Obits: KNOTTS, Dr. Ira D. - Oct 22, 1915. Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:Marilyn Tolentino. Typed by Beverly Sellers - Niel ___________ IN MEMORIAM Dr. Ira D. Knotts was born near Mt. Olive, Greene county, Pa., March 9th, 1857, aged 58 years, 7 months and 22 days. Death was finally due to a stroke of paralysis which followed a continued illness of about eight months. His first sickness was in March when he was confined to his bed with la grippe and before he fully recovered from this sickness, was on the go again and this resulted in his having to go away for his health about July 27th and the following week he took his bed at Cambridge Springs under the care of Dr. Logan. Here he did not improve any and later he was removed to a private sanitarium in Pittsburgh under the care of Dr. Samuel Ayres. Other specialists were called but medical skill could give no relief and here he departed this life into everlasting life on October 22nd, 1915. He was immediately removed to his home and the funeral services on Oct. 24, were conducted by Rev. Odell, of the M.E. church and Rev. Butler of the M.P. church. Interment in the Highland cemetery at Davistown. He said when he left home that he did not expect to be brought back alive. He was united in marriage to Miss Emma Steele and to this union were born four children, three boys and one girl and all are living; William Olsler, aged 19; Willis Olan, aged 12; J. Wendell Odell, aged 10; and Ira Ruth, aged 4 He also leaves one brother, Lewis E. Knotts, of Perry township, and one sister, Mrs. Ross McClure, of near Davistown. He was a son of William and Ruth (South) Knotts. His forefathers came from England and settled in Delaware and later fought in the Revolutionary war. They later founded a town in West Virginia by the name of Knottsville. His grandfather, Absalom Knotts, was born in Fayette county and fought in the War of 1812, Dr. Knotts united with the M.E. church when quite young and lived a true christian life. He held his membership at Asbery Chapel on Colvins Run. When he was on his death-bed the nurse read passages of Scripture to him and he said that he felt a great spiritual uprising. He was also a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge, which paid such a grand tribute of respect to him. He was honest, industrious and upright and also very firm in what he thought was right. In temperament, he was very mild, frank and accommodating. He was also a very well educated man. After completing his common school education, he taught in the common schools for a few years and then went to college. He first went to school at Jefferson, Pa., and after finishing his course there he went to Mt. Union, Ohio, and graduated about 1883, in 1887 he graduated in the medical course at the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia and later took a post-graduate course in medicine in Johns Hopkins university at Baltimore. He was known all over the country as a physician and had practiced medicine at Davistown for about 28 years. He was a Democrat ad took an active part in political matters. At his death, he held the office of school director and he always took the initiative in any kind of school work. He will be missed by all but certainly by no one as much as his immediate family, for whom he had provided so generously.