MARRIAGE: Murray C. MOWER to Emma Maud ARRIS, 1902, Chambersburg, Franklin County, PA Contributed and transcribed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Abby Bowman Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ MOWER – ARRIS Murray C. Mower and Miss Emma Maud Arris were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Arris, NO. 541 South Second street, Chambersburg, on Tuesday evening, September 2nd, the ceremony having been performed by Rev. W. H. Washinger, a former pastor of the bride. The wedding march was played by Miss Pearl Long, of Shippensburg, in a skillful manner. After the ceremony delicious refreshments were served. The bride is a young lady of charming and lovely character who has a large circle of friends. The groom is a young man of excellent habits and is employed by the firm of B. B. Hollar, North Main street. Among the guests present were: Mrs. Sarah Kuhl, and George Kuhl, of Williamson; Miss Laura Bartsfield, Miss Pearl Long, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fickes, and Mrs. E. --- Burtsfield, Shippensburg; J. H. Mower, Jr., Mowersville; and Mrs. Catharine Clippinger, of Newburg. The gifts were many and valuable. The newly wedded pair left on the 10:56 p.m. train over the C. V. R. R. for Philadelphia, New York, and other places of interest, and after a brief bridal tour will return to Chambersburg and take possession of their newly furnished home, 541 South Second street. The happy couple have the best wishes of their many friends for a long and happy life. People's Register, Chambersburg, PA, September 5, 1902