to Antrim Township & that he resided in Franklin County for the space of ten years & he intends to settle in the United States & that he was a minor under the age of twenty one when he came to the United States of America a certificate of which under the seal of the said Court is hereto annexed & made part of these proceedings, & that he is now ready with proof of residence moral character & other proofs required by the Acts of Congress. He therefore prays the Court to admit him to citizenship. George Shindhelm Pennsylvania Franklin County Personally appeared in open Court George Forthman & John Goettman two citizens of the United States of America who being duly sworn say that they are acquainted with the above named George Shindhelm that he has resided within the limits & under the jurisdiction of the United States of America five years at least & one year at least in the State of Pennsylvania immediately preceding this application & that during that time he has behaved as a man of good moral character attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States of America & well disposed to the good order & happiness of the same. Sworn and subscribed in open Court Geo Forthman before me this 18th day of Aug 1848 John Goettman T.P. Bard, Pro Pennsylvania Franklin Count Personally appeared in open Court George Shindhelm above mentioned and being duly sworn doth say that the facts set forth in this petition correct & true. That he doth absolutely & entirely renounce & abjure all allegiances & fidelity to any foreign Prince Potentate State or Sovereignty whatsoever & particularly to Barnhart Efrueid [Bernard Eric Freund] Duke of Saxe Meiningen whose subject he hath heretofore Been. That he will support the Constitution of the United States of America & the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Sworn and subscribed in open Court before me this 18th day of August 1848 Geo Shindhelm T.P. Bard, Pro