OBIT: RAYMOND BLAKER, 1934 Greene County, PA. Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed by Marilyn Tolentino ___________________________________________________________________ Raymond Blaker, aged 18 years, died at his home near Carmichaels, Tuesday, November 20, 1934, at 10:30 p.m., following a 16 months' illness of complications. Raymond was the son of the late John E. Blaker who died five years ago, and Mrs. Belle Montgomery Blaker, who together with the following brothers and sisters survive: Mrs. Mary Myers of Carmichaels; Theodore, Clarence and Marie, at home. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock in charge of Rev. J. Shotts of the Fordyce Methodist Protestant church. Burial will be in the Muddy Creek cemetery. (Fayette County, PA Newspaper dated November 22, 1934)