Greene County PA Archives Obituaries.....Hill, Heaton October 14, 1861 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Donald Buncie February 12, 2023, 6:47 am The Waynesburg messenger.: (Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa.) November 27, 1861 (From the Springfield, Ill. Register) DEATH OF HEATON HILL, ESQ. This gallant young soldier, a corporal in Captain Burnap's company of the 1st Illinois cavalry, died at St. Louis on Monday, the 14th day of October last. He was with his company in the bloody affair at Lexington, Missouri, and was wounded severely in one of his thighs, and was brought to St. Louis, where he died of his wounds. Mr. Hill was one of our most estimable citizens, a carpenter by trade, who came here from Pennsylvania, some ten years ago, and during that period, earned a high character for probity, industry and business habits. He was among the first to enlist in his country's cause, and the general voice of his comrades is, that he was a true man and sturdy soldier. His remains were brought home yesterday, (the 15th,) and were met at the depot by some fifty of his company companions, with a large number of other citizens, and escorted to the residence of his friend, Goyn Sutton, Esq. The funeral will take place to-day from the Methodist church. The Odd Fellows lodges of the city, of which order the deceased was a member, and the members of Captain Burnap's cavalry, in the city, will be in attendance, to pay the last funeral honors to a worthy citizen, a true patriot and a gallant soldier, who gave up his life in defense of his country. Mr. Hill was in his 30th year, and has no relations in this city. [The subject of the above notice was a son of Mrs. Hannah Hill, of Jefferson, Greene county, Pa. He was born and raised in Greene county.—Ed. Pass.] File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb