OBIT: MRS. LUCRETIA WATSON, Mapletown, Greene County, PA. 1931 Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed by Marilyn Tolentino ___________________________________________________________________ MRS. LUCRETIA WATSON Mrs. Lucretia Watson of Mapletown, Greene county, died in Uniontown Hospital Tuesday morning at 11:55 o'clock from a complication of diseases. She was 75 years of age. Mrs. Watson was the wife of Joseph C. Watson and a daughter of Eli and Susanna Russell. She was born at Bald Hill, Greene County in 1856. Three daughters and a son survive: Mrs. Irma Umbel of Morgantown, Mrs. Rena Hibbs of Mapletown, Susanna at home and Lester Watson at Mapletown. Three sisters, Mrs. Ida Russell of Gary, Indiana: Mrs. Ona Vance of Mt Morris, Mrs. Byron Watson of Mt. Morris and a brother, L.D. Russell also survive. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Herald -------August 19, 1931