BIO: J. Oliver WRIGHT, Huntingdon County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Dave Wilson Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. ************************************************************** __________________________________________________________ McElroy, James Thomas Jr., McElroy's Family Memories, Huntingdon, PA: (Author), 1930, page 235. __________________________________________________________ J. OLIVER WRIGHT Huntingdon, Pa. Court Crier: the subject of this sketch has long been before the public, and for years a court crier; an old English custom never changes. J. Oliver Wright was born in Union township, Huntingdon County, Pa., a township that has produced some stalwart, dependable men. At the Sherman school house, Union township, Huntingdon County, he began to delve into the mysteries of an education; later on to a select school at Cassville, Huntingdon County, taught by Prof. J. C. Clarkson, better known as "Jason". J. O. Wright taught school for five terms, at Cass and Union townships, Huntingdon County. Followed the general merchandising business for twenty years, and disposed of some ten years ago. Jordon How. Wright was his father, and Mahalah Greenland his mother; ancestors came from England; both deceased. Mr. Wright is also an insurance agent, representing the Niagara Detroit Underwriters; landscape gardener and agent for all kinds of nursery stock. A County Auditor, Borough Auditor, Health Officer, Constable, Inspector and Clerk of Election, School Director and Truant Officer. Has served on election board, and been superintendent and teacher in Sunday School. Belongs to the Methodist Church, and Vice-President of New Era Bible Class. Had five brothers in War of the Rebellion and three step-sons in World War. A widower. Belongs to the F. & A.M., Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Jr. O.A.M. of America, P.O.S. of A. and Grange. A Republican with capital letters, an entertainer and elocutionist; has a beautiful home, surrounded by beautiful foliage and flowers. A busy man, always has been, and enjoys life to the full.