Area History: Akersville Methodist Sunday School 1841-1941: Fulton Co, PA and other family history Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Michael S. Caldwell. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________________ This document is reprinted with permission of George S. Hixson, 1941 copyright holder. [Cover Page] History of Akersville Pennsylvania and One Hundredth Anniversary of the Akersville Methodist Sunday School [June 1941] [Title Page] One Hundredth Anniversary of the Akersville Methodist Sunday School June 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15 Pastor...Robert A. Knox Superintendent...Mrs. T. H. Walters Secretary...Marjorie Wilkins Treasurer...Veryl Hixson Tentative Program Friday and Saturday, June 6 and 7 61st Annual Convention of Fulton County Sabbath School Association will Convene Sunday, June 8th 9:00 A.M....Sunday School 10:30 A.M....Special Features Speaker...Miss Lizzie Akers, Bellwood, Pa. 8:00 P.M....Special Music Sermon...Rev. Lewis A. Duvall, Crystal Springs, Pa. Wednesday, June 11th 8:00 P.M....Special Music Sermon...Rev. George S. Hixson, Washington, D. C. Thursday, June 12th [1941] 2:00 P.M....PATRIOTIC AFTERNOON Address...Rev. J. Eldon Matlock, Schellsburg, Pa. Special Features Address...Rev. Henry Hopkins, Snydertown, Pa. 8:00 P.M....Special Music by Wells Tannery Quartet Sermon...Rev. Ira R. Duvall, Altoona, Pa. Friday, June 13th [1941] 9:00 A.M....Home Coming 12:00 NOON...Picnic Dinner 1:30 P.M....Song Service, Scripture Reading, Prayer Song, "Home Sweet Home"...Audience OLD FASHIONED SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Special Music...John l. Duvall and Wife Recitation...Mrs. Margaret Duvall Barnhart "Anniversary Time" Song - "100 Years of Gathering"...Audience (Composed by Rev. Geo. A. Duvall) Reading...Mrs. O. G. Akers MEMORIAL SERVICE...Conducted by Rev. George Duvall, assisted by others Recitation..."Burial of Moses" by Marjorie Wilkins Doxology and Benediction 8:00 P.M....Special Musical Selections Poem...Composed by Mrs. Shirley Baughman O'Leary Sermon...Rev. W. W. Breckbill, Altoona, Pa. Sunday, June 15th [1941] 9:00 A.M....Sermon, Rev. R. A. Knox 10:30 A.M....Sunday School 2:00 P.M....Sermon, Rev. B. Arthur Duvall, Canfield, Ohio 8:00 P.M....Special Music, Wells Tannery Quartet Sermon (closing), Rev. George A. Duvall, Williamsport Song - "Marching to Zion"...Audience INTRODUCTION There is nothing more worthy of a man's study than the history of his country, and no history is complete without its religious part it plays in our welfare. So with that in mind we take pleasure in introducing the ONE HUNDREDTH Anniversary of the Akersville Sunday School. Although out Sunday School was not organized when the members first met for worship in the home of Robert Akers and in the second story of the grist mill and later in the school house, where it was organized, and carried on for a few years before the church was built. We as a church feel greatly honored and are the proud owners of the first Secretary Record Book of the school, covering a period of 9 years which reveals the Christian spirit of the pioneers of our church one hundred years ago. We believe it is because of the firm foundation they laid, that we have carried on through these 100 years, without closing the school only for a few winter months during the first half of the century. The History which follows was compiled by our present Superintendent, Mrs. T. H. Walters, who has spent hours, perhaps days with never-ceasing energy and enthusiasm in research, that we could enjoy a thrilling, interesting and stimulating account of the early history as a Sunday School, and we hope others may be able to add to it in the future. May we have for our Motto through life, our Superintendent's slogan, she gives occasionally in Sunday School, "Let us keep going, growing, and glowing." -Miss Besse V. Akers FOREWORD We feel very incapable of writing this History, it has been a task to gather names, dates, etc., for it, and many mistakes are likely and omissions are no doubt numerous. Many letters have been written requesting information concerning people, dates, buildings, etc. The writer wishes to thank all who so kindly answered the letters giving information and extends thanks to all who contributed information or assistance in any oother way. We desire to especially thank Miss Besse V. Akers for her untiring work in gathering statistics from the Sunday School Secretary records for the Century, (they are as complete as can be obtained), and the excellent History of the AKERS. If any one desires additional names and dates of the AKERS consult her. We trust this will be a worthwhile history for future generations and will give inspiration and encouragement to those who will carry on the work in the years to come, so we send it forth with our prayers. -Mrs. T. H. Walters [Dolly Viola Hixson Walters] AKERSVILLE Akersville is located in Brush Creek Township, Fulton Couty, Pennsylvania, 4 miles south of the Lincoln Highway, and 3 miles northeast of Crystal Springs. There is no record of it ever being incorporated as a village. It was called a hamlet in 1850 when Fulton County was separated from Bedford County, by a line following the summit of Ray's Hill mountain. It probably derived its name from the early settlers who were Akers. CHURCH The M. E. congregation was organized about 1812. The first meetings were held in the second story of John Akers' grist mill (still standing). Rev. James Sewall preached in the mill for about 2 years, 1816-1817. Meetings were also held in the house of Robert Akers and in the school house built in 1825 until the present church was built. Robert Akers deeded to Israel Akers some land on April 1, 1837, excepting lot deeded to the trustees of the M. E. Church. The Church was built on that lot in 1858 at a cost of $750.00. It is still standing in good repair. The congregation has been served since 1841 by the following pastors: J. S. Lee, J. M. Green, J. Shrieves, S. L. M. Conser, Geo. Stevenson, John Monroe, James Gamble, A. Wiles, Rev. Blake, H. Hoffman, C. Graham, W. A. McKee, Adam Bland, Jacob Hartman, H. W. Bellman, David Shoaff, Samuel Baird, James Curry, J. K. Eberle, John A. McCondlas, O. Pollsgrove, - Whitney, D. A. Crowell, W. L. Fergeson, T. T. Richards, R. H. Wharton, Amos Baldwin, J. Wesley Rue, C. B. Benscooter, J. R. King, J. C. Brown, E. H. Wallace, C. W. Karns, A. W. Decker, W. W. Reese, C. H. Campbell, John C. Collins, C. F. Weise, Jas. D. Matthews, Benj. F. Hilbish, David J. Frum, H. C. Moyer, S. J. Pittenger, W. L. Philipps, O. R. Williams, J. M. Shimer, Paul Leidy, W. W. Breckbill, T. J. Hopkins, J. E. Matlock, R. A. Knox, Who came from the Ray's Hill charge of the M. E. Conference or elsewhere twice a month on foot, horseback, in buggy, sleigh or auto, to bring the message of peace on earth and good will to mankind (the world needs it now more than ever) the message of Jesus and his love. They came to minister to those who were sick or in distress, to share the joys and the sorrows of this