Greene County PA Archives Military Records.....Fetty, George November 19, 1832 Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Brian Core December 14, 2008, 12:25 am Fetty, George, 1832 New Jersey George Fetty S22764 Greene County Pennsylvania Ss On this 19th. day of November AD 1833 personally appeared in court, George Fetty a resident of Greene County Penna aged seventy eight years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress of the 7th June 1832. That he entered the service of the United States in the year 1776 and served in the following manner. That he first entered the service of the United States about the first of May 1776 in Amwel Township Huntington County New Jersey about 15 miles from Trenton as a drafted militia man under Captain John Philips for a term of two months which he served out in New Jersey most of the time near South Amboy. That the next tour he performed was about six months after he was drafted again for a tour of two months under the same captain was marched to Pescaytawa which he served out That some time about four or five months he was called out again for a tour of one month which he served again under the same captain the rest of the time he served at Trenton New Jersey. That the next time he was called out was In ___ about the time of the Battle of Brandywine that he was in that Battle that he was in the militia service that he was commanded by Lieut Rock that that on the season he served two months That he was called out after this as a militia man for a tour of one month under his former Captain John Philips this was in the summer of ____ which he served out in New Jersey on the Raritan River This was the last regular tour of service he performed that he was called out after a short tour against the tories on scout but he cannot now particularize the officers or the length of the tours but he rendered service in this way to the end of the war But the only tour he can particularly verify on the foregoing amounting to eight months for which he claims a pension but on his oath he can safely say he believes if his recollection would serve to verify his service against the tories & it would account to time that period That he has no documentary evidence nor does he know of any witness living by whom he can prove his service but his neighbors Levi Anderson Esq & Joseph Ailes will certify to his character as a Revolutionary Soldier. That he relinquishes any claim to any other pension or annuity whatsoever and declares that his name is not on any other pension roll of the agency of any state He answers to the questions required to be put first by the deponant he says. 1. That he was born near Princetown New Jersey about the month 7 June 1755 That he 2. That he has no record of his age. 3. That after he removed from New Jersey he removed to the state of Pennsylvania about fifty years ago where he has resided ever since. 4. That he served as a drafted militia man & one term as a volunteer militia man. 5. That he served under Captain John Philips & Rock the gen'l officers. 6. That he has no written discharge nor had he ever any to his knowledge. 7. That he could not procure the attendance of any clergyman with whom he can aquaint but that Levi Anderson Esq and Joseph Ailes his neighbors will certify to his character as a revolutionary soldier. George (X) Fetty Sworn and subscribed in open court Nov 19th 1833 Enos Hook, Prothy This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.0 Kb