MARRIAGE: John C. WILSON to Margaret J. GILLAN, 1948, Franklin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Judy Banja Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Teacher Weds Local Man In Chambersburg In the Central Presbyterian church of Chambersburg on Monday evening, June 7, at 5.45 o'clock Miss Margaret J. Gillan of St. Thomas and Waynesboro became the bride of John C. Wilson of Altoona and Chambersburg. The church was decorated with palms, white snapdragons, white roses and candelabra. Rev. Melvin Riddle officiated at the single ring ceremony. Before the exchange of vows Mrs. Eleanor Wynman, Fannettsburg, cousin of the bride, played a 15-minute organ recital, and Miss Peggy Reese of Chambersburg sang "I Love You Truly." During the service Mrs. Wynman played "Because" and Miss Reese sang "The Lord's Prayer." The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street-length aqua dress with black accessories and carried a cascade bouquet of white roses. Mrs. Finley Weible of McConnellsburg, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and Miss Julia Milan, sister of the bride, and Miss Martha Shope of St. Thomas were bridesmaids. They all wore white street-length dresses, white hats, gold accessories and carried bouquets of Talisman roses. Wilbur Wilson of Altoona, brother of the bridegroom, was best man and the ushers were William Gillan of Vandergrift, brother of the bride, and C. W. Auchinbach of Chambersburg. The mother of the bride wore a poudre blue dress with white accessories and a gardenia corsage The mother of the bridegroom wore a gray dress with toast accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Immediately following the ceremony a reception was held at the College inn. The bridal table was adorned with a four-tiered wedding cake, white snapdragons, baby's breath and wedding tapers. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left for a wedding trip to a seaside resort. For traveling the bride wore a black and white stonecutter suit with black accessories and a white rose corsage. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson Gillan of St. Thomas and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of 3701 Fifth avenue, Altoona. The bride is a graduate of Indiana State Teachers college and is a home economics teacher at the Waynesboro High school. Her husband, a policeman, is stationed with the Pennsylvania state police at the Chambersburg sub-station. Out-of-town guests attended the ceremony from Waynesboro, Philadelphia, McConnellsburg, Vandergrift, New Oxford, Martinsburg, W. Va., Altoona and St. Thomas. The newlyweds are at home in their newly furnished apartment in Chambersburg. Altoona Mirror, Saturday, July 3, 1948, page 3