BIO: Thomas B. WEYANT, Huntingdon County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Dave Wilson Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. ************************************************************** __________________________________________________________ McElroy, James Thomas Jr., McElroy's Family Memories, Huntingdon, PA: (Author), 1930, page 238. __________________________________________________________ THOMAS B. WEYANT Mount Union, Pa. Merchant: A young man and one who is fast coming into prominence, in the commercial field, is Thomas B. Weyant. Born at Mount Union, Pa., in 1905, a son of Charles H. Weyant, who met a sudden death in 1927, and of Ethel, a daughter of the late J. G. Isenberg, of Mount Union, now residing at Mount Union, Pa., of German-French parentage. Thomas B. Weyant attended the grade schools of Mount Union, until his graduation in 1923, after which he enrolled at Penna. State College for a period, from 1923 to 1927. College Fraternity (Omega Epsilon), State College. He is Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, Mount Union, Pa. Belongs to Country Club, Mount Union; member of Lutheran Church and Sunday School teacher; also a member of the orchestra. A Mason, Mount Union, Pa., No. 688; also Chapter; charter member of Mount Union Rotary. Prefers Republican party. Plays golf, and delights in the game of football. Thomas Weyant, after the death of his father, took over the business, and proceeded to reorganize the interior, introducing to the public a new system. The store is neatly arranged and a new feature is the meat and provision department. He enjoys a large and fast increasing business. He is a young man who believes in progressive ideas and does not fail in putting them into execution. Thomas Weyant was married to Lola G. Pheasant, of Mount Union, Pa. As a member of the Rotary Club of Mount Union he is a booster, and is found at all meetings, putting his shoulder to the wheel for any good cause that will in any way add prestige to Mount Union's general welfare and progress.