little band, to strengthen faith and hope in Christian living and to point the immortal soul to a hereafter where all tears are washed away and where we will live in a land of unclouded day. A board of Trustees was organized in 1855 and began to keep records. The first list gives - President, J. L. Jackson, Secretary, H. C. Akers, Treasurer, B. P. Duvall, James Barton and J. Harvey Akers. In 1894 they listed President J. L. Jackson, who served his church in that capacity until his death in 1902, Sect. W. H. Williams serving until 1914. Treas. B. P. Duvall, who died in 1902. Other records show John N. Hixson served from 1903 until his death in 1914; A. W. Duvall from 1903 until the present time. Still others who served were Amos Wink, M. M. Barton, T. H. Akers, S. M. Jackson, C. R. Akers, H. M. Jackson, O. R. Duvall, E. A. Jackson. Present trustees are - President S. E. Walters, Secretary and Treasurer Blaine J. Hixson, A. W. Duvall, O. W. Duvall and T. H. Walters. The first organ was purchased after 1880; before that they sang without music. Amos Wink had a tune for every hymn. There was no jazz music then; they were revival songs. New carpet and matting was purchased after 1900. Extensive repairs were made in 1902. W. H. Williams built the pulpit stand and made the altar and other improvements and a new organ was purchased. The present fence was erected around the church in 1913. The cement was laid in front of the doors in 1915. In the period of time from 1924-1928, a new asbestos shingle roof was put on. Two new stoves were purchased, new paper, carpet, windows and the interior and exterior painted and a piano was purchased. The Pathfinder class purchased 50 folding chairs. In January 1938 the present wood shed was built. In 1939-1940 the interior was again improved by building a platform in the front of the church, getting new wall paper, new carpets, painting, etc. In May 1941 the electric lights were installed. An Epworth League Society was organized in 1892 and continued active for 34 years. Those who entered the ministry after attending Akersville Sunday School and church were: Joseph Benson Akers entered the conference in 1858 and served until 1889 when he retired in March. He died in October 1889. John Milton Akers entered the conference in 1861 and in 1863 was transferred to the Minnesota conference. He died in February 1889. George A. Duvall began to preach June 28, 1903. His first charge under the appointment of the bishop was at Westport, Pa., 1904. Lewis A. Duvall entered the ministry in 1913. Arthur A. Duvall received his license in 1919 and entered the ministry in 1921. Ira R. Duvall was appointed to Keating Summit in 1915 and admitted on trial in Central Pennsylvania Conference in 1917. He was ordained deacon in 1919 and elder in 1921. Jacob Barkman, ordained deacon in Pillar of Fire in 1929, and elder in 1931. George S. Hixson received license to preach 1932, began serving as pastor of a church in 1937. THE CHURCH I was carried to it in the country in my mothers arms because she, not I, knew what it meant. I was baptized into its brotherhood in a rushing icy stream of late winter. Its pastor blessed me in its name when I left home. My beloved dead are buried where its shadows fall upon their graves. I learned to love my wife within it. I was married by a man whom it had set aside to holy tasks. Its hymns have nurtured me when my spirit flagged. I have sought it out when life went hard and the fires burned low, and it did not fail me. When the forces of inward evil swarmed up the gateway of the senses to storm the citadel of my soul, the church and its spirit helped me bar the way. It reached out to touch my children and to support an [sic] enoble my purposes for them. It has given me hope that our world can be made new. It has led me to God and held me in His presence. When Death seals my End, the last word spoken over me will be from the church. Thus, it has been interwoven with all the holiest and most intimate phases of my life. SUNDAY SCHOOL A Sunday School was organized in June 13, 1841. John Wesley Akers, son of Robert Akers, was our first superintendent of Sunday School. He was a grandson of Ralph Akers, Sr., the first Akers to settle at Akersville. He served as superintendent for 8 years and by the records was a faithful christian. John Akers, son of Ephriam Akers, Sr., our second superintendent, was also a grandson of Ralph Akers, Sr. He served as superintendent for 7 years and was a devout christian. His father built the Stone House on the Hill. Amos Wink, a son of Jacob Wink, was our third superintendent, and served 14 years. He was a wonderful singer. M. Morgan Barton, son of Mahlon Barton, Sr., who was a class leader for 25 years, was our fourth superintendent, ands served ten years and was a very zealous worker for the upbuilding of the church. J. R. Jackson, son of Styles Jackson, was our fifth superintendent, and served 1 year. We will remember his jovial disposition. Mason Barton, son of Joel Barton, was our sixth superintendent, and served 1 year. He reared a family who were wonderful workers in the church and could thrill the audience with their singing. E. E. Akers, son of Ephriam Akers, Jr., was our seventh superintendent and served 1 year. He was secretary for a number of years also, and was a good, sincere christian. J. L. Jackson, son of Styles Jackson was our eigth Supt., and he served five years. He was a class leader for a number of years and what a faithful christian he was. "The Master's work" seemd to be uppermost in his daily walk of life. W. H. Williams was our ninth Supt., and served one year. He served 8 years as secretary, and was a class leader for a number of years. He was a steadfast christian and the one who remodeled the interior of the church the first time. N. B. Jackson, son of J. L. Jackson was our tenth Supt. He served one year and was a faithful christian. E. A. Akers, son of West Asa Akers was our eleventh Supt., and served one year. He was a very active man. L.A. Duvall, son of W. H. Duvall was our twelfth Supt., and served three years and was very energetic in the Sunday School work and afterwards entered the ministry. A. W. Duvall, son of B. P. Duvall, one of the pioneers of our church, was our thirteenth Supt., and he served three years. He was also class leader from 1910 until it was discontinued in 1937. He has been a wonderful inspiration to the younger "SET" and has been a good example of a christian. S. M. Jackson, son of J. L. Jackson was our fourteenth Supt., and he served three years. He was one of the most faithful christians in the 100 years of our Sunday School, always on duty. J. E. Jackson, son of J. L. Jackson was our fifteenth Supt., and he served one year. He was the third son of J. L. Jackson who served as Superintendent. B. Arthur Duvall, son of W. H. Duvall was our sixteenth Supt., and he served three years. He was very young but was an excellent Supt., and was much liked by all. I. M. Barton, son of James Barton was our seventeenth Supt., and he served three years. He was a zealous