CEMETERY: Mt. Union Cemetery, Mt. Union, Huntingdon County, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Dave Wilson Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm __________________________________________ Chilcoat-----James S., 1880-1948 Verna Reck, 1889-1945 Park-----Arris E., 1893-1973 A. Laura Mathews, 1892-1966 Donald C., (son) 1915- His wife, Lucille J. Shively, 1916 Hackman-----Mary Julia H. Cohill, 1897-1969 (L. M. -Hackman Block) Thomas W. Cohill, Jr., 1897-1972 Clinton V. Hackman, 1870-1949 Annie A. Hackman, 1873-1949 Paul Maxwell, M.D., 1893-1959 Fredrick H. Maxwell, 1895-1965 Price-----Chauncey S., 1887-1950 Ressie Bennett, 1887-1953 Nora Wogen, 1866-1921 Laura Etta, 1864-1901 David Bower, 1858-1922 Appleby-----Thomas M., 1907-1980; P.F.C. , WW II Daniel T., May 29, 1921-May 14, 1945; P.F.C. 307th Inf., 77th Div., WW II Christiana H. Williams, 1884-1956 Robert C. Williams, 1884-1941; Pvt., Co. F, 112th Regt., 28th Div., WW I Separate stones in same lot: Danice Elaine Hicks, 1959-1974; also infant sister, Aug. 20, 1968 Coy and Ardeth Hicks John William Hicks, 1961-1978; s/o Coy and Ardeth Hicks Harvey S. Bennett, 1850-1914 Margaretta Deen Bennett, 1857-1938 Maud M. Bennett, 1878-1880 Laura Marguerite Bales Bennett, 1908-1980 Separate stones in same lot: Andrew Heclo, Feb. 25, 1910-Aug. 11, 1962 634A Cornell Heclo, 1925-1944; P.F.C., Co. K, 317th Inf., 80th Div., WW II Mary P. Heclo, Sept. 25, 1887-Oct. 20, 1964 Paul Heclo, Sr., Oct. 24, 1884-Sept. 6, 1955 Minnie F. Costello, 1880-1971 Albert S. Owen, 1888-1972; WW I Kitting-----Abram III, April 4, 1885-Dec. 28, 1945 Hazel Briggs, July 2, 1892- Hildebrand-Myers-----Grace E. Myers, 1890-19__ Cloyd B. Myers, 1884-1944 Fetterold-Richard-----S. Fetterold, 1906-1977 (L. M. Etnier 613) Rosa Emma Fetterolf, 1878-1944 Charles H. Fetterolf, 1878-1952 Long-----Ella Grove, 1892-1971 (L. M. E. T. 606) Roy E., 1888-1947 Chillingworth----Charles F., Jr., 1903-1976; Vice Admiral, U.S.N. Virginia Etnier, wife, 1906- Susan S. Etnier, 1876-1956 Carey E. Etnier, 1872-1948 Stephen M. Etnier, 1903- Henry-----Samuel W. Maud L. Katharine, 1903-1982 Myers-Moore-----W. Ray Myers, 1880-1961 (L. M. 627B) Robert B. Moore, Jr., 1909-1978; Sgt., WW II Co. A, 30th Sig. Opr. Btn., U.S.A. Oeffner-----Frances M., 1897-1978 (L. M. 634B) Abiram A., 1891-1948 Etneir(sic)-----Walter L., 1892-1961; s/o Oliver L. (L. M. 602A) Emma K., 1894-19__; d/o Oliver L. Emma W. Werner, 1866-1940; w/o Oliver L. Oliver L., 1868-1950 Albert I., 1867-1935 May Hayes, 1868-1947; w/o Albert I. Heckert-----George E., 1883-1957 Emily Turbett, 1890-19__ A. Elizabeth Beck, R.N., 1910-1944 Shapiro-----Robert O., 1908-1966 Bessie A., 1916-1978 William L. Shapiro, Jan. 25, 1944-April 21, 1944 Parsons-----Harvey B., 1875-1946 Margaret E., 1881-1968 Kyper-----Rev. Ralph E., 1910-1971 Mary S., 1909- Stewart A., 1886-1955 Mary B., 1887-1975 Madden-----Robert H., 1916-1916 (L. M. Et. 628) Agnes W., 1891-1957 Russell B., 1887-1973 Gaster-----Sheldon H., 1903-1966 (L. M. Etnier lot 635B) Separate stones in same lot: Briggs-----Charles C., D.D.S., 1884-1972 (636A} Esther J. Briggs Briggs-----J. Melvin, 1889-19__ Margaret M., 1892-1956 Erwin Sheridan Briggs, M.D., July 10, 1877-Aug. 18, 1948 Anderson-----Samuel L., 1922-1973; Corp. Batt. A, 633rd Field Art. Bat., WW II Reeder-----Oren L., 1885-1952 Laura J., 1887-1951 (L. M. 622A) Albert S. Banks, Sept. 15, 1907-May 4, 1981; U.S. Army, WW II Charles F. Banks, Aug. 11, 1882-Aug. 6, 1961 Wiley-----James W., 1868-1939 (L. M. Wiley Block 608,608B) Ella M., 1874-1959 Chester C., Sr., 1900-1964; 37 Engineer Bn., WW II Elizabeth R., 1913-1980; w/o Chester, Sr. Jimmie, 1926-1941, grandson Etnier-----Elsie M. Swoope, w/o Fred, 1879-1957 Fred, 1876-1951; s/o Alfred John M., 1865-1935 Margaret Myers, w/o John M., 1871-1956 Dunmire-----Rebecca Belle Robb, 1907-1955 Separate stones in same lot: Banks-----Merle R., 1914-1977 Mildred R., 1921- Baby Boy Banks, 1942 Darrell Banks, 1958 Bence-----Bruce T., 1874-1962 M. Blanche, 1892-1974; Gold Star Mother In Memory of PFC Robert Bruce Bence (13030327) 1920-1942 34th Pursuit Squadron, USAAF, died July 7, 1942 Japanese Prison, Camp Cabanatuan Interred-U.S. Military Cemetery, Luzon, P.I. Charles E. Goss, 629A Fred L. Parsons, 1899-1956 Dittie-----William A., 1900-1963 Ouila Oppel, 1904- Albright-----Oscar J., Aug. 19, 1901-April 6, 1981 (L. M. 637A Etnier) Blanche B., w/o Oscar J., June 22, 1900-Dec. 30, 1970 Bernard C., their son, March 17, 1930-March 23, 1931 Arthur G. Bowman, Sept. 1, 1912-May 19, 1973 Cromer-----Herbert E., 1892-1959 Emma E., 1896-1974 On another stone-Herbert E. Cromer, Sgt., 322 aero Sq. March 21, 1892-Feb. 9, 1959; WW I Snyder-----Harvely J., 1878-1961 Elsie V., 1877-1950 (L. M. 623) Beers-----Edward M., 1877-1932; Member of Congress-1922-1932 Iva Ewing, 1880-1945 Cloyd G., 1912-1981 Charles S., 1873-1937 Campbell-----Robert B., M.D., 1863-1938 Jennis Lodge, 1881-1959 Emma Grace Shope Hixson, 1911-1970 Harold V. Shope, 1894-1957; Sgt., 5th Co., 335th Field Art. American Expeditionary Forces, WW I Hutchison-----Lewis Maxwell, 1901-1973 (L. M. w1/2 Hutchison block) Lois Conner, 1899-19- Oliver Kyle, 1875-1957 Besse Donnally, 1872-1943 Rorer-----John H., 1884-1956 (L. M. 623) Maud S., 1888-1956 In Memory of T/Sgt. Frank Harper Rorer, 1920-Oct. 4, 1943 579th Bomb Squadron, 392nd Bomb Group Missing in Action over North Sea Shore-----B. Harrison, Jan. 17, 1889-Nov. 23, 1975 Christina M., Jan. 9, 1891-Jan. 13, 1969 (L.M. 630) Price-----Wayne R., 1918-1945; PFC, Co. I, 8th Regt. 79th Div., WW II Kerr-----John M., 1881-1949 Maud C., 1881-1959 (L.M. Etnier 638A) Knepp-----E. Howard, May 15, 1947 Edna Welch, June 6, 1980 (L.M. Etnier 631-A) Wallett-Ewing-----Cloyd B. Ewing, 1882-1946 Victor L. Wallett, Sr., 1891-1969 Helen Ewing Wallett, 1895-1953 Saulen-Reeder-----Bruce W. Reeder, 1887-1968 (L.M. Reeder block) Mary Peightal Reeder, 1886-1956 John Martin Saulen, Jr., Nov. 9, 1936-May 13, 1942 John Martin Saulen, Sr., 1905-1981 Separate stones in same lot: Harry C. Shaver, April 29, 1865-March 31, 1904 Maria F., w/o William Shaver, died March 23, 1881, aged 38 years, 1 m., 17 ds. William Shaver, Jan. 28, 1838-April 17, 1909; Co. I, 149th Regt. P.V.I. North C. Shaver, 1855-1873 Calvin F. Shaffer, died Oct. 5, 18??; aged 24 years, 11m, 8 ds. Abraham, s/o (rest of stone illegible) Martha Ann, w/o G. W. Robison, born Aug. 15, 1835; departed this life at Shippensburg, Pa. Aug. 1874; Aged 39 yrs, 2 ds. Adams-----J. Frank, 1868-1942 (R. M. Adams block) Elizabeth G., 1882-1969 Reeder-----Frederick B., Feb. 26, 1948-Feb. 27, 1948 Victor L. Wallett, 1958-1983 Vaughn-----Paul F., 1925-1944; Pvt., Co. L, 12th Inf., 4th Inf. Div., WW II (L.M. Etnier 631B) Sadie A. Bilger, 1888-1978; Gold Star Mother Grissinger-----Cloyd A., 1888-1947 Florence A. Wood, his wife, 1890-1947 Harold J., their son, April 12, 1907-March 9, 1918 Garver-Black-----Lloyd P. Garver, 1874-1960 (L.M. old 639) Mary Weston Garver, 1879-1965 Cleo Garver Black, Horace H. Black, 1909-1969; Sgt., 552nd AAF Base Unit, Medical Corpman, WW II Longacre-----Frank S., 1877-1948 ? Minetta S., 1870-1950 E. T. 632 Fae M., 1899-1980 Martha P. Appleby Stratford, 1882-1967 625 Tiffany -----Carl W., 1877-1969 Janet A., 1886-1982 Grissinger-----Wm. Pym, 1847-1927 (L.M. old 226) Harriet J., 1846-1938 Maude, 1886-1902 Olive M., R.N., 1881-1970, WW I David H., 1873-1945 Saylor-----Luther, Sept. 15, 1884-May 18, 1939 Evaline, Aug. 7, 1884-March 11, 1948 (L.M. old) Separate stones in same lot: Peter Shaver-----died Dec. 12, 1877; aged 50 yrs. 1 mo. 6 ds. Euphemi, w/o Peter Shaver, died June 7, 1899; aged 65 years. Catharine, w/o Samuel Shaver, died Dec. 2, 1876 in the 79th year of her age Samuel Shaver, died Aug. 22, 1870 in the 76th year of his age Anna C. Shaver, 1859-1942 Newville Shaver, 1856-1950 North C. Shaver, 1896-1954 Paul V. Shaver, 1900-1961 Mary, w/o Major John Shaver, died April 11, 1845 in the 75th year of her age. Major John Shaver, died Oct. 16, 1839; aged 67 yrs. 4 mos. 5 ds. Russel, s/o H. C. & M. E. Shaver, 1872-1876 Clarence, s/o H. & H. Shaver, Sept. 19, 1848-May 5, 1849 Eliza C., d/o H.& H. Shaver, Oct. 18, 1843-April 16, 1845 Phebe I., d/o H.& H. Shaver, June 3, 1839-Aug. 26, 1839 William, s/o H.& H. Shaver, July 8, 1836-April 17, 1839 Hannah, w/o Henry Shaver, died June 18, 1864, aged 53 yrs. 12 ds Henry Shaver, died July 28, 1870; aged 70 yrs. 7 mos. 5 ds Rumberger-----Harriet Stratford, 1879-1967 Walter W. D.D.S., 1876-1953 Decker-----William Jay, 1889-1957 Elizabeth B., 1891-1966 Moon-----Wright E., Aug. 20, 1885-Nov. 28, 1964 (L.M. Et.642) Esther M., Aug. 25, 1902- Robert Myrl Coons, 1905-1953 Russel T. Crone, 1905-1978 Bealman-Snyder-----Alfred B., 1890-1941; Corp., 314th M.G. Bat., 80th Div., WW I H. Virginia (L.M. Et. Sec. 640) Otta M., Aug. 28, 1955 William D., May 12, 1975 Latherow-----John, 1864-1961 Alice Bard, 1873-1950 (L. M. Shaver 1) (illegible), s/o John F. and Annie M. Stubbs, died Aug. 22, 1900; aged 2 yrs. 2 ds. Separate stones in same lot: Infant, s/o H. & R. Hancock, (no dates) Hancock-----W. D. (Daniel), 1839-1913 (Daniel is written above the "D") Margaret C. Wogan, his wife, 1848-1908 Tacy M., dau. 1885-1892 (L.M. 3 Gayton-Rothwell-----(no name given), 1899-1899 (L.M. Lo5&6)t Mary Rothwell Gayton, 1850-1939 J. A. Gayton, 1834-1912 Mollie A., w/o J. A. Gayton, 1834-1886 Alda A. Gayton, 1865-1933 Effie B., 1867-1890 O. Wilber, 1874-1901 Ora E., 1872-1873 Ray G., 1876-1879 Iva E., 1884 Morrison-----John S., Dec. 21, 1837-Oct. 17, 1890: G.A.R. (L.M. 7) Mary A., March 17, 1832-April 11, 1903 John, 1803-1859 Anna Shaver, w/o John, 1803-1878 Etnier-----David, May 25, 1835-Feb. 23, 1892 (L.M. 9) Jennie H. Morrison, his wife, Oct. 13, 1834-Oct. 28, 1878 Laura Anne Etnier, d/o Hannah Morrison and David Etnier, Jr., and w/o Arthur Everett Austin; March 17, 18 (illegible)-Dec. 3, 1944 Edythe, d/o A. & F. H. Etnier, died Jan. 11, 18??; aged 22 yrs. Daniel, s/o A.& F. H. Etnier, (illegible) Etnier-----Charlotte Betner, Sept. 16, 1873-Nov.6, 1912 Separate stones in same lot: Frances H. Johnson, w/o Alfred Etnier, 1854-1919 Alfred Etnier, aged 64 yrs. (no dates) On same stone-Margaret Lochard, 1831-1898 Wilson Etnier, 1842-1900 (L.M. 11) Oliver Etnier, 1812-1888 Catharine Long, 1813-1880 Erwky D., s/o J. & E. Hammond, died Nov. 23, 1887; aged 2 yrs. 1 m. 11 ds. Separate stones in same lot: Mentzert-Basil James DeVor, 1829-1905 DeVor-Dando-----Fred C. Dando, 1857-918 Elizabeth I. Dando, 1861-1938 (L.M. 15) Margaret Jane DeVor, 1833-1912 Emma Leas DeVor, 1867-1903 Pickets-----G. W., died July 9, 1893; aged 46 yrs. 4 mos. 23 ds. (L.M. 17) Mary E., w/o G. W., died June 19, 1892; aged 40 yrs. 10 mos. 7 ds Separate stones in same lot: T. B Shank, 1848-1892 (L.M. 19) His wife, M. Elizabeth, 1850-1950 Linn-----W. Dewy, 1898-1954 Ella E., 1900-1983 Eberman-----Ralph K., 1906-1972 Sarah G., 1916- Children of A. and E. J. Eberman: Brunnetta L., died Jan. 10, 1872; aged 3 yrs. 2 mos. Cloyde C., died Oct. 16, 1876; aged 2 yrs. 9 mos. Aussel J., died July 30, 1878; aged 9 mos 7 ds. Harry DeForest, died Jan. 25, 1908; aged 41 yrs. 9 mos. 18 ds. Augustus Eberman, died July 22, 1893; aged 62 yrs. 1 mo. 11 ds., Co. I, 149th Regt. P.V. His wife, Eliza Jane, died Jan. 26, 1915; aged 70 yrs. 9 mos. 6 ds. Also Effie G., Sept. 25, 1871-May 26, 1898 Children of A. and E. J. Eberman: Annie E. died June 20, 1880; aged 3 mos. 20 ds. Infant son, died Oct. 5, 1881; aged 25 ds. St. Clair, died Sept. 7, 1885; aged 9 mos. 6 ds. Infant son, died Sept. 6, 1888; aged 10 ds Lola Eberman Fields, 1876-1957 White-----W. Lewis, 1851-1918 John Gayton, died Aug. 13, 1882; aged 85 years. (Lot 18) Wife-Mary D., died April 21, 1860; aged (illegible) Galbraith-----Benjamin, July 21, 1814-May 31, 1881 Mary A., Feb. 14, 1824-May 23, 1896 Rebecca J., 1850-1929 John C., 1859-1929 Fred, 1868-19__ Separate stones in same lot: S. R. Hanawalt, died Aug. 21, 1897; aged 58 yrs. 4 mos. 19 ds R. Matilda Hanawalt, died Dec. 25, 1915; aged 65 yrs. 6 mos. 8 ds. (L.M. 13 & 14) Nellie M., d/o S. R. & Tillie Hanawalt, died April 8, 1896; aged 15 yrs. 1 mo. 18 ds. John, s/o S. R. & T. Hanawalt, died Nov. 18, 1881; aged 3 yrs. 1 mo. 1 d. W. T. Gayton, died Jan. 17, 1887; aged 47 yrs. 5 mos. 17 ds. Next stone-illegible Separate stones in same lot: John Shaver, Dec. 6, 1825-May 19, 1901 (L.M. 2) Jane M. Andrews, w/o John Shaver, Dec. 7, 1833-Jan. 21, 1899 Joseph F., s/o William & Edwinna Ham, died Feb. 3, 1844; aged 17 yrs. 11 mos. 14 ds. Stone-overturned Samuel Fleming, died Sept. 15, 1879; aged 50 yrs. 11 mos. 12 ds; Co. I, 19th P.V. Separate stones in same lot: Simons-----Alfred, May 18, 1832-June 4, (L.M. 86) Lucy A., Sept. 21, 1836-Aug. 12, 1918 Samuel J. Simons, Nov. 24, 1805-March 31, 1881 Mary, w/o Samuel J. Simons, March 29, 1808-Dec. 29, 1876 William R. Simons, July 21, 1837-June 3, 1907; Co. C, 12th Regt. Pa. Cav. Simons-----Alice G., 1881-1908 (L. M. 83) Anna S. Eves, 1872-1940 Clarence A., 1884-1914 S. Margaret, 1843-1923 Samuel R., 1843-1901 Adams-----Thomas, II, 1836-1915 (L.M. Lot 82) Margaret R., 1840-1919 Mary B., 1869-1932 Martha T., 1872-1923 H. Wilson Maxwell, 1847-1929 Rosetta Maxwell, 1857-1935 Woodburn Maxwell, 1876-1934 (L.M. 80) Maxwell-----Alexander, 1849-1921 Lottie N., 1855-1897 Annie F., 1861-1939 (L.M. 79) William G. Chapman, died May 6, 1871; aged 27 yrs. 7 mos. Hartsock-----Samuel, Dec. 11, 1801-Dec. 17, 1885; aged 84 years. (L.M. 72) Lydia, w/o Samuel, June 10, 1806-Dec. 26, 1885; aged 79 yrs. 6 mos. 6 ds. Son, Jerusha A., died Nov. 23, 1892 Davis-----P. H., died Sept. 4, 1890; aged 56 yrs. 7 mos. 6 ds. Mary E., 1839-1909 L. F., 1860-1907 Sannie, 1873-1920 (L.M. 75) Harper-----James, died May 16, 1889; aged 68 yrs. Mary, his wife, died April 22, 1906; aged 85 yrs James Allen, s/o T. O. and C. E. Harper, 1886-1896 (L.M. 73) Johnson-----James M., Sept. 4, 1850- Missouri, his wife, Aug. 30, 1852-Jan. 5, 1915 Lilly B., Oct. 16, 1874-Feb. 4, 1876 Ressie, Sept. 7, 1886-Nov.7, 1886 (L.M. 71) Morgan-----William Hale, 1858-1939 Agnes Glover, 1860-1884 Lucy Glover, 1864-1929 (L.M. 69) Separate stones in same lot: Vancourt-----Francis M., died Dec. 29, 1918; aged 73 yrs. 2 mos. 29 ds. Mary J., wife, died Dec. 17, 1911; aged 64 yrs. 7 mos. 5 ds. Margaret Vancourt, died Feb. 12, 1885; aged 51 yrs. 10 mos. 8 ds. Jane Vancourt, died April 10, 1905; aged 77 yrs. 7 mos. Children of I. M. and J. J. Vancourt: Francis Marion, died Aug. 27, 1881; aged 10 mos. 2 ds H. Elmer, 1872-1949 Ross-----Harry M., 1867-1868 Mary R., 1843-1921 John C., 1843-1886; Co. A, 46th Regt. Pa. Vol. (L.M. 70) Deen-----William, died July 22, 1874; aged 20 yrs. 2 mos. 22 ds. William, died Oct. 11, 1886; aged 76 yrs. 10 mos. 11 ds. Jane, w/o Wm., died March 14, 1901; aged 84 yrs. 8 mos. 27 ds. Martha A., died July 20, 1845; aged 9 mos. 4 ds. William D., died Feb. 25, 1847; aged 7 mos. 22 ds. Interred at McGallouglus Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. James, died Sept. 22, 1892; aged 52 yrs. 7 mos. 10 ds. G. W., died Feb. 25, 1847; aged 58 yrs. 4 ds. Carter-----George W., died June 27, 1879; aged 32 yrs. 6 mos. 5 ds. Mary Elizabeth, his wife, Dec. 22, 1849-Nov. 17, 1919 (L.M. 74) Carter-----William L. 1872-1941 Margaret B., 1876-1944 Separate stones in same lot: Seibert-----Oliver, 1830-1910; Co. C, 205th Regt Letitia, his wife, 1834-1908 (L.M. 376) S. Cloyd Seibert, died Jan. 12, 1889; aged 34 yrs. 11 mos. 6 ds. Jessie C., s/o O. & L. Seibert, died Nov. 10, 1963; aged 2 yrs. Anna Maud, d/o O. & L. Seibert, died Dec. 26, 1878; aged 1 yr. 10 mos. 16 ds. Charlie, s/o I. N. & S. A. Stevenson, died March 19, 1871; aged 6 mos. 29 ds. (L.M. 78) Araminta, w/o G. D. Cornelius, died July 30, 1903; aged 37 yrs. 9 mos. 10 ds. Sarah H., w/o T. I. Cornelius, died 1870; aged 29 yrs. 2 mos. Separate stones in same lot: Anna J., d/o John & Minnie Maxwell, died Jan. 17, 1889; aged 2 yrs. 3 mos. 18 ds. John A. Maxwell, died Jan. 11, 1888; aged 35 yrs. 1mo. 25 ds. Lyman C., s/o Andiett & Hannah Maxwell, died March 17, 1878; aged 22 yrs. 10 mos. 28 ds. Brewster-----John, died Dec. 5, 1859; aged 68 yrs. (L.M. 84) Mary, his wife, died March 19, 1876; aged 75 yrs. 8 mos. 21 ds. Harriet N. Glasgow, d/o John & Mary Brewster, July 22, 1825-May 7, 1908 Ewing-----William Gray, June 22, 1854-Sept. 2, 1906 (L.M. 88) Tingie Shaver, his wife, Sept. 20, 1853-June 2, 1907 John Lukens, 1819-1879 Sarah, his wife, 1827-1906 Elizabeth F. and child, 1848-1874 (L.M. Lot89) Walter S., 1877-1881 Demie V., 1879-1880 Children of G. W. and I. C. Lukens: Walter, died March 17, 1881; aged 3 mos Illegible David William, died March ??, 1880; aged (illegible) Separate stones in same lot: John Jay, s/o J. J. & F. T. White, died Dec. 1, 1875; aged 2 mos. 9 ds. White-----George A., 1863-1926 Frank T., 1889-1890 Frances B., 1868-1925 Kathryn E., 1910-1911 (L.M. 94) Speer-----George W., Aug. 9, 1825-Feb. 2, 1864 Jane A., w/o George W., June 9, 1829-Nov. 20, 1888 John B., s/o G. W. & J. A., July 21, 1854-Jan. 21, 1878 Maggie B., d/o G. W. & J. A., March 8, 1858-Nov. 10-1878 (L.M. 94) Davis-----John C., Jan. 27, 1850-April 29, 1929 Rebecca J., his wife, Oct. 2, 1855-Sept. 15, 1884 Hannah B., his wife, May 17, 1851-July 23, 1926 John E., s/o J. & R. J. Davis, died March 13, 1878; aged 1 yr. 3 mos. 28 ds. Foltz-----William Henry, 1840-1906 Ada Shaver, 1845-1916 Elizabeth, w/o Wm. H., died Nov. 21, 1876; aged 36 yrs. 9 mos., also their children James B., died Oct. 23, 1876; aged 5 yrs. 9 mos. 17 ds. Ressie Z., died Oct. 23, 1891; aged 17 yrs. 3 mos. 22 ds. Clyde Shafer, s/o Wm. H. and Ada Foltz, died Sept. 23, 1888; aged 7 mos. 13 ds. Henry William, s/o (illegible) died (illegible) 24, 1879; aged 5 yrs. ?? mos. 19 ds. J. F. Stewart across base of stone Samuel Roland, s/o J. F. Stewart, died Feb. 14, 1871; aged 1 yr. 3 mos. 7 ds. Anna, d/o J. F. Stewart, died Nov. 14, 1878; aged 3 yrs. 11 mos. 13 ds. Bare-----Edith V., 1873-1947 Lloyd S., 1869-1920 Gertrude, 1872-1889 Eveline, 1840-1910 John, 1823-1899 Elizabeth S., 1829-1865 Roy S., 1862-1905 H. P., son, 1856; aged 7 mos O. D., son, 1861; aged 3 mos F. B., dau., 1865; aged 2 mos Chal. Son, 1868; aged 7 mos. Separate stones in same lot: James C. Kerlin, killed at Bridgeport Nov. 13, 1893; aged 27 yrs. 1 mo. William Emigh, 1864-1927 William Shaver, died Aug. 10, 1855; aged 50 yrs. 10 mos. Willie, s/o Wm. and M. C. Shaver, died Oct. 11, 1862; aged 8 yrs. 6 mos. 11 ds. John C., s/o (illegible) Robert J., s/o (illegible) Child's grave, (illegible) Covert-----Jacob, 1837-1884 Amanda J., 1842-1894 Stewart-----Col. John G., Sept. 1, 1811-April 19, 1889 Catharine, his wife, Sept. 1, 1813-March 13, 1900 Alfaretta Shaver, June 8, 1859-May 31, 1887 Allie, (no dates) Bare-----John S., 1847-1927; Capt., Co. A, 5th P.V. I., Spanish-American War Elsie Joana Shaver Bare, 1846-1924 Catherine Shaver Heller, 1851-1931 Robert S. Heller, 1849-1935 Gilbert-----Norman S., 1882-1960 Mary E., 1884-1962 Harrison-----Robert M., 1862-1922 Olive S., Oct. 9, 1874-Jan. 15, 1890 Frank H., Dec. 1, 1837-Aug. 23, 1916 Catharine Baird, Sept. 20, 1838-May 3, 1900 Separate stones in same lot: Elijah Aultz, died March 29, 1888; aged about 80 yrs. Jane, w/o Elijah Aultz, died July 28, 1882; aged 70 yrs. Mary A. Woods, w/o James, died Sept. 21, 1881; aged 75 yrs. 11 mos. 17 ds. Wilson, s/o D. & E. Smauley, died Nov. 7, 1892; aged 76 yrs. 9 mos. 21 ds. Lena, d/o M. & M. Manning, died Dec. 26, 1891 aged 5 yrs. 11 mos. 14 ds Samuel S., s/o J. K. & Maggie Stoner, died Oct. 31, 1890; aged 22 yrs. 8 mos. 12 ds. Minnie, d/o M. & M. Manning, died Feb. 16, 1884; aged 1 yr. 8 mos. 23 ds. Geo. F. Hunter, died Aug. 30, 1907; aged 74 yrs. 10 ds. Mary M., w/o George F. Manning, died Dec. 15, 1888; aged 44 yrs. 1 mo. 17 ds. Speer-----George Gray, 1859-1928 Julia Leas, 1858-1902 Sechler-----Melinda, w/o Joseph, Jan. 19, 1819-Oct. 25, 1883 Joseph, Nov. 11, 1811-Sept. 12, 1885 Mary Janiata, dau., Jan. 26, 1850-Nov. 13, 1871 Pamila Alice, dau., Feb. 24, 1840-Nov. 24, 1894 Henry Joseph, son, Feb. 18, 1853-May 3, 1856 George Taylor, son, Feb. 13, 1862-Feb. 23, 1862 J. Emma, 1845-1921 Martha S., 1851-1929 Anna M., 1856-1935 Ohler-----John W., 1910-1974 LaRue L., 1903- Landis-----J. Herman, 1881-1919 His wife, Anna Mary Sechler, 1876-1947 Florence, 1863-1890 (no surname) Susan McIntyre, w/o Rudolph Sechler, Aug. 6, 1846-Sept. 5, 1919 Rudolph Sechler, April 15, 1846-April 19, 1916; Co. F, 19th Pa. Cav. Separate stones in same lot: Louisanna, w/o John W. Robinson, died June 22, 1884 in the 43rd year of her age John H. Robinson, (no dates) J. J. Robison, died Feb. 16, 1880; aged 65 yrs. 5 mos. 7 ds. Catharine, w/o J. J. Robison, died Aug. 27, 1885; aged 57 yrs. 10 mos. 2 ds. Irene, d/o J. J. and C. Robison, died Nov. 18, 1860; aged 7 yrs. 6 ds. George E., s/o of J. J. and C. Robison, died Oct. ?, 1865; aged 5 yrs. 8 mos. 3 ds. Benjamin F., s/o J. J. & C. Robison, died Oct. 15, 1861; aged 1 yr. 1 mo. 26 ds. Yaple-----John B., Feb. 8, 1828-Dec. 26, 1898 Eliza, his wife, April 11, 1835-Sept. 22, 1907 Children-Mary O., Jan. 1, 1860-Aug. 20, 1880 Infant dau., March 27, 1876 Separate stones in same lot: Rebecca Ingram, 1852-1926 A tribute by