Brown Cemetery, Brady twp., Huntingdon County Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Ken Boonie ( USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________________ BROWN Esther A., w/o Chas. A., 3/16/1892 - 8/16/1926 Cora Ruth, d/o Chas. & Esther, 7/4/1915 - 4/16/1916 HAMILTON Ira M., s/o J. M. & Anna B., d. 8/12/1878; aged 0-7-19 Junnie, d/o J. M. & Anna B., d. 7/28/1870; aged 0-10-5 Janetta, d/o J. M. & Anna B., 5/21/1867 - 3/6/1868 Ettie A., d/o J. M. & Anna B., 10/15/1862 - 1/14/1865 Martha, w/o J. M., d. 6/11/1870; aged 37-1-29 BROWN Eleanor, d/o Wm. & Mercy, d. 8/15/1864; aged 19-6-12 Mercy (McCoy), w/o Wm., d. 1/22/1868; aged 65-2-27 William, d. 8/26/1851; aged 68-6-2 Mary I., d/o Wm. & Mercy, d. 3/30/1854; aged 23-8-8 James M., s/o Wm. & Mercy, d. 4/3/1854; aged 19-8-15 Sam'l, s/o Wm. & Mercy, d. 2/15/1855; aged 16-7-10 Cyrus S., d. 12/13/1913; aged 66-2-20 Elizabeth H(?)., w/o Cyrus, d. 8/10/1908; aged 58-6-10 Mary Elsie, d/o C. S. & E. H.(?), d. 10/5/1882; aged 4-9-17 Sarah, d. 6/18/1886; aged 45-6-10 Elizabeth, d. 4/21/1882; aged 45-8-2 John, d. 9/9/1862; aged 30-11-19 McCOY Francis A., d. 1/8/1861; aged 44-3-3 BROWN Nancy, d. 9/25/1856; aged 65-10-0 HOUSTON Jane Henderson, d/o Matthew & Rebecca, d. 8/12/1824; aged 5-6-11 William, s/o Matthew & Rebecca, d. 9/5/1824; aged 15-9-30 Matthew, d. 10/20/1833; aged about 64y