worker in the S. S. O. R. Duvall, son of W. H. Duvall was our eighteenth Supt., and served three years as Supt., and several years as assistant. He was also a teacher a number of years. He was a pillar in the S. S. and was burdened with the work of the S. S. because he was willing to work. He was the third son of W. H. Duvall to serve as Supt. E. A. Jackson, son of N. B. Jackson was our nineteenth Supt., and he served one year as Supt., and several as Assistant, and a faithful worker. Mrs. M. A. Barkman was our twentieth Supt., and she served one year as Supt., two years as Assistant, and several years as a teacher. S. E. Walters, son of W. H. Walters was our twenty-first Supt., and he served 15 years, the largest number of years of any. He was a faithful, steadfast worker as Supt., also a teacher in the S. S. Mrs. T. H. Walters, daughter of John N. Hixson, was our twenty-second Supt., and she has served three years and is starting on the fourth year. She was a teacher for many years and this Anniversary Program and history is a small sample of her energetic work. She has been a faithful christian worker since childhood. There were 26 different Secretaries served with the following serving the greatest number of years: Thomas C. Schooley, 7 yrs; J. Benson Akers, 6 years; Azariah Akers, 7 years; W. H. Williams, 8 years; Besse V. Akers, 10 years; Naomi Hixson, 7 years. Approximate membership when organized was 63; in 1870 it was 62; in 1884 it was 75; in 1900, 74; in 1925 it was 100 and in 1940, 95. Sunday School was closed for the winter months until about 1888; since then a session of Sunday School is held each Sunday during the year except the two Sundays in August while the Crystal Springs Camp is in session. A number of secretary books are lost, but very neat penmanship and quaint phraseology is used in some of my early records, nevertheless interesting and informing. REPORTS AS RECORDED EVERY 25 YEARS June 13, 1841 school opened with reading scripture, singing and prayer by Supt. Closed with singing and prayer by John Akers. Number of teachers present 5 male and 1 female. Number of scholars present 27 male and 16 female. School met this morning at 8:30 and continued until 1:30. The time was mostly spent in organizing the school, making regulations, and distributing small books for the use of the school. The weather was pleasant and considerable interest was taken. John Wesley Akers, Supt. Thomas Schooley, Sect. June 10, 1866. School opened as usual by Amos Wink. Closing by Pastor. Missionary society formed today. Number of teachers present 6 male and 4 female. Number of scholars present 25 male and 19 female. The weather was fine and the school is tolerably full at the close, but very late in coming. The school would be very interesting if it could get together at the proper time. Regularity is the life of a school. Preaching by T. T. Richards. Text 1 John 2 and 3 verses. Amos Wink, Supt., Azariah Akers, Sect. June 7, 1891. School opened with singing and prayer by J. L. Jackson. Number of teachers present, 4 male and 1 female. Number of scholars present 30 male and 15 female. Alvin Akers is with us today as a visitor. Today we have taken up the old organ again to use in the school. May God bless our school. Collection 19 cents. J. L. Jackson, Supt., W. H. Williams, Sect. June 11, 1916. School opened by singing and responsive sentences and prayer by assistant Supt. Singing by children. Reading of lesson verses. The lesson was about Sowing and Reaping. Study of lesson by classes. Golden Text--God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. Lesson reviewed by Mrs. M. A. Barkman. Banner Class No. 8. Main school total 25, primary dept., 38, teachers 7, officers 8, grand total 70. Amount of collection $1.41. S. M. Jackson, Supt. Besse V. Akers, Sect. June 16, 1940. School opened as usual with singing, responsive reading, prayer, singing, reading lesson verses, study of lessons, Title--Haggai urges the building of God's house. Golden Text--And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is. Heb. 10th Chapt. 24-25 verses. Number of officers present 6; number teachers 4; number children 17; number young people 18; number adults 8; numbers of visitors 11; total 59. Collection $3.84. Mrs. T. H. Walters, Supt. Miss Naomi Hixson, Sect. Children Service at 2:30 p. m. HIGH LIGHTS IN SUNDAY SCHOOL REPORTS FOR 25 YEARS Sunday School met at 8 o'clock on June 13, 1841 and continued until 1:30 o'clock. What perseverance! The school closed for the Winter on December 5, 1841 and opened on April 1, 1842 all having been preserved through the winter and a full school in attendance, manifesting much interest in the exercises of the day. J. Wesley Akers, Supt., Thomas C. Schooley, Sect. June 19, 1842. This day we celebrate the first anniversary of our existence as a school, there was a full attendance. The ten commandments, Apostles Creed, select passages of scripture and a number of lessons in the different catechisms were recited. The exercises throughout were interesting. J. Wesley Akers, Supt., Thomas C. Schooley, Sect. October 30, 1842 the school closes for the second year with the first annual report of the Sunday School. The number admitted since the commencement of the school is 69 but deducting for removals and leaves, the true number in the school is 55 scholars and 8 teachers. Average attendance 46. Volumes of library read 638, verses of scripture recited 5216, verses of hymns recited 1307, answers of catechism recited 5,910. J. Wesley Akers, Supt., Thomas C. Schooley, Sect. August 10, 1845. This day is the commencement of a union of "Prayer" for the prosperity of the Sunday School cause throughout the world. The proposition was made in England and to be continued 8 days. J. Wesley Akers, supt., Thomas C. Schooley, Sect. June 13, 1847. It is 6 years to the very day since our school was first organized. The school met at 11:30 and was well attended. J. Wesley Akers, Supt., Thomas C. Schooley, Sect. August 5, 1849. There was no regular school last Sunday in consequence of a search for Noah Barton Sr. who was living with his son-in-law, Mr. John Sipes. He started about July 4 to come to visit his son William and got lost in the woods and wandered about and died. His remains were found yesterday morning about 12 o'clock and a decent coffin provided for them and this morning they were buried. John Akers, Supt. J. Benson Akers, Sect. April 14, 1850. The weather pleasant but very cold. Our school commenced this season under rather inauspicious circumstances. The season seems very backward and the day cold. There was some squalls of snow this morning. Since the closing of our school last fall nothing so very important or extraordinary has happened in this neighborhood except the burning of the mill of our worthy Supt., March 22, between 12 and 1 o'clock in the daytime. The mill took fire in the chair makers ship and in about 2 hours it was in ruins. The loss about $3,000. Jno. Akers, Supt.; J. Benson Akers, Sect. May 5, 1850. The balance of the scholars in E. L. Akers' class