the Citizens of Mount Union to Joseph Ingram and Children killed Dec. 19, 1881 by an explosion of dynamite: Joseph; aged 45 yrs. Frank; aged 9 yrs. William; aged 4 yrs Mary; aged 3 yrs. Grace; aged 1 yr. 6 mos Also-George, died March 1878; aged 2 yrs. 6 mos. Joseph Ingram, March 24, 1884-Feb. 5, 1922 Margaret Cavanaugh Barr, 1862-1944 Marguerite Inyalue Barr, 1898-1951 Elzina Currance Barr, 1881-1882 Asbury C. Booher, 1861-1930 Booher-----W. Ambrose, died March 8, 1927; aged 63 yrs. 5 mos. 5 ds. Dora M. Died July 4, 1899; aged 27 yrs. 8 mos. 12 ds. Casper Bucher, d. Feb. 11, 1855, in the 36th year of his age Charlie (No Surname) Leslie Elizabeth V. Fleck, 1855-1933 Peter B. Fleck, died Aug. 25, 1906; aged 70 yrs. 4 mos. 17 ds.; Co. I., 46th Regt. P.V. James L. Wagner, April 1, 1857-April 17, 1905 McBurney-----Papa-J. C., Feb. 9, 1864-June 17, 1907 Mama-Catherine, June 5, 1865-Feb. 24, 1921 Mother-Elizabeth S. Smith, 1888-1969 Father-Chauncey A. Smith, 1886-1944; W.W. I On other side of stone Stratford-----Charles, 1838-1916 Elizabeth, 1838-1926 Thomas F. D.D.S., 1876-1952; Co. G., 5th Regt. Pa. Inf., S.A.W. Elizabeth S. Kiel, 1874-1965 All on same stone-----Missouri Hooper, 1863-1884 Joshua Hooper, 1822-1884 Rachel M. Hooper, 1830-1885 Hamel-----E. B., 1852-1932 Anna M., his wife, 1853-1882 Mary M., his wife, 1852-1921 May, dau., 1875-1898 Lizzie L., dau., 1877-1905 Edward T., son, 1881-1903 Martin A., son, 1884-1918 Lydia R. dau., 1888-1942 Separate stones in same lot: Martha M. Weight, 1858-1886 Rheuben H. Weight, 1853-1890 Joseph Greenawalt, died Nov. 22, 1887 in the 56th year of his age. Jas. K. Thompson, died Feb. 19, 1891; Co. I, 29th Pa. M.M. Raymond A., s/o J. A. & L. V. Yaple, died May 1, 1883, aged 11 ds. Earl A. Yaple, died Nov. 28, 1881, aged 5 mos. 9 ds. Florence Ruth Yaple, died July 9, 1892; aged 6 mos. 19 ds. Loretta V. Miller, w/o A. A. Yaple, died July 3, 1886; aged 28 yrs. 6 mos, 22 ds. William H. Keller, died Feb. 2, 1955; Corp., U.S. Army James Davis, died May 16, 1890; aged 50 yrs. 2 mos. 12 ds., Co. I., 2nd Pa. Cav. Jane Davis, 1856-1929 Charles A. Cox, 1876-1929 Separate stones in same lot: Ethel V., d/o J. R. & R. B. Yeaple, died Oct. 22, 1894; aged 1 yr. 7 mos. Proxmire-----Margaretta, w/o Louis, July 6, 1839-Feb. 11, 1887 Mary R., their dau., June 11, 1868-Aug. 7, 1874 Carrie K., dau. 1865-1939 Brothers-George W., Aug. 7, 1873-June 23, 1893 Lewis G., Jan. 27, 1876-June 10, 1905 John R., March 9, 1879-Jan. 23, 1899 James F., July 23, 1864-Aug. 26, 1864 Catharine McIntyre, May 30, 1849-Sept. 5, 1865 Sarah, w/o J. McIntyre, May 20, 1821-Dec. 23, 1885 Eliza J. McIntyre, Jan. 13, 1910 Jacob McIntyre, Dec. 15, 1812-May 14, 1883 Yocum-----George S., 1882-1943 Mattie M., 1878-1949 Nancy Louise, d/o Leslie & Mildred Gearhart, May 2, 1937-June 9, 1939 J. Donald Appleby, 1879-1964 Pearl Shearer Appleby, 1889-1973 Caroline Shearer Young, 1876-1944 Margaret Shearer Fox, 1872-1922 Samuel B. Shearer, 1879-1928 Jennie S. Huling, 1842-1924 Samuel B. Huling, died April 9, 1897; Co. C, 19th Regt. Pa. Cav. On another stone----- Samuel B. Huling, died April 9, 1895; aged 57 yrs. 4 ds.; Co. C., 19th Pa. av. Eliza Huling, July 31, 1817-July 2, 1906 Thomas Huling, died Aug. 5, 1890; aged 81 yrs. 4 mos. 29 ds. Sarah S., w/o Thomas Huling, died Sept. 24, 1857; aged 41 yrs. 8 mos. 12 ds. Joseph H., s/o T. H. & S. S. Huling, died Nov. 27, 1840; aged 4 mos. 16 ds. Peter Etnier, 1788-1870 Elizabeth, w/o Peter Etnier, interned at Orbisonia, Pa. (Peter died Oct. 13, 1870; aged 72 yrs. 3 mos. 21 ds. Samuel Friedly, Jan. 22, 1826-April 29, 1867 Jane Etnier, w/o Samuel Friedly, Jan. 1, 1828-June 23, 1898 Separate stones in same lot: Pyles-----Bruce W., 1874-1951 Anna F., 1876-1964 Mary E. Pyles, 1855-1933 William Pyles, 1852-1912 Keller-----George W., 1833-1903; Co. F, 2nd Regt., Civil War R. Elizabeth, 1832-1903 William J., 1871-1894 S. Franklin, 1867-1936 Elizabeth A., 1870-1951 G. Ray, 1897-1899 Infant, 1895 Helen M., 1909-1912 John F., 1912-1912 Miller-----Samuel, 1863- Ella, his wife, 1871-1916 Samuel Cloyd, 1887-1888 (died Dec. 16, 1888; aged 1 yr. 5mos. 1 d. Mada Bell, 1891-1893 George Leon, 1895-1902 Luther Roy, 1889-1911 Irvin P. McCartney, 1928-1928 Brown-----Edward F., 1847-1942; Co. D, 101st Regt., Pa. Vol. Jennie S., 1851-1916 Welcome, 1889-1915 Henry, 1822-1887 Boston Baby, 1934-1934 Hooper----(no longer legible) 193 Millie Hooper-owner Rosensteel-----C. Fred, 1923-1942 Charles I., 1899-1966 Helen S., 1903-1977 Hunter-----J. D., Aug. 12, 1838-Sept. 30, 1912 Martha A., w/o J. D., June 21, 1826-Dec. 10, 1890 J. H. MD, July 9, 1826-July 5, 1893 Shaver-----Peter R., June 12, 1813-May 5, 1894 Margaret A., Sept. 26, 1851-Oct. 2, 1900 Mary C. Bowles, 1845-1909 Exie Shaver, 1843-1911 Margaret, w/o Peter, Sept. 23, 1816-July 24, 1891 E. Crawford, Oct. 22, 1893-Jan. 23, 1898 Lillie R. Shaver, 1865-1942 James M. Shaver, 1859-1926 James Bice, born in the Parish of (illegible), England, died May 6, 1870; aged 69 yrs. 7 mos. Ann, w/o James Bice, died Sept. 9, 1893; aged 72 yrs. 6 mos. 29 ds. Bice-----William, 1838-1911 Susannah, his wife, 1843-1871 Charles L., 1868-1914 Lessie J., 1856-1866 Hatt-----John James, Oct. 19, 1854-April 17, 1915 Mary Jane, Jan. 20, 1857-June 3, 1914 John Franklin, Dec. 9, 1878-Nov. 4, 1930 On other side of stone----- Cassady-----Owen, 1854-1925 Martha B., 1858-1924 Russel J., s/o J. and Mattie, Sept. 18, 1889-April 8, 1893 Anna, w/o William S. (illegible), died March 18, 18??-aged 47 yrs., 4 mos. Calvin Banks, died July 13, 1893; aged 34 yrs. 25 ds. Hayes------Elmer P., June 1, 1870-Feb. 16, 1906 James, Dec. 6, 1844-Sept. 19, 1910 Rosannah, w/o James, died May 29, 1910; aged 63 yrs. Gussie L., d/o Jas. & Rosa, Sept. 20, 1872-Oct. 4, 1893 Separate stones in same lot: George Wakefield, 1856-1928 Margaret Wakefield, 1869-1894 Geo. Wisenberg, died April 17, 1894; aged 29 yrs. 2 mos. 29 ds. Margaret M. Coleman, died Dec. 17, 1898; aged 76 yrs. 9 mos. 28 ds. On other side of stone----- Davis-----James A., 1864-1949 His wife, ---Flora Frehn, 1877-1951 Ida, w/o James A., died April 30, 1892; aged 26 yrs. J. Vermon, s/o J. A. & Ida, died Sept. 1, 1892; aged 3 yrs. 2 mos. 29 ds. Mathews-----Joseph W., July 21, 1842- Martha, Feb 8, 1949- Children-Olive V., died Sept. 9, 1871; aged 8 wks Cora M., died Aug. 23, 1865; aged 3 mos. 18 ds. Zeigler-----James M., died Oct. 5, 1923; aged 76 yrs. 6 mos. 4 ds. His wife, ----Catherine Drake, died Feb. 5, 1919; aged 71 yrs. 10 mos. 1 d. Children-James E., died July 3, 1894; aged 12 yrs. 5 mos. 21 ds. Martha E., died July 20, 1874; aged 9 mos. 23 ds. Hanawalt-----Harry E., 1875-1927 Annie T., 1875-1936 Jenkins-----John E., Sept. 15, 1848-Nov. 10, 1908, Co. G, 46th Regt. P.V. Inf., Co. A, 76th Regt. K.Z. Inf. Rhoda J., 1854-1937 Walter J., 1880-1926 Elizabeth Rhoda, dau., May 12, 1885-Jan. 20, 1919 Grandma-Sarah A. Weller, Sept. 7, 1818-July 5, 1879 James Lumas, died April 27, 1871; aged 35 yrs. 4 mos. 9 ds. Elizabeth Noland, July 4, 1841-Feb. 13, 1912 Mary A. Hirst, Aug. 17, 1814-July 6, 1900 Shaver-----Emma Fee, w/o D. E., 1847-1903 D. E., 1843-1916; Co. K, 202nd Regt. P.V. Julia A., w/o J. J. Fee, Nov. 7, 1826-Aug. 27, 1895 Elizabeth Shaver, 1865-1955 Separate stones in same lot: Mertie J. Fields, 1879-1910 Wilson C. Fields, 1875-1945 Zaida Hanawalt, 1884-1932 Mary A. Beaty, 1857-1940 Mary J. Fields, w/o David R. Hanawalt, died April 9, 1872; aged 31 yrs. 11 mos. 14 ds. David R. Hanawalt, died Nov. 26, 1897; aged 63 yrs. 1 mo. 19 ds.; Co. D, 22nd Regt. Pa. Cav. Annie D., d/o Robert J. & Mary M. Love, Dec. 30, 1889-March 9, 1897 Undertaker's marker, lettering gone Edgar L. Campbell, died Aug. 22, 1895; aged 25 yrs. 5 mos. 6 ds. Campbell-----P. H. 1824-1872 Adaline, his wife, 1837-1911 Edgar L., 1870-1895 (son) William W. Nevell, 1885-1943 Dora B., 1859-1924 (dau) Pauline, 1860-1928 (dau) Peelor-----David, C. E. Oct. 20, 1811-Feb. 28, 1895 Harry S., M. E. June 11, 1853-March 30, 1892 Campbell-----Rev. David H., D.D., July 28, 1846-Jan. 31, 1901 (Faithful unto Death. A tribute by the Churches, G.A.R. Comrades and Friends. Separate stones in same lot: Collins-----Robert R., 1829-1871 Jane A., 1830-1915 Laura J., d/o R. and J. A. Collins, died Feb. 15, 1881; aged 19 yrs. 9 mos. 3 ds. John M. Beatty, Oct. 24, 1880-Aug. 24, 1921 G. F. Beatty, Oct. 23, 1871-Dec. 29, 1911 (Geo. F.) Leah Beatty, March 22, 1836-July 8, 1918 G. W. Beatty, Feb. 12, 1829-Sept. 21, 1909 (Geo. W.) W. J. Beatty, Sept. 11, 1866-Jan. 17, 1898 (William J.) (on another large stone, full names were listed) G. Howard Deen, died June 3, 1898; aged 26 yrs. 3 mos. 28 ds. John A. Gross, Aug. 10, 1875-July 20, 1939; Co. H, 9th Regt. Inf., S.A.W. Daisy Mae Gross, 1879-1926 Radle-----George W., 1884-1972 Reba W., 1892-1954 George W., 1925-1926 Woods-----John A., 1855-1923 Mary I., 1857-1934 Omar O., 1889-1895 (died Jan. 11, 1895; aged 5 yrs. 2 mos. 25 ds) George A., 1874-1896 Harry T. Lomas, June 16, 1872-Nov. 22, 1899 Separate stones in same lot: John Latherow, died Sept. 24, 1897; aged 67 yrs. 6 mos. Mary Maria, w/o John Latherow, died April 4, 1899; aged 65 yrs. 3 mos. 3 ds. John H. Crist, 1890-1957; Pvt. Co. D, 358th Inf., WW I Lucy Crist, Sept. 14, 1900-April 10, 1964 Morrison-----William, Dec. 18, 1797-May 8, 1863 Margaret, his wife, Oct. 13, 1798-May 13, 1848 Edmund, Sept. 3, 1824-June 3, 1865 William A., Feb. 19, 1838-March 1, 1878 Margaret J. Baker, Sept. 25, 1858-Oct. 4, 1889 Louisa J. Baker, 1829-1902 Victor W. Baker, 1855-1932 Joshua, Nov. 6, 1827-April 13, 1828 Harry C., infant s/o Chas. And Catharine Ingwers, Feb. 22, 1899 Weams-----Rosana, 1827-1910 Catherine Ingwers, 1871-1928 Separate stones in same lot: Rodgers-----Elias K., Nov. 25, 1833-Dec. 7, 1913 Peninah Buckley, his wife, Aug. 17, 1830-Nov. 24, 1900 Children-Seline, died Jan. 1, 1854; aged 7 mos. 10 ds. Elias K., died March 14, 1872; aged 1 yr. 10 mos. 8 ds. Roscoe Rodgers, 190?-1961 Baughman-----William S., 1867-1944 Margaret E., 1879-1970 Mary G., w/o Saag, June 5, 1840-Feb. 16, 1899 Saag, Oct. 15, 1847-Nov. 15, 1911 Doyle-----James G., 1819-1859; (died April 26, 1859; aged 40 yrs. 3 mos. 2 ds.) Mary A. Long, w/o James, 1824-1898 Manning-----Morris, died Jan. 19, 1899;aged 49 yrs. 11 mos. 9 ds. Margaret, March 18, 1847-March 25, 1917 Dawson Smawley, Jan. 9, 1812-April 11, 1855 Preston-----Faustine Preston Greene, 1896-1981 Gertrude M., R.N., 1902-1973 Gertrude, 1871-1940 Edward, 1869-1955 Semple-----Clarence D., 1905-1940 Helen M., 1906-19__ Bebus Moore-adult-daughter (this line is handwritten. DW) Shaver-----Martin L., 1877-1948 His wife, Ida M. Masemore, 1878-1960 Dessie Myrtle, w/o Martin L., April 1, 1874-July 15, 1900 Lawrence, s/o M. L. & Ida, died Nov. 13, 1904; aged 2 mos. 4 ds. Mary L. Barchus, 1903-1938 John F. Gehrett, 1901-1937 William E., s/o C. J. & M. J. Gehrett, died April 24, 1901; aged 6 yrs. 9 mos. 14 ds. Douglas-----B. F., April 29, 1845-Nov. 6, 1908; Co. K, 202nd Regt. P.V.I. J. S., June 6, 1850-Jan. 4, 1920 (Jennie S.) Cora M., Feb. 16, 1871-April 22, 1901 Bessie B., 1875-1957 Charles J. Gehrett, 1865-1915 Martha J. Gehrett, 1870-1955 Adam B. Seibert, 1841-1913; Co. A, 49th Regt. Pa. Vol. His wife, Lutecia E., 1847-1929 Taylor-----Isaac, April 18, 1821-May 31, 1911 Ann Ashman, his wife, Oct. 14, 1821-Oct. 22, 1902 Fields-----Geo. L., 1847-1911 Harriett L., 1850-1903 Cora H. Flasher, 1881-1957 Beatrice J. Moore, 1929-1972 Himes-----John W., 1835-1902 Margaret A., 1839-1915 Martha E., 1867-1946 Clarence A., 1873-1930 Separate stones in same lot: Elizabeth Stratford Kiel, Jan. 13, 1899-Nov. 2, 1901 Richard Morris Kiel, Sept. 9, 1901-Feb. 25, 1902 Richard M. Kiel, Oct. 1, 1876-Feb. 27, 1959 John Kann, 1848-1919; Co. D, 22nd Pa. Cav. Nancy Kann, 1849-1901 Henry Buckley, died July 5, 1865; aged 69 yrs. 9 mos. 1 d. Sarah, w/o Henry Buckley, died Dec. 2, 1842; aged 56 yrs. 3 mos. 29 ds. Mary C. Buckley, Dec. 11, 1828-Feb. 28, 1901 Hiney-----Michael, Oct. 27, 1829-Nov. 8, 1916; Lt. Co. C, 45th P.V.I. Mary A. Kreiner, his wife, July 25, 1841-May 10, 1903 Davis-----Frank B., 1864-1933 Margaret T., 1866-1938 Amber F., 1887-1890 Laura B., 1884-1957 Anna Blanche, d/o Oliver & Clara Ginethan, May 29, 1884-June 23, 1903 Clara, w/o Oliver Ginnithan, May 31, 1847-Sept. 18, 1917 Oliver Ginnithan, died July 27, 1907; aged 71 yrs.; Co. C, 208th Regt. P.V.I. Harper-----Charles W., 1862-1904 (May 20, 1862-Jan. 15, 1904) Maria A., his wife, 1870-1945 Mary C., 1899-1903 (March 13, 1899-July 23, 1903) Estella C., 1896-1948 Beulah R., d/o Wm. C. & Annie E. Huntsman, died Nov. 23, 1903; aged 15 yrs. 10 mos. 23 ds. Jamison-----William, Oct. 12, 1849-Jan. 4, 1918 Jane, his wife, 1930 Ella Deter, 1860-1937 Separate stones in same lot: Lenora M., d/o B. & S. C. Smith, died Nov. 27, 1903; aged 17 yrs. 1 mo. 4 ds. Infant d/o W. G. & L. Smith, died Jan. 11, 1904; aged 1 d. Banner Smith, 1854-1932 Sarah C., his wife, 1856-1921 J. J. Rosensteel, Feb. 14, 1845-June 23, 1930; Co. B, 192nd Regt. Pa. Inf. Rosean E., his wife, July 16, 1852-March 23, 1906 Kleffman-----W. O., June 8, 1860- B. Alice, his wife, June 13, 1861-Aug. 31, 1904 Baby Girl Moore, 1948-1948 Wilson S. Weller, July 13, 1844-Aug. 4, 1904 Bernadine, d/o Edward & E. Weller, died Feb. 6, 1905; aged 2 yrs. 10 mos. 8 ds. Flasher-----James F., 1874-1953 Laura B., 1876-1903 Adeline, 1903-1903 David L., 1869-1918 Shaver-----Chas. H., Dec. 26, 1866-April 23,1948 Bertha H., Jan. 13, 1868-July 22, 1958 __arey K. Hoover, 1865-1958 Separate stones in same lot: Hattie G. Foster, w/o J. Harry Shaver, Oct. 26, 1840-Oct. 23, 1907 J. Harry Shaver, died April 30, 1903; aged 62 yrs. 1 mo. 27 ds.; Co. A, 46th Regt. P.V.I. Robert F. Stewart, 1929-1932 Martha B., d/o N. W. & Orrie Hoover, died March 26, 1911; aged 3 yrs. 2 mos. 2 ds. Calvin B., s/o N. W. & Orrie Hoover, died May 2, 1905; aged 3 yrs, 6 mos. 23 ds. Separate stones in same lot: Robert Vaugen, died Nov. 14, 1909; Co. M., 19th P.V. Cal. Mary E., w/o R. J. Vaughan, July 26, 1838-Aug. 6, 1905 Frank P. Latherow, 1859-1915 Alice Vaughen Latherow Bratton, 1872-1942 Samuel S. Mosser, 1881-1942 Jessie B. Mosser, 1883-1963 Herbert S. Mosser, 1901-1931 Mary A. Mosser, 1848-1926 S. LeRoy Mosser, 1905 Charles E. Mosser, 1906-1963; S/Sgt., 572nd Bomb Sq., 391st Gp., WW II King-----Ora G., 1885-1956 Herbert J., 1876-1953 Charles M., 1896-1950; Sgt. 1/c, 16th Ballon Co., WW I Edgar J., 1880-1928 I. Newton, 1853-1923 Anna J., 1861-1915 George D., 1900-1905 Separate stones in same lot: William G. Smith, 1877-1942 Elizabeth Z. Smith, 1883-1968 Kathryn Smith-Crem John P., s/o (illegible) Smith, (rest of stone illegible) Baird-----Children of Samuel and Mary Fannie E., July 29,1881-Nov. 3, 1904 Arthur P., Feb. 24, 1890-Feb. 20, 1891 Blair M., Oct. 30, 1870-March 4, 1904 Mamie E., Jan. 6, 1896-Nov. 9, 1907 Samuel T. Baird, 1850-1934 Mary C. Baird, 1856-1934 (illegible), d/o H. M. & Ella E. Hoover, died Nov. 27, 1907; aged 2 mos. 22 ds. Davis-----David, 1853-19__ Mary, his wife, 1861-1918 Davis-----Theodore, 1905-1905 Rose B., 19__-19__ Clarence B., 1885-1928 Fields-----Alice M., w/o H. M., April 2, 1869-Nov. 9, 1906 H. Milton, 1868-1937 Crum-----Cornelius B., 1860-1961 Mary Jane Wagner, 1864-1927 Charlotte Ferrent, w/o Russell J., 1901-1938 Dau.- Maude E., 1901-1906 Anderson-----James C., 1863-1940 Mary Jane, w/o James, Aug. 6, 1868-Jan. 4, 1907 Children: Gladys, May 1, 1894-Nov. 5, 1902 Ralph, April 10, 1906-Feb. 22, 1907 Shank-Benkert------Edna J. Shank Benkert, 1903-1958 George R. Benkert, 1902-1974 Renie M. Gillam Shank, 1876-1942 Martin L. Shank, 1872-1943 Kiel-----Morris, Dec. 19, 1831-Feb. 19, 1919; Co. D, 5th Regt. P.V.H.A. Maggie J. Shaver, Feb. 17, 1841-Oct. 17, 1905 Greene-----Edward C., 1899-1941 Kiel-----Frank S., 1874-1927 Rosensteel------John C., 1876-1936 Inez E., 1897-1906 Chilcote-----Calvin C., 1858-1934 Jennie, 1859-1925 Howard R., 1884-1950 Miriam, 1836-1920 Crowe-----Alex R., 1874-1949 Nellie E., 1906-1906 Florence M., 1903-1960 Esther A., 1882-1954 Powell-----Lewis W., 1843-1912 Mary J., his wife, 1841-1915 Vaughan-----Thomas J., Jan. 17, 1877-July 1, 1956 Lizzie L., July 11, 1882-April 29, 1906 Cora J., Feb. 8, 1890-Aug. 20, 1960 Separate stones in same lot: Louise P. Gahagan, Sept. 29, 1893-June 21, 1966 Frank B. Gahagan, March 10, 1892-April 13, 1966 Gahagan-----James A., July 20, 1848 Mary Thompson, July 5, 1855 Naomi, born and died Jan. 8, 1894 Isabelle Catharine, Sept. 5, 1882-May 9, 1906 Parsons-----Frederick, 1858-1924 His wife, Rhoda, 1875-1957 William E. McElwee, died April 21, 1907; aged 40 yrs. 6 ds. Zada McElwee, died Feb. 21, 1910; aged 17 yrs. 5 mos. Grace, died July 31, 1909; aged 4 mos, 23 ds. G. W. H. Querry, 1849-1927 Sarah J., his wife, 1862-1918 D. Oliver Price, 1882-19__ Ella M., his wife, 1882-19__ Rorer-----David, 1855-1932 Mary A. Himes, 1850-1932 Wayne V. Fuller, 1873-1965 Juniata Boyer Fuller, 1879-1921 Fuller-----W. W., 1837-1912 E. Jane., 1842-1907 A. Watson, 1869-1947 Vanvert C. Marshall, died March 11, 1907; aged 32 yrs. 5 mos. 10 ds. Cowan-----Hughey Denton, 1867-1917 Chalsmer, 1906-1907 Jasper A., 1903-1947 Frank Bathwee, 1874-1928 Warren Calvin Cowan, 1896-1968; 1st Medical Dept., WW I Everett-----Fred S., 1901-1973 Mary C., 1906- Reeder-----Loyd Elwood, July 30, 1866-Dec. 6, 1927 Annie Jane, w/o Lloyd, Nov. 13, 1863-Feb. 13, 1907 Alice J., Oct. 22, 1871-Sept. 5, 1941 Children of L. E. and A. J.: David Brooks, Jan. 30, 1889-March 30, 1889 Clyde, Aug. 13, 1896-Aug. 20, 1896 Separate stones in same lot: John A. Showalter, 1878-1927 Minerva M. Showalter, 1879-1953 Margaret R. Becley, 1900-1939 Emma G. Showalter, died July 10, 1906; aged 10 mos. 12 ds. Brown-----Frank H., April 18, 1874-Feb. 24, 1914 Mary E., Sept. 5, 1874-Dec. 19, 1952 Russell M., Oct. 18, 1899-March 12, 1908 Neusbaum------Charles N., 1881-1972 Theresa I., 1883-1960 Elizabeth J., 1908-1908 Bollinger-----Clara, w/o J. W., June 27, 1860-Jan. 25, 1914 Miller, Sept. 4, 1892-Sept. 19, 1908 David, Jan. 15, 1889-Oct. 19, 1908 Jacob W., Dec. 20, 1856-Oct. 22, 1920 Mason-----William M., 1865-1965 Anna N., 1876-1960 Paul, 1910- Joseph, 1913-1927 Naomi, 1915-1917 Margaret, 1906-1908 Oppel-----Lena M. P., 1906-1908; (dau) Mabel D., 1886-1973 George P., 1881-1961 Rummell-----Sadie M., w/o John B. Rummell & d/o Moses & Maggie Everett, May 31, 1877-March 7, 1908 John B., 1879-1952 Anna L. Veltman, 1874-1956 Separate stones in same lot: Emma A., d/o H. R. & A. R. Beatty, Aug. 20, 1907-March 21, 1908 Alice R. Beatty, Oct. 10, 1876-Feb. 26, 1946 Harry R. Beatty, Oct. 23, 1869-Oct. 8, 1948 John R. Beatty, Aug. 8, 1912-April 3, 1971 Verna L. Beatty, June 12, 1901-Sept. 7, 1978 Beatty-----Albert W., 1879-1925 Minnie C., 1879-1950 Gladys G., 1915 Stephen Mark Beatty, Nov. 5, 1953 Virginia Mae Kohler, June 12, 1919-Jan. 20, 1892 (The loving mother of Dennis and Donald) George N. Foreman, 1882-1936 Separate stones in same lot: Maimie D. Foreman, 1883-1965 Foreman-----John H., Aug. 31, 1858-Aug. 28, 1908 Jennie H., his wife, Jan. 13, 1861-May 9, 1926 Clarence H., s/o J. W. & Annie B. Shore, died Aug. 7, 1913; aged 10 mos. 27 ds. James A. Taylor, 1862-1908 Annie E. Taylor, 1862-1942 James Shore, 1888-1948 Anna Shore, 1892-1948 Minnie Grace, d/o B. I. & L. B., May 22, 1908-March 6, 1909 (Minnie is hand written, original entry was Virginia but is crossed out) Tessie Ramsey, 1890-1950 Kelly-----George B., died April 19, 1909; aged 36 yrs. 3 ds. Matilda M., 1866-1938 Keller-----Dorothy L., died April 15, 1912; aged 15 yrs. 3 ms. 13 ds. Helen L., died May 16, 1909; aged 1 yr. 1 mo. 13 ds. Infant daughter, May 2, 1911 Rosie M., died June 8, 1909; aged 15 yrs. 4 mos. 25 ds. Cloyd W., died Jan. 6, 1913; aged 20 yrs. 11 mos. 13 ds. Harry, died June 1, 1911; aged 17 yrs. 11 mos. 3 ds. Eliza J., died July 5, 1913; aged 59 yrs. 11 mos. 6 ds. Crawford-----Joseph A., Dec. 25, 1858-July 30, 1909 Catherine Jackson, July 11, 1861-March 24, 1940 Everett-----Moses, 1840-1924 Margaret B. Shearer, his wife, 1846-1921 Robert Barnes, March 14, 1855-June 16, 1911 Wife Samantha, 1850-1936 John A. Buckley, 1873-1921 Separate stones in same lot: Ida M. Foreman, 1870-1928 (w/o Simon) Foreman-----Simon S., 1864-1937 Elva Foreman Cox, 1895-1981 Anderson-----Albert, 1863-1916 Anna M., died July 7, 1909; aged 52 yrs. 3 mos. 21 ds. Deviney-----William A., 1856-1910 Elizabeth P., 1861-1936 Harry Deviney, 1893-1955 Lulu Deviney Wall, 1892-1967 Weaver-----Ralph E., 1893-1958 Bertha V., 1893-1937 Samuel King, 1854-1930 Mary C. King, 1853-1926 Morrison------ Knepp-----Adie Elisha, July 22, 1890-Dec. 19, 1909 (son) J. Emory, 1855-1928 Amanda C., 1863-19__ Clara Shields Shope, 1862-1926 Snyder-----George L., 1884-1950 Edna G., 1887-1969 Audrey Etheda, April 19, 1908-July 15, 1909 (surname-Snyder?) Separate stones in same lot: Walsh-----Lewis G., 1944-1962 Freda U., 19__ Ella May, d/o Martin O. & Minnie D. Booher, 1908-1909 Pearl F. Byers, 1907-1965 Collins-Culbertson-----J. Harris Culbertson, 1888-1917 Martha C. Culbertson, 1888-1946 Gladys L. Culbertson, March 21, 1911-Aug. 15, 1911 Ralph B. Collins, 1909-1966 Leona T. Collins, 1915-19__ Frankenberry-----George W., 1865-1915 Gertrude E., 1868-1962 Benjamin Culbertson, Dec. 3, 1876-Oct. 18, 1911 Inez