Greene County PA Archives Deed.....Huston, Samuel - Jinkins, Jr, Aaron & Betty March 29, 1785 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lynn Beatty January 6, 2007, 2:50 pm Written: March 29, 1785 Deed Book 2 Page 310. Aaron Jinkins Junr & Betty his wife of the one part & Samuel Huston of the other part all of Tp of Green, Greene Co Pa dated Sept 1, 1807 for $2350 conveys tract of land called "Hawks Nest" on the waters of little Whiteley Creek in the Tp & co aforesaid. Beginning at a stone thence by lands claimed by Elias Stone & by lands of Samuel Hyde, David Evans & lands of Aaron Jinkins Senr 324 perches to place of beginning ctg 235 A 9 p & allowance of 6% for roads which tract was surveyed in pursuance of a warrant dated Mch 29, 1785, granted to the sd Aaron Jinkins, Junr. Aaron Jenkins, Betty Jenkins. Witnesses: John Flenniken, James Seaton. Ackd Sept 1807 when wife is called Bettsy, before John Flenniken, Associate Judge. Recorded Mch 5, 1808 John Boreman, Rec. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.3 Kb