were transferred to the class taught by Azariah Akers and Elizabeth L. Akers was appointed the teacher. So far it has been a male teacher to a female class but now the classes are arranged right. Let the males teach the males and the females the females. Jno. Akers, Supt.; J. Benson Akers, Sect. October 30, 1850. Here was a couple of girls. (Young women they think themselves) who kept whispering during the time the Supt. was reading a chapter in the bible. This was particularly noticed as the rest of the scholars were unusually quiet. They ought to have had better sense enough to know better than to do this. Jno. Akers, Supt.; J. Benson Akers, Sect. April 27, 1851. Thomas C. Schooley former Secretary of S. S. was at preaching today. Jno. Akers, Supt.; J. Benson Akers, Sect. June 22, 1851. Ephriam Hixson visited the school today and appeared much interested in the exercises. He also prayed at the close of the school. Jno. Akers, Supt.; J. Benson Akers, Sect. Sept. 14, 1851. Supt. introduced the plan of the scholars walking out in regular file. It is the best and most orderly way of leaving the S. S. Room. Jno. Akers, Supt.; J. Benson Akers, Sect. Nov. 2, 1851. Beaulah R. Wink, teacher of class No. 6 was married last Thursday to Mr. Jabez H. Akers. Jno. Akers, Supt.; J. Benson Akers, Sect. August 29, 1852. School thin today in consequence of the marriage of West Asa Akers to Miss Nancy Hixson at 9 o'clock this morning by Rev. John Shrives. John Akers, Supt.; J. Benson Akers, Sect. May 1, 1853. The school was visited by Joel Barton. John Akers, Supt.; J. Benson Akers, Sect. April 23, 1854. David Fields was appointed teacher of the class formerly taught by J. Benson Akers, who is attending college at Carlisle. John Akers, Supt.; I. Milton Akers, Sect. August 9, 1863. The assistant Supt., and Sect., went to Chambersburg to bring some of the drafted men whose time is expired. Amos Wink, Supt., M. J. Jackson, Sect. April 24, 1864. Amos Wink's house burnt yesterday with nearly all the property in it, as it was very windy. Amos Wink, Supt.; Azariah Akers, Sect. June 12, 1864. Drafted on the 3rd of this month namely Amos Wink, E. E. Akers, Joshua and A. B. Barton, and to report at McConnellsburg on the 21st. General Grant is pressing hard on Richmond and I hope the new draftmen will not be needed. Amos Wink, Supt.; Azariah Akers, Sect. July 10, 1864. School opened by Wm. Galligar, he beinga refugee from the rebels on a raid in Maryland. He was Israel Akers' son-in-law. Amos Wink, Supt.; Azariah Akers, Sect. August 7, 1864. Andrew A. Slagle of Adams County, Penna., who has served 3 years in the army of the Potomac visited the school this afternoon. He was Israel Akers' son-in-law. Amos Wink, Supt.; Azariah Akers, Sect. October 16, 1864. The school is still thin today, but there is peace and harmony. There is always pleasure. Amos Wink, Supt.; Azariah Akers, Sect. June 4, 1865. Morgan Barton was at school today. He belongs to Co. M. M. 22, P. V. Cavalry. Amos Wink, Supt., Azariah Akers, Sect. April 22, 1866. Today our school assembled for the first time this season. There was a good turn-out in the old school house, but in consequence of a new arrangements of seats it was impossible to get the school properly organized, and concluded to move into the church next Sabbath, hoping the school may prosper, bloom like the rose and send forth a lasting perfume. Amos Wink, Supt., Azariah Akers, Sect. April 29, 1866. Today the school was held in the church for the first time and after a hard struggle succeeded in getting the school partially organized, after which the Rev. W. G. Fergerson preached from I Chronicles last chapter and latter clause of the 5th verse. Amos Wink, Supt., Azariah A. Akers, Sect. The officers for 1866: President, B. P. Duvall; Vice President, John Peck; Secretary, Azariah Akers; Superintendent, Amos Wink; Assistant Superintendent, Mahlon Barton; Treasurer, Abia Akers; Librarians, Israel Akers, Amariah Akers; Managers, Allen E. Carpenter, Jabez Barton, C. G. Baird. August 11, 1867. Charity Duvall died today about 1 o'clock, aged 42 years, 2 months, 19 days. She was weak and feeble for some time in body, but strong in spirit. Amos Wink, Supt., Azariah Akers, Sect. Sept. 29, 1867. Rev. J. Milton Akers compelled to leave his active work in the itinerancy on account of a throat infection, visited the school today. Amos Wink, Supt., Azariah Akers, Sect. October 27, 1867. The last S. S. for the year, there was $5 expended for books this year. Josephine Carpenter collected $4.40 for missionary. Benj. C. Peck collected $3.53 for missionary. Lucinda Barton collected $3.00 for missionary. Amos Wink, Supt., Azariah Akers, Sect. PATHFINDER CLASS A Pathfinders Class was organized in the Sunday School in April 1924 under the supervision of Miss Besse V. Akers, who taught it for a number of years. She has a record of 35 years as a teacher in the S. S. This class continued active for about 10 years, with a membership as high as 35 at its peak. SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBRATION A Sunday School celebration was held in the grove on August 10, 1855. A number of declamations, dialogs, hymns and prayers were rendered by 30 different members of the school and a presentation speech was made by Benson Akers on the occasion of the presenting of 10 banners to the S. S. by the Supt., John Akers. A picnic dinner brought by the different families consisted of 1 turkey, 1 ham, 1 leg veal, 17 lbs. beef, 7 loaves of bread, 15 doz. cakes, 11 doz. ginger cakes, 4 doz. light sweet cakes, pickles, candy butter, etc. ANNUAL SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CHURCH CONVENTION The 12th annual Sunday School and church convention was held November 14, 1888, afternoon and evening sessions. The speakers were Rev. J. C. Brown, B. P. Duvall, Amos Wink, M. M. Barton, Amos Hixson, M. J. Jackson, and J. L. Jackson. FULTON COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION The Fulton County Sunday School Convention was held at Akersville in 1911, and 1927 and now in 1941. S. E. Walters has been the efficient secretary of the Fulton County Sabbath School Association since 1927. STAUNCH CHRISTIANS They were staunch Christians, the Founders, the Faithful Ministers, the loyal Superintendent, the good Secretary, the efficient Teachers and the studious Scholars, who have made it possible and proper for the writer to declare "The Akersville Sunday School" is proud of its History. CEMETERY (BURYING GROUND) John Wesley Akers deeded to Israel Akers some land on April 2, 1842, being the same land which the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by patent bearing date of 3rd of Dec., 1788, did grant unto Johnathan Buck, who by deed conveyed the same to Robert Akers, who by will bearing date June 22, 1791, conveyed the same to Robert Akers, who by deed bearing date 29th of October, 1838 conveyed the same to J. Wesley Akers and of this there was excepted a lot of 81 perches deeded to Trustees of the M. E. Church for a burying ground. Approximately 200 burials have