R. Rorer, 1891-1911 Glen Chester Rorer-1898-1952; Mo. M.M. 2/c, U.S. Navy, A.D.V.A. Pt. Base, WW II Rorer-----Adam, 1861-1914 Laura J. 1862-1949 Gertrude F., d/o H. D. & F. M. Stake, 1908-1911 Harry Burjett Stake, 1912-1924 Stake-----Harry D., 1882-1944 Florence Rankin, 1881-19__ Wm. Henry Rowles, 1851-1911 Wife-Mary C., 1852-1915 Love-----Rose Ellen, w/o Newton S., died Oct. 25, 1911; aged 25 yrs. Robinson-----Roy C., 1892-1945 Jennie J., 1893-1938 Frederick C., 1911-1912 Hazel F., 1913-1924 Margaret, 1932-1943 Shaver-----George D., died Nov. 19, 1916; aged 68 yrs. 8 mos.; Co. F., 2nd Regt. Pa. Cav. Maria, his wife, died Aug. 27, 1917; aged 74 yrs. 11 mos. Masemore------Albert M., 1878-1924 M. Elizabeth, July 10, 1874-Nov. 14, 1974 Annie Myton Grissinger, 1874-1926 Shaffer-----George O., 1889-1932 Anna M., 1889-1917 Walker-----Samuel, died June 1, 1886; aged 56 yrs. 10 mos. Martha E., w/o Samuel, died July 10, 1894; aged 64 yrs. 10 mos. 17 ds. Cambridge G., s/o Samuel & Martha, died Jan. 9, 1914; aged 44 yrs. 8 mos. 24 ds Clyde C. Arnsparger, 1882-1931 His wife, Alice K., 1871-1938 Smith-----Alda Colgate Smith Shelby, 1865-1922 George W. Smith, 1860-1907 On backside of stone- Colgate-----Richard, 1819-1891 Elizabeth, 1826-1894 Miller-----Harry Mc., April 26, 1864-March 10, 1893 Maggie V. Thompson, Feb. 17, 1857-June 3, 1895 Infant son, aged 3 weeks Mary C., Feb. 2, 1862-April 4, 1864 Edgar L., Oct. 22, 1868-March 2, 1870 George P., March 22, 1817-Dec. 29, 1902 Margaret G., his wife, May 4, 1827-Oct. 2, 1907 George T., Feb. 9, 1850-Feb. 16, 1906 Catharine Vancourt, died March 12, 1869; aged 44 yrs. 3 mos. 12 ds. James Lawrence, s/o H. D. Morgan, died Aug. 9, 1863; aged 1 yrs. 3 mos. 20 ds. Lucy Ann, w/o James Morgan, died Aug. 22, 1852; aged about 28 yrs. Jas. S. Morgan, Nov. 19, 1813-March 27, 1875 Hannah D., w/o James S. Morgan, Jan. 11, 1817-June 3, 1875 Nevell-----James M., 1865-1938 Etta M., 1868-1916 John Raymond, s/o J. M. and Etta Nevell, died Nov. 5, 1894; aged 3 yrs. 6 mos. 21 ds. Infant children of J. M & Etta Nevell, May 25, 1890 and Feb. 23, 1896 Clinger-Skinner-----W. Russell Skinner, 1894-1967 Anna Skinner, 1896-1981 Fred D. Clinger, 1893-1936 Margaret B. Clinger, 1872-1943 Stanley G. Clinger, 1870-1952 Welch-----Annie M., 1856-1936 Allen S., 1855-1931 Esther Evans Fuller, w/o Charles Howard Welch, Sept. 9, 1877- Dec. 23, 1911 Clementine C., 1886-1972 Charles H., 1880-1934 Copenhaver E. Burke, died July 19, 1924; Montana, Pvt., 164th Inf. Copenhaver-----C. H., 1858-1920 Lillie L., 1867-1922 Copenhaver-----John, (illegible) Sarah J., w/o John, (illegible) Blanche H. Strawford, 1873-1914 Annie Winifred Strawford, 1906-1911 Harriet H. Strawford, Nov. 2, 1902 Leslie S. Strawford, March 17, 1899 Minnie R., d/o G. W. & M. J. Querry, died May 7, 1894; aged 22 yrs. 3 mos. 10 ds. Querry-----George W., March 17, 1836-May 24, 1918 Martha J. Shenefelt, w/o G. W., March 29, 1839-Jan. 25, 1905 Their dau., Mary E., April 1, 1859-July 21, 1902 Annie E. Querry, w/o Simpson A. Shoop, Jan. 30, 1860-May 11, 1896 Harencame-----Amanda, w/o C. Morrow, Nov. 10, 1867-March 27, 1897 Children-Mary M., July 26, 1894-March 25, 1895 Infant, April 11, 1897 Beers-----Charles H. Clark, 1870-1919 Myrtle Beers Clark, 1867-1933 Mary E., 1844-1920 Anderson, 1835-1894 Harry W. Querry, died June 26, 1917; aged 45 yrs, 5 mos. 4 ds Florence Querry Kramer, May 1, 1899-June 16, 1920 Querry-----Clarence P., 1864-1928 Katie B., 1866-1940 Morgan-----Alice M., w/o William H., died Feb. 9, 1893; aged 30 yrs. 5 mos. 1 d. Longacre-----Annie Strawford, w/o R. M., died Nov. 2, 1893; aged 25 yrs. 3 mos. 10 ds. Also their infant son, 1893 Annie's friend, Lulu M. Withers, died Jan. 7, 1894; aged 25 yrs. 3 mos. 4 ds. Robert M., 1869-1942 Matilda C., 1871-1964 Anna P. Scrambling, Oct. 28, 1862-Dec. 7, 1932 Rosaline, d/o J. & S. J. Copenhaver, died Aug. 26, 1868; aged 2 yrs. ? mos. 11 ds. J. Darius Copenhaver, Oct. 29, 1859-March 29, 1898 Jacob Copenhaver, Aug. 21, 1829-Nov. 19, 1907 Sarah J. Copenhaver, Dec. 11, 1828-Feb. 3, 1893 Andrew G. Clinger, died March 16, 1876; aged 37 yrs.; Co. F, 107th Pa. V.I. Margaret J. Clinger, 1844-1918 Mertie W., d/o A. G. & M. Clinger, died May 10, 1872; aged 4 yrs. 5 mos. 15 ds. Annie E., d/o A. G. & M. Clinger, died May 4, 1883; aged 7 yrs. 10 mos. 25 ds. Peninnah Shaver Brown, died Sept. 19, 1891; aged 70 yrs., 5 mos. 24 ds. Separate stones in same lot: Eugene Roberts, died Jan. 24, 1892; aged 2 mos. 22 ds. Gale Roberts, died Jan. 8, 1897; aged 5 mos. Verna E. Roberts, died Nov. 12, 1901; aged 7 yrs. 2 mos. 24 ds. Roberts-----Harry S., 1863-1930 Annie S., 1866-1925 Dauge U., s/o (illegible) Roberts, (date-illegible); aged 6 mos. Campbell-----Thomas H., 1858-1915 William J., M.D., died Oct. 30, 1947 Laura E., 1866-1935 Barnes-----James, 1825-1911 Frances H., 1828-1889 Matilda, 1853-1913 John, 1860-1916 Joseph, 1860-1922 Margaret, 1862-1942 Lawrence Earle, s/o D. M. & M. J. Cunningham, died March 12, 1888; aged 11 mos. 2 ds. Lewis Reese Morgan, July 6, 1823-Nov. 23, 1901 Maria Sechrist, his wife, June 23, 1834-Nov. 7, 1901 Rouse-----Walter, 1869-1927 Fannie C., 1869-1903 C. Jamison, 1868-1939 Gayton-----Jessie Blanche, Feb. 19, 1862-Feb. 5, 1886 Luella R., 1858-1930 William G., March, 1828-Oct. 1909; Liut., Co. D, 22nd Regt. P.V.C. Ann E., March 9, 1834-Jan. 12, 1920 Separate stones in same lot: On backside of stone- McCarthy----Alvin R., M.D., 1845-1933 Mary Gayton, his wife, Aug. 18, 1854-Aug. 22, 1878 Lowell Gayton, March 2, 1876-June 25, 1876 Alvin R. McCarthy, M.D., 1845-1933 Mary Taylor McCarthy, died Dec. 16,1942 Mary Mildred McCarthy, died Aug. 12, 1961 Lillian Gayton McCarthy, died April 1, 1968 Ethel Taylor McCarthy, (no dates) Taylor-----I. Newton, 1859-1933 Laura V., 1866-1948 Helen V. Taylor Bartschat, 1892-1968 Walter J. Bartschat, 1891-1973 Bell-----William T., 1852-1923 Frangena W., 1857-1942 J. Raymond, 1882- H. Winifred, 1888 Russell S., 1891-1923 Ruth Bell Ponder, w/o Russell S., 1892-1949 Olive B., 1885-1951 Jesse C., 1884-1949 W. Powell, s/o J. & ? Lynn, died Sept. 28, 1887; aged 1 yr. 5 mos. 10 ds. James Y. Appleby, 1850-1907 Miller-----Harry H., 1862-1917 Nannie M., 1865-1934 Walter H., 1885-1889 Miller-----Castner, June 27, 1840-March 17, 1917 Helen Adelia Benner, his wife, Aug. 14, 1840-Nov. 19, 1910 Wiliam F., 1861-1863 Ida G., 1864-1865 Annie B., 1869-1877 Grace, 1880-1880 John H., 1882-1882 McCune S., 1883-1884 Lucilla B., 1877-1889 James Roher, s/o Wm. & F. I. Warfield, died May 19, 1890; aged 5 yrs. 1 mo. 22 ds. Warfield-----William, 1865-1924 Flora I., 1869-1936 Robert P., 1891-1923 Annie H., w/o F. M. Copenhaver, died Nov. 29, 1891; aged 27 yrs. 4 mos. 6 ds. Separate stones in same lot: Ramsey-----Brice, Sept. 10, 1833-Sept. 23, 1908 Ellen, his wife, Sept. 11, 1834-Jan. 21, 1906 Fanny Ramsey Stitt, 1872-1921 Thompson-----G. W., May 16, 1826-Jan. 4, 1899 Linnie McGarvey, his wife, Feb. 20, 1844-July 2, 1927 Rebecca H., w/o G. W., June 30,1831-Oct. 23, 1866 Russell A., 1895-1952 Charles B., 1872-1927 Frank A., 1880-1921 Marguerite, his daughter, 1903-1916 Homer K., d/o G. W. & Rebecca, Sept. 6, 1857-Sept. 21, 1877 Smith-----Noel L., 1882-1949 Effie G., 1883-1965 Reck-----Jeremiah M., 1859-1891 Rosa D., 1859-1899 Jno. Barden, Co. B, 110th Pa. Inf. (no dates) Hannah J., w/o John Barben, 1828-1893 Maggie B., w/o Wilber M. Long, 1858-1919 Wilber M. Long, 1857-1907 Ewing-----John M., Dec. 23, 1846-Jan. 11, 1902 Mary J., his wife, May 4, 1851-Aug. 15, 1923 Anthony B., Aug. 22, 1816-April 1, 1895 Mary D., his wife, Feb. 13, 1817-Sept. 11, 1889 S. B. Snyder, Co. E, 53rd Pa. Inf. (no dates) Snyder-----Daniel B., 1832-1898 Sarah, his wife, 1835-1887 Ellen, his wife, 1847-1932 W. Bates Bell, 1886-1935; WW I Bell-----John M., died July 3, 1887; aged 60 yrs. 6 mos. 12 ds Henrietta, his wife, died Aug. 13, 1897; aged 74 yrs. 11 mos. 13 ds. Taylor-----John, died March 10, 1865; aged 57 yrs. Anne E., w/o John, died April 25, 1891; aged 74 yrs. 26 ds. Children; Mathew A., died Aug. 15, 1850; aged 15 ds. George A., died Sept. 15, 1857; aged 2 yrs. 6 mos. 6 ds William H., died Sept. 2, 1862; aged 4 yrs. 9 mos. 15 ds. Clyde Edward, s/o C. E. & Jennie Hart, died Dec. 13, 1888; aged 19 ds. Hart-----Charles E., Aug. 29, 1858-March 25, 1913 Hennie, his wife, Dec. 19, 1859-July 21, 1915 Separate stones in same lot: Mary A., w/o E. H. Vancourt, July 28, 1839-Feb. 5, 1911 E. H. Vancourt, Jan. 6, 1822-Dec. 21, 1881 Shaver-----Frank F., s/o J. W. & Clara, died July 21, 1883; aged 18 yrs. 4 mos. J. White, Feb. 19, 1828-Sept. 9, 1901 Charlie, s/o J. W. & Clara, died in Oct. 1868; aged 4 yrs Clara, w/o J. W., died June 29, 1869; aged 26 yrs. 6 mos. Charley, s/o S. B. & Ellen Shaver, died March 12, 1867; aged 2 yrs. 2 mos. 21 ds. Shaver-----Samuel, died Jan. 6, 1854; aged 57 yrs. Margaret, his wife, died Aug. 16, 1854; aged 57 yrs. J. Oaks, died Feb. 11, 1854; aged 16 yrs. David P., died Sept. 6, 1854; age 28 yrs. Elsie O., died Dec. 6, 1865; aged 15 yrs. James, died Jan. 18, 1854; aged 12 yrs Frank P., died April 14, 1872; aged 20 yrs. Bathurst-----James F., Aug. 18, 1839-Dec. 3, 1919 Alice C., Jan. 17, 1849-Dec. 14, 1910 Frank Edward, March 1, 1879-Feb. 23, 1885 Frank Spencer, died Jan. 15, 1937 LoDema B. Spencer, died Dec. 2, 1947 Willa Hays, d/o M. & Mary McFarland, Oct. 26, 1890-Oct. 28, 1893 Mary McFarland, 1862-1929 Jean McDonald, w/o H. W. Harrison, Oct. 28, 1867-Aug. 26, 1895 McDonald-----Rev. N. A., D.D., Jan. 30, 1830-Aug. 12, 1897; 25 yrs a missionary in Siam Eliza Dickson, his wife, died June 13, 1887; aged 51 yrs. (This monument erected by his old students in Siam) Separate stones in same lot: Nettie, d/o W. E. & M. E. Hidler, died Nov. ?, 1882; aged 11 yrs. Buhla, d/o W. E. & M. E. Hidler, died Sept. 13, 1882; aged 3 mos. 24 ds. T. E. Hidler, died Feb. 28, 1888; aged 59 yrs.; Co. H., 15th Pa. Inf. Frank Both, May 4, 1847-March 14, 1906 Jennie, his wife, Aug. 11, 1846-Sept. 19, 1916 Peter Haman, Co. D. (stone sunk into ground) Kelley-----Arthur D., 1874-1921 Cornelius-----John T., died March 14, 1897; aged 63 yrs. 2 mos. Jane E. Evans, his wife, died Sept. 5, 1909; aged 76 yrs John A., died Aug. 8, 1884; aged 22 yrs. 1mo. 8 ds Ellen D., died Jan. 31, 1862; aged 5 mos. 6 ds Booher-----John, died Sept. 2, 1898; aged 75 yrs. 2 mos. 23 ds Eliza Jane, his wife, died Aug. 5, 1858; aged 31 yrs. 5 mos. 9 ds Hezekiah, died June 24, 1872; aged 23 yrs. 9 mos. 3 ds Mary Amanda Grube, died Aug. 17, 1874; aged 27 yrs. 4 mos. 13 ds. Howard R., died Feb. 1, 1892; aged 38 yrs. 4 mos. 11 ds. Separate stones in same lot: Rhodes-Bigley-----Margaret J. Rhodes, w/o Jas. W. Bigley, died May 2, 1892; aged 67 yrs. 3 mos. 2 ds Jas. W. Bigley, died June 30, 1857; aged 39 yrs. 2 mos. 11 ds. Mary Bigley, 1848-1907 Dora Bigley, 1852-1925 Jacob S. Shade, died April 11, 1894; Mexican War Veteran Marian Shade, died Jan. 31, 1892 Hannah W. Postlethwaite, died Jan. 17, 1900 Mary A. Hampson, died Dec. 25, 1903 (last four names all on the same stone) Postlethwaite-----T. F., 1827-1912 Sarah, his wife, 1825-1910 Richard, 1857-1945 Alda, 1863-1959 Ripple-----Clarence V., 1894-1983 Remick W., 1866-1952 Annie Rhodes, 1867-1959 Gamble-----Margaret L., 1854-1916 Margaret Jane, Harvey, 1879-1903 Shaver-----Nicholas, April 27, 1801-Jan. 20, 1884 Keziah, his wife, Dec. 25, 1808-Jan. 4, 1881 Joseph R., Nov. 17, 1838-Aug. 10, 1900 Creeta M., his daughter, March 25, 1866-Feb. 27, 1876 Allen-----Rhoda B., w/o G. S., 1893-1916 Schmittle-----Henry M., 1860-1925 Annie E., 1864-1932 Liveringhouse-----Thomas O., 1859-1920 Alice E., 1859-1928 W. Stanley, 1892-1922 David F., 1887 Nora C., 1889-1890 Thomas S. Moorhead, 1854-1906 Lottie N. Moorhead, 1866-1942 Separate stones in same lot: John N., s/o R. I. N. & H. B. Moorhead, Feb. 5, 1882-Dec. 15, 1887 Rev. John Moorhead, Jan. 4, 1814-July 16, 1890 Elizabeth Jordan, w/o Rev. John Moorhead, Dec. 18, 1819-Sept. 4, 1874; aged 54 yrs. 8 mos. 13 ds Shaver-----C. Bower, 1852-1941 Serena A., w/o Bower, Aug. 21, 1856-June 1, 1887 William C. Hill, 1877-1905 Mary M. Shaver, his wife, 1878-1923; also w/o Charles Kint. Shaver-----Alexander, died Dec. 30, 1846; aged 1 yr. 4 mos. 13 ds. Mary R., died June 10, 1857; aged 10 yrs. 11 mos. 13 ds Ann Eliza, died Nov. 8, 1848; aged 76 yrs. 6 mos. 20 ds Peter, died May 4, 1882; aged 76 yrs. 6 mos. 20 ds Washington, died July 3, 1873; aged 20 yrs. 5 mos. 3 ds. McLaughlin-----George, Feb. 25, 1815-April 11, 1893 Lydia, his wife, Dec. 13, 1822-Dec. 18, 1905 Harry R., May 24, 1873-July 9, 1873 Charlie, Aug. 21, 1874 Seibert-----Robert S., May 9, 1856-May 26, 1913 Gertrude Woodcock, Nov. 16, 1864-June 13, 1928 William, April 3, 1822-June 1, 1884 Mary J. Love, his wife, April 24, 1828-April 30, 1900 Delia May, Aug. 22, 1869-March 1, 1870 Hester F., d/o Wm. R. & Cora B. Eberman, July 25, 1901 Fields-----Henry H., 1844-1914 Rebecca M., his wife, 1845-1920 Noland-----Joshua, Jan. 8, 1843-Aug. 25, 1906; Cos. D & I, 22nd P.V.C. Mary E., his wife, Oct. 18, 1848-Feb. 26, 1920 John Calvin, died Jan. 22, 1884; aged 4 yrs. 5 mos. 28 ds Charles Albert, died Jan. 1, 1887; aged 12 yrs. 6 mos. 12 ds. Susan Rebecca, w/o Joshua, died July 21, 1873; aged 21 yrs. 7 mos. 7 ds. Son, James William, died Aug. 6, 1873; aged 15 ds. Kelley-----Jas. L., Oct. 3, 1824-July 11, 1907; Co. E, 76th P.V.I. Martha E., w/o James, July 8, 1845-March 9, 1904 Catherine, w/o James, Jan. 6, 1826-Dec. 5, 1888 Emma G., d/o J. & C., May 11, 1864-July 15, 1867 Jacob J., s/o J. & C., Sept. 20, 1854-April 23, 1857 J. Herdler (no dates) S. Herdler (no dates) Jennie, w/o Dr. E. M. Rhodes, died May 20th, 1889; aged 33 yrs. 11 mos. 24 ds. Verna, d/o F. W. & E. E. Shaver, died June 28, 1891; aged 3 mos. 5 ds Edna H. Shaver, Ph.D., 1897-1971 Eunice E. Shaver, 1867-1948 F. W. Shaver, 1868-1938 Pyles-----Harry J., 1897-1970 Ida M., 1903-1935 Children of J. E. & Ella Gillam Paul William, Nov. 21, 1902-April 12, 1908 Ethel May, June 15, 1892-Sept. 10, 1925 Also on same stone-Joseph E., 1857-1929 Sarah Ellen, 1865-1934 Separate stones in same lot: Peter Longacre, died Feb. 15, 1902; aged 67 yrs. 1 mo. 9 ds. Margaret K., w/o Peter Longacre, died Nov. 15, 1889; aged 55 yrs. 21 ds. Martha Etta, d/o P. & M. Longacre, April 30, 1865-April 17, 1883 Filbert B., s/o P. & M. Longacre, died June 9, 1876; aged 17 yrs. 10 mos. 23 ds. Laura F., d/o P. & M. Longacre, died April 25, 1873; aged 13 yrs. 8 mos. 5 ds. Separate stones in same lot: Gallagher------John S., died April 5, 1883; aged 43 yrs. 5 mos. 25 ds. Anna Lauver, w/o J. S. Gallagher; March 28, 1849-Jan. 11, 1906 On same stone, Marie Lawver Sucher, July 12, 1883-July 12, 1969 Appleby-----John, died July 24, 1856; age 43 years Priscilla, w/o John, died June 20, 1892; aged 77 years Catharine McNeal, w/o T. A., died April 12, 1902; aged 55 yrs Capt. Daniel G., died Feb. 3, 1905; aged 65 yrs.; Co. I, 149th Regt. P.V. Bucktails Catharine M., 1846-1902 Thomas A., 1843-1930; Co. K, 202nd Regt. Pa. Inf. Children of Robert C. and Christiana Appleby Robert W., 1905-1911 Infant, 1918 Charles R., 1916-1919 Separate stones in same lot: Hildebrand------William, died April 27, 1892; aged 74 yrs. 1 mo. 1 d Margaret, died March 5, 1892; aged 72 yrs. 2 mos. Beatrice, d/o C. M. & Jennie Hildebrand, May 3-May 3, 1906 Nevell-----William, Oct. 23, 1824-May 9, 1895 Mary C., his wife, March 1, 1830-April 4, 1906 John H., son, Aug. 5, 1855-Feb. 23. 1902 Alice M., d/o C. C. & Rebecca Todds, died Nov. 26, 1892; aged 17 yrs. 6 mos. 21 ds. Morrow-Fields-----E. Clark Fields, 1871-1942 Melvana Fields, 1912-1913 Adeline F. Morrow, 1909-1955 William J. Morrow, 1906-1955 Vida V. Fields, 1892-1971 Charles A. Fields, 1887-1963 Hancock-----S. Dyson, 1846-1926; Co. B, 210th Regt. Pa. Inf. Amanda J., 1855-1931 Annie M., March 13, 1881-Oct. 18, 1882 Golda L., June 19, 1892-June 18, 1893 Charlie B., Dec. 4, 1878-March 14, 1899 On same stone-----Lester Noland, 1894 Virginia Gillam, 1904 Udora Noland Gillam, 1877-1942 William G. Gillam, 1877-1930 Separate stones in same lot: Chester, s/o W. G. & U. M. Gillam, 1902-1919 Catharine, w/o William Noland, died Jan. 6, 1897; aged 58 yrs. 5 mos. 10 ds Jennie S., w/o William Noland, died Feb. 18, 1880; aged 31 yrs. 5 mos. 1 d Sons of W. & S. J. Noland----- Samuel, died Jan. 10, 1870; aged 2 mos. 11 ds Joseph C., died Sept. 5, 1875; aged 3 mos. 5 ds. Cement marker-no inscription on it Elmer E. Palmer, 1867-1902 Edward Shenefelt, 1859-1918 Minnie Palmer Shenefelt, 1869-1937 Bigley-----James A., 1857-1910 His wife, Ella N., 1861-1898 Son, Ira, 1896-1899 John, s/o B. W. & G. E. Hoffman, died Aug. 21, 1906; aged 1 yr. 2 mos. Mahan-----John, 1864-1918 Mary B., his wife, 1856-1899 Stella Pearl, d/o Grver & Ellen Mason, died July 9, 1908; aged 2 yrs. 1 mos. 21 ds Children of E. E. & R. C. Longacre----- Robert M., died Feb. 16, 1896; aged 4 mos. 18 ds. Mary E., died Dec. 15, 1900; aged 7 mos. 25 ds. Jesse D., died March 23, 1893; aged 11 mos. 15 ds. Separate stones in same lot: Harry G. Sneath, Oct. 31, 1863-March 29, 1902 Chas. A. Sneath, Nov. 2, 1866-Dec. 8, 1899 Uylsses Grant, s/o Wm. & Anna E. Sneath, Oct. 9, 1872-Dec. 16, 1897 W. M. Sneath, March 15,1836-May 28, 1917 Anna E., w/o William Sneath, Dec. 25, 1839-May 26, 1905 Sam'l E. Heeter, Sept. 22, 1816-Nov. 23, 1893; aged 77 yrs. 2 mos. 1 d. Mary E., w/o S. E. Heeter, died Oct. 12, 1877; aged 49 yrs. 10 mos. 20 ds. Dorothy, w/o Samuel Montgomery, died Jan. 4, 1869; aged 18 yrs. 10 mos. 11 ds. Clara Bell, d/o Sam'l & Mary Heeter, died March 20, 1864; aged 3 yrs. 6 mos. Mary E., w/o Jos. E. Heeter, died Sept. 28, 1882; aged 27 yrs. 11 mos. 12 ds. Samuel R., s/o J. H. & M. E. Heeter, died Dec. 6, 1877; aged 11 mos. 1 d. Galbraith-----Children of T. J. & Alice B.---- Clair G., died Jan. 7, 1897; aged 3 yrs. 9 mos. 7 ds John C., died Jan. 15, 1889; aged 1 yr. 10 mos, 5 ds. Lula E., died April 4, 1881; aged 1 yr. 8 mos. 12 ds. Harry H., died April 9, 1881; aged 5 yrs. 7 ds. Dessie E., died April 14, 1881; aged 3 yrs. 8 mos. 13 ds. Cogley-----Albert S., 1868-1903 Infants-Melford, 1891 and Ethel, 1893 Maffett-----John M., June 18, 1855-Aug. 4, 1921 Mary C., his wife, Feb. 10, 1851-Dec. 9, 1899 John D., (son), Feb. 24,1898-July 7, 1898 Victorine D., w/o John, April 23, 1815-Sept. 11, 1894 Edna Brown, 1892-1961 (undertaker's marker) Carline C. Carl, 1868-1924 (undertaker's marker) John H. Carl, 1861-1943 (undertaker's marker) Herman J., s/o J. H. & C. C. Carl, died May 8, 1902; aged 1 mo. 2 ds. William David, 1859-1923 His beloved wife, Essie M. Bassett, 1867-1942 Rummel------John, Nov. 22, 1833- Feb. 13, 1908 Elizabeth Henkell, Jan. 21, 1838-July 12, 1902 Carrie Wilson, Jay F., 1879-1944 Wilbur V., s/o J. H. & M. E. Brumbaugh, died Feb. 4, 1895; aged 10 mos. 1 d Separate stones in same lot: Dorris M, s/o J. S. & M. J. Shaver, died Dec. 8, 1873; aged 1 mo. 4 ds. Shaver-----John S., 1831-1910 Margaret K., 1832-1914 Lincoln L., 1861-1938 Walter G. Heeter, Aug. 6, 1873-Feb. 15, 1901 Joseph H. Heeter, Aug. 3, 1854-Dec. 17, 1900 Henry Ripple, March 7, 1838-Oct. 24, 1901 Isabella, his wife; Nov. 22, 1842-Feb. 5, 1923 Mabel E. Souders McCall, 1906-1966 Winskey-----Mary A., Dec. 25, 1825-Dec. 26, 1887 Charles E., April 17, 1869-Aug. 20, 1902 William M., 1861-1940 Rebecca E., 1850-1941 George Maffitt, died Jan. 11, 1906, in the 21st year of his age. Wiliam H. Kelly, 1838-1906; Co. A., 46th Pa. Vol. Inf. Chester A., s/o J. A. & L. E. Holt; Aug. 2, 1905-Aug. 5, 1906 Myers-----George G., 1881-1941 Mary A., 1879-1968 Reeser-----Fred W., 1913-1980; U.S. Navy, WW II Christine N., 1914- Wm. E. Copenhaver, Aug. 18, 1866-Oct. 12, 1902 Mary Blanch, d/o L. G. & Miney F. Stevens, May 3, 1899-Feb. 25, 1903 (stone upset-could read only three sides) Children of D. W. & M. E. Rhodes: Samuel P., died July 21, 1901; aged 8 yrs. 11 mos. 16 ds. Hester L., Aug. 31, 1899-March 6, 1902 Verna B., Nov. 28, 1910-May 9, 1911 Margaret, w/o J. E. Rhodes, died Jan. 30, 1909; aged 36 yrs. 6 mos. Kirk-----Anna Mary, 1857-1938 John S., 1885-1948 Smith-----Elijah, 1854-1903 His wife, Junie A., 1862-1911 Ira G., 1889-1902 Elmer W., 1884-1918 Maurer-----Michael, 1887-1936 Mary, 1889-1973 Baker-----Charles V., "Barney," 1921- Elizabeth, "Libby", 1926-1983 Jacob Leroy, s/o E. C. & S. J. Piper, April 12, 1893-July 30, 1901 Smith-----Philip, Nov. 25, 1825-Dec. 24, 1896; Co. K, 202nd Regt. P.V. Margaret, w/o Philip, Dec. 24, 1826-Jan. 8, 1907 Separate stones in same lot: Thomas A. Smelker, died June 12, 1878; aged 76 yrs. 3 mos. 6 ds Mary M., w/o Thomas A. Smelker, died Sept. 23, 1873; aged 62 yrs. 11 mos. 10 ds. John W., s/o T. M. & M. M. Smelker, died Sept. 14, 1874; aged 38 yrs. 11 mos. 8 d. Benjamin, s/o T. M. & M. M. Smelker, died March 12, 1874; aged 21 yrs. 10 mos. 1 d. Rachel Griffith, died March, 1873 in the 52nd year of her age. Ross E., s/o William & Edna Gabert, died April 18, 1897; aged 6 yrs. 10 mos. 7 ds. Separate stones in same lot: Rosenbery-----Stanley, 1901-1909 Grace, 1863-1911 Mary B. Rosenbery, 1867-1941 George B. Rosenbery, 1866-1942 Reck-----Levi, 1860-1928 Alice, 1861-1931 Elizabeth, 1903 Sheldon, s/o Earl & (illegible) Lutz, April 18, 1909-March 13, 1910 Myrtle Zeigler, 1872-1933 Jacob A. Miller, June 19, 1842-Jan. 8, 1911; Co. B., 138th