Anderson Cemetery, entrance to the Seven Points Recreation area, Huntingdon Co, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Debbie Fisher ( USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________________ Located on Seven Points Drive at the entrance to the Seven Points Recreation area, on the Corps of Engineers property Row 1 David Henry Enyeart 2/28/1914 - 7/29/1983 Catherine M. J. (Rinker) 12/26/1915 - 10/5/1991 William C. Thompson 1901-1984 Eva M. (Stone) 1904-1996 James E. Blair 8/28/1921-11/3/1984 Robert H. Norris 10/28/1925 - 3/31/1995 Evelyn H. 12/2/1930 - Allan J. Thompson 1/7/1951 - 12/6/1986 William Ernest McKinney 4/9/1922 - 12/13/1986 Hazel M. (Grove) 8/25/1920 - Irvin L. Horton 6/7/1906 - 7/22/1993 Phoebe C. 8/8/1910 - 5/23/1997 Row 2 Ernest C. Hamer 12/1/1877 - 9/10/1908 Phoebe Ellen w/o Ernest Hamer 3/8/1884 - 10/12/1908 Henry S. Garner d. 7/28/1885 65 y 6 m 4 d Angeline w/o H. S. Garner d. 11/19/1902 69 y 9 m 7 d Albert Hight d. 10/20/1862 7 y 10 d Sarah A. Garner d. 4/20/1883 19 (?) y 6 m 4 d Row 3 Henry Anderson 6/17/1842 - 4/11/1910 Mary J. 2/28/1841 - 3/16/1918 Robert Anderson d. 12/23/1897 86 y 4 m 5 d Barbara w/o Robert Anderson d. 3/22/1885 72 y 7 m 11d Philip Anderson d. 1/21/1862 24 y 7 m 28 d Samuel W. Norris 11/29/1840 - 9/30/1919 Ruhama A. w/o SW Norris 3/7/1846 - 8/9/1914 Row 4 Carl P. s/o John W & AT Anderson d. 12/4/1906 5 y 11 m 11d Sarah w/o Anthony Anderson 2/21/1840 - 11/17/1910 Anthony Anderson 9/2/1838 - 12/14/1889 Nancy M. d/o A & S Anderson 10/6/1862 - 3/14/1873 Eliza d/o A & S Anderson 9/21/1861 - 10/19/1861 Row 5 Stella V. w/o Anthony Park 5/10/1870 - 4/10/1904 Thomas Stewart 3/11/1904 - 3/16/1904 Henry Shingler d. 3/4/1907 79 y 4 m 27 d Charlotte w/o Henry Shingler d. 10/7/1899 61 y 4 m 28d Henry s/o H & C Shingler d. 3/13/1883 20 y 6m 21 d Thomas s/o H & C Shingler d. 3/3/1873 11 y 11 m 22 d Barbara d/o H & C Shingler d. 4/12/1871 2 y 7 m 11 d (Unreadable) Shingler d. 5/12/1861 Row 6 Anderson Garner 1866 - 1934 Bertha A. Garner 1867 - 1950 Della M. d/o A & AB Garner d. 3/2/1917 1 y 11 m 18 d Flora d/o A & AB Garner d. Jul ?? ???? 2 y ? m 24 d Andrew s/o Jos. Park 4/2/1862 - 9/2/1862 Robert s/o TM & AB Park d. 1/20/1887 6 m 15 d Row 7 Clair B. s/o HC & HC Schuldt 9/17/1901 - 6/24/1902 John W. Kyler 1869 - 1934 Barbara 1873 - 1935 Mabel E. d/o JW & C Kyler d. 8/28/1898 5 m 21 d Millard K. Garner 1904 - 1950 Hiram W. s/o BA & MJ Garner d. 1/11/1898 10 m 11 d Robert A. Garner 1872 - 1946 Mary J. 1874 - 1951 Row 8 Mary I. Riley 1924 Blair R. Riley 1927 Beverly A. Riley 1936 Betty Jane 1925 Frank J. McKinney 1893 - 1952 Edna S. 1898 - 1964 John I. Garner 9/9/1913 - 5/15/1919 Benjamin F. Garner Blair Herbert Garner 1893 - 1943 Mary Ann 1892 - 1979 Row 9 Richard E. 5/5/1929 Samuel L. Norris 1886 - 1955 Evelyn M. 1892 - 1978 Eva M. Thompson 2/15/1934 - 2/17/1934 Gerald T. Thompson 1931 - 1951 O. Raymond Rinker 1885 - 1968 Elanor A. 1879 - 1968 Son: Samuel P. Lininger 1950 - 1966 Mother: Marjorie H. 1926 - 1962 Samuel J. Norris 1901 - 1971 Orpha F. 1900 - 1979 Row 10 Peggy Ann Norris 1945 Beulah M. Norris 2/8/1926 - Lemuel Shingler 5/19/1879 - 6/11/1944 Mary E. 4/1/1888 - 12/10/1968 Melvin Leroy Norris 6/6 - 8/18/1948 Lester G. Norris 1906 - 1950 Sarah C. 1919 - 1994 Row 11 Robert Shingler 1872 - 1950 Mary E. 1877 - 1954 S. Walter Shirk 1908 - 1966 Blanche E. 1916 - Charles G. Appleby, Sr. 1913- 1995 Mary N. 1924 - 1965 Row 12 Thomas G. Thompson 1926 - Mildred E. 1929 - 1990 Thomas G. Thompson, Jr. 4/13/1951 - 10/28/1959 Robert T. Riley 1901 - 1974 Mary A. 1907 - 1993 Row 13 Dixie D. Ammerman w/o David A. 7/5/1954 - 12/27/1975 Row 14 James I. McKinney 3/9/1925 - 7/31/1992 Row 15 Cloyd C. Merritts 1892 - 1953 Margaret A. 1897 - 1983 James C. McKinney 1870 - 1937 Nancy B. 1873 - 1929 A. Ernest McKinney 1899 - 1972 Minnie M. 1905 - 1970 Marie McKinney Moved from Acker Cemetery Levi Ridenour Moved from Acker Cemetery Susan Ridenour There are 3 stones in the cemetery with no inscriptions