Wills: Estate of Malinda Phillips, -1887: Morris Twp, Greene Co, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Sherry Norton. Copyright.  All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/washington/ _______________________________________________ PHILLIPS, Malinda - Estate of, and Final Account of, Greene Co., PA PHILLIPS, Malinda - Estate of, Greene Co., PA File #3634, Book 6, Page 162 Date of Probate: June 27, 1887 Executor: V. L. LEWIS et al Date of Death: June 15, 1887 And now June 27th A.D. 1887 Letters of Administration upon the estate of Malinda PHILLIPS late of Morris township Greene County Penna, decd granted to V. L. LEWIS and John PHILLIPS and bond taken in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars with Rezin SHAPE and B. F. MILLER as sureties. As to the date of the death see affidavit of John PHILLIPS who being sworn according to law says the above named Malinda PHILLIPS died on the 15th day of June A.D. 1887, at about 4 o'clock P.M. of said day. See affidavit filed with bond. Sale List filed Aug. 30th 1887. Administrators Final Account settled April term 1889 PHILLIPS, Malinda, dec'd. - Final Account of, John PHILLIPS and V. L. LEWIS Admis of File #3634 Filed Feb. 16th 1889 Balance in Accountants hands $735.92 Greene County, p. Personally came V. L. LEWIS one of the within named accountants who being duly sworn according to law says that the foregoing account is true and correct as the same stands stated according to the best of his knowledge and belief. V. L. LEWIS Sworn to and subscribed before me this day, February 16, 1889, Wm. H. SUTTON Register The Accountants Charge themselves as follows: 1 To Amount inventory of personal property $ 237.66 2 " gain on sale of personal property 64.50 3 " Amount received on real estate 1,156.00 4 " interest received on same 34.65 5 " interest on dower received of Oliver MATTOX 27.00 6 " interest received of Geo. MANKEY 4.00 _________ 1,523.81 The Accountants claim the following credits: $ 1 To Warren MANKEY, J. P. for qualifying bondsmen .25 2. " W. W. PATTERSON, Register, granting letters + c. 4.75 3 " " " " " recording appraisement 2.75 4 " Jno H. SMITH, J. P. qualifying appraisers + crying sale of land 3.25 5 " Wm. JACOBS, State + County taxes for the year 1887 2.94 6 " Layton R. RUSH, appraiser 1.00 7 " Robert BALDWIN, " 1.00 8 " G. M. CONDIT, for casket 50.00 9 " D. M. THOMPSON, School Tax, 1887 1.59 10 " J. B. CARTER, crying sale per. prop. 4.00 11 " C. C. RUSH, Assignee of M. J. FLYNN, store account 7.00 12 " Jno H. SMITH, taking acknowledgment of deed 1.00 13 " L. R. RUSH, School Tax, 1886, 2.26 14 " Jos. B. SEAMAN, account 2.50 15 " J. L. HAYS, on " 8.00 16 " RAY + AXTELL, Judgment No 92, June Term, 1887 212.75 17 " Mary PHILLIPS, interest on borrowed money, Oct. 19, 1889 19.75 18 " " " " " 13, 1888 19.75 19 " L. PHILLIPS, account 6.00 20 " Debbie PHILLIPS, account 6.00 21 " " " , on order Geo. PHILLIPS 25.00 22 " A. M. HAYS, burying clothes 6.92 _________ 388.46 Brough (sic) over 388.46 23 To W. H. SUTTON, Register, on account 5.50 24 " Jno. R. PIPES, on sale of real estate + recording this account 6.80 25 " Costs in cases of HENDERSHOT and DENTZER vs Administrator 6.00 26 " Waynesburg Republican, publishing Admis notice, sale bills + c. 12.75 27 " W. S. THROCKMORTON, Judgment No. 100, January Term, 1883 114.20 28 " Henry PHILLIPS, on note 50.00 29 " Supler? WISE 8.00 30 " L. W. CARREL, clerking sale .50 31 " Accountants for services 100.00 32 " RAY + AXTELL, professional services, 90.00 33 " Costs on Citation 5.68 Balance in Accountants' hands 735.92 ________ $1,523.81