Regt. P.V. Harris-----Thomas J., 1844-1917 His wife, Charlotte A., 1841-1924 S. Doran Rinker, 1889-1949 Separate stones in same lot: Myrtle N. Stevens, 1907-1983 (undertakers marker) Wilber F. Stevens, 1905-1969 (undertaker's marker) James A. Stevens, 1897-1980 (undertaker's marker) Stevens-----Lemuel G., 1859-1931 Minnie F., 1875-1935 John T., s/o H. E. & K. M. Lowery, Sept. 27, 1900-Sept. 21, 1904 Separate stones in same lot: Joseph M., s/o L. William Lancaster, died Feb. 20, 1907; aged 3 yrs. ? mos. 8 ds. L. William Lancaster, 1907-1943 Thompson-----Anna E. Palmer, w/o G. W., June 23, 1874-July 11, 1910 Infant daughter, Oct. 30, 1906 Infant son, Nov. 21, 1904 William K., July 16, 1902-Feb. 2, 1904 Mary Thompson Scales, 1895-1977 Separate stones in same lot: Kirby-----John F., 1876-1946 Bessie V., 1886-1970 Twin children of J. F. & B. V. Kirby----- John, 1911-1913 James, 1911-1913 Essie M., w/o Charles E. Ripple, 1889-1931 & Raymond H. Erb, 1902-1930 Rhine-----Samuel F., 1871-1958 Nettie M., 1876-1965 Minnie B., 1903-1903 Genevieve B., 1903-1903 Alice E., 1906-1906 Separate stones in same lot: Hancock-----Lloyd E., May 14, 1873-July 24, 1956 Mary A., Sept. 23, 1873-Dec. 23, 1949 William D. Hancock, Feb. 13, 1899-Nov. 16, 1906 Charles K. H(lettering missing), 1898-1933 (undertaker's marker) Gilbert-----Newt, 1897-1975 Alice, died Feb. 16, 1959 S. Warren and Family-----S. Warren, 1898-1964 M. Naomi, 1900-1930 Ruth I., 1904-1981 Kenneth L., 1918-1937 Separate stones in same lot: Edith L. Roberts, 1882-1957 Henry Roberts, Feb. 20, 1831-April 5, 1907; Co. H, 143rd Regt. Pa. Vol. Inf. Harshbarger-----Isaac F., 1859-1939 Ida H., 1870-1907 Charles R. Harshbarger, Dec. 31, 1891-March 12, 1959; Arizona, Pvt., Hq. Trp., 89th Division, WW I Cumming-----John A., 1901- Effie H., 1893-1972 Geo. Foreman, Aug. 23, 1826-March 9, 1889 Elizabeth, his wife, 1832-1916 P. B. Buckley, July 7, 1864-April 14, 1909 Charlotte C., his wife, May 13, 1868-Nov. 28, 1914 (all on same stone) Maj. John M. Osborne, July 6, 1848-June 10, 1909 Benjamin W. Sheaffer, Jan. 10, 1919-Dec. 26, 1941; P.F.C., Btry M, Ca. (AA), WW II, PH George T. Sheaffer, May 25, 1922-June 1, 1932 Barrier-----Elizabeth, 1898-1946 Alice, 1882-1907 William, 1875-1946 Marion H. Gahagan, 1885-1931 Julia Q. Gahagan, 1886-1932 Querry-----John Monroe, Aug. 30, 1854-Aug. 28, 1907 Nannie Stine, 1856-1941 Separate stones in same lot: Maxwell Dopp, s/o J. A. & L. C. Rosensteel, Nov. 4, 1904-Sept. 27, 1907 Luella Chilcote Rosensteel, 1869-1947 Rosensteel-----Theodore A., 1902-1968 H. Elizabeth, 1906- Rosensteel-----Joseph A., 1874-1946 Nevada M., d/o H. E. & C. B. Swope, 1906-1907 Swope-----Harry E., 1881-1932 Currance B., his wife, 1888-1978 Nevada M., 1906-1907 Oscar, 1918-1918 Hamilton-----Jennie Susan, w/o John A., March 21, 1885-Oct. 15, 1907 Children-Pearl edith, Nov. 18, 1904-Feb. 9, 1907 Infant daughter, Nov. 20, 1906 Rhodes-----Christopher, Dec. 2, 1828-Aug. 28, 1906 Mary E., April 15, 1836-Nov. 17, 1926 Separate stones in same lot: Hess-----Anthony, March 25, 1875-Feb. 24, 1927 Martha, Feb. 23, 1874-Sept. 1, 1912 Hess------Benjamin F., 1872-1940 Nettie Norris, 1885-1967 Dean-----Oscar J., 1872-1918 Etta, his wife, 1870-1958 Samuel P. Jones, March 30, 1839-Oct. 21, 1915 Mary M., his wife, Sept. 11, 1842-June 24, 1908 George Samuel, s/o Frank and Maggie McMullen, Jan. 18, 1907-Oct. 27, 1910 Wakefield-----Benjamin F., 1883-1928 Pearl L., 1882-1968 Marshall-----Ralph L., 1911-1966 Ellen E., 1917-1971 DeVeaux J., s/o B. F. & P. L. Wakefield, Aug. 9, 1908-July 19, 1910 Separate stones in same lot: Briggs-----Aswill M., 1882-1977 Lula M., 1888-1938 "Adie" Adrain C. Briggs, 1922-1969 Elizabeth Mae Briggs, Oct. 1, 1909-Aug. 18, 1911 (d/o O. M. & L. M. ) Miller-----M. Guy, 1874-1910 Ida E., 1872-1922 A. Jackson, 1842-1921; Co. B. 110th Regt. Pa. Vol. Inf. H. Ord, 1879-1958 Virginia E. Hammond, 1879-1932 Separate stones in same lot: Secrist-----David, Nov. 26, 1846-Nov. 23, 1919 Arabella, his wife, July 12, 1847-Dec. 30, 1916 J. G. Bookwalter, 1882-1946 Ada R., his wife, 1884-1941 Fultz-----Milton Oscar, 1881-1955 Mary Naomi, 1889-1965 Separate stones in same lot: Rhodes-----John A., 1894-1963 Maud M., 1896-1978 (illegible), d/o Elmer & Nora Gailey, died June 1, 1909; aged 2 yrs. 9 mos. 29 ds. Blanche V., d/o J. H. & E. Hobble, April 7, 1907-March 28, 1908 Palmer-----Joseph, March 24, 1831-Feb. 28, 1908 His wife, Susannah Slusher, Dec. 27, 1831-Jan. 14, 1914 Hicks-----Graffus M., died Feb. 8, 1908; aged 51yrs. 10 mos. 22 ds. Charlotte E., May 15, 1858-Dec. 24, 1936 Separate stones in same lot: Myers-----Stephen F., 1871-1942 Lucy, 1872-1908 George R. Myers, 1899-1957 (brother) On same stone-Annie T. Warnick, 1897-1959 (sister) Price-----Olga M., 1902-1976 Annie E., w/o Elijah, June 7, 1861-March 13, 1910 Charles E., June 14, 1897-Oct. 14, 1907 Patterson-----Ross Vandyke, Aug. 19, 1891-March 5, 1908 Grace Ella, Jan. 21, 1882-March 5, 1908 Nellie Davidson, March 23,1876-May 29, 1915 Hill-----Arthur S., 1885-1942 Emily Q., 1882-1951 Blanche V. Rowles, 1882-1938 Harvey L. Rowles, Aug. 29, 1886-Oct. 21, 1918 Soult-----Grover C., 1882-1924 Ida Jane, 1892-1977 Separate stones in same lot: Mary Elizabeth Mock Rhone, Nov. 22, 1871-Nov. 23,1949 Alba Maydonna Rhone Jackson, June 2, 1899-Dec. 16, 1929 Taylor-----I. M., 1846-1911 Amanda H., his wife, 1850-1911 Beckwith-----Edward, 1887-1922 Nevada M., 1886-19- Maude, 1919- Bernice, 1912- Albert, 1908-1951 Wollett-----Scott S., Oct. 16, 1856-Sept. 15, 1903 Anna R. Wagner, his wife, June 4, 1862-May 6, 1930 Ard P., 1893-1956; Pvt. Batt. F, 315th Field Art. 80th Div., WW I Mary F., w/o F. M. Jones (no dates) Mary Hann, 1910-1948 Separate stones in same lot: Albert L. Snyder, 1883-1930 Snyder-----Lillian A., 1917-1922 Ethel M., 1911-1911 Rosensteel-----Jacob, 1857- Emma V., 1867-1944 Flo I., 1898- Betty, 1926-1927 William H. Miller, 1851- Wenzel-----Clara Rebecca, w/o Frank H., Oct. 24, 1892-Feb. 11, 1911 Charles W., their son, Nov. 16, 1909-Sept. 19, 1910 Frank H., 1888-1936 Lydia B., 1895-1942 Hatt-----William F., May 27, 1857-April 5, 1918 Ella J., his wife, Jan. 20, 1857-Jan. 21, 1911 Separate stones in same lot: Henry Shaffer, died Jan. 5, 1911; Corp., Co. D, 190th Regt. P.V.I. Keziah, w/o Henry Shaffer, Sept. 27, 1843-Sept. 7, 1915 Cramer-----Samuel M., 1865-1951 Mary Fogal, 1865-1916 Martin A., s/o S. M. & M. A. Cramer, May 22, 1907-May 2, 1910 William J. Cloyd, s/o T. J. & E. L. B. Noland, died Aug. 24, 1909; aged 1 yr. 2 mos. 28 ds. William E., s/o M. E. & A. J. Brown, died July 17, 1909; aged 8 mos. 28 ds. Brown-----Morris E., 1881-1939 Arminda J., 1880-1976 Wenzel-----Charles J., 1889-1953 May E., 1891-1955 Kenneth Catherine (two infants) Eckhard-----David T., 1930-1954 Eleanor, 1928-1929 2 unmarked Eckhard graves----Fay and Angeline Lulu G., w/o Charles W. Machamer, 1892-1931 Lydia W. Machamer, 1887-1949 (undertaker's marker) Gladys V. Meloni, 1918-1971 Baby Boy Emory, 1953-1953 (undertaker's marker) Mabel P. Emery, 1894-1979 Ross C. Emery, 1893-1932 Separate stones in same lot: Isaac Wilson, died June 23, 1933; P.F.C., Med. Dept. Denny L. Wilson, 1878-1948 (undertaker's marker) Mae C. McLaughlin, 1881-1967 Separate stones in same lot: Norman S. Bernhardt, 1895-1965 Nell F. Bernhardt Appleby, 1907-1948 Laura S. Bernhardt, 1873-1932 Philip J. Barnhardt, 1867-1955 Aaron Brandt, died May 7, 1916; aged 63 yrs. Nathan Cianna, July 3, 1917-Sept. 3, 1917 ITT NYUKSZIK NEMETMIHALY SZU. 1877MEG HALT 1918 OK 28 TORDA ARANYDS MEGYE MAROS BOGAT Bernice, d/o Norman & Carrie Marshall, Nov. 28, 1910-Nov. 14, 1917 Mary E. Newsome, July 15, 1902-Aug. 13, 1920 James Cosby, 1870-1934 Rebecca, his wife, 1878-1932 Leslie Howard, s/o Miller & Mary Adams, 1937-1939 Father-Chystand Brandon, 1874-1933 Ewing-----J. Banks, 1874-1922 Margaret E., 1874-1944 Myers-----Harry Foster, 1919-1940 Foster H., 1879-1963 Olive Seese, 1884-1954 Florence L. Seese, 1911-1982 Seese-----Clarence R., March 4, 1883-March 24, 1912 Parsons-----Neula G., Oct. 3, 1890-1987 F. DeKalb, Feb. 4, 1894-April 18, 1971 Robert S., 1892-1954; Cook, Co. D, 111th Inf., WW I Flora V., 1860-1923 G. W., 1849-1913 Effie L. Conroy, 1882-1942 sister (there is an arrow pointing to this name from the Parsons grouping above it. DW) Julian-----Michael, March 5, 1879-July 10, 1940 Edith K., Dec. 10, 1886-Dec. 23, 1961 Separate stones in same lot: Snyder-----Blair Meade, June 27, 1873-April 25, 1953 Anna B. Gamble, Nov. 5, 1883-July 14, 1970 Grace R. Snyder, 1871-1955 Mina L. Snyder, 1875-1944 William A. McCauley, 1823-1911 McClain-----Fred H., 1896-1978 ["Dr. Fred McClain" is handwritten above this entry, DW] Nannie M., 1897-1977 Alice Meta Hunter, March 10, 1872-Oct. 13, 1935 C. A. R., M.D., Sept. 21, 1875-Nov. 29, 1966 Parchey-----Angeline K., 1891-1964 Bertha K., 1870-1941 Wm., 1858-1928 Longacre-----Joseph W., 1871-1936 Carrie E., 1869-1954 Harry A., 1873-1941 Wenzel-----Charles, 1853-1933 Marie, 1852-1928 Otto, 1897-1915 William, 1877-1932 Smith-----John W., 1868-1935 Annie L., 1868-1936 Hawkins-----George F., 1884-1952 Charity, 1885-1956 Vera Hope, 1913-1914 Joseph C. McLaughlin, 1859-1923 Margaret, his wife, 1859-1931 Morgan-----Allan A., 1888-1948 Ella E., 1892-1955 Separate stones in same lot: Mentzer-----Alexander F., 1889-1944 Olive M., 1889-1959 Mentzer-----Frank, April 20, 1886-Nov. 25, 1913 Harrison-----Harry W., 1868-1963 Olie E., 1873-1945 Mamie E., w/o John E. Ripple, 1879-1912 Vaughn-----Guy E., 1884-1904 Ora A. McKenie, 1882-1953 Jennie, 1862-1930 Moses, 1852-1918 Separate stones in same lot: Myers-----William H., 1840-1899 Martha J., his wife, 1860-1930 George A. Unger, 1858-1932 Benj. F. Hamman, 1850-1922 Laura J., his wife, 1858-1927 Linnie C., 1888-1926 Goshorn-----Samuel, 1848-1930 His wife, Ella McNeal, 1858-1915 McNeal----Robert, 1833-1897 Susan F., 1832-1918 (Robert, July 21, 1833-June 29, 1897; Co. G, 143rd Regt. P.V.) Howard W. R. Cornelius, Aug. 9, 1914-Aug. 12, 1915 Myers-----Nina W., 1879-1977 (daughter) Nora L., 1883-1975 (daughter) Eliza J., 1854-1944 Leslie J., 1851-1921 Alonzo G. Thompson, June 11, 1864-Dec. 27, 1915 Ella M., his wife, Feb. 7, 1864-May 12, 1937 Gillam-----Charles E., 1891-1954 Rachel M., 1895-1940 Booher-----George A., 1865-1941 Alice G., 1879-1954 Diffenderfer-----Rachel, 1870-1953 (daughter) Maude Elder, 1880-1934 (daughter) Katherine, 1837-1914 (mother) Foster A. Claybaugh, died April 8, 1921; aged 42 yrs. 8 mos. 22 ds. Barben-----J. Frank, 1875-1916 Edward Ethel William Alverta Margaret Earl Rohm-----Clyde M., 1903-1951 Viola B., 1905- Separate stones in same lot: Hooper-----Francis M., 1849-1934 Rosie A., 1857-1923 Arminta Mae Hooper, 1882-1948 Thomas H. Hooper, 1890-1945 Jesse M. Hooper, Jan. 31, 1880-Feb. 23, 1916 And Adelaide S., 1884-1946 Marjorie J. Shugerts, Dec. 29, 1928-Jan. 30, 1929 Kauffman-----Bessie Harris, w/o Rev. D.D., July 10, 1869-June 15, 1915 Kemberling-----James W., April 27, 1882-Aug. 25, 1914 Laura B., his wife, June 28, 1882- Dell-----Miles W., Feb. 22, 1850-Feb. 4, 1913 Perthenia Shaffer, his wife, Jan. 1, 1894 (Date of Death) John, h/o Olive Dell, 1882-1924 Separate stones in same lot: Long-----Dorris H., 1884-1943 Lottie G., 1886-1979 Hooper-----Hezekiah E., Jan. 8, 1844-Jan. 2, 1915; Co. D, 88th Regt. P.V. Rebecca L., his wife, Dec. 25, 1838-Feb. 9, 1912 Smith-----Ina G., 1909-1912 Herbert, 1880-1926 Amanda S., 1886-1966 Mabel V. Smith Lukens, 1903-1975 Harry L. Lukens, 1886-1943 Appleby-----Eugene Herbert, s/o Geo. S. & Mary, April 26, 1886-Nov. 17, 1913 Dale, 1902-1926 George S., 1853-1930 Mary F., 1865-1948 On one stone - Martin L. Hoffman, 1862-1914 D. Frank Pingin, 1873-1921 Jennie L., 1875-1947 Daughter, Frances L. Jornd, 1916-1972 Ripple-----Charles E., 1888-1950 John, March 12, 1855-July 21, 1914 Annie E., his wife, Jan. 9, 1852-June 3, 1934 Taylor-----Castor P., 1858-1916 Martha A., 1865-1933 William L., 1887-1969 Olive E., 1891-1974 Separate stones in same lot: Peter Grant, Jr., died July 31, 1956; Pvt., 30th U.S. Inf., Michigan 1855-George W. Morgan-1916 1862-Sophia C., his wife, -1937 1894-Mary E., their daughter,-1990 1876-Peter Grant, her husband,-1936 Sneath-----Mary E., 1906-1990 Lulu A., 1882-1953 Lewis R., 1880-1954 Hilda P. Cramer, 1897-1932 Benjamin F. Miller, 1855-1930 Gerald A., s/o Jesse & Alta G. Beale, July 21, 1913-Feb. 25, 1920 Palmer-----David Newton, 1860-1923 Alice Cary, 1862-1941 Barnes-----Charles B., 1882-1918 Myra A., 1885-1927 Booher-----Robert J., 1926-1927 Kenneth F., 1930-1932 Infant son, 1937 Estep-----Edward R., 1863-1918 Ellie, 1869-1950 Mamie Grace Estep, 1900-1949 Shope-----Lawrence S., 1884-1918 Rosa, 1886-1948 Charles R., Oct. 12, 1909-July 26, 1981; U.S. Army, WW II Snyder-----George W., 1882-1955 Elizabeth Miller, 1882-1952 Cassady-----Philip H., 1855-1913 His wife, Julia B., 1858-1919 Edward R. Cassady, 1896-1938 Hazel Cassady Heilsenether, 1899-1967 Charles I. Heilsenether, 1899-1967 Appleby-----Wayne C., 1893-1967 Gretta K., 1894-1970 Smith-----James C., 1881-1958 Alice G., 1883-1930 Ruth E. Morton, 1903-1979 Cumming-----John E., 1861-1931 Alice A., 1861-1936 Bigley-----John, 1846-1912; Co. E., 20th Regt. P.V.C. Daughter, Ida W., 1871-1960 Separate stones in same lot: Children of Charles E. & Lulu E. Jones: William H., 1919-1920 Cora M., 1912-1913 Warren, 1924-1925 Edgar R., 1916-1917 Jones-----Charles E., 1887-1952 Lulu E., 1885-1939 Maud S., d/o John & Mary A. Wogan, died March 3, 1896; aged 26 yrs. 3 mos. 3 ds Mary A., w/o John Wogan, died Jan. 2, 1876; aged 35 yrs. 8 mos. 18 ds. John Wogan, Oct. 28, 1841-March 8, 1913; Co. G, 205th Regt. P.V.I. Gertrude, d/o Jos. & Rebecca Heidel, Nov. 23, 1896-May 25, 1915 Susan T. Shingler, 1898-1965 C. Elmer Hetrick, 1889-1958 Alda M. Wiser, 1894-1915 Snyder------Clarence L., 1887-1953 Harriet G., 1888-1971 Cecil C., 1915-1916 Granddaughter, Jean A., 1927-1931 Snyder-----Luther J., Aug. 31, 1907- Alice (Braton), Dec. 20, 1905-May 20, 1982 Dorothy M., d/o E. N. & L. V. Covert, Aug. 4, 1912-Oct. 31, 1916 John S. Snyder, July 1, 1916-Feb. 18, 1982; MOMM 3, U.S. Navy, WW II Infant d/o Harold & Helen Adams, Sept. 21, 1936 Nancy C., w/o Chalmers J. Hawn, 1903-1933 Ellis-----Edgar Reuben, Feb. 14, 1882-July 3, 1953 Jessie Foust, May 16, 1884-May 17, 1958 Kidd-----Harry S., Sr., 1902-1984 Margaret A., 1903-1957 Miller-----Edward M., 1872-1935 Fannie F., 1874-1954 Alice R., 1906-1917 Kelly-----John I., 1887-1949 Minnie M., 1887-1934 J. Irvin, s/o John I. & Minnie M. Kelly, Oct. 20, 1911-Nov. 28, 1916 Reed-----Benjamin A., 1884- His wife, Sophia, 1887- Mildred C., 1913-1915 Mary M., 1919-1919 Barnes-----James R., 1878-1915 Ella E., his wife, 1881- Helen, 1909 Thelma, 1912 Clair E. Yocum, 1907-1922 Florence L. Yocum, 1911-1925 Rhine-----David, died June 15, 1915; aged 56 yrs. John, 1865-1930 Blanche, w/o John, March 16, 1872-Oct. 14, 1945 Ralph, Feb. 16, 1897-Nov. 13, 1919 Clark-----George M., 1869-1934 Sarah O., 1878-1959 Smith-----Joseph B., 1901-1978 Pauline R., 1917- Ronald V. Varner, 1937-1967 Ethel Hazel, d/o R. R. & S. E. Gillam, Feb. 11, 1912-April 17, 1913 Walter H. Harshbarger, 1886-1911 Hughes-----Lynes D., 1859-1913 Katharine R., 1859-1918 Calvin E., 1896-1923 Edith N. Clark, 1894-1926 Separate stones in same lot: John Kelley, 1842-1918; Co. H, 107th Regt. Pa. Vol. And Mary J. Kelley, 1852-1923 William B. Kelly, (no dates) (undertaker's marker) Infant s/o Walter Houser, 1916-1916 Lula G. Houser, 1889-1965 Helen M. Houser, 1916-1952 Erie C. Houser, 1889-1965 Carrie L. Bowsman, 1889-1980 Violet Gladys, d/o J. J. & M. M. Hicks, died Oct. 22, 1918; aged 6 yrs. 3 mos. 24 ds. Leroy F. Gaff, 1912-1952 Separate stones in same lot: Gaff-----William D., 1880-1955 Isabel C., 1890-1950 Martha Vivian, d/o John B. & Lillian Gearhart, Dec. 20, 1916-Oct. 27, 1918 Fortney-----James William, Oct. 1, 1899-Dec. 8, 1942 Cecil Rosie, Sept. 5, 1901-1987 Morgan-----A. Russell, 1893-19- Lorma V., 1898-1969 Raymond E., 1919-1919 Separate stones in same lot: Null-----Leroy C., 1890-1956 Nellie E., 1892-1967 Devona C. Null, 1924-1928 Viola E., d/o LeRoy & Nellie E. Null, Dec. 18, 1916-Jan. 21, 1919 1883-Joseph Uttley-1941 William M. Cornelius, 1882-1946 Eva U. Cornelius, 1895-1959 Harry H. Hampton, 1890-1940 His wife, Ruth M. Shope, Son, Raymond E., 1915-1919 Daughter, Mary Jane, 1919-1925 Separate stones in same lot: Joseph F. Myers, 1878-1958 Mary R. Myers, 1889-1965 Ernest H. Myers, 1921-1976; PFC, U.S. Army, WW II Beulah J. Myers, 1915-1918 Briggs-----Benj. Franklin, 1870-1917 Martha C., 1881-1934 Annie M. Snyder, Aug. 14, 1865-Oct. 16, 1935 Emma Isenberg, Oct. 20, 1886-Jan. 5, 1918 Harkness-----Joseph L., 1864-1912 Zella Weight Harkness Dubbs, 1882-1965 Eleanor M., 1905-1983 Infant daughter, Long-----David A., Feb. 5, 1872-May 6, 1912 Bowsman-----Clarence T., 1893-1941; Corp., 18th Crd. Co., WW I Carl-----George R., 1899-1971 Rhoda M., 1898-1969 John A. Page, 1892-1918; Private, 431st Res. David F. Cox, died April 24, 1937; Pvt., U.S. Engrs., WW I Hicks-----Thomas C., 1878-1932 Bessie Cramer, 1886-1943 Separate stones in same lot: James M., s/o Geo. B. & P. L. Benner, died May 6, 1919; aged 1 yr. 11 mos Benner-----George B., 1891-1942 Pearl L., 1895-1971 James K., 1917-1919 Marie M., 1919-1921 Thelma J., 1924-1926 Myrtle M., "Jim" Campbell, 1912-1974 John S. Myers, 1906-1950 Separate stones in same lot: Herbert E. McMullen, 1894-1937 McMullen-----John H., 1870-1944 Nannie S., 1872-1948 Charles E. McMullen, 1905-1956; T/5, 12th Armored Division 714th Tank Battalion, WW II Stansberry Heller, 1857-1922 Helen E. Heler, 1865-1923 Stitt-----John C., 1884-1922 Minnie M. Stitt-Coffman, 1885-1959 Vera G., 1918-1919 Albert McClellan Varner, 1910-1966; Pvt., Co. A, 64th Armored Inf. Bn., WW II Lancaster-----Elmer G., 1895-1967 Sarah M., 1894-1938 1918-Hazel I.-1918 1921-Alva L.-1921 1923-William G.-1923 1927-Margaret C.-1928 Delaney-----John F., 1873-1938 Mary C., 1878-1956 Miller-----Raymond J., 1896-1950 Roberta G., 1897-1981 Sebastian Pelozzi, 1889-1918 Nicholoff-----Anthony, Aug. 16, 1885-Nov. 2, 1958 Goldie Mae, July 3, 1892-June 18, 1957 Separate stones in same lot: Shaffer-----Lilla Maud, w/o Geo. W., May 16, 1882-April 24, 1913 George W., Feb. 21, 1875-Oct. 19, 1924 Infant daughter, April 8, 1913 Mary C. Shaffer, 1893-1974 Marquitta Shaffer Boone, 1914-1962 Stone overturned-Susan Sunderland, April 1, 1862-May 6, 1912 W. A. Sunderland, Jan. 15, 1858-Sept. 7, 1927 Briggs-----Thomas M., 1865-1940 Carrie E., 1875-1921 Myers-----James A., 1882-1913 Nora, 1889-1968 Anna E. Myers Dwyer, 1906-1934 John Daughenbaugh, 1874-1914 And Mary, infant daughter, 1913 Miller-----Thomas A., 1870-1952 Martha E., 1873-1941 Helen V. Rodamer, 1911-1976; "We will always love you"; Russell, Sara and Jane. Sarah M. Hydecker, w/o Carl Lantz, 1907-1969 Elliott E. Hydecker, 1871-1943 and on same stone-Sarah A. Weller, 1875-1929 Separate stones in same lot: Marshall C. Harclerode, 1906-1945 David Herlerode, 1873-1919; his wife, Irona B., 1887-1933 Ruby Horne, d/o David & Nettie, 1917-1920 Frances Horn Gibboney, 1884-1969 "Beloved aunt" Base of stone only------- Lego-----Theodore, 1871-1922 Sarah G., 1880-1924 Ella W., 1902-1919 Wilbur, 1907-19- Ralph R., 1911-19- Elnora Bradnick Greene, 1893-1918 John E. Bare, June 16, 1883-March 16, 1918 Jackson-----Robert H., 1882-1962 Myrtle Bare, 1886-1971 O'Donnell-----Solomon E., 1863-1935 William Smith George George Burkett, 1870-1914 Mary Burkett Cramer, 1870-1949 One stone-----Barbara, March 7,1823-Nov. 24, 1913 Hess James, May 5, 1844-July 13, 1920 Beaston Margaret, March 8, 1847-Dec. 24, 1928 Beaston One side illegible Separate stones in same lot: William A. Hartman, Sr., 1862-1924 Nannie E. Hartman, 1864-1952 Ida I. Hartman, 1897-1922 H. Allan Hartman, 1892-1912 Bruce Glenn Ramsey, May 27, 1910-March 10, 1981; U.S. Army, WW II Ketner-----1882-William S.-1918 1902-Nora M. Yocum-1927 1926-Robert I. Yocum-1927 Separate stones in same lot: Annie Booher Snyder, 1877-1934 Samuel Booher, died Feb. 19, 1913; aged 42 yrs And Chester, died April 19, 1913; aged 8 mos Ellis, s/o Irvin E. & Eva P. Myers, Aug. 10, 1917-July 10, 1918 Infant, Ruth Anna Bryner, Oct. 21, 1922-Dec. 12, 1922 Unmarked grave Robert M. Brown, 1844-1926 John Harich, Jan. 7, 1880-Jan. 7, 1923 ITT NYUGSZIK HORVATH JANOS SZ 1887 OKTOBER 6 MEG HALT 1922 MAGIUS 17 EN BEKE PORAIRA ITT NYOGSZIK HORVATH SZ 1889 JUN. 12 MEGHALT 1923 APR. 11 BEKEPORAI William Mamone, June 9, 1910-Aug. 14, 1968; P.F.C., U.S. Army, WW II Gibson----1878-William H.-1952 1899-Rosie M.-1948 1924-Chester L.