been made in this cemetery. A number (12) or more Akers were buried on the farm on which E. A. Jackson now lives, before the cemetery was established. Later they were removed to it. There are two people over 90 years, 10 people over 80 years, 26 people over 70 years, 7 Civil War veterans, 1 World War veteran buried in this cemetery. Hymn--Air "AMERICA" We sing our honored dead, And on their tranquil bed Proud tribute fling; Here let our song arise Like incense to the skies A living sacrifice To them we sing. No voice of woe shall wreathe Amidst the strains we breathe, With grateful breast; Theirs was a work well done, Theirs was a race well run, Theirs was a victory won Of peace and rest. SCHOOL Robert Akers Sr., deeded to Israel Akers some land April 1, 1837, excepting a lot deeded to School Directors of Brush Creek Township. The first school house was built in 1825. In northern Brush Creek 2 school were opened in 1837 or 38. In 1872 Hiram Winter, Supt. of Fulton Co. schools reported to the state that of the 6 school houses in Brush Creek district, only one can be said to have suitable furniture. This is the house at Akersville; it is a model of comfort and convenience and reflects great credit to the board (who are somewhat of the Go-Ahead type) for the care and good taste which they have displayed in its location and erection. The present school building was erected in 1896 and the report of Charles E. Barton of 1905 who served as County Superintendent of Fulton County schools from 1902 until his death in May 1907, contains this item--Brush Creek put a complete set of geographical specimens from the Philadelphia museum into the advanced room at Akersville, the very best of material and workmanship were used in fitting up the cases for the exhibit and the district can now boast of the most attractive school room in the county. S. E. Walters, who has taught 29 years in the present building, has rendered splendid service, and was teaching in the room at the time this exhibit was placed in the house. Many, many boys and girls crossed the threshold of this building and learned as he taught, and the good he wrought these twenty years and nine, stand as a light to guide a-right through all future time. Mr. Walters also taught at Buffalo, Buchanan and other places many years. In 1935 the board of directors of Brush Creek provided a transportation route from Akersville south upon which students who desire may daily reach the high school at Warfordsburg. In 1938 the Buffalo school was closed and the board of directors provided transportation for the pupils to Akersville. In 1940 the Buchanan school was closed and the board of directors provided transportation for pupils, by bus, to Akersville schoo. The following people who were natives of Akersville and attended Sunday School and church have taught or are teaching school. Hon. George W. Barton; Louisa Akers (Carpenter); E. D. Akers, James S. Akers; Elizabeth Akers (Holly); Emily Akers (Oster); Harry M. Barton; Augusta Seiling; Lilly Hanks (Sproat); George A. Duvall; Chas. E. Barton (Supt. of School); Frank Akers; Alvah Barton; Allen Carpenter; S. E. Walters; Homer Barton; Myrtle Duvall (Akers); Virgil Barton; Lena Williams (Barker); Elizabeth Hixson (Targett); Velda Duvall (Barton); Boyd Walters; Russell Akers; Walter Barkman. There are probably more but we do not have the names. POSTOFFICE Postmaster, Date Appointed Mark L. Jackson, December 3, 1860 (Established) Miss Amanda Akers, February 18, 1864 Charles G. Baird, January 27, 1865 John H. Akers, November 16, 1867 James S. Akers, June 28, 1893 James E. Jackson, April 18, 1900 William H. Duvall, July 30, 1906 Orville R. Duvall, April 30, 1909 Banner Clingerman, August 19, 1918 Jasper B. Wilkins (Acting), March 24, 1919 Jasper B. Wilkins, May 16, 1919 Norman Duvall (Acting), September 10, 1934 This office was discontinued March 30, 1935. Mail was ordered sent to Crystal Springs. Mahlon Barton, a very kind and obliging man, has carried the mail from Crystal Springs since 1917, to Akersville Office and later to the doors of the people. GRIST MILL The pioneers built mills for grinding grain early after settling in a community, since bread and hoe cakes formed a substantial part of the diet a century or more ago, the flour mill was a center of activity. One such mill was built by John Akers at Akersville along a stream of water large enough to guarantee a never failing supply of power to turn the heavy stone rollers which were used to grind the grain. Mr. Wm. C. Clevenger and Mr. George W. Truax and others each spent a number of years operating this mill which was 3 stories high, 30 x 60 feet. Mr. Akers also had a cross roads country store which rendered inestimable service in the early days. A blacksmith shop was a place of activity too. In 1866 John Harvey Akers, a nephew purchased his uncle's farm and mill property; in 1876 he built a sawmill; in 1883 a planing mill each near the grist mill, in order that the water which ran through a race-way and made the power to run the grist-mill would also run the others. In 1909 O.R. Duvall purchased the mill property and operated the mills and built the present house. In 1919 J.B. Wilkins purchased the property and since then all milling operations have ceased. Modern methods are used in large milling centers to grind wheat into flour, many people use "Bakers Bread," and a feed grinder mounted on a truck goes from barn to barn to grind grain to feed the farmers stock, along with commercially prepare products which they buy elsewhere. SAWMILL Sawmilling was and still is carried on extensively in Brush Creek Valley. The old fashioned method of sawing lumber has gone out of style. It was the "Old up and down" water-powered sawmill. There were many of them in use in the early days, the last one to be used about 1925 near Akersville being located on the Akers (now Simon Barton) homestead, on the banks of a small stream known as Laurel Run a mile above the junction of Brush Creek and Laurel Run at Crystal Springs. It was built by two brothers, Ellis and Hazlett Akers (both deceased). During the Fall and Winter the thickly wooded mountains surrounding Akersville and other sections of the Valley rang with the thud of the woodsman's axe and twang of the cross-cut saw as the hard woods were cut into logs and then dragged to the mill. Then when the snow thawed in the Spring sending the waters rushing down the stream, the mills at various places were started and the sawing was done by an old blade zing zanging up and down through the long, thick logs. The type of blade used deserves a line of note its passing as it was the forerunner of the modern band saw. About 5 feet long with huge ugly teeth, it was sent up and down by a water wheel, cutting only on the down stroke. Several minutes were required to cut through a log and the operator would often start his cut and then walk over to another part of the mill to attend to some other task while the saw ceaselessly plowed a jerky up and down path through the log. When the cut was made the plank fell to