BIO: Henry H. SUMMERS, Huntingdon County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Lana Clark Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. ********************************************************** __________________________________________________________ Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata Valley: Comprising the Counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata and Perry, Pennsylvania, Containing Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens and Many of the Early Settlers. Chambersburg, Pa.: J. M. Runk & Co., 1897, pages 244-245 __________________________________________________________ HENRY H. SUMMERS, Entriken, Huntingdon county, Pa., was born in Lincoln; then Hopewell, township, June 2, 1834. He was the son of Henry and Sarah (Boyer) Summers. His paternal grandfather and grandmother, Henry and Barbara Summers, were natives of Maryland, of German descent, and removed from Hagerstown, Md., to Woodcock valley, Huntingdon county, about 1780; the grandfather died in 1809, and his wife in 1827. He was a farmer and stock raiser, and owned a farm of 300 acres in the valley. He married in Hagerstown, and had seven children: Daniel; Jacob; Henry; Mary; Catharine; Margaret; and Susan. He was a good man, esteemed and respected by his neighbors. He died in Woodcock valley. His son, Henry Summers (2), father of Henry H., was born in Hopewell township, in 1792. He was all his life a resident of Hopewell, owning and cultivating over 150 acres of land, on which he made many improvements. He gave considerable attention to the breeding of stock. Henry Summers was an old line Whig. He won the regard and confidence of the community, so that he was chosen for various township offices. His wife, Sarah Boyer, was born in Penn, then Hopewell, township, daughter of Henry Boyer, farmer. Their children are Jacob, deceased; Catharine, deceased, wife of Jacob Garner; Barbara, deceased, wife of Christian Fouse; David, deceased, was a soldier, a member of Company K, Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers; Sarah, wife of Rev. Joseph R. Focht, of Marklesburg, Pa.; Hannah, wife of Daniel Harris, of Altoona, Pa.; and Henry. The father was a member of the Lutheran church. He died in Woodcock valley in 1845. Sarah, his wife, died in 1872. Henry H. Summers first attended subscription schools in the Summers school house in Lincoln township, where his teacher was an old man known as Master White, and afterwards the newly established common schools. He was a student at Cassville Seminary for one term, and at the academy of Juniata county, thus acquiring an excellent education. For five terms he was himself a teacher. He grew up on his father's farm, which was his home until he was twenty-one. His father died when Henry H. Summers was twelve years of age. On reaching his majority he engaged in mercantile business in Marklesburg, in partnership with J. G. Boyer, and carried on the business for four years, with fair success. He then rented a farm in Hopewell township, which he cultivated for three years. On February 23, 1865, Mr. Summers enlisted at Hollidaysburg, Pa., in Company K, Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Bonaffon, Captain Brewster. He spent seven months in service of his country, and was discharged in September, 1865; during this time he was much of the time on guard duty. Returning to Pennsylvania, Mr. Summers purchased 80 acres of land in Lincoln township, on which he built a dwelling, stable, etc., and made other improvements. After working this farm for four years, he sold it and bought the farm of 200 acres on which he now lives, which included some timber land. Here he built a barn and other convenient structures, and is engaged in farming and stock raising. From 1858 to 1862 Mr. Summers was postmaster at James Creek, Penn township. He has been assessor, auditor and supervisor of Lincoln township. He is an ardent reformer in politics, a believer in "16 to 1." Mr. Summers is a member of the Grange, and is in demand as a lecturer. He takes an interest in the study of natural phenomena, and is weather reporter for his neighborhood. Henry H. Summers was married in Lincoln, then Hopewell, township, in 1858, to Elizabeth Beaver, of that township. Their children are: Blair S., deceased; John H., of Blair county, Pa.; Sarah (Mrs. John C. Steinbach), of Lincoln township; David M., farmer of Lincoln township; Florence, at home; Milton, deceased; Jane (Mrs. Hessen Boyer), of New York; Melchior M., teacher, residing on the homestead; George, at home. Mr. Summers has been deacon, and is elder in the Lutheran church; also Sunday-school teacher and superintendent; he has held all church offices. For a number of years he was leader of the choir. Mr. Summers is a good worker in every sphere, and an influential man.