-1929 Horne-----John E., 1903-1984 Anna E., 1898-1936 Cement marker, hand carved---D. L. Drke, May 3, 1930-Sept. 17, 1930 Separate stones in same lot: Myers-----John S., 1868-1928 Minnie, 1872-1954 Children of Sam'l & Minnie Myers: Albert G., April 10, 1897-Aug. 25, 1918 Floyd R., Jan. 16, 1916-Aug. 7, 1916 Marion Ruth, d/o Mearl & Eleanor Myers, June 20, 1931-Feb. 4, 1936 Kirman-----Walter Charles, 1899-1963 Lorma Roberts, 1898-1979 Peter J. Reilly, 1888-1961; Pvt., Co. N, 3rd Bn., 154th Dep. Brig., WW I Laura Ella Roberts, 1878-1940 Clarence B. Roberts, 1868-1932 John V., s/o Chester & Betty Roberts, 1846-1977 John M. Roberts, 1905-1971 (brother) Roberts-----J. Frank, 1878-1966 Beulah S., 1885-1939 Chester V., Jr., s/o Chester & Betty Roberts, 1947-1983 Roberts-----John, 1836-1917; Co. H, Regt. 201, Pa. Vol Jane E., 1843-1916 Robert A. Ulsh, Jr., April 9, 1942-March 26, 1944 Welker-Ulsh-----George Welker, 1893-1959, Pvt., 11dq Det. 601st Engrs., WW I Nannie G. Welker, 1894-1940 Nellie A. Ulsh, 1894-1967 John Ulsh, 1892-1946 Hancock-----Tone L., 1888-1975 Edith O., 1887-1974 Long-Laird-----D. Emory, 1882-1942 Annie M., 1884-1945 G. Rebecca, 1905-1962 C. Homer, 1902-19__ John F. Snouffer, died June 8, 1937; Wagoner, 109th M. Gn 28 Div. Charles E. Bard, died June 13, 1937; Corp., 16th Ballon Co. Air Service Separate stones in same lot: Ethel Williams Smith, 1905-1947 Susan Miller Williams, 1915-1939 James D. Williams, 1910-1947; Hz. 2nd Bn. 290th Inf. Walls-----Anna M., 1888-1937 Bard-----Charles E., 1899-1937; WW I Martha E., 1901- Fred N., 1924-1944; WW II Separate stones in same lot: H. Steward Bard, 1860-1938 His wife, Mary J. Bard, 1872-1944 [hard to read stone] - Marwan A., d/o Jurlon J. Heton ? March 15, 1937-July 30, 1937? Carl X. Hartman, 1910-1936 John F. Snouffer, 1900-1937; 100th M. G. Bn. Div., WW I Mary S. Costello, 1915-1975 Shope-----Arthur T., 1885-1932 Vergie P., 1892-1974 William A., 1917-1929 Hicks-----Clarence A., 1884-1955 Martha Ella, 1885-1936 Virginia Opal Hicks, 1924-1936 Hocker----George J., 1907-1969 Helen U., 1911- Percy E. Suter, 1887-1969 Katheryn V. Suter, 1889-1940 Atherton-----Charles L., 1883-1968 Mary A., 1885-1955 Elsie O. Dull, 1892-1957 (undertaker's marker) Miller-----George T., 1881-1951 Mary C., 1885-1967 Cloyd M., 1912-1965 Cora E. McClain, 1913-1936 John T. Varner, died April 7, 1934; P.F.C., 51st Inf. 6th Div., WW I Russell L. Varner, 1923-1979; Pvt. U.S. Army, WW II Varner-----John T., 1890-1934 (see above) Margaret D., 1921- Mary P., 1898- Russell L., 1923-1979 (see above) Suders-----Elmer G., 1903-1970 Madeline M., 1903-1935 Jenevieve, Dunlap-----H. Mason, 1875-1936 Selina B., 1881-1968 Harry M., -1989 Hazel, Robert H. Kirman, 1861-1936 Grissinger-----Russel W., 1889-1952 Dora Mae, 1893-1970 Separate stones in same lot: Ranck-----Marshall E. "Bony", 1903- Lena E., 1904-1959 Lenore Vivien, 1936-1936 Helen S. Hock, w/o David L. Ranck, 1936-1958 Orville D. O'Donnell, 1894-1936 Evelyn M. Pyles, 1920-1945 Separate stones in same lot: Bowser-----William O., Sr., 1897-1983; U.S. Marine Corp. WW I Hulda, 1900- Kenneth Neil Bowser, 1926-1935 Separate stones in same lot: Stake-----Ralph A., 1905-1942 Lillian V., 1906-1977 Cleo Mae, 1925-1935 Wilda J., d/o S. J. & Nancy Johnson, 1911-1929 Maggie L. Stephens, 1902-1984 (undertaker's marker) Georgianna Lee, d/o George B. & Laolal Fortney, 1942-1942 Fortney-----McClelland J., 1869-1935 Charity M., 1875-1955 Bowser-----Miles A., 1909-1936 Madeline I., 1906- Separate stones in same lot: Charles Russel Taylor, 1901-1935 (undertaker's marker) Charles R. Taylor, 1898-1935, (undertaker's marker) Roxel V. Grissinger, March 12, 1902-Aug. 31, 1963 Clarence A. Corle, Aug. 24, 1927-April 29, 1936 Ethel M. Smith, Nov. 20, 1908-Dec. 21, 1978 Harry A. Smith, Dec. 24, 1911-Nov. 20, 1963 Lawrence E. Reck, 1908- Alverta M. Reck, 1912-1966 Gary Lou, 1939-1952 Jeanie, 1930-1932 Joyce Legene, 1930-1932 ITT NYUKSZIK EGYJOAPA (BARANYAI) (LST VAN) SZU 1882 MEGHALT 1924 JUNIUS 12 TORDA ARANYOS MEGYE MARDS MEGXE MARDSBOGAT BEKE PORAI ["last name" is written in English beside the first word in parentheses] ["Stephen" is written above the second parenthetical expression. DW] ITT NYUKSZIK BARANYAI SZ JUN 20 1915 MEGH SZEPT 21 1916 SZWLEIBISTVAN ES KATALIN BEKEPORA Mary Barney -1929 Kathryn Barney, daughter-1991 Stephen J. Barney, 1909-1953 Kathryn Barney-mother, 1915 Separate stones in same lot: Herman L., s/o W. M. & Margaret Bricker, Jan. 2, 1921-Feb. 22, 1927 George Bricker, died June 16, 1932; P.F.C., 109th M. G. Bn. 28th Div. Bricker-----William, Sr., 1874-1942 Margaret B., 1879-1959 Stone illegible Catherine, w/o Wm. Feltybarger, May 21, 1840-Nov. 25, 1917 Wm. Feltybarger, Jan. 2, 1857- Separate stones in same lot: C. E. Fryberger, March 24, '24-March 17, '25 Daughter, De Fryberger, Aug. 2, '26-April 14, '28 Alice T., w/o J. E. Fryberger, Dec. 19, 1903-June11, 1930 Edward Fryberger, Feb. 20, 1892-Aug. 14, 1934 Albert C. Hamilton, Feb. 28, 1912-May 25, 1960 William C. Hamilton, Feb. 1, 1915-Nov. 7, 1944; P.F.C., Eng., WW II Elsie P. Hamilton, Feb. 29, 1892-Oct. 3, 1971 John A. Hamilton, Sept. 8, 1876-May 7, 1949 Separate stones in same lot: Margaret Hockenberry, 1872-1957 (undertaker's marker) Hockenberry-----Margaret V., 1919-1990 J. Edgar Harlerode, 1908-1939 Shehan-----Russel H., 1901-19- Bertha V., 1912-1950 Joanne, 1942-1944 Separate stones in same lot: Stevenson-----Margaret S., 1912- James J., 1899-1940 * (same as * below) James Stevenson, Feb. 15, 1897-Feb. 1, 1940; Sgt., U.S. Army, WW I * Oscar Moore, 1907-1956 Rodgers-----William, 1874-1933 Mary L., 1904- Etta Galbraith, 1874-1959 George F. Grace, 1864-1930 Josephine Grace Jaggers, 1874-1976 Snyder-----William, Sr., 1885-1941 Florence I., 1888-1969 Richard E., 1931-1931 (son) Separate stones in same lot: Mildred V. Pyles, w/o Alton W. Hack, 1907-1937 Alton W. Hack, 1904-1972 Son, DeWayne W. Hack, 1936-1940 Raymond Pyles, 1898-1957 Emma P. Pyles, 1904-19- Pomeroy McGee, 1908-1955; Sgt., Hg. Hg. Squadron 11th Air Force, WW II McGee----William A., 1872-1952 Ethel M., 1882-1951 Grace McGee Mundorff, 1903-1973 Mabel A. Smith, June 18, 1906-March 15, 1941 Infant son, Junior Diven Nancy Kelley, 1846-1930 4 cement markers without inscriptions William Sheriff, 1857-1917 Elizabeth Sheriff, 1876-1939 Edward Dayton Semple, 1865-1940 Violet May Graham, 1922-1941 (undertaker's marker) James R. Byers, 1902-1960 (undertaker's marker) Separate stones in same lot: Max Harick, 1916-1937 Mary Harick Medwinski, 1884-1944 Lee Wright, 1892-1942; Pvt., Co. B, 808th Regt., WW I Beatrice V. Howard, 1908-1963 James Howard, Sept. 20, 1903-July 29, 1983 Ralph Hartman, 1894-1963; Pvt., Co. D, 51st Inf., WW I Beatrice Rose Ray, 1918-1977 (undertaker's marker) undertaker's marker-lettering gone Guss Myers, 1894-1939 Mrs. Mary E. Ellis, 1865-1939 Glass----Marion A., Ozuy O., 1906-1961 ["Roberts" is handwritten beside "Ozuy" DW] Chatman-----David, 1892-1966 Annie, 1898-1961 Keiper-----Warren H., 1914-1971; WW II Verna M., 1917-1979 Jones-----Kenneth S., Jan. 25, 1915-Feb. 28, 1970 Mary S. Jenkins, Nov. 29, 1914-April 28, 1990 Married, Aug. 15, 1934 Christoff-----George, July 4, 1921- Thelma E. Jenkins, June 22, 1920 Separate stones in same lot: Sweigart----John B., 1882-1949 Edward L. Sweigart, 1914-1962; Sgt., 276th Eng. Combat Bn., WW II Hamman-----Brinton H., 1906-1948 Ida G., 1900-1973 Price-----James W., 1917-1978; P.F.C., U.S. Army, WW II Alice M., 1920- Minnick-----Guy W., 1899-1948 Charlotte, 1900-1984 Jenkins-----Thomas E., 1890-1947 Mamie V., 1893-1956 Kline-----George B., 1894-1947 Olive V., 1896-1972 Beulah G. Coyle, March 7, 1926-Sept. 28, 1971 Hartman----William A., 1885-1949 Nora E., 1885-1962 Walter R. Oppel, 1906-1984 (undertaker's marker) Carruthers-----Ralph H., 1872-1937 Blanche, 1874-1946 Separate stones in same lot: Hancock-----Lionel O., 1903-1983 Mabel I., 1904-1982 Lionel L., 1937-1941 Donald B., 1931-1987 Janice I., 1934- Hancock-----Katie I., 1880- Bruce C., 1876-1953 Hancock----Orbison W., 1884-1965 Olive M., 1890-1948 William M. Klinger, 1907-1983 Anna E. Klinger, 1878-1966 Charles F. Klinger, 1874-1946 Rebecca Grove, 1909-1991 [handwritten, DW] Benner-----Raymond E., 1907-1947 Kramer-----Charles D., 1891-1947 Veda O., 1895-1979 Hancock-----George W., 1919- Josephine M., 1926-1948 Herman F. Knepper, Aug. 21, 1916-Dec. 26,1944; P.F.C., 319th Inf. 80th Div., WW II Allenbaugh-----Martin, 1906-1956 Minnie, 1897-19__ Robert, 1936-1949 Hancock-----S. Dyson, 1913- Golden I., 1916- Iva F. Bollinger, 1887-1962 William J. McKinley, 1923-1954; Pvt., 157th Combat Engineers, WW II Ben. C. McKinley, 1900-1948 Charles N. Chester, Feb. 26, 1877-Sept. 16, 1949; Pvt., 8th Inf. S.A.W. Bilger-----John A., Oct. 24, 1873-July 6, 1960 Effie D., June 14, 1880-April 27, 1956 Lucille Ray, 1905-1982 (undertaker's marker) John E. Lowery, 1896-1972; Pvt., Co. M, Div. Batt. No. 3, WW I [undertaker's marker-lettering gone] O. ____ athy; ??45-1973 Susan K Worth, 1952-1973 (undertaker's marker) Delaney-----Chauncey M., 1905-1953 Harriet Gross, 1905- Carol J. Miller, Dec. 8, 1948-May 3, 1949 Grove----Kenneth R., 1905-1948 Baykor-----Steve A., 1891-1957 Mary G., 1906-1947 Separate stones in same lot: Egnot-----Steve, 1877-19- Mary, 1886-1948 Earl S. Egnot, 1937-1955 [undertaker's marker] Harvey L. McCreary, Feb. 12, 1938-March 25, 1982; Sgt., U.S. Army, Vietnam Klinger-----Harry R., 1901-1983 Hazel M., 1905- Funk----Walter H., 1905-1981 Mary E., 1908- Gail E., 1934-1934 Robert, 1927-1940 Walther Hu[lettering gone], 1905-1981 [undertaker's marker] Helen Popa, May 20, 1906-Dec. 31, 1979 Born in Roumania Octavian Florea, 1896-1970 Oangea-----John, 1888-1946 Anna, 1894-1978 Separate stones in same lot: Clara V. Pheasant, March 9, 1907-May 3, 1980 Samuel Pheasant, Jr., April 5, 1924-Jan. 4, 1945; P.F.C., 141st Inf., 36th Inf. Div., WW II Unmarked grave Mary McDonald, 1903-1948 (undertaker's marker) David W. McMullen, 1902-1949 (undertaker's marker) Treaster-----Floyd E., 1900-1950 Anna I., 1894-1969 Charles W. Morgan, 1918-1951 Separate stones in same lot: Isabella D. Gill, 1919-1955 (undertaker's marker set in cement) Samuel L. Gill, 1911-1952 (undertaker's marker set in cement) Deloris J. Uttley, 1931-1952 (undertaker's marker set in cement) Morder-----George L., 1976-1953 Alice R., 1879-19- (undertaker's marker)-lettering gone, -1955 (undertaker's marker)-lettering gone, 1913-19?? James Junior Wallace, 1927-1959; Bn. 2, Co. 9, U.S.S. Essex, WW II, Korean War John Yowler, 1977-1979 (undertaker's marker) Carter-----Ray L., 1896-1966 Lula B., 18__-19__ Winston Reed, July 22, 1888-Jan. 20, 1981; Pvt., U.S. Army, WW I Albert W. Jackson, Jr., March 13, 1935-Sept. 7, 1971; A2/c, U.S. Air Force Fred N. Henry, April 22, 1918-Dec. 4, 1968; Tec 4, Co. A, Tank Bn., WW II Sadler----Otis; 1895- Hattie L., 1891-1968 Christopher C. Joyner, 1894-1967; Pvt. Co. C, 401st Res. Labor Bn., WW I Glass-----John N., 1914-1967 E. Elizabeth, House----Edward E., 1928-1967; S/Sgt., 4001st Air Base, Korean Conf. Margaret V., 1931- Trice-----John J., Sr., Feb. 27, 1890-March 4, 1959 Queen Victoria, Oct. 28, 1891-June 9, 1983 Bibby-----Forrest C., 1909-1958 Lunetta L., 1908- Overbey-----Ruth P., 1896-1970 (Mother) Phoebe G., 1919-1955 (sister) Morgan Shuler, 1900-1952 Frances C. Jeffries, (no dates) John S. Jeffries, Dec. 19, 1908-Aug. 31, 1954; enlisted- Sept. 11, 1942; discharged-Nov. 1945; Sgt., Co. B, 1895th Engr. Aun Bn., WWII Marland Jeffries, July 10, 1904-March 28, 1954 Beaston-----William, 1884-1967 Nellie, 1910-1966 Beaston-----John H., 1881-1952 Mary E., 1886-1947 Separate stones in same lot: Everett-----Lillian M., 1901-1983 Jesse L. Frye, 1898-1942 Percy Everette, 1906-1956 Estella Davenport Jeffries-Jackson, 1880-1963 Arthur Frye, 1923-1941 Cathy I. Claycomb, July 12, 1959-Dec. 29, 1959 Gilles-----James W., 1879-1960 Cora M., 1889-1973 Adam N. Mitchell, 1919-1984 (undertaker's marker) Mitchell-----Jacob, 1879-1941 Hannah, 1885-1965 Carroll----Willie S., 1897-1956 Minnie P., 1899- Washington-----Sneedy, 1884-1968 Olenia, 1888-1957 Woodruff-----James L., 1923-1958 Ernestine, Woodruff-----Gaston, 1898- Eula, 1902-1964 Sounders-----Marshall J., 1904-1968 Rebecca, 1902- Vaughn-----Amon B., 1906-1966 Essie I., 1913-1975 Leonard R. Armstrong, 1892-1967; PFC, Co. B, 515th Eng., WW I Sylvester E. Trice, Dec. 31, 1928-June 2, 1968; Pvt., U.S. Army, WW II House-----Leroy, 1922-1974; S 1/c, U.S. Navy, WW II Catherine H., 1890-1972 Peter Olszynski, 1926-1969 (undertaker's marker set in cement.) Booher-----Walter E., 1909-1969 Esther M., 1918-1979 John F. Marshall, 1952-1976 Francis E. Robinson, April 4, 1936-April 8, 1971; PFC, Co. E, 27th Inf. Regt., Korean War A. Francis Johnson, 1930-1970 (undertaker's marker) lettering gone except for, -1967 Bessie C. Hicks, 1889-1965 (undertaker's marker) Separate stones in same lot: Herbert W. Secrest, 1896-1961; Pvt., 39th Evacuation Hospital, WW I Betty L. Secrest, 1888-1956 (undertaker's marker) Bigler-----Fred M., 1903-1981 Mary L., 1916-1955 Ronald G. Weaver, 1962-1973 Lewis-----Eugene F., 1881-1951 Margaret A., 1885-1972 Lewis-----Maurice A., 1910-1977 Jennie E., 1915- Rev. Delta A. Terry, D.D., 1903-1950 Willie Preister, 1898-1962; Pvt., Army Sanitary Corps, WW I Separate stones in same lot: Mitchell-----Izona E., May 12, 1918-July 24, 1979 May E., May 1914-May 24, 1971 William Mitchell, 1886-1965 (undertaker's marker set in cement) Mary J. Mitchell, 1900-1950 Helton-----John, 1901-1968 Dorothea M., 1906- Jeanne V. Golden, 1932-1979 Unmarked grave Mrs. Bessie Morris, 1882-1966 (undertaker's marker set in cement) Wilson Meeks, 1891-1951 Rev. R. F. Spraggons, 1865-1944 Separate stones in same lot: Fletcher Morton, Nov. 14, 1888-May 1, 1937 Daisy Morton, 1890-1979 Deborah Lester, 1951-1969 Rufus Morton, 1912-1971 West-----Lester, 1874-1953 His wife, Lornie, 1901-1969 Bertha Newsome, 1902-1964 Husband-Robert Newsome, 1892-1938 Fieldstone-P. P. Haman Here is the remainder of the Mt. Union Cemetery that I transcribed. This was what was available when I picked up the records in May 2000. Robinson-----Lige B., 1905-1969 Julie M., 1901-1965 Ernest Lee Robinson, April 26, 1926-Jan. 26, 1946; s/2c, USNR, WW II Holland Robinson, June 4, 1928-Nov. 5, 1963 George Wilson, 1943-1981 (undertaker's marker) Ruth Seibert Martnize, 1910-1949 Lydia M. Steller, 1890-1963 Raymond E. Fetrow, Oct. 13, 1894-April 9, 1953 Fred Drake, July 10, 1933-March 4, 1951 Bobby Richardson, 1951-1951, (undertaker's marker set in cement) Debbie Richardson, 1951-1951 (undertaker's marker set in cement) Drake-----Olive M., Aug. 22, 1906-Aug. 8, 1979 Torrence G., April 30, 1889-May 30, 1952 Lena L. West, 1893-1973 Eursley West, 1926-1952 Marshall Reed, 1893-1964, Pvt., Co. C, 338th Labor Battn Q. M. Corps, WW I Morton-----Donald Eugene, March 19, 1934-June 13, 1965 Tuesday Ann Winfree, 1960-1966 John Posey, 1947-1966 (undertaker's marker set in cement) Anna Pauline Posey, April 10, 1907-Sept. 5, 1968 Raymond Posey, 1894-1970; Pvt., Co. A, 812th Pioneer Inf., WW I Minnie M. Laird, 1874-1976 (undertaker's marker) Omas F. Rankin, 1922-1972 (undertaker's marker) Mattie M. Priester, 1893-1972 Baby Girl Carson, 1975 (undertaker's marker) Adlazar Rogers, Jan. 20, 1912-Oct. 7, 1974; Pvt., U.S. Army Ada B. Posey, 1925-1977 Billie O. Moore, 1981-1981 (undertaker's marker) Blanche E. Barkey, 1896-1975 Frances Sophia Wileman, Nov. 6, 1914-Feb. 23, 1976 Carl Wileman, March 20, 1911-May 26, 1974; Tec. 5, U.S. Army Air Force Edward P. Cornelius, Sept. 26, 1892-Sept. 26, 1973; PFC, U.S. Army, WW I Grace W. Banks, 1908-1972 Robert P. Vaughn, June 13, 1936-July 24, 1972 Charles A. Varner, Jan. 8, 1908-Feb. 12, 1968; Pvt., Co. A, 423 Inf., WW II Everts-----Bert T., 1902-1962 Edna M., 1908-1980 Fox------Miss Joanna Fox, 1943-1959 Robert H. West, 1916-1970 Olsen-----Peter M., 1895-1959 Stella B., 1897-1967 Arnold-----Thomas, 1888-1967 Minta, 1884-1971 Rodney Mel Secreast, 1946-1948 Brumbaugh-----Silas F., 1873-1944 Maude A., 1887-1960 Beatrice M. Rhone, Dec. 11, 1937-June 1943 Reuben Henry Williams, died Oct. 31, 1941; Pvt., WW II, S.C. Richard L. Helton, 1982-1983 (undertaker's marker) Galloway------Harrison, 1910-1942 Cassanna, 1914-1976 Alexander-----Thomas, 1898-1966 Mary L., 1935-1946 Mary I., 1902- Timothy R., 1954-1961 Robert L. Alexander, Aug. 24, 1946-Feb. 8, 1980; T/Sgt., US Air Force, Vietnam Robert Clayton Miller, 1964-1965 (undertaker's marker) Ceritha Yocum Miller, Oct. 2, 1913-June 25, 1981 Glen M. Reed, May 26, 1941-April 6, 1943 Bruce M. Corcelius, July 29, 1917-Nov. 5, 1983 Reed-----Clarence R., June 6, 1912-Sept. 5, 1944 Anna C., d/o Wm. E. & Helen B. Reed, April 24, 1943-Jan. 28, 1946 Reed------William E., 1917-1960 Helen B., 1925- Corley-----Charles E., 1877-1947 Myrtle, 1886-1947 Margaret R. Estep, 1917-1973 Theron C. Scott, May 19, 1930-May 18, 1971; PFC, 37 Field Arty Bn., Korea James T. Sheaffer, 1915-1971 Dale M. Snyder, Sept. 19, 1916-Nov. 12, 1969; PFC, 9361 Tech. Suc. Unit, WW I Cloyd A. Hockenberry, 1921-1969 (undertaker's marker) Lester Scott, (numbers missing) -1968 (undertaker's marker) Annie Belle Dixon, Sept. 1896-Dec. 13, 1963 Early Covington, 1886-1963 (undertaker's marker set in cement) Russell M. Posey, 1943-1963 William D. Johnson, 1953-1960 (undertaker's marker set in cement) Mrs. Mary O. Allen, 1917-1959 (undertaker's marker set in cement) In the following section of the cemetery there are many graves marked with an undertaker's marker. All such graves will be identified with * McKinley Holmes, 1901-1959: WW II Alberth Rogers, 1915-1959; Pvt., UNASSD Det. Of Patients, WW II *Robert Sch(lettering gone), ????-1956 *Sallie F. Rogers, 1894-1956 *Robert Shin, 1868-1948 *(lettering gone) 1882-???? *Charles R. (lettering gone) 1873-1957 Millard C. Markey, 1914-1980 Albert Markey, 1904-1958 Eunces Hudson, 1880-1962 *Baby Boy Rogers, 1973-1973 *Etta Reed, 1883-1956 *Rancine Robinson, 1967-1968 *Infant Collins, 1968-1968 *Katina M. Kelly, 1959-1959 *Baby Boy Lewis, 1959-1959 *Bevery Jean Scott, 1952-1952 Nancy Lee Scott, 1949-1951 *William Stair, 1946-1950 *Brenda L. Worthy, 1950-1950 *John Clair Allen, 1950-1950 *Kathy Joe Sta(lettering gone), 1948-1950 Baby Boy Taylor, 1951 *Baby Scott, 1949-1949 *Nancy Lee Hanks, 1950-1950 Infant d/o Jack & Jean Flasher, 1949 *Mary Jane Brown, 1949-1949 *Glen E. Heilman, 1949-1949 *Baby Wiser, 1949 Sharon, d/o Leroy & Thelma Arnold, 1949 *Richard C. Kann, 1948-1948 Baby Girl Hanks, 1949 Chynthia L. Williams, June 21, 1948-June 22, 1948 *Baby Boy Miller, 1947-1947 *Baby Boys Banks, 1947-1947 "Twins" *Eleen Kay Price, 1958 *William Varner, 1947 *Ronald Branthaver, 1945-1946 Infant s/o Jack & Jean Fisher, 1946 d/o Henry & Pauline Skipper, Jan. 29, 1946-Jan. 29, 1946 Robin Branthafer, 1955 *Addiel Overry, 1956 *Julia M. Roberson, 1964-1964 *Amy Jo Estep, 1979-1979 Myrna L. Henry, March 21, 1942-Feb. 9, 1943 Infant Donaldson, April 7, 1943 Lance Hollabaugh, 1977-1977 Baby Boy Ward, 1975-1975 *Baby Boy Philips, 1972-1972 *Baby Girl Landis, 1973-1973 *six graves-lettering gone from markers *Baby Girl Snyder, 1972-1972 *Cherry Lee Hollibaugh, 1972-1972 Christine Witters, 1967-1968 *Baby Boy Rhone, 1967-1967 *David Lee Yocum, 1965-1965 *Dale Booz, 1957-1958 *Baby Scott, 1964-1964 *Richard H. Cullen, 1946-1947 *Baby Girl Mason *(lettering gone)-Ehai? Brown, 1956-1956 (Delphia Isabelle written above Ehai) DW *Grant L. Rosenberry, Jr., 1953-1953 Robert L., infant s/o Darlene Anold Banks, July 23, 1964-July 24, 1964 Shelly Ann, infant d/o Rev. Richard & Ruth Owens, Aug. 17, 1962-Aug. 19, 1962 Joylene D., d/o Oliver & Verna Heaster, June 28, 1954-Feb. 13, 1955 *Collen Mae Fisher, 1958-1958 *John B. Seithamer, 1941 *Kenneth D. Price, Jr., 1955-1955 *Baby Boy Cramer, 1953-1953 *Cyntha Sue Shontz, 1953-1953 *Terry Lee Branthafer, 1948-1948 *Thomas W. Seevers, 1977-1977 *Terry Flasher, 1951-1951 *William L. Kelly, 1977-1977 *Kimberly E. Jacobs, 1979-1979 Nora Mae Reed, 1882-1965 *Lanny Ross White, 1946-1946 Blanche E. Wileman, 1883-1942 Joseph Alfred Dziedzic, 1934-1954; Pvt., 505 Chemical Co., Maintenance Division, Korean War Clarence W. Harkleroad, 1904-1956 Pearl McMickens, 1897-1951 *Mrs. Mariaha (lettering gone), ????-1951 Henry Grice, 1931-1950, PFC, Inf., Korean War *Franklin, 1949, (most of lettering gone) *Elsie Wilson, 1900-1950 *James Green, 1885-1954 *Arnest Fortson, 1907-195? Rogers-----James L., 1900-1955 Connie B., 1905-1955 L. Ray, 1887-1954 *(lettering gone) Winfree, 1927-1954 George G. Hutchings, 1891-1951 *Clara B. Williams, 1918-1950 *Peter Dixon, 1900-1949 Harris Wilson, 1889-1948; Pvt., Co. D, 534 Engrs., WW I John W. Grice, 1927-1948, Pvt. 329th Quartermaster Service Co., WW II George R. Allen, 1895-1948; Pvt., Co. D, 437th Rescue Labor Bn., WW I Lawrence Mitchell, Aug. 29, 1896-Oct. 3, 1948; Pvt., 510 Engrs., WW I David Brown, 1876-1947; WW I Robert Fortson, 1872-1937 *(set in cement)-Harry A. Detwiler, 1872-1950 *Clara B. Lear, 1870-1944 *Daniel Morgan, 1882-1950 *N. Streachie, 1879-1947 *George M. Wilson, 1921-1945; WW II Williams-----Daniel, 1897-1945 Rachel, 1900-1958 Cullen Morton, 1907-1944 *Baby Boy Rogers, 1953-1953 *William Pratt,, 1949-1949 Robert L. Woodruff, 1952-1954 Patterson-----James, 1886-1934 Florence, 1898-1942 Shaver-----Mary W., 1879-1958 Ellen C., 1837-1926 S. Bryson, 1832-1913 (illegible), ?