one side and an automatic trip closed the water-gate stopping the saw. It was a long tedious task to cut a thousand feet and it was necessary to run the mill day and night while the water lasted to cut out the many logs hauled before. This type of mill has joined the spinning wheel, the flint rock musket, stage coach and other Americana. Later steam engines and circular saws were used; now gasoline tractor power is used and as in most every other kind of work speed is uppermost. No one can estimate the number of thousand feet of lumber which has been sawed in this vicinity. This valley was noted for its "white pine shingles" and many kinds of timber. For several years the Reichley Bros. had a number of miles of railroad reaching throughout the mountains almost to Akersville, many thousands of feet of lumber being transported to their headquarters in Wells Valley over their railroad. This was a boom time for our men. FARMING Modern methods of farming are used on many farms today with dairying and poultry raising as sidelines. It is impossible for the present generation to realize the condition of things that existed in the early days. Markets were few and far between and even the scanty products the farmers were able to produce brought insignificant prices compared with those of the late years and of 1900 and now 1941, and as a consequence luxuries were unknown. ROADS The pioneers made paths, the settlers made roads. In 1825 a draft for a road was surveyed starting at the widow Ensley's (now Geo. Garland) coming in a north-easterly direction to the turnpike. The following persons were listed as land owners, beginning at the widow Ensley's, next was Uriah Akers, Elijah Barton, Noah Barton, Geo. Barton, Ralph Akers Jr., Ephriam Akers, (Brush Creek Stream), Robert Akers, (mill) John Akers, Barren Ridge, Turnpike (now the Lincoln Highway). This route was probably followed when a hard surfaced road was built from Crystal SPrings to Akersville in 1934. Improved dirt roads are elsewhere in the vicinity. Cement bridges have been built to replace the old wooden ones. The mode of travel was walking, horse-back riding, horse and buggy (with a whip as an important gadget), sleighs and surreys. About 1920 automobiles came into use and now nearly every family travels in them. TELEPHONE Telephone service was established after 1900. ELECTRIC LIGHT Electric light current was served February 7, 1941 by the Bedford Rural Electric Corp., Inc. to families at Akersville. SETTLERS AND RESIDENTS AKERS The Akers family dates from the time of William the Norman in England. The first Akers we have any record of in Brush Creek were Ralph and Abiah, supposed to have been brothers. Ralph was born in 1728. They secured patents from the State of Pennsylvania for adjoining tracts in Providence Twp., Bedford County, when the capitol of Pennsylvania was in Philadelphia. The warrants for both tracts were issued on the same day, October 26, 1785. Both surveys were made on the same day, April 6, 1786, and both patents were issued the same day, December 17, 1787. Ralph's tract was called "Hillsborough" and contained 216 acres; Abiah's tract was called "Scrub Ridge" and contained 244 acres. Ephraim Akers I, son of Ralph Sr., was born in 1761. He secured two patents from the State of Penna. One was called "Akersburg" and the other tract was called "York." Ephraim, I, married Rachel Hanks of Loudon County, Virginia and were the parents of 8 children. Two of the boys, John and Ephraim II were married and lived and died at Akersville. Ephraim, I, built the stone house on the "Hill," first living in a log house and it being burned down replaced it with the stone building, requiring 2 years to build it. Afterwards he built a barn and fell from the top and was killed, so his son, John, took over the farm and lived there the remainder of his days. John married Eliz. McLaughlin who was born in Ireland. They had five children. He was a devout Christian, serving as Supt. of the Sunday School for a number of years. Besides farming, milling, etc., he raised silk worms in one room of the Stone House. They also had an apple dryer built, a little house all by itself, containing a stove and two rows of dryers from the floor to the ceiling. Mrs. J. Harvey Akers used it after they moved to the Stone House to live. All of his children must have moved to distant places. Ephraim II, son of Ephraim I, lived on the farm now owned by E.A. Jackson. He was born in 1798 and married Margaret Hill. They were parents of 7 children who married and settled in Brush Creek, except Sylvester who lived and died in Bedford County; his grandson, Earl Akers, lives in Brush Creek on the Elliot Lodge farm. West Asa Akers, a son of Ephraim II, married Nancy Hixson and lived on his father's farm and raised a large family, some of them settling in Akersville for a few years after marrying, then moving elsewhere. John Harvey Akers, another son of Ephraim II, married Rhoda Hixson, and they also raised a large family; all with the exception of two taught school in Brush Creek, and after marriage they all moved away except one son, E.D. Akers, who lived in Akersville all his life. There are only two of the children living, but there are a host of grandchildren and great grandchildren living. John Harvey Akers was a Civil War veteran and after the war he bought the John Akers, also Israel Akers property. He was a very active man. He had a store and the Post Office for quite a number of years, while he farmed, sawmilled, and operated the grist mill and a blacksmith shop. He was also a wagon maker by trade. Ephraim Akers III married Rachel Barton and raised their family close to Crystal Springs. Two of their sons, Ellis and Hazlett, lived on the home place and adjoining farm, and reared their families and spent their lives there. Ellis' son, Archie, lives on the home place now. Ralph Akers Jr., was the son of Ralph Akers Sr., born in 1777 and his son, Amariah, was H. C. Akers' father. Amariah also had a brother, Azariah Akers, who was Secretary of the Sunday School for a number of years, and Norman Akers of Sipes Mill is his grandson. H. C. Akers had two children, Mrs. S. E. Walters, who lives on the old Homestead, and Clarence R. Akers (deceased) who represented Fulton County in the House of Representatives, 1911-12 session. Robert Akers, another son of Ralph Sr., was the father of our first Superintendent of Sunday School, John Wesley Akers. Robert had six children, all boys. All of them moved away from Akersville except Israel who bought the farm that Robert Akers sold to John Wesley Akers and Israel sold it to John Harvey Akers, with the exception of the ground for the Church and Cemetery, and John Harvey Akers sold it to his son, E. D. Akers, and his widow, Elizabeth Akers and youngest son, Irwin Akers, still reside on it. Israel Akers had four children, 2 boys and 2 girls. Both boys were ministers, J. Benson Akers and J. Milton Akers. Israel has a grandson, Emory Slagle, of Hanover, and a granddaughter, Miss Elizabeth Akers of Bellwood, still living. Israel