Land: Deed Sheriff to Thomas RYERSON, 1798 Richhill Twp, Greene Co, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Pamela Villafuerte USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. _____________________________________________ Copied as written. DEED BOOK # 1, Page 296-298 DEED Poll. James HOOK, Esquire, High Sheriff of Greene County to Thomas RYERSON To all people to whom these presents shall come. I James HOOK, Esquire High Sheriff of the County of Greene in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Send Greeting, Whereas by a Writ of Testatum Fieri Facias of the Commonwealth aforesaid Issued out of the County Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, and to me directed, I was commanded that of the Goods and Chattels Lands and Tenements of Robert MORRIS Esquire, in my Bailiwick, I should cause to be levied six thousand and nine Dollars and fifteen cents lawful money of Pennsylvania, which to Charles NICHOLSON lately in the County Court of Common Pleas aforesaid before the Justices at Philadelphia, were adjudged for his damages which he sustained as well by occasion of the nonperformance of a certain promisse and assumption by the said Robert to the said Charles at Philadelphia aforesaid made, as for his Costs and Damages by him about his suit in that behalf expended, whereof the said Robert was convict as appears of Record & A(?) and that I should have that money before the Justices at Philadelphia aforesaid, at the County Court of Common Pleas aforesaid, there to be held the fourth day of June (then) next, to render to the said Charles NICHOLSON for his damages aforesaid, and that I should have then therethat said Writ. And whereas I the said Sheriff the same day before the said justices returned, that by virtue of the said Writ, I had seized and taken in execution eleven certain Tracts of Land described as follows, No:1 the Mansion house and farm whereon Thomas RYERSON lived several years and now tenanted by Isachar HUNTINGTON and his sons including the Grist Mill, Saw Mill, dwelling Houses, Barn and all other Buildings thereunto belonging and appertaining , the same having been called in the Virginia preemption right or Warrant "Valladolid" containing about four hundred acres and patented to Robert MORRIS and was improved by a certain BLACKBURN---No: 2. The tract of land on the east thereof known by the name of John DAVISes place and whereon Edward GRANDON now lives including the improvement thereon, this tract originally contained four hundred acres and upwards, was improved under preemption right by Henry ENOCH and was patented in the Land Office of Pennsylvania, by and in the name of Thomas RYERSON under the title and name of the Vineyard---No: nine several tracts of land nearly adjoining the Mansion Farm as above mentioned, warrented in the names following---William YOUNG four hundred and thirty nine acres, Agnes YOUNG four hundred and thirty nine acres, Thomas FERGUSON four hundred and thirty nine acres, William JUSTICE four hundred and thirty nine acres, John RICHARDS four hundred and thirty nine acres, John BARRAN four hundred and thirty nine acres, James COFFRINGER four hundred and thirty nine acres, Henry BECK for four hundred and thirty nine acres, Henry STILES four hundred and thirty nin acres the said nine Tracts are situate and described by a line thus drawn, Beginning at Ellis BANE's house thence down Wheeling Creek to Jacob CROW's or the State line, thence by a line to Robert WHARTON's (the Creek called Templeton's) thence up the said Creek called Templeton's by Andrew FARLEY's and William TEAGARDEN's to Owen's Run, thence with a straight line to francis BRADDOOK's house, thence across Braddock's Run called Crab apple in a direct line along RYERSON's Road to his Improvements, thence to Eli BANE's house---all the above described Lands lie within the Township of Richhill in the said County of Greene, which remained in my hands unsold for want of buyers, and Therefore I could not have the Money in the said Writ mentioned, at the day and place in the said Writ specified as therein I was commanded; and that the residue of the execution of the said Writ appeared in a certain Schedule or Inquisition thereunto annexed. By which Schedule or Inquisition it was found, that the rents, issues and profits of the said eleven Tracts of Land hereditaments and premises with the appurtanences, in my said return upon the said writ thereunto annexed mentioned are not of a clear yearly value beyond all reprizes sufficient within the space of seven years to satisfy the damages in the said Writ mentioned. And whereas (afterwards) by a Writ of Venditioni Exponas of the Commonwealth aforesaid, issued out of the County Court of Common pleas aforesaid, tested a Philadelphia aforesaid, the fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight, and to me directed, I was commanded that the said eleven several Tracts pieces or parcels of Land hereditaments and premises with the appurtenances, I should expose to sale, and that I should have that money before the Justices at Philadelphia ________ aforesaid, at the county Court of Common pleas aforesaid, there to be held the seventeenth day of September (then) next, to render to the said Charles for his Damages aforesaid and that I should have then there the said Writ. And Whereas I the said Sheriff in obedience to the said Writ having given due and publick notice of the time and place of sale did on the fourth day of July last past, expose to sale, the afore described eleven several tracts of Land Hereditaments and premises, by public vendue or outcry, and sold the same with the appurtenances unto Thomas RYERSON of the City of Philadelphia, Merchant; for the sum of nine hundred and ten Dollars and twenty Cents lawful money of the United States of America, he being the highest and best bidder, and that the highest and best price bid for the same. Now Know ye that I the said James HOOK Esquire, high Sheriff of the said County of Greene for and in consideration of the said sum of nine hundred and ten Dollars and twenty Cents lawful money as aforesaid to me in hand paid by the said Thomas RYERSON at or before the ensealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have, and by these presents according to the directions and by force and virtue of the said recited Writs, and of the Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in such case made and provided do grant bargain and sell unto the said Thomas RYERSON his Heirs and Assigns, all the before mentioned eleven several Tracts of Land situated as aforesaid; Together with all and singular the Mills, Houses, Buildings, Barns, Stables, Gardens, Orchards, Improvements, Woods, ways, Waters, Water courses, rights, liberties, priviledges, hereditaments, and appurtenances unto them severally belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the rents issues and profits thereof. To have and to hold the said described eleven several Tracts of Land hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be, with the appurtanances, to the said Thomas RYERSON his Heirs and Assigns, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said Thomas RYERSON his Heirs and Assigns for ever, as fully and for such Estate and under such rents ________________________________________________ and conditions as the said Robert MORRIS Esquire had and held the same at the time of the Judgement, on which the aforegoing proceedings were founded; according to the form and effect of the said recited Writs and of the Acts of the Assembly of Pennsylvania aforesaid, in such case made and provided. In Testimony whereof, I the said James HOOK Esquire, high Sheriff of the County of Greene aforesaid have hereunto set my hand and seal the first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight. James HOOK Sheriff "seal" Sealed and delivered in the presence of John SIMONSON I. PENTACOST Received on the date of the aforegoing Deed of the aforenamed Thomas RYERSON the sum of nine hundred and ten dollars and twenty Cents lawful money of the united sataes of America being the full consideration Money therein mentioned. James HOOK Sheriff "seal" Test John SIMONSON I. PENTECOST Acknowledged in the county Court of common Pleas for the County of Greene before the Judges of the said Court, by the said James HOOK Esq. high Sheriff of the said County the first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the same Court, the same day and year. John BOREMAN Sheriff Greene County "seal" Recorded 1st October, 1798. Exam'd John BOREMAN Recorder (Always check original)