/o Rev. H. K. & A. H. Bower, Nov. 17, 1908-Feb. 7, 1909 Bower-----Annie Harrison, 1878-1952 Herbert Keeley, 1870-1956 Marlin-----William, April 20, 1791-Jan. 31, 1854 Mary Myers, Dec. 26, 1801-Nov. 1, 1868 B. F. Marlin, Sept. 18, 1840- Alice Scott, (wife), March 27, 1850-Nov. 25, 1910 Infant son, July 18, 1874-Aug. 28, 1874 Charles S. Henry, May 20, 1859-Feb. 14, 1914 Catherine, his wife, Aug. 2, 1850- Jones-----Iva I., w/o Harvey E., 1881-1912 Donald, 1911-1913 Miller-Seibert-----Belle B. Miller, 1862-1948 Dessie E. Miller, 1882-1974 Hazel O. Miller, 1884-1953 Ethel M. Seibert, 1893-1960 Lois Seibert, 1926-1926 Frank H. Seibert, 1891-1972 William H. Seibert, 1892-1937 Margaret Seibert, 1851-1943 Robert M. Seibert, 1859-1926 Nipple----D. Clarke, M.D., Aug. 1854-Jan. 10, 1914 Laura Nipple Wikel, May 5, 1865-Jan. 1, 1929 On back side of stone----Brenaman---- Welch-----Sarah Shearer, 1873-1923, mother Hebert Raymond, 1899-1900 Ethel R., 1894-1949 Elmer D., 1868-1944, father Dora Price Conway, 1889-1963, (undertaker's marker) Grace W. Welch, 1878-1975 Dorsey G. Welch, 1876-1930 Johnson-----Thomas T., 1853-1925 Sophia A., 1862-1901 Clarence, 1889-1948 Olga Chilcoat, 1893-1976 Arthur Chilcoat, 1889-1951 Weirich-----Philip H., 1876-1937 Martha C., 1877-1941 Charles G., 1874-1964 Charles H., 1911-1913 G. Robert, 1908-1917 Paul E., 1916-1945 Price-----J. Maurice, 1888-1951 Nellie Pauline, 1897-19__ Gross-----Charles M., 1888-1937 Ola E., 1887-1952 Woodrow J., 1913 White-----Lawanda E., Feb. 20, 1926 Vernon G., April 21, 1922-March 4, 1978; AAF, WW II Rothwell-----Gideon E., Aug. 1, 1817-Nov. 21, 1902 Catherine, April 12, 1821-May 6, 1901 Annie E., 1851-1930 T. F. Archey, 1864-1917 Kate R., his wife, 1857-1939 Hunter-----Harry H., 1866-1922 Nettie H., 1845-1924 mother William A., 1839-1924 father Charles T. Fields, 191-1984 (undertaker's marker) Thomas E. Fields, 1914-1967 (disinterred) Lairds-----Raymond K., 1913- A. Pauline, 1911- Brown-----Ammon S., 1877-1918 Mertie E., 1878-1967 Heckert-----Jennie E., 1867-1943 Sarah A., w/o J. B., Sept. 10, 1842-Sept. 4, 1914 John B., April 24, 1844-May 5, 1923; Co. C, 200th Regt. Pa. Vol. McKelvy-----Charles, May 10, 1890-Dec. 4, 1921 Isphene, April 1, 1862-April 11, 1948 John R., March 23, 1852-Sept. 13, 1914 Peterson-----S. Walker, 1850-1924 Elizabeth, 1854-1925 John D., 1892-1914 W. Scott, 1889-1926 Bowman-----George R., 1853-1916 Margaret A., (wife), 1856-1915 Maud, 1883-1939 Grace, 1877-1951 Witheral-----Leon M., Nov. 4, 1896-May 20, 1915 Linda Jane, July 7, 1874-March 4, 1961 John Giles, Jan. 10, 1866-Feb. 24, 1935 Vella Erula, Aug. 15, 1893-Aug. 30, 1972 Leon M., s/o J. C. & K. C. Witheral, 1896-1915 Chilcoat-----Sidney G., Aug. 4, 1913-March 8, 1916 Wendell Monte, Aug. 12, 1908-July 14, 1982 Children-Yuette, Yuonne George Ida Pearl, Sept. 19, 1884-Feb. 5, 1974 George W., July 22, 1882-Jan. 10, 1967 Mahan-----William M., 1880-1943 Myrtle M., 1884-1962 Jones-----Alonzo W., 1847-1916; Co G, 149th Regt. P.V. Sophia M., 1863-1930 Minnie G., 1871-1937 H. Decker, 1879-1940 Copenhaver-----Harry F., 1872-1946 Margaret A., 1880-1915 Earl F., 1903-1944 Viola M. White Foster, 1889-1976 Earl F., 1903-1944; (no surname) Walter E. White, 1919-1961; Boatswain's mate 1/c SV6, WW II Gerald J. White, 1926-1969; Seaman 1/c, US Navy, WW II Flora Grace Richardson, 1912-1951 Marshall Ackerman, 1889-1963; Pvt. US Marine Corps, WW I Rhoada E. Weirich Ackerman, 1900-1973 Aberashoff-----Harry A. Wilson, 1924-1975 Anna E., 1908-1975 Tell-----Fannie M., 18__- William, 18__- Chester Thomas, s/o Charles R. and Sarah Conway, March 23, 1936-Jan. 18, 1939 Maclay-----Wm. Penn, 1880-1928 Lydia C., 1881-1919 Son, Lawrence, 1904-1978 His wife, Belle C., 1912- Charles Chilcote, Feb. 14, 1924-Dec. 19, 1928 Glenn------Mildred Nevell, Feb. 26, 1898-Dec. 29, 1990 Charles H., Dec. 7, 1894-Nov. 21, 1979 Spennati-----Louie, 1914-1958; PFC, CO. K, 376th Inf. 94 Div., WW II Eva M., 1910- Shafer-----William M., 1877-1920 Sarah L., 1871-1960 Swope-----Benjamin E., 1907-1920 Josie Mae, 1884-1961 Millard W., 1875-1941 Mildred C. Heath, 1901-1927 Corson-----David C., 1880-1930 Mary C., 1882-1936 James Hill, 1848-1923, father Virginia Hill, 1857-1927, mother John W. Hill, 1877-1921 Mary Hill Ramsey, 1889-1918, daughter Boggs-----Harvey N., 1851-1939 Rachel E., 1855-1927 Charles F., 1877-1964 Carrie M., 1884-1958 Rachel E., d/o C. F. & G. M. Boggs, Sept. 12, 1918 Harrey F. Yengst, 1880-1947 Margaret G., his wife, 1882-1919 Smith-----Harry M., 1881-1954 Katurah, 1885-1946 Jack T., 1911-1920 Miller-----William G., 1898-19__ Violet M., 1899-19__ Ruth Irene, 1920 Hannah Knobe Kelley, (dates missing) (undertaker's marker) Isenberg-----Thomas E., 1895-1968 Mary E., 1900-1989 Harper-----Roy L., 1887-1953 Hazel L., 1889-1973 Freda E., 1920-1920 Robert L. Shugart, Feb. 22, 1923- Shugart-----David M., 1872-1920 Ella M., 1878-1939 Snyder------Raymond L., 1918-1946; Corp., CO. L, 272nd Inf., WW II Elsie Estep, 1890-1942 Cloyd R., 1886-1922 Enyeart-----David P., March 26, 1849-April 2, 1922 Sarah J., Dec. 24,1851-Jan. 26, 1938 S. Josephine, Sept. 27, 1891-Jan. 3, 1968 Susannah G., April 30, 1882-Feb. 8, 1967 Maist------Moses F., 1890-1952 Laura R., (wife); 1901-1971 Margaret J., (daughter); 1922 Morder-----Mahlon C., 1893-1937 N. Pearl, 1898-1978 Thomas T. Morder, April 15, 1927-April 4, 1983; PFC, US Army, WW II Barry L., s/o Steve K. & Dora M. Baker, 1951-1952 In Memory of Joseph H. Snair and Anna, his wife and Family--- Father-1869-1948 Mother-1880-1921 Lorene, 1915-1921 Johnson-----Arthur G., 1882-1936 Ida E., 1885-1963 Jimmie, 1911-1920 Kantz-----Harmon R., 1883-1962 Rose C., 1884-1921 Cornelius-----Charles W., Aug. 14, 1883-July 19, 1966 Myrtle L., Feb. 17, 1886-Oct. 22, 1953 Earl, July 29, 1911-Aug. 26, 1947 Parks-----Wilbert D., March 25, 1907-Oct. 3, 1974 Ethel M., Feb. 25, 1909- Price-----David, 1857-1920 Ella, 1865-1951 Allen-----J. McClellan, 1881-1943 Rebecca, 1885-1949 Ross-----John C., 1884-1962 Elsie M., 1894-1966 Infant Rubby, 1929 Naomi, 1930 Roy H. Price, 1890-1922 Mills-----Harry M., 1923-1923 Harry M., 1901-1960 Paul J., 1927 McDonald-----In Memory of Harry E. McDonald and Family Summers-----William F., Sr., 1883-1940 Grace P., 1894-1959 Jones-----John S., 1857-1923 Rose, 1867-1942 Ray Stair, 1895-1932 Martha Stair, 1868-1924 Wm. Stair, 1870-1931 Cox-----Glen A., 1904-1969 Lydia M., 1906-1961 Infant Carl, 1938 Ralph, 1924 Beverly, 1930-1931 Infant Edward, 1925 Russel E. Dell, 1902-1930 Loyd M. Dell, 1901-1925 Olive, w/o John R. Dell, 1881-1957 Kimberling-----Roy K., 1897-19__ Florence, 1899-1959 Evelyn, Infant daughters Thelma Stella, 1921-1949 Hardy-----William G., 1881-1926 Anna E. Ripple, 1885-1960 Margaret E. Scarpino, 1891-1964 Mills-----Harry B. Blessing, 1896-1980 Goldie V. Blessing, 1896-1969 Grant E. Walls, 1872-1948 Absolom Walls, 1842-1929; Co. M, 16th Regt. Pa. Cav. Sarah E., his wife, 1849-1931 Grace Glunt, 1891-1918 Rinker-----Chester R., 1885-1960 Idessa A., 1877-1971 Eugene C., 1894-1953; WW I Samantha E., 1863-1941 Benjamin F., 1851-1920 Briggs-----Frank S., 1845-1919 Mary E., 1847-1936 Ira D., 1879-1961 Shinn-----Winfield R., 1893-1968 Charlotte H., 1902-1934 Walter Kramer, Aug. 17, 1893-Feb. 14, 1919 Vaughn-----William P., 1888-1965 Lena V., 1895-1982 Orley A., 1852-1929 George W., 1845-1919; Co. H, 56th Pa. Inf. Hubert David Rorer, 1898-1960 Marguerite V., 1902- Thomas Lloyd, 1873-1943 S. Naomi, 1879-1928 Culbertson-----Edgar H., 1873-1918 Orley Culbertson Harrison, 1875-1957 William K. Harrison, 1870-1941 Anna G. Ashman Harrison, 1871-1918 Jones-----Gladys Gracey, 1893-1975 Carson W., 1888-1944; Pvt., Co. 3, 4th Ord. Bn., WW I Mae Jones Shope, 1885-1940 Viola M. Ripple, w/o Clarence M. Lane, 1891-1918 Ivan L. Wilson, April 29, 1920-March 14, 1975; PFC, US Marines Wilson-----John G., 1895-1969 Alice, 1897-1969 Infant, Lydia Mae, 1915-1915 Wilson-----William H., Sept. 30,1859-March 25, 1918 Alida M. Kinkead, his wife, June 2, 1866-April 18, 1935 Smith-----James H., 1875-1965 M. Elizabeth, 1881-1969 Ida Wiley, 1918-1918 Infant daughter, 1921-1921 no surnames Infant son, 1933-1933 Ripple-----Howard, 1865-1927 Annie M., his wife, 1864-19__ Smawley-----George R., 1866-1934 Alice C., 1864-1960 Dorothy Alice, d/o J. H. & M. L. Smawley, July, 1917 Jung-----Philip H., 1890-1971 Almeda S., 1893-1975 Bachtel-----Thornton L., 1849-1925 Edith, 1859-1918 D. Grace, 1883-1951, daughter Ramsey-----Henry C., 1851-1936 Jennie A., 1852-1923 Nell Rorer Hiles, 1892-1920 Harry C. Hiles, 1869-1959 Ada McQuillen Hiles, 1872-1963 Maurice J. Price, 1888-1951 (undertaker's marker) Olive M. Mentzer, 1923- Senevieve C. Buckley, 1876-1920 Allen----Robert L. (Bob), 1906-1963 Cordelia B., 1907- Briggs-----Porter J., 1867-1932 Alverta K., 1876-1959 Robert G. Briggs, 1916-1944, c/y, US Navy, Killed in Axtion, WW II Oppel-----Harry, 1869-1930 Matilda, 1869-1956 Webb-----Robert F., 1889-1959; WW I Edna Oppel, 1899-1980 Norcross-----Rev. William H., 1840-1926 Mary Catharine, 1870-1955 Benner---Wentz-----Minnie A., Dec. 16, 1871-May 11, 1947 Andrew B., June 8, 1866-Dec. 25, 1920 Maud M., Nov. 27, 1892-Feb. 22, 1963 Jerome E., March 8, 1889-July 9, 1980 Parsons-----Wesley H., 1885-1926 Zora B., 1884-1955 Francis H., 1920 Martin M. Gearhart, 1895-1947; Pvt., Co. D, Div. Bn. No. 1, WW I Parsons-----Samuel E., 1853-1926 Lula S., 1872-1959 Tula R., 1908-1922 Myers-----George W., 1861-1927 Catherine, 1861-1927 Frank H. Minnick, 1881-1944 Lena L. Minnick, 1885-1939 Clarence T. Corle, 1892-1934 Mary E. Corle, 1865-1925 Daniel O. Corle, 1858-1921 Crist-----John W., 1857-1921 Ellen, 1853-1923 Norman Lester Simpson, 1894-1967; Corp., Co. C, 5ht Field Signal Bat. 3rd Div. WW I Amelia R. Burmester, 1867-1950 Bernard H. Burmester, Aug. 16, 1863-Oct. 17, 1917; 1 Mus., USN, Spanish American War, New York McCartney-----Robert W., 1878-1952 Grace C., 1883-1953 Sons-Jessie H., 1902-1918 George C., 1907-1924 Chalmer, 1922-1922 Ripple-----Millard R., Aug. 30, 1884-Aug. 21, 1921 Haffly-----John W,, 1874-1964 Zella M., 1883-1937 Thelma B., 1907-1919 Fouse-----Marcus P., April 8, 1878-July 6, 1964 Ella Marie, Sept. 11, 1881-July 2, 1958 Fouse-----Calvin, 1851-1931 Rose Ann, 1859-1936 Stanley G. Rosensteel, 1938-1962 Charles J. Dull, March 13, 1927-Sept. 25, 1970; Pvt. US Army, WW II Andrea Dawn Dull, 1950-1977, (undertaker's marker) Charles F. Dull, 1894-1956; Pvt., UNASSGD Attached to No. Co. 3 Conval Cen., WW I Rosensteel-----Boyd S., 1893-1948; PFC, Medical Dept., WW I Mary M., 1899-1983 David William, s/o John & Vera Zinlble, June 4, 1943 Thelma A. Droll, 1918-1942 Anne M. Minnick, 1880-1955 (undertaker's marker) Morgan-----Martin J., 1942-1943 Smyers-----Russel C., 1875-1943 Lana I, 1878-1959 Smyers-----Lloyd L., 1901-1977 Fae W., 1915- Annie E. Singer, 1892-1960 Shirley J. Singer, 1934-1957 A. Raymond Singer, 1890-1943 Stanley Max Bair, July 25, 1918-Jan. 14, 1982; No M M 3, US Navy, WW II Evelyn M. Bair, 1892-1944 John P. Bair, 1880-1922 Bair-----Clarabelle, 1919-1983 Harold T., 1917- Rosensteel-----Frederick A., 1903- Madalene A., 1913-1965 Rosensteel-----Bermard C., 1922- Effie M., 1927-1974 Crawford------Rev. Frank S., 1892-1975 Lula M., 1888-1964 Gregory S., 1917- Myrtle L., 1906-1962 Parks------Chesley G., Nov. 3, 1897-April 8, 1982 Linnie A., Aug. 22, 1901- Mayward B., April 18, 1920-May 28, 1920 Madden-----Phyllis, 1915-1923 B. Viola, 1903-1963 Martha L., 1884-1949 Ira, 1878-1965 William D., 1866-1939 Isaletta, 1871-1928 Crist-Smith-----Charles I., 1888-1970 Lucy H. Smith, his wife, 1891-1966 Daniel I., 1853-1933 Alice P. Madden, 1854-1919 Harvey Edward Smith, 1899-1922 Latherow-----Clara B., 1904-1920 Infant son, Susie E., 1900-19__ Ralph A., 1898-1952 Collins-Drake-----David E., 1885-1922 Mary Collins Harshbarger, 1890-1976 Ethel Drake Fink, 1892-1978 J. Paul Drake, 1888-1928 Peterson-----Robert E., 1863-1944 Dora E., 1864-1922 Lila M., 1903-1937 Ralph J. Crouse, 1895-1964; Pvt., Batt. A, 115 F. A. 30 Div., WW I Verna P. Crouse, July 7, 1898-Dec. 27, 1957 Meritt-----Sam E., 1893-1943 Andrew T., 1866-1951 Clara J., 1866-1944 Estep-----Charles Father Homer D. Mother Ruth E. Rhone, 1891-1983 (undertaker's marker) Coy U. Rhone, 1894-1961 Buffington-----William G., 1904-1972 Ellenoir C., 1919- Hancock------Charles R., 1899-1966 Mary C., 1903-1987 1921-Harvey B., (infant son) Bruce S., 1923 William McK. Hampton, July 13, 1938; Pa., Pvt., Hq. Tr. 3 Army William E. Myers and Sons-----William E., 1904-1933 Thomas, 1931-1932 William S., 1925-1938 Whitsel-----Adam T., 1850-1924 Rebecca J., 1863-1938 George A., 1881-1968 Azella V., 1903- Stever C., 1890-1971 Ross-----George B., 1863-1925 Anna S., 1866-1960 Chilcote-----Dora Mae, 1898-1929 On same stone-Yocum----Celia Jane, 1876-1924 Rhone-----John E., 1895-1946 Martha J., 1898-1959 Kenneth D., 1917-1933 James E., 1858-1939 Darl D., 1924-1924 Herbert E., 1926-1926 Cornelius-----Robert D., 1924-1924 Dorothy E., 1921-1979 (undertaker's marker) Lulu M., 1902-1971 Denny D., 1897-19__ (see below) Verna B., 1903-1926 D. Denney Cornelius, Jan. 22, 1897-Nov. 1, 1982; PFC, US Army, WW I David D. Cornelius, 1897-1982 (undertaker's marker) Charles W. McElwee, June 13, 1930; Pvt. 1/c, 109 M. Q. Bn. 28 Div. Rorer-----Myrtle Madden, 1887-1975 Clyde Ray, 1884-1946 Mary E. Rorer, Samuel O. Rorer Ralph H. Pattison, 1883-1957 Blakeslee-----Margaret, 1920 Mary, 1922 Lottie M. Blakeslee, 183-1956 Margaret E. Hollenbaugh, 1857-1933 Landis-----William J., Aug. 15, 1846-June 4, 1921; Co. E, 20th Pa. Cav. Amanda Swigart, w/o William J., Feb. 24, 1853-March 22, 1912 Mary M., March 25, 1897-Sept. 7, 1919 William A., their son, April 26, 1889-Feb. 14, 1891 Elsie L. Landis, 1884-1956 Peterson-----Sadie Deola, w/o W. W., March 2, 1877-March 5, 1912 Wilmer W., 1880-1946 Robert R., 1917-1931 Fields-----The Rev. Cloyd Wesley, 1890-1964 Myrtle McClain, 1889-1970 McClain-----J. Newton, 1852-1922 Melissa C., his wife, 1856-1936 Mary E., 1877-1965 Rorer-----Marshall Clay, 1890-1963 Mabel Bratton, 1887-1961 Bratton-----James M., 1860-1938 S. Ida, 1863-1918 Rachel E., d/o C. F. & C. M. Boggs, Sept. 12, 1918 Boggs-----Harvey N., 1851-1939 Rachel E., 1855-1927 Charles F., 1877-1964 Carrie M., 1884-1958 Mary Hill Ramsey, 1898-1918 (daughter) John W. Hill, 1877-1921 (son) Virginia Hill, 1857-1927 (mother) James Hill, 1848-1923 (father) Harry F. Yengst, 1880-1947 Margaret J., w/o H. F. Yengst, 1882-1919 Shaver-----Thomas P., 1861-1929 Ida J., his wife, 1865-1944 Thelma M. Shaw, 1896-1940 Miller-----Ethel, 1919-1919 Mae D., 1924-1924 Dora E., 1887-1959 Harry T., 1887-1973 Etnier-----Henry Blanchard, 6-28-1845-2-24-1919; Co. F, 194th Pa. Vol. Inf. Thea Gifford, his wife, 6-27-1859-8-30-1929 Lloyd Scott, son, 11-16-1881-1-3-1965 Frank F. Booher, 1870-1934 Fleisher-----William, 1840-1934 Hannah J., 1850-1922 Allen-----J. McClellan, 1881-1943 Rebecca E., 1885-1949 Price-----David, 1857-1920 Ella, 1865-1951 Parks-----Wilbert D., 25, March 1907-3 Oct. 1974 Ethel M., 25, Feb. 1909- Cornelius-----Earl, July 29, 1911-Aug. 26, 1947 (son) Myrtle L., Feb. 17, 1886-Oct. 22, 1953 (mother) Charles W., Aug. 14, 1883-July 19, 1966 (father) Kantz-----Harmon R., 1883-1962 Rose C., 1884-1921 Mills-----Paul J., 1927- Harry M., 1901-1960 Harry M., 1923-1923 Ray H. Price, 1890-1922 Ross-----Elsie M., 1894-1966 John C., 1884-1962 Infants, Ruby, 1929; Naomi, 1930 Helen Kerchersky, 1905-1976 (undertaker's marker) Reck-----John William, 1872-1937 Margaret Sneath, 1867-1932 Helen Irene, 1905-1976 Roy Ellsworth, 1907-1931 Ellsworth C. Price, March 1, 1894-March 28, 1974 Martha E. Price, Sept. 18, 1899-Nov. 25, 1972 Amy Jo Woodward, 1977-1977 (undertaker's marker) Stone overturned George Popa, April 12, 1894-May 20, 1937; Penna. Bglr., 41st Inf., 10th Div., US Army, WW I Mary Idomir, 1937-1938 (undertaker's marker) Wharton-----S. Hays, 1876-1954 Grace R., 1873-1957 Wharton-----Benj. C., 1841-1913 Marion, 1848-1931 Huldah M., 1885-1945 J. Burton, 1875-1919 Fuller-----Charles Irvin, Sr., 1864-1952 Elizabeth Wharton, 1866-1941 Wharton-----Daniel S., 1832-1910 Rachel Garver, his wife, 1840-1914 Faust-----Richard J., 1848-1922 Caroline H., 1849-1923 Davis-----J. Bruce, 1870-1953 Ida May, 1869-1926 J. Bruce, Jr., 1897-1977; WW I J. Bruce, IV, "Jahe", 1955-1980 Martha M. Fields, 1893-1960 Minick-----Edna Deborah, Aug. 31, 1890-Oct. 3, 1915 Nolte-----John S., 1855-1931 Laura M., 1863-1937 Wilson-----William E., 1858-1941 Fannie M., 1867-1952 Betty Welch Solomon, Dec. 1, 1911-April 13, 1959 Lefler-Stevens------Norman B. Lefler, Aug. 17, 1910-Sept. 21, 1960; Pvt., 2571 Service Unit, WW Maude N. Lefler, 1876-1961 Victor B. Lefler, 1884-1966 Izilla Stevens, 1851-1930 Joseph N. Stevens, 1848-1936 Dawn Elizabeth Reed, 1970-1970 (undertaker's marker) Anna B. Lefler, 1960-1960 (undertaker's marker) Miller-----J. Frank, 1860-1944 Mary E., 1860-1932 Minnie B., 1893-1920 Infant daughter, 1920 Ira Russel, 1891-1940 Miller-----Jacob J., 1889-1918; Co. 39th, 152 D.B. Mary E., his wife, 1890-19__ Price-----Gerald Dean, 1891-1953 Mary Josephine, 1893-1978 Hicks-----Joel, 1859-1923 Harriet, 1863-1948 Culbertson-----R. Fred, Aug. 10, 1891-April 12, 1919 Boyd B., s/o R. Fred & Violet, died Sept. 24, 1916 aged 1 yr. 1 mo. 8 ds R. Dean Peterson, 1893-1951 Violet R. Peterson, 1895-19__ Hancock-----Harry R., 1871-1919 Maude E., 1873-1956 Getz-----Joseph E., 1865-1955 Sarah M., 1869-1943 Martin L., 1913-1918 Myrtle M., 1888-19__ Edwin M. Flasher, 1908-1952 (undertaker's marker) Jones-----John L., 1870-1925 Ida A., 1879-19__ Hampton, s/o Ira C. & Frances E. Davis, Nov. 23, 1913-June 15, 1918 Bertha Campbell, 1876-1944 Ellen E. Leech, 1844-1933 Anna M. Ewing, 1860-1938 Jean B. Niforth, 1888-1918 Speck-----Wm. McClelland, 1850-1937 Short-----Rob't Barton, Dec. 4, 1886-Nov. 11, 1918 Charles A. Ritter, 1893-1977 Anna Blanche, 1893-1982 Swails-----William V., 1866-1935 Anna Mary, 1869-1945 Warren Evans, 1898-1924 Smyers-----John P., 1854-1923 Lavina, 1855-1930 Edna A. Dobbs, 1900-1949 Harry M. Dobbs, 1894-1928; Co. A, 323 M. G. Bn., WW I Sarah R. Showalter, 1864-1927 George W. Showalter, Nov. 7, 1855-April 1, 1925 Miller-----William G., 1894-1975 Jenette T., 1892-1977 Infant Minnie Smith-----Herman D., 1895-1961; WW I Verna N., 1896-19__ 3 gravestones, inscribed in Latin George Cucu, May 4, 1921-June 24, 1925 John Boitor, May 17, 1877-Oct. 18, 1924 Horatie Almasian, au nascut 1913, December 12-si au rapausat in February 29 anul 1924 in Mt. Union, Pa. Maria C. Popa, 1924-1924 Joan Deio, nascut anu 1878 in Sanzaua, Bulgaria, a mosit 9, Sept. anu 1923 Dumitru Petrisor, rp 4, April 1928 Satu vaida recea George Martin, nas Com. Ohaba 1882, Jud. Fagaras, Romania rap 15, Nov. 1922 Fiei Tarana Usora George Catuna, nascut in April 21, 1921 reposat Sept. 11, 1922 kin Comuna Seini Jud. Sato mare Romania Parenti Sunt Povel Si Maria Catuna. Jon Kuku, mascut in 2 Martie 1920, raposat in 10, Augst 1920 Din Sarkaitia Infant's grave-foreign inscription Domitru Debu Din Comuna Sergaita Fost in Estate De 46 ani Raposat in anul 1918 Mt. Union, Pa. Arci Idihneste, in Domnul Vasile Faciu, Comuna Sercoita Juditu Fagaras nascit anu 1870 Decedat in 26 Nove 1926 Mt. Union, Pa. Raposat in Domnul Ioan Batia Den Comuna, Sergaita Judeto. Fagaras nascut in 15 August anu 1894, immormantal 19, October anu 1918 in Estate De 24 ani Agasta Gruge Ridigata De Vasile Fagiu Si Satia Sa Erosina Dunnezeu Sale Raspla-Tiasga Aslenia La. Renninger-----Samuel, 1890-1936 Cora R., 1892-1970 Audrey, 1922-1944 St. Clair-----Malcolm B., 1895-1941 Verna Z., 1885-1963 Byron Weyandt, June 6, 1883-Nov. 26, 1918 L. D. Miller, 1859-1924 Martha Miller, 1863-1936 (wife) W. A. Miller, 1892-1919 Lantz-----1887-Harry F.-1938 1919-Mary E.-1919 1921-Richard J.,-1921 1930-Eugene S.