built the carding mill, which was across the creek in front of the church, in 1830 and operated it until 1877. He had a partnership in the Tannery that was operated in the field across the creek from the OLD HOUSE or west of the church. The tannery was opperated by Thomas Schooley, our first Secretary of the Sunday School for a number of years, after it was organized in 1841. Israel Akers used to run the grist mill which was built in the early 1800's. He used to tell how he caught cat-naps when running night and day during low water. Timothy Akers, son of Robert Akers, was born in 1806. In the early days of Methodist class meetings he was ranked high in his leadership, being a great leader in his church as a layman. His wife was Mary Barton. They had nine children and they are scattered all over the U.S. He left Akersville early in life. John Wesley Akers, son of Robert Akers, was born in 1801. He was our first Sunday School Superintendent and served a number of years. He married Elizabeth Morgret and they had seven children. He lived the greater part of his life at Akersville, then moved away. Ralph Akers Sr., brother Abiah who came to Brush Creek with him had one son, Abiah, Jr., and he must have been the father of Uriah Akers, who lived where N.B. Hixson now lives, when the road was surveyed in 1825. He had a son, Abiah, who married Elizabeth Phillips, in 1822. They must have lived on the tract that was called "Scrub Ridge" or the tract called "Buckingham" which Robert Akers sold a part of to Abiah Akers in 1790. Abiah, Sr., had sold part of "Scrub Ridge" previous. Abiah Akers was Treas. of Sunday School in 1866. He was the father of Caleb Joshua Akers, who lived on the farm and raised a large family, 6 boys and 5 girls, all living except 2 boys, and making good in life. This is the largest Akers family we have record of in Akersville, and they are scattered from Pa. to Calif. E.A. Jackson now owns the farm; it was known as the Caleb Akers farm. BARTON George Barton, Sr., who died in 1815, and his son, Elijah, came from N.J. in 1790 and settled on a tract of land which was a wilderness then; he got title to this land from Wm. and John Penn. Mahlon Barton, Sr., was his grandson and his home was a part of the land which his grandfather bought and is now owned by a grandson, Jesse C. Barton, and Dr. Ralph S. Akers, of Miami, Florida. Mahlon Barton, Sr., married Anna James in 1826 and they had 12 children. Of their sons, M. Morgan, was a Civil War veteran and a church worker; another son, James, was a Civil War veteran and a church worker and lived where his grandson, Marvin, now lives, that house being one of the old ones still in use. George Barton, son of Elijah, was the father of Hon. George W. Barton, a school teacher, and a leading citizen of Brush Creek. He was elected Associate Judge in 1876. His son, Charles E. Barotn, became the Supt. of Fulton County Schools in 1902, and served until his death in May 1907. Mrs. Blanche Barton Barrows, a daughter of George W. Barton, was born more than 60 years ago on the farm where her parents spent their lives, it now being owned by Mahlon Barton, and the log part of the house, built before 1821, is still in use. She was converted in a revival meeting at Akersville Church about 1893 and her christian life was nurtured in the church by those kind and fatherly men, B.P. Duvall, J.L. Jackson, M.M. Barton and others. No doubt many other people could give like testimony. Since 1918 she has been employed by the government and lived in Washington, D.C. Her brother, Philip Barton, lives in Illinois, and her brother, Arthur lives in California. Mason Barton was a son of Joel Barton and married Charlotte Akers. They had a number of children who were very talented. All have passed to the Great Beyond except Harry M. Barton, a prominent man of Clearfield, Pa., and Mrs. Maggie Barton-Bryson of Breezewood. There are many, many descendants of the Barton's scattered over the U.S. JACKSON Samuel Jackson came from Loudon County, Va., about 1803. His wife was Mary Hanks, one son was named Styles, born in 1802. He married Nancy McLaughlin and they had 9 children. A son, John Lawson (J.L.) married Leah Hixson. He had a preachers license and supplied during vacations but was never a regular minister; he was a pillar in the Akersville Church and a powerful man to pray. He lived one mile north of Akersville on the old Jackson Homestead. This farm is now owned by O.W. Duvall. His three sons, Burdine, S. Marshall and James E. are active church workers but unfortunately each met accidental deaths. E.A. Jackson and Mrs. O.W. Duvall and their children are his only descendants now living in Akersville. Another son of Styles was James Russell. He married Martha Hanks and they lived near J.L. Jackson. One of their sons is the well known lawyer, John R. Jackson of Waynesboro, Pa. Another son, C.M. Jackson is retired from the P.R.R. and lives in Altoona. Two grandsons, Frank and John Jackson, live in Washington, D. C., and work for the government. There are many descendants of the Jacksons in other localities. DUVALL Dr. Jeremiah Duvall was one of the earliest pioneers on Broad Top, Bedford County, coming from near Annapolis, Md., shortly after his return from the Revolutionary War. He was a physician of good standing and a local preacher in the M. E. Church, dying at the age of 82 years in 1832. His son, Dr. Asa Duvall studied medicine with his father, married Leah Akers (sister of John Akers) of Akersville and they had six children. He obtained land from the heirs of Hon. John J. Hamilton in 1833. In 1859 he and his wife deeded same land, which was located in Brush Creek Township, Fulton County, to their son, Benjamin (B. P.) Duvall, it being the farm which his grandson, Blaine J. Hixson, has spent 45 years of his life on. The 70-year-old house on that farm burned in 1939, but Mr. Hixson immediately built a modern one on the old foundation. B. P. Duvall was married twice and reared his family on this farm, living there until his death in 1902. He was very active in the work of the church and many of his descendants are engaged in religious activities in various places. His son, George A. Duvall, is a minister; his son, W. H. Duvall, gave three sons to the ministry; his son, A. W. Duvall, has probably attended more sessions of Sunday School at Akersville than any person now living; a grandson, O. R. Duvall, was one of Akersville praying fathers; his grandson, George S. Hixson, is a minister, and the writer is a grand daughter. Mrs. Elizabeth Foor, 82 years old, a daughter of B. P. Duvall, who lives in the W. F. Hixson home, has been tenderly cared for by her grand niece, Mrs. Naomi Hixson Strait, since she suffered a hip injury in 1940. Porter G. Duvall, son of O. R. Duvall, is Sheriff of Fulton County at the present time. There are more descendants of B. P. Duvall living at Akersville than any other name at the present time. WINK Jacob Wink came from Belfast Township, Fulton County, to Brush Creek in 1816. He bought a farm in 1822 and married Sara Markle of