OBIT: J.R. WEST, 1906, Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed by ___________________________________________________________________ Death Calls J. R. West ~ born Greene County, Pennsylvania The Chariton Leader, Chariton, Iowa Thursday, November 22, 1906 J.R. WEST, of English Township, died at his home on last Saturday, the funeral being held at the Presbyterian Church in that vicinity on Sunday. The fatal disease was consumption. The deceased was 53 years of age and leaves a wife and a family of seven children. He had resided in English Township a number of years, moving there from near Columbia. He was a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge of Columbia and the order participated in the funeral ceremonies, a number from Chariton being present. From The Chariton Herald of 22 November 1906. John R. West Mr. John Rush West was the son of Jacob and Charity West, and was born in Greene Co., Pa., on Jan. 31, 1853, and died last Saturday, Nov. 17, at his home in English township. He was one of ten children, he being the second child. He lived with his parents until he was of age, and then made a trip to Iowa and later located in Wayne Co. On Sept. 1, 1880, he was married to Miss Eva Prentiss, Columbia, Marion Co. To this happy union seven children were born, four boys and three girls. They lived for two years in Wayne Co., then moved to Calhoun County, where they lived for eight years; then moving to Marion County, near Columbia, then to English township, Lucas County, where they have lived for five years. He leaves a widow and seven children, an aged father, two sisters and four brothers to mourn their loss. Mr. West was converted when a mere boy. He joined the Baptist church and remained a member until he came west, and finding no church of his choice he united with the M.E. church and remained a member until his death. He was always found in the house of God when in reach of one and health permitting. He was also a member of Marion Lodge No. 660, I.O.O.F. Funeral services were held at the Cain church, conducted by Rev. Bolton, and the body was interred in the Cain cemetery. (F.M.) ----------------------------------------- Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert November 12, 2004