-1931 Marian S. Lantz, 1925-1982 (undertaker's marker) Bertram Wayne Colledge, 1883-19__ And his wife, Ellen Gibbons, 1867-1940 And her son-John Edmund Gibbons, 1890-1938 And his children-Elsie Marie Gibbons 1923 Ella Florence Gibbons Kenneth Amos Gibbons 1935 G. Harry Blotzy, 1891-1969; born in Russia Joan Bente Mortinanu, 1919 Ienuar Intra 25, Mt. Union, Pa. Maria Dragas, Nosguta in anul 1918 in Luna Nov. 16, Raposat in anul 1919 Luna Feb. 22 (stone illegible-foreign inscription) Ioa Pop, Naskut in anu 1904 Mort in anu 1919, Sept. 9 Ana Blazovan, Nascuta in anu 1910, August 4 Raposata in anu 1920, Januare 4 V. Murria Fallecio, 3 April 1920 Stef Lica, 1867-1922 Din Comana Jud Satu Mare George Ardelion, Din Aurit Mediac Satu Mare Nascut in anui 1871 Decidat Din Viata La 29, Nov. La anui 1924 Steean Popa, 1924-1924 Charles Burych, 1916-1970; Pvt., 1st class, Hdq. Co, 59th Armored Onf. Bat., WW II Buruch-----Frank, 1890-1981 Kathryn, 1896-1970 Edward P. Valosuk, 1935-1955 Valasuk-----Demko M., 1881-1945 Anna P., 1889-1952 Name written in Greek letters, 1886-1936 Abrashoff-----Tasse P., 1882-1949 Maria, 1882-1942 Constidana, 1919-1934 Petron-----John, Feb. 27, 1897-Feb. 8, 1980; PFC., WW I Mary, Jan. 18, 1905-March 13, 1983 Gregory Evanetz, 1926-1945; Pvt., Co. B, 90th Inf., 1st Army, killed in Germany, WW II (In Loving Memory of) Stoianoff-----Stoianka, 1882-1963 Ylias, 1880-1937 Salosuk-----Jacob, 1876-1936 Titiana A., 1877-1950 Stoianoff-----Marko, 1897-1961 Eleanor E., 1909-1965 Bazna, 1875-1930 (mother) Spase, 1876-1945 (father) Christoff-----Veilka, 1888-1967 James, 1875-1962 Alexander, 1919-1934 Lottie Brown, 1914-1978 (daughter) Chris Popalazor, 188-1950; born in Macedonia Dudick-----Vasilo F., 1912-1970 Joseph, 1913-1973 Christine M., 1951 Zanylo-----Wasly C., 1881-1960 Mary Dekovich, 1893-1974 Hrabowenski-----Frank T., 1895-1957 Anna Zanylo, 1914- 2 gravestones-written in a foreign language, unable to translate Joseph Varoska, March 18, 1871-Dec. 17, 1924 2 children's graves-stones written in a foreign language, unable to translate Charles Alecxih, 1892-1936; Co. 35, 9th Bn., 153rd D. B., WW I Vida Alecxih Shank, 1907-1969 Zivka Vovanovich, 1885-1968 Tim Peno, Jan. 22, 1890-Aug. 23, 1943 Kowalsky-----Vechnaja Pamyat, Catharine, Sept. 17, 1885-Feb. 10, 1958 Nicholas, Nov. 10, 1880-May 10, 1947 Rev. Basil Pavloff, 1888-1953 Kowalazyk---- Bernick-----Catherine, 1886-1942 Wasyl, 1881-1942 McCarchey-----John P., 1876-1942 Pauline M., 1887-1936 John E. McKarchey, Dec. 22, 1914-Feb. 20, 1975; T/Sgt., US Army Hancharenko-----Martin, 1880-1957 Sophia, 1889-1966 Donoff-----Karl T., 1937-1942 Tashko "Bruce", 1892-1968 Cholewinski-----Kathryn, 1917-1935 John, 1893-1969 Helen, 1898-1945 Dimoff-----Elis, 1889-1960 Angelina, 1901-1975 Steven E. Dimoff, May 13, 1954-Feb. 28, 1958 N. Buno, 1873-1923 E. Buno, 1917-1921 Stefan Marcusi, "Mascut in Comma Patau Comitatu" Sakmori in anu 1891 in Sept. in 15 Raporsat in anu 1918 in Nov. 29 "Acista Kruke ii Ridiate de Olvi Sara Yulci Dumnezau Sal Odinsca" Josyf Majeruski, 1894-1920 Gravestone-foreign inscription, unable to translate Greek lettering on gravestone, 1871-1923 Guy Cruke, 1919-Oct. 12, 1923 Anna Tquivian Sau Rapasatu an Luna Sept. 8, 1919; Sounaskutan an anu 1917 an Julie 4 Dinu parinti Vasiliu Tqiuian Si Anna Parinti Sunt Din Komuna Apa Komitatu Satmaru Marie Rayyis, Julie 8, 1918-Aug. 3, 1918 Joan Sims, Nascutu anu Comuna Dezded Com. S. Dobuka anu anulu 1885 Rapausat anu anul 1918 Dzav Satuieste Petre Unquaras, Nascut anu anul 1876, Aurapausat anu anul 1918, March 31, ComunaGorbasalamonconr Salnok Dobaka George Horvat, Nas La. 1872 Com. Solomon Rapasal la 13 Mart 1918 Mt. Union, Pa. Vasilyu Ruha, 1878-1917; Salmar Megye Sinar Varaja Sitivastru Bosu, Comuno Scrguito Noscutu in anul 1875-1917 in Morminttu 5 Apilu Morino Silivastiu Bosu Dumitru Hozan, 1889 Aurit Medias Com Satman June 29, 1917 Mort Marie Korodan, Sau nascut 1917 June 14 Le au Rapousat Augut 5, le 1917 Parintee ei Doresg Sa a Yerte Dumnerau Teodor & Terezia Korodan Jwan Bieryncryr, Urod 28, Sept. 1916 Umer 11, Augsta 1917 Charlie Bernick, 1924-1932 Sarega J. Barbst, Rapasati in 6-11-1917, Din Comuno Scrkaitr Gravestone-illegible Filimon Rusan, imort in an 1917 nscut in comun salomon John L. McCombe, Oct. 10, 1892-Nov. 4, 1918 3 gravestones-inscribed in Greek Rodulului Dzu Vasilga Mihli Dinhuzmezu Aumurituin 28, Oct. 1918 Sa Hodegngste Eanas Elis in Nascutu 1888 Julie 19 in Mireciull Mare Dzen Sulu Hodgneaga au Rapasat 1918 Oht 23 Filip Maftei, Dim Comuna valea Grositor Comitatul "Salnoc Daboca, Hungauary Europa" Adormit in Domul in 27 Ottober inmormintal in 29 Ottober 1918 Mary Belik Hrynicw, 1896-1928 Alex Hrynicw, 1896-1936 Gravestone-foreign inscription, unable to translate Pete Wroblewski, 1885-1944 Octovian, s/o John & Maria Almasan, Aug. 23,1917 Mikaloff-----Christ, 1890-1959 Jaon Almasian, au Rapasat October 30, 1918 Dingo Bezdid Szalnak Daboko Gravestone-foreign inscription, illegible Harris----George P., 1893-1961 Elsie J. Harff, 1896-1961 Beloved parents of - Edna May, Helen Louise, George Joseph, John William, Frances Esther, Robert Edward, Minerva Grace, Catherine Eliz., Lillian Gladys Daniel Yakymec, 1894-1957; WW I Esther Romanko Yakymec, 1898-1980 James Paul, 1881-1974 (undertaker's marker) John Gligor, 1881-1952 (undertaker's marker set in cement, ground level) Nicholas Stasenko, 1881-1946 Andrew Christoff, Nov. 8, 1926-Aug. 3, 1974; S/1, USN. WW II Peter Christoff, 1890-1936 Mary Christoff, 1894-1958 (wife) Vane Lazaroff, 1881-1947; Armeno Oro-Macedonia (Below Road, near tool shed and restrooms) Harry M. Smith, 1895-1950; Pvt., 36th Co., 9th Bn., 153rd D. B., WW I Edith O. Smith, 1895-1964 William M. Clark, Aug. 7, 1872-Dec. 10, 1943 Clark-----Lewis B., 1906-1967 (an 8 was painted over the 7) Lettie E., 1913-1973 Marshall Fleck, no dates (undertaker's marker, set in cement, ground level) Frederick W. Fleck, May 5, 1940-Dec. 24, 1972; Missouri, Sp./4, USAR, Vietnam Estep-----James H., 1872-1947 Minnie C., 1882-1943 William C. Fleck, 1914-1977 Daniel Carlo, 1889-1949; Pvt., Co. G, 53rd Pioneer Inf., WW I Earl t. Peacher, 1917-1952 (undertaker's marker) Jury-----Fred A., 1904-1962 Effie L., 1903-1953 (Blanche -1991, is handwritten above Fred) DW Eva E., d/o John H. & Etta M. Attlesperger, Nov. 28, 1909-Sept. 28, 1926 Etta Attesberger, 1889-1939 (erected by Daniel Carlo) Footstone-J. C. N. (headstone missing) Caroline M. Neuman, Sept. 11, 1909-Feb. 23, 1968 Fields-----Elisha A., June 10, 1860-April 28, 1925 Annie M., Aug. 8, 1859-Aug. 5, 1939 Alton E., March 8, 1886-Dec. 26, 1961 Nancy E., Jan. 3, 1889-Dec. 19, 1974 Gilfford------William E., 1866-1895; (died May, 1895; aged 29 yrs. 1 mo. 11 ds) Mary Gilfford Myers, 1871-1959 Gaynelle Gilfford, 1894-1960 Johnston-----Samuel H., 1856-1933 Burlew------Maurice D., 1860-1936 Elizabeth B., 1867-1951 Edgin-----Jacob S., 1854-1926 Leah Fields, 1855-1934 Brandt-----Joseph A., 1859-1926 Rebecca E., 1858-1926 Miller-----Joseph H., 1863-1949 Alice M., 1870-1956 Miller-----W. S., 1855-1947 Rettie, 1860-1933 Jennie, 1879-1965 Violet, 1882-1966 Appleby-----A. Blair, 1871-1932 Isabel, 1871-1928 Johnston-----D. Ira, 1874-1934 Nora E., 1880-1969 G. Pattison, 1861-1934 (undertaker's marker) Pattison-----James C., 1861-1933 Ella K., 1854-1928 Lydia, 1885-1925 Helen P., 1893-1942 Sayers------Neil B., 1887-1938 Grace B., 1887-1983 Harper-----Thomas D., 1859-1923 Catharine E., 1860-1937 Charles B. Goss, 1917-1983; PFC, US Army, WW II Anne Goss Rutherford, 1919-1979 Phyllis A., d/o J. H. & Golda Goss, 1923-1925 Golda B. Goss, 1887-1952 Jacob H. Goss, 1887-1945 Rosa Keith Gray, 1878-1951 Marian, 1908-1925 McCarty-----Ella D. Keith, 1887-1967 Cloyd, 1884-1964 A. Gerald, 1911 Virginia E., 1913-1961 Kay Deane, 1941 Curry-----Rev. David S., 1874-1924 Catherine, 1879-1965 Francis Kyle Rosensteel, 1900-1951 Mabel F. Kyle, 1871-1940 Ruther McDougall, 1844-1924 Georgia Ruth Evans, 1947-1947 (undertaker's marker) Bowe------Hampton H., 1880-1936 Ethel F., 1888-19__ Marion R. Bowe, 1892-1949 Robinson-----Louis E., 1881-1955 Matilda, 1852-1926 Isenberg-----Joel G., 1854-1926 Dorothy, 1860-1944 Paul E. Gross, 1901-1953 Wilson-----William W., 1862-1940 Ella E., 1862-1942 Florence L., 1905-1982 Smyer-----Samuel K., 1868-1929 Martha J., 1872-1962 Wagner------H. Blair, 1894-1958 Sara J., 1895-1964 Miller-----William W., 1882-1955 Gertrude, 1874-1945 Rosensteel-----Joseph A., 1898-19__ Margaret C., 1904-1973 Lois C., 1928-1930 Ripple-----Thomas A., 1875-1944 Clara L., 1875-1927 Wilford W. Horn, 1913-1948; PFC, CO. B, 10th Inf., WW II Huntsman-----B. Frank, 1864-1927 Carrie Bard, 1864-1930 Rev. S. M. V. Hess, 1850-1926 Agnes Elliott Hess, 1862-1931 Mary E. Price, 1882-1971 Bruce Price, 1873-1939 Forrest H. Price, 1880-1920 Heefner-----Ezra F., 1872-1957 Martha C., 1878-1961 Esther M., 1898-1979 Barben-----J. Jackson, 1860-1937 M. Margaret, 1858-1932 Barnes-----William A., 1885-1927 Fazenbaker-----Orloff O., 1880-1925 Mary E., 1884-1958 Sabathne-----Adolph J., Jan. 9, 1897-Dec. 14, 1974 Nellie, his wife, July 22, 1916-Dec. 7, 1981 Weyant-----Thomas B., 1905-1961 Ethel M., 1884-1969 Martin Etnier, 1755-1823 Elizabeth Rorer Etnier, died 1844 Peter, s/o John & Elizabeth Etnier, 1805-1839 Mary, d/o John & Elizabeth Etnier, 1819-1834 Walls-----David, 1845-1928; Co. L, Regt. Pa. Cav. Mary, 1861-1941 Eberman-----William F., 1871-1928 Cora B., 1874-1962 Rebecca J., 19__-19__ Charles L. Galbraith, 1865-1936 Kann-----William H., 1871-1931 Emma B., 1874-1928 Kann----Robert R., 1886-1927 Bertha A., 1890-1938 Shea-----Bernard E., 1886-1957 Martha A., 1889-1929 C. Arthur Naugle, Sr., 1889-1952, WW I J. Emerson Goodman, 1921-1928 Chester A. Naugle, Jr., 1924-1963; WW II Swank-----Rev. Edwin H., 1876-1951 Eliza J., 1886-1973 Awkerman-----Leon C., 1889-1939 Arlene M. Abrams, Sept. 30, 1905-Nov. 19, 1931 Rubin C. Garner, 1879-1935 Garner-----Adam, 1852-1930 Laura, 1853-1936 Jones-----G. W. Deems, 1845-1928; Co. C, 51st Regt. Pa. Vol. Margaret Y., 1846-1924 Bolinger-----Scott, 1875-1931 Alice, 1872-1946 Francis M. Covert, 1881-1944 Grover C. Shire, 1912-1929 (son) Shire-----Lloyd David, 1881-1956 Edith Moore, 1882-1970 Jenkins-----Charles W., 1877-1941 Anna S., 1875-1930 Frank L., 1882-1943 Infant s/o John & Rhoda Jenkins Infant d/o John & Rhoda Jenkins Clarence Butler Etnier, Nov. 4, 1862-May 30, 1928 Raymond O. Hicks, 1907-1929 William Orville Hicks, Aug. 20, 1927-July 2, 1973; s/1c, USNR, WW II Moore-----Franklin, 1876-1929 Chloy E., 1880-1967 Williams-----Harry A., 1887-1933 C. Belle, 1882- Thelma G., 1926-1929 (daughter) L. Blaine, May 17, 1921-Aug. 5, 1982; Sgt., US Army, WW II Jessie S. Smith, Nov. 16, 1883-Sept. 13, 1929 Sara Elizabeth Smith, Aug. 1, 1883-Dec. 15, 1975 Enyeart-----John Lloyd, 1879-1958 Ella J. Delaney, 1877-1929 Shaver-----William P. M., 1881-1949 Florence Marion, 1881-1929 Albert Melvin, 1907-1907 Wilson-Raffensberger-----Samuel R., 1898-1973 Lulu J., 1885-1931 Calvin J., 1889-1948 Edna V. Wilson Raffensberger, 1902-1978 Wilson-----David B., 1871-1944 Lola M., 1881-1952 Herbert H., 1901-1960 Thelma B., 1904-1949 Oppel-----Frank L., 1866-1936 Laura A., 1873-1936 Swope-----Ernest N., 1886-1961 Margaret B., 1890-1941 Swope-----Millard F., 1852-1932 Selena, 1855-1935 Shaver-----William F., 1929-1930 Carl T., 1905-1939 Croyle-----Walter R., 1898-1933 Ruth J., 1902-1963 Harriet H. McDonald, 1861-1932 Elizabeth L. McFarland Lacy, 1888-1957 Robert Lacy, 1884-1960 Topper-----William W., 1898-1943 Blanche A., 1894-1933 Dorothy O., 1929-1931 Sarah J., 1927-1949 Jane Topper Miller, 1926-1949 Clarence F. Taylor, 1876-1935 Effie C. (wife), 1873-1957 Elsie M. Hetrick, 1903-1928 Lester M. Hetrick, 1900-1964; Pvt., US Army, WW II Detwiler-----Chas., 7/1/87 Ruth A., 11/12/92 Coulter-Ganoe----Emma Jones Coulter, 1853-1930 Ora Coulter Ganoe, 1884-1958 Ralph Porter Ganoe, 1885-1946 Charles Leonard Albright, 1916-1978 Hazel M. Albright, 1914-1942 Mabel E. Hetrick, w/o Charles L. Albright, 1906-1988 (Dec) Norton-----Max H., 1904-1938 Querry-----George Monroe, 1878-1943 Loudema, 1886-1965 Warren Hockenberry, no dates (undertaker's marker) Rosensteel-----J. Harry, 1874-1931 Lula A., 1877-1939 Erma A., 1895-1976 Fred A., 1904-1951 Norris-----Lewis S., 1855-1931 Margaret E., 1860-1936 John R. Gill, 1868-1931 Fleckinger-----James W., 1860-1931 Laura M., 1866-1954 Regina M. Engle, 1921-1979 (granddaughter) Archey-----T. Lynn, 1884-1935 Sadie M., 1898-1974 Grissinger-----Andrew J., 1863-1935 Alfaretta B., 1861-1945 Wenzel-----Fred, 1883-1957 Mary A., 1880-1961 Ernst-----Frederick R., 1903-1935 Lewis C., 1909-1969; PFC, Batt. B, 414th AAA Gun Bn., WW II Virginia R., 1882-1954 Rudolph F., 1878-1951 Smith-----James A., 1913-1977; PFC, US Army, WW II Florence Mae Smith, July 15, 1892-April 30, 1971 Alvin Guy Smith, May 22, 1888-Feb. 9, 1970 Hileman-----Clara H. Rouse, 1862-1947 Laura Alice, 1869-1939 Mable Yocum, 1901-1933 Robert O. Kelso, April 19, 1920-Oct. 4, 1969; New York Tec./5, 462 Hospital Ship, WW II Charles L. Davis, 1893-1956 Maude I. Trout, 1890-1964 Cloyd S. Flasher, died Feb. 24, 1938; Pvt., Air Service, WW I Caldwell-----William R., 1908-1982 Catherine M., 1875-1938 William T., 1874-1934 George, Sept. 9, 1926-Jan. 3, 1933 Ramsey-----Ralph O., 1895-1935, Co. A, 166th Regt. 42nd Div., WW I Minnie, 1899- Booth-----Guy A., 1890-1951 Agnes M., 1895-1935 Sheaffer-Snyder------Ressie Snyder, 1987 Guy R. Snyder, 1897-1934 John S. Sheaffer, 1866-1944 Adaline R. Sheaffer, 1868-1935 Rhoda B. Sheaffer, 1898-1952 Hicks-----Robert E., 1913-1935 Eva V., 1894-19__ Huber-----Clyde M., Ph.D., 1899-1978 Florence Barton, 1902-1984 Barton-----Jessie Myers, 1875-1958 Clement, 1869-1933 Wagner-----Joseph, 1854-1936 Hannah C., 1859-1945 Terrizzi-----Charles, 1890-1960; Pvt., 154 Depot Brigade, WW I Dora Snoberger, 1894-1963 Rose, 1923-1936 Crum-----Lawrence N., Sr; 1883-1962 B. Blanche, 1883-1958 Johnson-----Brice B., 1894-1966 Elsie A., 1894-1968 Smyers-Heidler-----Franklin C., 1902- Oneita A., 1909- George W., 1908-1941 Welch-----William J., 1865-1955 Laura Ewing, 1871-1950 Peduzzi---In Memoriam-Guido C., Oct. 9, 1896-March 31, 1941; Sgt., Co. 5, 153rd D. B., WW II Oppel-----Richard F., 1913-1966 Oppel----Herman A., 1863-1948 Luella L., 1874-1938 Carl T. Renninger, 1910-1984 (undertaker's marker) Hollenbaugh-----William M., 1881-1934 Viola Andrews, 1885-1944 Helen D. Cornelius, 1930-1943 Raymond A. Cornelius, 1932-1983; S/Sgt., US Air Force, Korea & Vietnam Cornelius-----Harvey I., 1906-1973 Tola V., 1911- Swiler-----Chester A., 1891-1962 Edna R., 1891-1961 Betty G. Breig, 1921-1944 Stenner-----Emma Rae, 1899-1939 Barben-----Edward Cassidy, 1890-1951 Nan Smyers, 1891-1970; US Navy Nurse Suders-----Amos O., 1866-1944 Ida M., 1879-1951 Reba Longacre Suders, 1898-1936 Margaret B. Rorer, 1904-1981 Martha B. Rice, 1899-1941 H. Howell Rice, O.O.S., 1898-1961 Roddy-----Harry C., 1871-1941 Mary F., 1877-1945 Ada Bell Wagner, 1872-1937 Ralph Fuller Taylor, 1887-1963 Lillian E. Wagner, w/o Ralph F. Taylor, 1890-1959 George D. Makris, 1891-1938 James J. Pappas, 1889-1969 Heefner-----David W., 1878-1945 Anna B., 1887-1978 Bollinger-----William T., 1858-1941 Catherine A., 1864-1940 George Brinton Gifford, 1863-1946 Anna Briggs Gifford, G. Foster Minnick, 1889-1937 Ethel M. Minnick, 1894-1983 (undertaker's marker) John H. Minnick, 1912-1944 Bremm-Cornelius-----George P., 1883-1953 Lena S., 1890-1936 James M., 1895-1964 Maye L., 1892-1950 Rosenbery-----Owen S., 1896-1977; WW I Iva E., 1895-1970 Shade-----Philip, March 13, 1868-April 7, 1938 Ellen E., March 4, 1872-Aug. 25, 1960 Brown-----William C., April 22, 1893-Feb. 10, 1952 Sarah J., Nov. 13, 1892-April 27, 1950 Copenhaver-----William H., 1888-1945 Harclerode-----Harry W., 1904-1943 Sara A., 1906-1974 Sandra K., 1939-1943 John Shultis, 1906-1953 Schmittle-----Herman W., 1883-1942 Edith L., 1887-1963 Hoover-----Wilson M., 1888-1943 Amanda, 1892-1975 Knox-----J. Elmer, 1881-1942 Lucy G., 1886-1964 Durbec-----Sidney W., Sr., 1896-1943 Ada, 1898-1943 Switzer-----Harry G., 1879-1943 Ella, 1875-1952 Hileman-----George L., 1877-1945 Georgianna, 1882-1976 Alexander A. Dumas, born in Thessalonika, Greece Jan. 1, 1892; died July 12, 1945, wife, Ruth L. Dumas Harclerode, Dec. 28, 1909-July 13, 1944 Norris-----William H., 1880-1955 Katie G., 1878-1953 Barnes----Fanny, 1864-1944 Fred E. Barnes, 1896-1965; Pvt., Co. B, 2nd Development 155th Depot Brigade, WW I Rice-----Emma H., 1876-1943 Hicks-----Harvey E., 1906-1983 Irene L., 1911-1993 Children of Harry E. & Irene L. Hicks----- Robert D., Jan.-Dec. 1930 Montie L., 1934-1945 Gertrude L. Feagley, 1910-1944 (undertaker's marker) James E. Miller, 1890-1945 (wife) Edith Miller, 1890-1967 Rudy----John H., June 24, 1898-Aug. 9, 1982; PFC, US Army, WW II Ella, 1899-1993 (2/1/93) McClain-----Daniel L., 1878-1945 Fannie G., 1884-1967 Roseann Bilger Lodema Hooper Lane, 1885-1943 Wible-----Levi Winfield, 1875-1951 Myra Susan, 1875-1939 Mabel Gladys, 1906- Anderson-----Stanley, 1892-1945 Martha Jane, 1894-19- Barkley-----James R., 1904-1959 William E., 1870-1957 Martha B., 1874-1949 Watson-----Mary Stephenson, 1858-1947 All on same stone---Joseph Watson, 1873-1941 Fannie McManigal, 1885-1972 Frances Naomi Watson, 1910-1942 Diven-----Warren G., 1878-1945 Florence M., 1881-1946 Waterbury-----Kenneth, 19__ Isabel P., 1947 Pagana-----Charles C., 1906-1973 Veida J., 1907- Carmel C. Pagana, Dec. 11, 1906-June 8, 1973 (see above) Pa., A.M.M.2, US Navy, WW II Livergood-----Emerson E., 1903-1976 Mabel M., 1903- Samuel L. Rosensteel, Aug. 22, 1910-Dec. 24, 1972; District of Columba, M/Sgt., US Army, WW II and Korea Nell A. Baldwin, 1888-1984 (undertaker's marker) Charles H. Baldwin, 1883-1945; WW I Zeigler----George M., 1902-1945 Alma Sue, 1895-1956 Russell Deo Gross, June 7, 1914-June 13, 1951 Charles M. Gross, Jr., March 31, 1911-Dec. 29, 1981 Brandt-----W. M. Foster, 1892-1947 Edna B., 1894-1981 Hunter-----William J., 1869-19__ Nellie M., 1879-1947 Kane-----Lloyd C., 1904-1951 Kathryn I., Robert M. Varner, 1926-1966 Smith-----Alberta, 1879-1949 Gloria Jean, d/o Glen C. & Ruth I. Smith, 1942-1948 Infant d/o Eugene C. & Nada Rinker, Nov. 5, 1945 Cummins-----Elmer C., 1892-1946 Nancy E., 1882-1955 Booth----George E., 1894-1947; Vet., WW I Luella M. Booth Kilmer, 1904-1969 Price-----William H., 1888-1947 Zeigler-----Chalmer B., 1874-1952 Nora E., 1879-1950 Edmund W., 1987 Ethel M., Shaver-----Ray W., 1881-1948 Mary C., 1885-1968 Grave-marked with a wooden cross Bowman-----Furman A., 1897-1948; Pvt., Co. A, 163rd Regt., 41st Div., WW I Teyha M. (wife), 1879-19__ Rosensteel-Galbraith-----Frank R. Galbraith, 1880-1945 Nellie B. Galbraith, 1880-1945 Jack H. Rosensteel, 1907-1980 Clarissa G. Rosensteel, 1905- Dorsey R. Roland, 1885-1950 (wife) Grace Roland, 1890-1963 Wilson-----Charles M., 1888-1948 Ruth A. Starr, 1890-19__ Creswell-----Cecil B., 1909-1961 (mother) Kenneth R., 1919-1976 Diven-----Donald Sherman, 1910-1966 Arley J. Norris, 1915-1969 ----- New Section ----- Brown-Berkstresser-----Emmett S. Brown, 1890-1963; Corp, Co. B, 56th Pioneer Inf., WW I [Berrier (hand written)] Rachel V. Whitsel Brown, 1896-19__ Robert F. Bair, 1898, Dec. 16-1973, Sept. 2 Gladys L. Anderson, Aug. 18, 1896-Aug. 20, 1966 Long-----Robert C., 1904-1972 Cora Mae, 1908- Anna Abrashoff, 1912-1965 Ritter----Homer R., 1904-1964 Nellie M., 1906- Edna G. Keller, w/o Max A. Gardner, 1910-1964 Guy M. Snyder, 1907-1966; s/o Blair M. & Birdine Gamble-Snyder Corinne Mowery Grafuis Schempp, March 9, 1910-Jan. 18, 1982 Paul K. Grafuis, 1910-1963 Moffett----Elmer D., 1893-1969 Pearl L., 1889-1976 Puluso----Nicholas John, 1917-1963; M.M.3, US Navy, WW II (Dec. 27, 1917-Sept. 8, 1963) Helen L., Parents of Vicki L. and Kathy J. Banks-----Carl A., 1913-1981 Lola C., 1914-1986 Zeigler----Roy H., 1901-1979 Elsie K., 1904- Branthafer----Clifford H., May 15, 1929- Agnes G., Feb. 15, 1920-April 1, 1980 Lorrane G. Corbin, July 1, 1948-Feb. 10, 1974 Minnick-----James L., 1920- Betty E., 1926-1973 (married-May 9, 1953) Gutshall-----Frederick W., Feb. 28, 1920- Iva Singer, Aug. 29, 1922-March 16, 1983 (married-June 4, 1943) Lucille Batey, 1906-1982 (undertaker's marker) Brian Duane, s/o Lawrence & Louise Wilson, April 30, 1966-June 14, 1966 Anna Mae Elmore, Aug. 14, 1919-March 24, 1970 Burkholder-----John Richard, 1912- Christine Chilcote, 1910-1964 Locke-----Frank J., Dec. 22, 1890-March 22, 1974 Margaret E., Oct. 17, 1895-June 30, 1963 Ammerman-----Alvin W., 1889-1963 Grace M., 1899-1984 Beatty-----Fred S., 1899- Mary J., 1903-1965 Lowery-----R. Earl, 1897-1964; Wagr., 79 Enac., Ambulore CO., WW I (May 23, 1897-Oct. 31, 1964) M. Madeline, 1900-1960 Ewing-----George E., 1905-1988 Malissa W., 1905-1987 Son, R. Wade, 1932-1957 (lost at sea) Paul Edwin White, 1965-1965 (undertaker's marker) Price-----Elwood James, 1894-1959 Anna Fortney, 1896-1962 Myers-----Lee C., 1902-1959 Maxine Wilson, 1913- Goodman----David C., 1888-1967 Ethel K., 1890-1948 Dell----Chalrs C., 1896-1950 Wilda K., 1908-1980 Maskulyak----Mike, 1902-1972 Helen M. W., 1894-1950 Somers----James B., 1875-1958 Maude M., 1882-1947 Boda----Paul M., 1904-1975 Linnie Mae, 1906-1960 Myers-----Cecil J., 1902-1952; Co. C, 1st Replace. Bn., WW II Jacob E. Miller, 1881-1974 Gilliland-----Clarence S., 1887-1956 Jessie J., 1890-1966 Mary Jane, 1911-1911 Gamble-----Guy M., 1889-19__ Cora Foreman, 1883-1956 Watters-----Frederick J., Oct. 19, 1909-May 4, 1969 Mary Gillam, June 12, 1915- Norton-----Castner, F., 1907-1958 Edna E., 1903-1961 Hostler-----Fern S., 1884-1961 Clara B., 1882-1962 Atherton-----Paul E., 1919-1959 Beatrice M., 1926- Henry-----James C., 18921959 Eva Jane, 1894-1968 Branthafer-----Earnest E., 1897-1960 Edith Jane, 1904-1966 Carl-----Byson B., 1914-1974; Pvt., US Army, WW II (Nov. 7, 1914-July 5, 1974) Lola V., 1939-1959; (Lola V. Carl Bingle) LaRue J., 1919-1976 Edgin-----Chalmer Robert, 1895-1967; Pvt. CO. D, 605 Engineers, WW I (Oct. 2, 1895-Sept. 1, 1967) Minerva G. Crone, w/o Chalmer; 1902-1977 (July 5, 1902-Feb. 17, 1977) Cooper-----Francis S., 1923-1965; WW II Hicks-----Chalmer E., 1910- Margaret E., 1892-1977 Cramer-----Mildred E. Noland Harry, Clinton Orlando, 1909-1966 (parents of Samuel N. and Sandra E.) Gern-----Walter George, 1891-1973 His wife, Anna M. Noland, 1890-1981 Friend-John S. Besser, 1901-1983 Secrest-----Ralph L., 1902-1968 Esther B., 1916-1971 Ruth E. Williams, 1926-1972 (undertaker's marker) Alonzo J. Williams, Feb. 15, 1928-Feb. 24, 1975; PFC, US Army, WW II Secrest-----Harry E., 1905- Helena M., 1910- Secrest----Calvin W., 1913- Helen F., 1913-1975 Morton-----Willie P., 1910-1969 Violet L., 1927- Veda Cramer, 19__-1984 Harvey B. Cramer, 1896-1972 Russell A., s/o Charles & Anna Wakefield, April 2, 1937-Sept. 27, 1966 Atherton-----Leslie E., 1910-1968; Pvt. Hq. Co., 3 Bn. 342 Inf., WW II (March 12, 1910-Dec. 21, 1968) Verna A., 1911- Fred Banks, 1885-1965, (undertaker's marker) Hardy-----Raymond Kenneth, 1915-1957 Grace Booher, 1913-1989 Patricia Lee, 1939-1961 (daughter) Richard James, 1937-1938 (son) Shank-----Norman L., 1923-1959; Co. A., 550 Inf. Ab. Bn., WW II Margaret E., 1900-1982 Price-----Rev. Arthur