Wills: PIPER, Christian 1804: Washington Twp, Franklin Co, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Suzy Bettac. suzybettac@juno.com USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. Will of Christian Piper Washington Township, Franklin County, Pennsylvania Will Book 2, p. 192/193 In the name of God Amen, I Christian Piper of Washington Township in Franklin County & State of Pennsylvania, being in a weak state of body, but of sound mind & memory reflecting on my Mortality, and the uncertainty of human life, do by these presents constitute ordain, and appoint this as my last Will and Testament, resigning my soul into the hand of him, who gave it, and my body to the dust, from whence it was taken, to be decently buried at the descretion of my Executors, and as for my worldly Substance I ordain and appoint, that it be disposed of in the following manner to wit, in the fitst place - that all my legal debts be paid, in the second place I bequeath unto and hereby ordain, that all my children to wit, John Piper, Margaret piper, Christian Piper, Catherine Piper, Darly Piper, Elizabeth Piper, Eve Piper , Christina Piper, shall have an equal divide, share and Share alike of all my property Real and Personal calculating what any or either of them already received out of my property - to be distributed amongst then in manner following, the first Gale or payment of the price of my real Estate, which I ordain shall be sold by my Executors or either of them (if one should die or resign before sale be made) to the best advantage either by Public or private sale, after the month of November, next ensuing the date hereof to be equally divided share and share alike, to each and every of my sons and Daughters above named, as soon as said first payment is received and the remaining amount of my whole estate to be paid in equal proportions to my children according to their Minority, the eldest first & so on yearly, till each be paid, their full share and proportion of my Estate. And I hereby constitute & appoint my son Christian Piper and John Potter my Executors to take care, that this my last Will and Testament, be truly executed agreeable to the intent and meaning thereof, as Witness my hand & Seal this fourth day of January in the year of our Lord 1804. Signed Sealed & pronouncedas the last Will of Christian Piper in the presence ofÉ Christian {his mark} Piper seal James Crooks, Jacob Linwar, John Piper On the 13th day of February 1804, James Crooks & Jacob Beaver, two of the witnesses to The forgoing writing, appeared before me Register for the probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration for Franklin County, and upon their solomn Oaths deposeth & Said, that they were present & saw & heard Christian Piper deceased make his mark unto seal 7 publish the forgoing writing as & for his last Will & Testament, and that at the time of doing thereof he the said Christian Piper was of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding, according to the best of their knowledge & belief that their names written thereto is of their own hands writing, and that they did see John Piper also sign at the same time. James Crooks Sworn & Subscribed Edw. Crawford Reg'r Jacob Linwar Both Executors sworn to file inventory on or before one month & Settle in a year or when legally required 15th February 1804 A true copy taken from the original the Transcribers Note: The witness Jacob Linwar and Jacob Beaver appear to be the same person. The original signature was probably in Old Gothic German script and copied literally as a Gothic German "B" can look like a "L".