Bedford County. Amos Wink was one of four children and married Osee Barton and they had several daughters, one of whom, Mary Angeline, married Amos W. Duvall, 50 years ago (Mr. and Mrs. Duvall quietly celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on March 4, 1941). Amos Wink reared his daughters on the farm where Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Duvall have lived for more than 40 years of their married life. Two of his other daughters married Duvalls. A grand daughter, Mrs. Lena Williams Barker, has been employed by the government in Washington, D. C., since 1924. Mr. Wink was a great man to sing and shout, also served a large number of years as Supt. of the Sunday School HIXSON Timothy Hixson came from Va. about 1790. He had several children who married into the Akers, Lodge, Barton and other families. One son, Ephraim Hixson, married Osee Barton in 1824. Of their children, Matilda married William Hanks, Rhoda married J. Harvey Akers, Nancy married West Asa Akers. A son, Nathan, married Mary Barton and they had 15 children. He was a shoemaker by trade, lived on a farm, owned a saw mill and carding mill, located on the south branch of Brush Creek, near his residence. His son, John N. Hixson, operated the carding mill. The writer remembers how as a child she watched her father card the wood into rolls, and then watched her mother as she spinned the rolls into yarn, an accomplishment which many women then had. Later Mr. Hixson purchased the farm of his wife's father (B. P. Duvall) and moved to it where he spent the remainder of his life. John's oldest son, N. B. Hixson, owns a lives on the farm supposed to have been owned by Uriah Akers in 1825. His youngest son, George S. Hixson, has been employed in the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C., since 1933. The descendants of the Hixsons are numerous and scattered all over the U.S. WALTERS Samuel Walters was born December 24, 1814, and died August 14, 1858; married Emily Kissinger, who was born August 8, 1815. After his death, Mrs. Walters came to Brush Creek Valley and married John Akers (second wife), in 1866. He died but she lived many years after his death. Her eldest son, William H. Walters, was a Civil War veteran, and is the ancestor of the Walters now living in the valley. His wife was Charlotte Barton. Records of the activities of his son, S. Ernest Walters, has been given previously in this history. A son, C. W. Walters, lives in Altoona and has been a lumber inspector for the P.R.R. for more than 30 years. Mrs. R. H. Walters, a widow of a son who met an accidental death in 1934 lives on the old Walters Homestead. SEILING Mrs. and Mrs. William Seiling and their family came from York Co, Pa., to Akersville in 1869, and lived the remainder of their lives on the farm now owned by Alex. Lamberson, who married Helen Seiling-Duvall in 1906. Their house is one of the very old ones still in use. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Seiling, August Seiling, was a noted physician. SCHENCK George H. Schenck came to Brush Creek from Wells Valley more than 50 years ago, and has lived on the "Deep Well" farm. He is more than 70 years old and, being in ill health, has retired from farming. BARKMAN M. A. Barkman moved with his family from Bedford County about 40 years ago and has lived on the farm owned by the pioneer, Ralph Akers, Sr., in 1825. Mr. Barkman was 83 years old in April 1941, and attends Sunday School quite regularly at Akersville. He loves to tell how THE LORD SAVED HIM and enjoys listening to "T'is the Old Time Religion" song. A HUNDRED YEARS OF PROGRESS Written by the Rev. George A. Duvall, Williamsport, Pa., April 10, 1941, and affectionately dedicated to the memory of the Members of the Akersville, Pa., Methodist Church who have been transferred to the Church Triumphant, and to those who are now carrying on to the glory of God and the blessing of posterity. This poem may be sung to the tune of "O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing," No. 1 in the old Methodist Hymnal; No. 162 in the New Methodist Hymnal. (Gathering, Singing, Praying) A hundred years of gathering Withint the house of God, A hundred years of treading Where angel feet have trod. A hundred years of singing The songs of Zion old. A hundred years of giving Our Silver and our Gold. A hundred years of praying That God our souls might bless. A hundred years of pleading That sinners might confess. (Little Feet, Flaming Youth, the Old) A hundred grand and glorious years Of guiding little feet Toward heaven's open pearly gates Their Saviour there to meet. A hundred grand and glorious years Of helping flaming youth To find their rightful place in life And propagate the truth. A hundred grand and glorious years Of comforting the old Preparing them in peace and joy To walk the streets of gold. (Worship, Hallowed Spot, Sacred Shrine) O truly grand and glorious years How sweet the work has been, To worship Him who at such cost Redeemed our souls from sin. O sacred place, O hallowed spot Where first we found the light, And Christ took every sin away And banished all the night. O beautiful and sacred shrine Where sould are thrilled by Thee, Give thou alike a thousand years To our posterity. (Prayer for length of our own days) Great God of Heaven, hear our prayer. Many years more we crave, To sing Thy praise and teach Thy word Before we reach the grave. Give us the food for which we long And make our Zion grow, Make this Thy Church a holy place Where love shall overflow. Grant us the joy of constant peace By trusting in Thy grace, And when our work on earth is done Make us to see Thy face--Amen. The 12 stanzas are arranged in 4 groups: Gathering, singing, praying; Little feet, flaming youth, the old; Worship hallowed spot, sacred shrine; The last group is a triple prayer for length of our own days, growth of the church, and final reaching of the Church Triumphant. IN CELEBRATION OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL OF AKERSVILLE, PENNA. This song was written by Mrs. T. H. Walters and revised by the Rev. George A. Duvall. Tune: "Auld Lang Syne." Our Sunday School was organized In eighteen forty one Now join with us and sing glad praise For those who thus begun. CHORUS: Our Sunday School, dear Church and school, We love you more each day. Here now we offer thanks to God, And lift our hearts to pray. The Pioneers went to such schools Many long years ago, In humble buildings by the road Because they loved God so. CHORUS In eighteen fifty eight the Church At Akersville was built By men who loved the Savior dear, Whose blood for them was spilt. CHORUS Our Parents taught us from the word How we should watch and pray, And follow in the path of God And trust Him and obey. CHORUS With gratitude to God this day, With reverence for our sires, We pledge ourselves to keep alive The church's altar fires. (Alternate Chorus for last verse) Our Sunday School, dear Church and School, We love you more each day On Sabbaths of the years to come We'll read and sing and pray. [end of document]