Obits: NORRIS, Thomas, Cumberland Twp., Greene Co, PA Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Roy Lockhart ___________ Hung Himself Mr. Thomas Norris, of Cumberland township of this county, committed suicide on Wednesday last about 12 o'clock, P. M., by hanging himself to a joice in an old house on his farm. His wife had noticed that he appeared much disturbed in mind for some days previous, and had been watching to prevent the calamity which so soon befel the family. When he left the house to commit the sad act his wife sent some small childred after him, and when near the old house, he turned and ordered them home. As soon as Mrs. Norris knew this, she sent them again after him. They went immediately to the old house, and pushing open the door, saw their father hanging by the neck in the last agonies of death. The alarm was instantly raised, and the unfortunate man cut down in a few minutes, but all attempts at resuscitation were vain — the vital spark had fled—the wife was a widow—the children orphans. The deceased was an actice , industrious and enterprising citizens, extensively known in this county, and in possesion of one of the finest landed properties in the county. We have heard no particular cause designed for the rash act, other than mental derangement.—Waynesburg Messenger The Genius of Liberty Uniontown, Pa., August 17, 1854. Volume 3. Number 19, Page 2, Column 5