A., May 16, 1889-April 18, 1967 Lettie M., Sept. 9, 1894-Aug. 3, 1954 Jones-----Thomas H., 1900-1973 Anna E., 1901-1954 Knepps-----Roy M., 1892-1953 Edna K., 1892-1960 Herkness-----John Stoddart, M.D., 1887-1957 Edith Emrey, 1887-1959 Mrs. Eleanor Bukose, 1890-1959 (undertaker's marker) Mike Bukosi, 1889-1957 (undertaker's marker) Culbertson-----John E., 1881-1962 Louisa J., 1888-1961 Woodcock-----Robert M., Thelma C., 1919-1949 Woodcock-----Arthur V., 1878-1978 Nora J., 1886-1962 Morrow-----Clay H., 1900-1950 Mabel B., 1900-19__ George R. Cramer, 1928-1982; Gm.3, US Navy WW II Parks-----Karen Ann, d/o Luther F & Helen L.; Dec. 31, 1951-May 11, 1959 Steele-----William, 1869-1939 Luetta, 1868-1946 Steele-----Bruce D., 1904-1972 Freda M., 1899-1954 Bruce F., 1927-1953 Fred Kenneth Archey, Aug. 31, 1924-April 13, 1969; Tec.4, 562 Composite Suc. Co., WW II Wible-----1913 Lloyd L., 1965 1915 Beryl E. Fortney-----George B., 1915-1966; T-5, Co. B, 149th Combat Eng. Bn., WW II Lasla L., 1920-1966 Pearl Taylor McCaffery, 1901-1968 Snyder-----Milan E., May 31, 1911-Nov. 8, 1973 Ann T., Nov. 26, 1921- Gamber-----Jesse W., 1889-1952 Margaretta S., 1888-1973 Price-----Owen Oscar, 1893-1955 Edna Locke, 1893-1952 Gill-----John A., 1880-19__ Mabel G., 1883-19__ Bricker-----James, 1903-1976 Jay W., 1935-1954 Mildred Gill, 1911- Hollabaugh-----Thomas E., 1891-1954 Clara D., 1895-1956 Minnick-----Irvin W., 1900-1954 Iva O., 1906-1973 Wenzel-Shingler-----Nora A. Weber Shingler Bergantz, 1888-1973 Robert M. Wenzel, 1938-1957; PPvt., USMC (from Oct. 15, 1954 to Aug. 23, 1955) Judy Lee, d/o John & Joan Price, 1958-1959 Idomir-----Vasile, 1890-1969 Helen, 1901-1960 Michael Idomir, 1932-1961; S.N. USS Quincy, Korean War Harry L. Crawford, 1889-1968 Crawford-----Mae E., 1914-1979 Janet M., 1935-1979 McMullen-----Jesse, 1908-1972 Geraldine, 1904- Norton-----Linda Hardy, Sept. 12, 1941-Nov. 30, 1973 Himes-----Harry H., 1904-1978 Phyllis D., 1912-1966 Charles R. Himes, Jr., Jan. 2-July 23, 1975; s/o Charles R. & Susan E. Pyles-----Richard L., Oct. 19, 1922- Zella, Oct. 12, 1919- Roll----Franklin D., 1933-1978 Linda B., Sidney W. Durbec, 1917-1978; WW II (undertaker's marker) Dunkle-----George W., 1918-1972; S/1, USN, WW II, (April 20, 1918-June 23, 1972) Elsie V., 1918-1982 Annie M. Dunkle, 1902-1984 (undertaker's marker) Patrick J. Kilcullen, 1902-1970 Deiter-----Charles C., 1902-1968 Almeda G., 1913-1974 Pauline L., 1929- Roll-----Anna Walchansky, 1893-1970 Kikalai, 1893-1970; Born in Vovche, Akraine Michael, Oct. 7, 1924-March 14, 1969; T/Sgt., 2135 Base Unit, AAF, WW II Wasyl Hrynaiu, 1890-1968 Ewing-----Herbert W., 1908-1978 Ellen A., 1911-1960 Hileman-----Lincoln G., 1912-1960 Verna R., 1908-19__ Zimmerman-----George M., 1909-1980 Mary Esther, 1910- Jerry P. Zimmerman, 1936-1958 Price-----John D., 1905-1961 Lydia M., 1908-1969 Baciu-----George, 1890-1965 Arselica, 1886-1957 Gabert-----Samuel I., 1893-1969 Ruth L., 1897-1957 Elma M. McCrory, w/o Edward Williams, 1913-1954 Laura J. Williams, 1874-1952 Charles J. Williams, 1875-1959 (undertaker's marker set in cement at ground level) Williams----- Landis-----George L., 1886-1964 Nancy A., 1886-1949 C. Maud Landis, Nov. 12, 1879-Feb. 28, 1965 Fred K. Landis, Sept. 18, 1908-March 21, 1966 Florence F. Landis, Aug. 4, 1908-Oct. 13, 1951 Russell S. Landis, June 7, 1907-June 5, 1982 Vara H. Landis, March 3, 1912- Ramsey-----Howard L., April 6, 1892-May 11, 1962 Roy L., 1926-1951; PFC, Co. E, 28th Inf. Regt., 8th Div., WW II Burkholder-----Louis J., 1891-1958 Sara L. Nash, 1893-1954 Smalley-----Rev. Arthur D., 1891-1978 Helen L. Bond, 1891-1956 John R. Sheaffer, 1905-1985 (undertaker's marker) Sheaffer------Harriet Charles C. Holben, 1906-1956 Charles E. Spangler, 1894-1958 Esther I. Spangler, 1904-1979 Daniel Lee, s/o Deanna B. & James C. Wakefield, 1961-1966 Stump-----G. Elmer, 1882-1961 Maude V., 1884-1975 Garman-----Pete P., 1908-1972 Mary R., 1908- Whitsel-----Mary Lou Evans, 1924-1967 Amy E., 1897-1984 Shoop-----James Alvin, Feb. 3, 1904-Dec. 5, 1969 Angeline Shoop, 1915-1983 (undertaker's marker) Hann-----Herbert Steven, April 3, 1958-Dec. 30, 1975 (son) Carol Jo, April 13, 1967-April 23, 1969 (daughter) Alexander-----John A., Dec. 18, 1914-Dec. 31, 1969 Ruth A., May 9, 1914- Hydecker-----Elliott A., 1901-1971 Sarah M., 1926- Minnick-----James W., 1903-19__ Beatrice I., 1906-1975 Markalena V. Palm, w/o Calvin S. Varner, 1919-1969 McCreary-----Clarence L., 1903-1969 Huldah Hicks, 1907-1992 Carlton C. Oswalt, Aug. 20, 1924-Sept. 9, 1969; PM 1, USNR, WW II Rosensteel----- Zeigler----Harry F., 1896-1967 Margaret A., 1897-1976 Cramer-----Max E., 1910-1971 Bessie J., 1912- Lillian Shafer Reeder, 1918-1967 Chilcoat-----Benj. Frank, 1879-1959 Jennie Pearl, 1881-1971 Rosensteel-----John Arthur, 1904-1965 Geraldine Arnold, 1909- Campbell-----James Bannon, Frances Katherine McNamara, 1909-1956 Dorothy A. Kester, 1930-1957 Shafer----Harvey J., 1882-1954 Myrtle H., 1881-1955 Harry-----Lantz A., 1901-1977 Clara M. Benner, 1905-1965 Grissinger-----William H., 1898-1953 Dollie B., 1905-1951 Ocker----Stanley A. J., Sept. 23, 1902-July 31, 1987 Reba W., Dec. 29, 1897-Nov. 14, 1979 Cora E., Feb. 21, 1876-Jan. 14, 1966 Ammon J., March 26, 1875-Feb. 12, 1950 Linn-----Earl R., 1877-1956 Anna M., 1877-1959 Lawrence E., 1899-1900 Mary F., 1901-1904 Pollock----Frances M., 1887-1980 D. Frank, 1883-1949 John H. McClain, 1904-1956 Velda P. McClain, 1909-1950 Hower----Charles E., 1875-1951 Jessie M., 1879-1950 Alice C., 1909-1974 Grissinger----James E., 1890-1975; Pvt. 1/c, Co. I, 305th Ammo. Train, 80th Div., WW I Belle M., 1899-19__ Shinifelt-----Edward D., 1912-1970 Ronald L., 1933-1952 (son) On backside of stone-Knepp Robert K. Smith-10-26-87 Caralyn Ann Smith, 1940-1957 Reeder-----Robert M., 1906-1973 Ruth O., 1905- Ripple-----Robert J., Feb. 9, 1923-Nov. 10, 1981; PFC, USA, WW II Mary C., Sept. 24, 1901-12-21-90 Price-----Clarence Irvin, 1892-1968 Mabel Cornelius, 1897-1976 Ulsh-----Fern H., Sept. 19, 1915-June 2, 1981 Pauline I., June 19, 1915- (married-June 19, 1935) Morgan-----John L., Feb. 6, 1914- Blanche I., Feb. 3, 1914-March 15, 1975 Hiles-----Carl A., 1892-1970 Agnes E., 1909- Chilcoat-----Horace C., 1908-1971 Reba P., 1911-1974 Jerome Easter, 1952-1978; St., US Air Force, Vietnam Ander J. Calupca, 1910-1985 Kaiser-----John T., 1908- T-5, Bty D, 593 AAA Bn., WW II Lattie B., 1893-1984 Orel T. Sellers, 1904-1984 Bertha T. Sellers, April 12, 1906-May 30, 1977 Cramer-----William J., 1928-1956; Cpl, 363 Air Base Group, A.F., WW II (March 13, 1928-Sept. 6, 1956) Yocum-----Charles W., 1907-1956 Julia I., 19__ Fred O. Peterson, 1896-1957; Pvt., Co. C, 1st Bn. Convalescent Center, WW I Ruth K. Evans Peterson, April 23, 1891-Nov. 12, 1972 Estep-----Elby F., 1897-1958 Helen H., 1911- Topper-----William W., Jr., 1921-1960; WW II Freda Guyler, 1921- Lynch-----John D., 1891-1971 Jeannette D., 1903- Tree------Anthony N., April 12, 1969 Evelyn F. Oswalt-----C. Buell, 1892-1972 Mary C., 1894-1977 Maskulyak----John M., 1928-1969; US Army, Korean War Phylis V., 1926- Bilger----Charles R., 1895-1978; Pvt., US Army, WW I Emma B., 1898-1974 Crawley, 1944-1983 (undertaker's marker) Wilhelmenia Lamb, 1938-1974 Charles E. Smith, Aug. 17, 1902-April 28, 1979 Josephine Morris Smith, July 29, 1912-Aug. 16, 1975 William S. Frye, May 24, 1931-July 25, 1978; A 3c, US Air Force, Korea Otis A. Crawley, Jr., 1930-1977 Otis A. Crawley, Sr., 1899-1974 Harry M. Cox, 1907-1981 Bowman----I. Myrtle, 1917-1970 Elsie M., 1918-1969 Frederick H. Crum, 1912-1969 (undertaker's marker) Lightner-----Ray Warren, 1891-1967 Anna Lutz, 18__-19__ Davis-----Ralph E., 1884-1959 Emma F., 1891-1980 Wagner----Eugene C., 1894-1961; Pvt., Co. B, 315th MMG Bn., WW I Hulda O., 1898-1958 Cox----Dave S., 1915-1957 Gladys M., Krouse----Clement G., Oct. 10, 1910-July 28, 1955 Gretchen A., April 7, 1913- Helen E. Harclerode, 1921-1962 Ripple----Frederick M., 1903-1950 Gertrude V., 1904-1987 Welliver----George, 1894-1949 Mary Fields, 1898- Stump----Alvin J., 1906- Arlene Foreman, 1906-1957 Heath----James A., 1898-1950 Beckenbaugh-----James Glen, 1901-1952 Sara Ann, 1898-19__ Sipes----Fred Albert, 1910-1972 Stella Lucile, 1912-1955 "Frederick A., Sept. 19, 1910-Nov. 12, 1972" PFC, Hqs. Co. 380Engr. Cbt. Bn, WW II Harper----J. Elmer, 1890-1956 Hilda M., 1901-1971 Charles Nelson Harper, June 5, 1930-Dec. 31, 1977; Pvt. US Army, Korea Love---Clair M., Aug. 18, 1907-May 7, 1957 Marjorie M., Aug. 1, 1905-July 14, 1963 Blatt----Wallace Q., 1896-1958; Sept. 1, 1918-WW I March 2, 1944-WW II Amy, Bard-----Orrin C., 1892-1959; Co. K, 168 Inf., WW I Mary L., 1896-1982 Glunt-Lantz----Esther L., 1911-1967 (daughter) Emma J., 1887-1972 (mother) Jay C. Mock, May 19, 1881-March 15, 1968; Pvt., 10 Inf. 28 Div., WW I Mae E. Lenhart Mock, Oct. 1, 1912-April 26, 1968 Irene R. Hockenberry, 1917-1970 Wilbert Hockenberry, 1909-1983 Mills----Elmer J., 1901-1970 Dorothy J., 1903-1976 West----Richard C., 1919-1977 Margaret C., 1920- George A. Green, Sr., 1930-1983 (undertaker's marker) Margaret Edwards, 1903-1984 William T. Longwell, 1939-1976 (undertaker's marker) Shad T. Longwell, 1975-1975 (undertaker's marker) Rosenbery----Roy E., 1904-1981 Edna M., 1904-1983 Cullen-----Thomas K., 1913-1972; WW II Pauline Henry, 1916- Fisher----Jackson W., 1921- L. Jean, 1922-1971 Snouffer----Charles P., 1904-1971 Senora A., 1903- Adams----Harold Blake, 1913-1968 Helen Foust, 1914- Crone----William H., 1873-1963 Alma P., 1882-1958 Shingler----Paul H., 1901-1956 Barry----Max E., 1921-1974; WW II Vera Mae, 1927- Hicks----W. Harvey, 1891-1956; WW I Edgthe J. Wilsy Jeffries Hicks, 1894-1974 Thomas Earl Sentman, 1893-1965; Pvt., 3d Casual Co., 1st Bn. GC, WW I Brouse----William J., 1917-1970 Mary E., 19__ Brouse----James O., 1896-1955 A. Gertrude, 1897-1966 Swope----Millard R., 1879-1955 Carrie K., 1910-1955 Rohn----William H., 1878-1951 Grace B., 1877-1957 Frank-----Jay W., 1897-1958 Nellie G., 1899-19__ Hartman-----Emanuel, 1867-1956 Fannie J., 1875-1950 Somers-----Charles Chalmer, 1880-1951 Myrtle Parmelee, 1889-1955 Grissinger-----James A., 1884-1951 Sentman----Daniel L., 1873-1953 Mary E. Reed, 1875-1956 Whitsel----Mayden, 1903-1955 Anna Bell, 1904- Baer----Harvey N., 1906-1954 Ruth P., Merle (Bob) Baer, Jan. 1, 1915-Feb. 20, 1977; Cpl., 52nd Gen. Hospital, WW II Mary B. Lightner Yetter, Dec. 7, 1918-Jan. 17, 1981 C. William Lightner, Jr., July 2, 1945-Oct. 7, 1963 Bonnie Kay Lightner, Dec. 18, 1940-Feb. 8, 1956 Thelma M. McClain, 1904-1985 Albert F. Swope, 1875-1960 Raymond J. Harpster, 1923-1968; Sgt., 1st class, Amy RA Inf., WW II Diven----Robert W., 1930- Dorothy A., 1938-1968 Price----Clarence, Jr.; Oct. 11, 1927-Oct. 21, 1973 Romona A., July 28, 1930- Roddy----Kenneth Bruce, Nov. 11, 1902- Margaret (Rice) D. H., July 22, 1904-Sept. 8, 1980 Reed-----Rev. Fern R., 1933-1982 Virginia D., 1930- Linn----Clarence D., 1916-1976; Cpl., US Army, WW II Beatrice L., 1920- Drake----Paul A., 1928- Dorothy P., 1927-1974 Peris C. Beatty, 1894-1958 Hughes----Harry E., Aug. 30, 1901-March 22, 1966 Grace E., Sept. 29, 1907-Sept. 17, 1964 Myers----John F., 1905-1969 Bertha M., 1905-1956 Bookwalter----Junior M., July 2, 1926- Betty L., Feb. 12, 1929- Bertha Mae, Sept. 12, 1963 Hoffman-----Edward W., May 22, 1887-Feb. 5, 1956 Milton S., Sept. 22, 1919-Jan. 7, 1955 (son), Cpl., ASETC, WW II Jennie B., May 30, 1895-June 18, 1983 Myrtle Shields, -1991 Oscar Shields, 1909-1952 (undertaker's marker set in cement, ground level Winnick-----George E., 1902-1951 Ruth L., 1908-1990 William C. Secrest, 1900-1950; Pvt., 3rd Serv. Command AAA, ERC, WW II Russell R. Secrest, 1908-1970; Corp., Squadron A., 441st AAF Base Unit, WW II Secrest-----Calvin L., 1871-1957 Dorothy E., 1879-1956 Lantz----Emory A., Sr., 1908-1949 Nellie T., 1914- Morgan-----J. Lawrence, 1882-1955 Susan E., 1883-1964 Wike-Yocum----Benjamin F., 1890-1952 Vianna R., 1899-1970 Wilbur H. Wike, Aug. 16, 1916-June 20, 1973; RDM 2, US Navy, WW II Homer E. Semple, 1900-1951; Pvt. 332nd Co. Base Hdg. Air Corps Base, WW II Myers----William A., 1878-1952 Mary L., 1878-1953 Cunningham-----Arthur A., 1881-1964 K. Maude, 1883-1952 Donaldson----Charles G., 1894-1956 Carrie M., 1891-1962 Prough----William N., 1880-1967 Margaret L., 1884-1961 Prough-----Ned I., 1906-1971 Virginia G., 1909- Prough----Ebert E., 1910-1982 Grace L., 1910- Johnson----Frank H., 1904-1961 Lula M., 1905-1959 Ritchey----Cyrus E., 1902-1967 Annabelle, 1925- Secrest----Charles W., 1892-1956 Marie A., 1900-1972 Richard A., s/o Richard & Martha Secrest, April 9, 1947-June 5, 1956 Edward L. Wentz, 1952-1952 Swagne----Rev. George H., 1874-19- Rhoda Shire, 1876-1953 Ryan----Ernest L., April 8, 1886-June 19, 1957 Roxanna, May 10, 1888-March 14, 1964 Grove----Stewart H., 1923- Catherine R., 1934-1969 Stallman----H. Edward, 1900-19- Blanche C., 1910-1950 Paul Leasaie, 1891-1950 Peter Wilk, 1886-1958 Joseph W. Bard, 1916-1966 Catherine W. Bard, 1916-1957 (undertaker's marker) Smawley----John H., 1890-1979 Mertie L., 1890-1978 Stephanie A. Wagner, 1966-1985 (undertaker's marker) Kosack----Louise, 1927- John, 1917-1977; Cpl., US Army, WW II Marc Jon Kosack, Nov. 25, 1965 Clark----George Madison, Dec. 9, 1918-Oct. 9, 1964; Pvt., 4204th Base Unit, Atlanta AAB, WW II Mary Jane (Kelly), March 13, 1915- Gerholt----John Lewis, March 19, 1896-May 27, 1962 Leona Almeda, March 15, 1916-Nov. 24, 1964 Jones----Helen Reeser, 1904-1983 J. Marshall, 1884-1954 Minnie J., 1882-1947 Whitsel----William H., 1924-1952; Staff Sgt., Co. C, 33d Armored Div., WW II Betty L., 1932 Welch----John E., 1900-1952 Ella G., 1913- George A. Grager, 1879-1955 Brown----Thomas M., 1888-1958 Gertride Rhodes, 1879-1968 Randolph----Edgar Warren, 1876-1955 Lilly Hoover, 1883-1954 Cucu----Vasile, 1878-1954 Elena, 1882-1965 George W. Myers, 1906-1963 Cora Myers Arthur, May 14, 1915-May 6, 1981 Wiser----Willis H., 1912-1964 Mary Hicks, 1915- Baby Boy Wiser, 1960 (undertaker's marker set in cement, ground level) Stake----James L., 1945-1963 (son) Hazel Mae, 1909-1970 (mother) Evelyn Randolph Fagan, 1906-1982 (sister) Dorothy McCarthy, 1894-1983 (undertaker's marker) Helen Louise Christoff, 1952-1963 (undertaker's marker) Schneberger----Harry E., 1910-1963 Helen R., 1910-1990 William R. Mills, 1929-1963; S/Sgt, 5th Air Force, 71st Bombardment Sqd., WW II Loretta M. Horne, 1934-1957 (undertaker's marker set in cement, ground level) Robert B. Foreman, 1902-1970 Arlene D. Foreman Beatty, 1930-1957 Dennis R. Foreman, 1949-1952 Blessing----Guy M., 1918-1976; WW II Martha H., 19- Benjamin, Sr., Penella, 1892-1974 Ida E. White, 1912-1974 Barbara E. Smith, Jan. 23, 1932-May 23, 1974 Edward P. Bollinger, July 6, 1907-July 24, 1975; S/Sgt., US Air Force, WW II Fletcher Morton, 1919-1975 Nellie Irene Dubois, 1912-1977 (undertaker's marker) Robert D. Woods, 1951-1977, (Vietnam) (undertaker's marker) Claudius Victor Simpson, 1897-1977; Pvt., USMC, WW I Lee Roy Marshall, 1925-1979; PFC, US Army, WW II, Korea Smith----Raymond H., June 11, 1889-Feb. 20, 1964 Lena I., Feb. 9, 1893-Oct. 20, 1975 Snyder----D. Russell, 1898-1960; WW I Clarressa W., 1896-1982 Welch----W. Clyde, March 30, 1903-Sept. 24, 1973 Ethel V., Dec. 16, 1901- Myers----John R., 1904-1963 Fredda G., 1913-1972 Bollinger----Moreland W., 1911- Pauline F., 1912- Shope----Samuel L., 1918-1980 Katherine M., 1921- Lukens----Gerald D., 1898-1966 Amelia H., 1897-1988 Reeder----Wilgus A., 1895-1983 Foster I., 1891-1963 Snyder----Dick D., 1910-1970 Vera L., 1909- Shope----Charles W., 1936-1974; PFC, US Army, April 9, 1936-Sept. 5, 1974 Judith K., 1942- Secrest----E. Dale, Dec. 10, 1970; WW I Mary W., Thomas B. Snyder, 1938-1975; Father of Holley A., Kath. J. and Mary Anne Frank----Jay Wm., Jr., 1917-1961 Ona L., 1920- Sarah W. Rinker, 1916-1968 Heaster----Charles Edgar, 1884-1976 E. Myrtle Wilson, 1891- Stair----W. Dewey, 1898-1960 Helen E., 1904-1975 Albert F. Marshall, 1923-1982; PFC, US Army, WW II Feagley----Harold M., 1910-1970; S/Sgt., 902nd AAF Base Unit, WW II Helen E. (Betty), 1920- Marshall----Harry M., Jr., 1920-1970; Cpl., Co. B, 21st Engineers (May 27, 1920-Sept. 7, 1970) Dorothy M., Marshall----Harry W., 1880-1963 Vira V., 1889-1962 Channel R. Matthews, 1983-1983 Bair----Harry L., 1903-1962 Dorothy, Fisher----Charles L., 1912-1977 (gold star father) Hazel I., 1913- Bonita Kay, 1940-1960 Cutshall-----Victor, 1889-1960 Mae S., 1911-1982 (American Gold Star Mothers, Inc) John Richard Holder, 1889-1960; Pvt., 5th Od. Guard Co., WW I Helen Holder, 1909-1981 (undertaker's marker) Linn----William, Sept. 21, 1909-June 5, 1983; Sgt., WW II Anna Mae, Oct. 24, 1923- Smyers----Howard W., 1922- Dorothy L., 1924- Carbaugh----Marlene A., March 9, 1941-Feb. 6, 1960 A. Kathleen, Aug. 12, 1921- Marlyn W., Jan. 8, 1920 Lehew----Stewart W., 1891-1961 Mary P., 1896-1974 Jack W. Lehew, 1918-1965 Miller----Donald Sylvester, 1918-1943; US Navy, WW II Anna M., 1894-19__ Pearl P. Rothrock, 1883-1970 Warfield----George L., Nancy J. Barr, Radle----Frederick Newton, 1924-1974; PFC, US Marines, WW II (First Superintendent Mount Union Area School District) Mary Martha, 1923- Hildebrand----Walter S., 1883-1966 Beulah, 1886-1967 Smith----William S., 1897-1960 Mary Booher, 1899-1979 Wagner----Clarence A., 1890-1959 Musetta A., 1898-1983 Spencer----Wm. Morgan----Roy Appleby, April 28, 1917- Martha Kidd, May 7, 1919- Kidd----Russell, 1897-1959 Anna P., 1902- Kidd----Thomas T., 1892-1976 Gertrude B., 1893-1960 Kidd----Roy M., 1910-1968 Emma I., 1913- Shultz----William G., Jan. 31, 1940-Aug. 22, 1983 Jean M. Kidd, May 30, 1939- (parents of Connie J.) Myers----Nelson Harvey, 1908-1981 Ethel Mills, 1924- Wilson----Ralph W., 1893-1979; WW I Florence M., 1893-1976 Kelly----Clair Ernest, Feb. 25, 1918-Feb. 5, 1984; Pvt., US Army, WW II Martha Jones, March 8, 1927- Gregory Wayne Tilson, May 20, 1952-Nov. 4, 1972 Hicks----George L., 1928-1974 Jean B., McCartney----Robert N., 1946-1974 Barbara J., 1942- Brumbaugh----William Owen, 1922- Connie Kidd, 1924-1979 (married-Aug. 31, 1947) Yocum----Winifred R., 1911-1975 Jay P., 1905-1974 Rutherfort----John R.(Jack), 1900- Lorree Norris, 1902-1975 Kelly----Clifton J., 1909-1979; WW II Betty G., 1913- Jarrett----Rev. Earl W., 1896-1978 Greola D., 1912-1977 Augustine M. Glass, 1919-1980 (undertaker's marker) Crossland----Uriah, 1895-1978 Corena, 1895-1980 Booher----John Morrison, Dec. 20, 1903-Dec. 19, 1982 M. Maude (Barnes), March 21, 1908-January 24, 1995 McClure----Clyde W., Feb. 19, 1923-Jan. 11, 1978; Tec./5, WW II Stephanie, 1920-1959 Sherman L. Hicks, Aug. 16, 1916-Oct. 21, 1975; Pvt., US Army, WW II Morgan----Bill L., Aug. 29, 1926- Lawanda M., Aug. 6, 1926- Dietz----Carl L., Jan. 13, 1922-April 28, 1979 Annabelle M., Oct. 4, 1928- Miller----George F., 1934-1980 Mary L., 1927- (married-1962) McMickens----Hobart E., 1896-1978 Maud L., 1897-19__ Ruth A. Hughes, 1914-1983 (undertaker's marker) Laidig----Robert W., April 22, 1918-Oct. 28, 1969; WW II Margaret J., Hooper----Alton Leroy, Jan. 5, 1907-Sept. 23, 1976 Hazel E. Wible, July 30, 1908- Taliff----Peter, June 25, 1908-Oct. 9, 1960 Mary, Aug. 10, 1911-July 1, 1971 Amelia J. Homyok, March 16, 1916-July 30, 1982; w/o John Homjok Martin----Louise H., 1914-1983 Winfree----Charles Henry, Oct. 23, 1900- Helen Morris, July 17, 1904-Oct. 18, 1983 Jennie G. Marshall, 1907-1980 (undertaker's marker) Hardy----Charles, Jr., May 19, 1929-July 24, 1978; Sgt., USAF, WW II Betty M., June 14, 1929- Lancaster----Franklin E., 1913-1981 Phyllis I., Larry F. Booher, Sept. 6, 1951-Aug. 3, 1977 Vietnam (son) Booher----Joshua M., 1906- Freda M., 1915-1974 Price----Samuel G., 1913-1978; S/Sgt., US Army, WW II (Aug. 3, 1913-April 12, 1978) Mary B., 19__ Brenda J. Griddith, 1954-1983 Shafer----Charles R., Feb. 14, 1906- Olive M. (Clark), Aug. 22, 1907-March 13, 1982 Williams----Alfred B., Shelby N., Time Capsule Mt. Union, 1976-2026 All gravestones in this area are ground level: Clifford G. Scriver, 1907-1969; S/Sgt., Co. A, 341st Eng., WW II Horton----Paul D., 1896-1978 B. Evelyn, Crum----Robert W., 1905-1978 Geidilla M., 1909- Moore----Austin L., July 3, 1922-March 2, 1984; PFC, WW II Mary E., July 26, 1923- Good----William H., Feb. 14, 1909-Aug. 22, 1981 Evelyn, Jan. 9, 1902- Kennedy----Max G., 1910-1977; 1st Sgt., 32 Div., US Army, WW II Phyllis, Chilcote----Elwood M., 1886-1976 Elsie M., 1893-1979 Lamberson----Preston F., Feb. 29, 1924- Marjorie R., April 27, 1925-Oct. 25, 1980 Gene Y. Kaplan, 1856-1977 (undertaker's marker) Donald E. Sentman, Sr., 1920-1976; Sgt., US Army, WW II Robert M. Rorer, 1906-1975; and Blanche M. Roher, 1908- Fields----Alton E., 1927-1972 Pauline D., 1926- Hoffman----John David, 1907-1977 Lillian Dulap, 1909- Diven----Melvin H., 1899-19__ Esther M., 1912-1983 Fouse----Gaver P., 1903-1985 Ruth L., 1906-1973 Marlin E. Ranck, 1926-1978; BM/2, USN, WW II A. Ray Spital, 1910-1985 (undertaker's marker) Helen W. -1986 Williams----William D., June 21, 1925- Anna Mary, March 2, 1927-July 10, 1982 Merritt Wilkerson, 1928-1985 (undertaker's marker) Charles Leon Bard, 1926-1975; s/1c, US Navy, WW II Allish----Joseph, 1908- Lola Tayor, 1901-1981 (Taylor?) Charles Heidel, 1914-1984 (undertaker's marker)